Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/profile/reviews/mcgriffin
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Review by MC Griffin Author IconMail Icon
Rated: E | (3.0)
This is an interesting topic to ask about, but in my opinion, the choices for "worst president" are too limited, since it is limited to five relatively modern presidents. Maybe you could edit this poll to include several more historical presidents typically acknowledged as "bad"-- some of the worst in my opinion were Warren Harding, Andrew Johnson, James Buchannan, and Herbert Hoover. There are actually lists based on the opinions of various historians of the "worst American presidents" that I'm sure a Google search would turn up, if you're interested.

Basically, you have a good idea that needs to be expanded a little bit to get a broader picture. (Or, you could always change the name of the poll to "Worst Modern U.S. President".)

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