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291 Public Reviews Given
335 Total Reviews Given
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I give reviews with the intent to improve the writing. I am honest, helpful and detail oriented. I am not the person to come to if you are simply looking for a pat on the back, although I give them out when earned.
I'm good at...
Catching punctuation and grammar mistakes. I will tell you when things just don't flow of me, or 'feel' wrong, and offer my opinions about how you might try smoothing it out.
Favorite Genres
Fantasy, sci-fi, children's, teen, history,
Least Favorite Genres
romance, erotica
Favorite Item Types
short stories, novels
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I will not review...
Things that are not really 'writing' (folders, campfires, in & outs, interactive stories, word searches, crosswords, etc...)
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Review of The Streak  
Review by Meeple
Rated: 18+ | (5.0)
Hello. I am reviewing your piece "The Streak for the "Invalid Item.

*Note5*First Impressions:
*Check2* Hehe, I'm still giggling.

*Note2*My Favorite Part:
*Check4* You conclusions were absolutely perfect!

*Note3*Suggestions for Improvement:
*Check1* None, you did a very nice job setting up the punch line. Well Done.

*Check5* I like that you introduced a relatively successful example first, then went on to use it as a background for the second more well-planned stroy.

*Note4*Final Notes:
*Check3* Thanks for sharing this with us. It's nice to have a well-executed story to peek back on now and then. *Bigsmile*

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Review of Early Bird Entery  
Review by Meeple
Rated: E | (3.5)
Hello. I am reviewing your piece "Early Bird Entery for the "Invalid Item"Invalid Item.

Before I begin, I want to thank you for entering my little contest. I appreciate your enthusiasm! You have met all the challenge prompts and are eligible for prizes. I'll post the winners after I've reviewed all the entries. That should be later today, but maybe tomorrow. *Smile*

*Note5*First Impressions:
*Check2* I'm confused. I get it, right up to the point where they have birds in their hair...

*Note2*My Favorite Part:
*Check4* I loved the bunny slippers!

*Note3*Suggestions for Improvement:
*Check1* Your writing is fine, but I'm just missing the punchline I think. Can you please let me know what I've missed...

*Check5* I feel sorry for the main character. Poor thing. Especially once it becomes clear that she didn't need to get out of bed in the first place. (Here again, I don't understand why that's the case, but I'll go along with the dialogue. *Smile*)

*Note4*Final Notes:
*Check3* I'm sorry if this review sounds negative...it's not, really. I'm just lost - once you tell me what I've missed I'm sure it will all make sense. I'll review it again after I hear back from you, deal?

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Review by Meeple
Rated: E | (4.0)
Hello. I am reviewing your piece "Early Birds versus Night Owls for the "Invalid Item"Invalid Item.

Before I begin, I want to thank you for entering my little contest. I appreciate your enthusiasm! You have met all the challenge prompts and are eligible for prizes. I'll post the winners after I've reviewed all the entries. That should be later today, but maybe tomorrow. *Smile*

*Note5*First Impressions:
*Check2* Interesting! I like your take on the challenge.

*Note2*My Favorite Part:
*Check4* I liked the findings and your reaction to it. *Smile*

*Note3*Suggestions for Improvement:
*Check1* There are a few sentences where you combined a couple ideas together that should have been seperate. This example is the most confusing: "Working in a sleep clinic where participants were allowed to follow their normal sleep schedule, after awaking, at 1.5 hours and 10.5 hours, they were asked to perform tasks requiring sustained attention." I think it would have made a lot more sense if you had three sentences here. One for the schedule, one for the test interval and one for the types of tests. You just have too much information packed into a single sentence. Simple sentences are not bad, unless you use them exclusively.

*Note4*Final Notes:
*Check3* You did a good job following the prompt in an interesting way. I think that you could have made the piece clearer by allowing yourself as much length as was needed to tell your facts in an interesting way. Don't be afraid to use as many words as needed to get your poing across. Many new writers are afraid to let their work get 'too long'. Start by writing what you need to write, then go back and edit out what's not needed.

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Review of Facing the Day  
Review by Meeple
Rated: E | (4.5)
Hello. I am reviewing your piece "Facing the Day for the "Invalid Item"Invalid Item.

Before I begin, I want to thank you for entering my little contest. I appreciate your enthusiasm! You have met all the challenge prompts and are eligible for prizes. I'll post the winners after I've reviewed all the entries. That should be later today, but maybe tomorrow. *Smile*

*Note5*First Impressions:
*Check2* I enjoy poety that also tells a story. It is my personal bias as that's also what I tend to write. YOu have a beginning a middle an end adn a twist. I enjoyed every step.

*Note2*My Favorite Part:
*Check4* I am not a morning person...and I can tell that you understand! This poem captured my mornings perfectly.

*Note3*Suggestions for Improvement:
*Check1* I think you have a few too many '...' throughout the poem. For instance, your first line should ahve a comma in place of the ellipses. (Yanked suddenly from the cocoon of slumber, my mind recoils from consciousness.) Use them when a though is unfinished, not to connect two thoughts. A semicolon in used for connecting thoughts of equal weight. (Finally, I accept my fate; although, there is bitterness that must be expelled.)

*Check5* I laughed out loud as I finished this story. So many people take poetry so seriously, that's why it's possible to read a poem and still feel surprised by the occasional twist. I read every poem prepared to search for deep meaning and emotion and usually that is what I find. I enjoy the lightness and humor of your offering. That it is well written is a nice bonus.

*Note4*Final Notes:
*Check3* Thank you for sharing your piece with me, I enjoyed it.

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Review by Meeple
Rated: E | (4.5)
Hello and welcome to WDC!

I just read your poem, which was wonderful, and wanted to make a couple of suggestions.

I think the WDC system automatically puts spaces after a line break, unless you tell it not to. I would suggest getting rid of the extra spaces in this poem by editing you item and look at section #6. You'll see this:

Preserve Spacing: Items are displayed within Writing.Com in HTML. By default, HTML does not show spacing the same way word processors do. Check the box for this option to preserve spacing and show it exactly as included it within your word processor.
Preserve Spacing Preference: Check to Enable

Double Space Paragraphs: If checked, this will automatically display all single carriage returns as double spacing.
Double Space Paragraphs: Check to Enable

Check the top box, uncheck the bottom box and see what happens.

As to the poem...
*Bullet* I would get rid of the title line. It's already visible at the top of the page.

*Bullet* I have to admit that I just don't understand the first verse. I read it several times and it's just not making sense to me. However, I read the rest of the poem several times also adn it stands alone perfectly withouthte first verse attached - and on those three verses alone I give it a 4.5 - Excellent work!

Thank you for sharing it with me, I enjoyed it!
Review by Meeple
Rated: E | (5.0)
You have created an allegory as beautiful as it is meaningful, and in verse none-the-less!

It is simple in structure and words, yet the though process behind it is wonderfully complex. You have taken meaning and imagery from the Parable of the Sower and modified it to make a completely new story with a new moral.

You have done an excellent gob here!
Thank you for sharing it with me.
Review of Clowning Around  
Review by Meeple
Rated: 13+ | (4.5)
Hello. I am reviewing your piece "Clowning Around for the "Invalid Item.

*Note5*First Impressions:
*Check2* I enjoyed this story from start to finish. I didn't know where it was going, but it was fun to just go along for the ride.

*Note2*My Favorite Part:
*Check4* You did a good job bringing the circus to life without making a joke out of it.

*Note3*Suggestions for Improvement:
*Check1* I would like to know what her college degree was in...
*Check1*'I was released from the hospital two days later.' (I would move this to the beginning of the next chapter down. It doesn't fit with the story about the kids.)
*Check1*...'when I discovered the children’s ward was just around the corner and down another hallway, there was no option in my mind.' ('no option in my mind' just isn't the right phrase...'I had no choice but to' or 'staying away was not an option' might be what you're looking for. )

*Check5* I loved the way all the circus characters were 'normal' and the 'normal' characters were charicatures.

*Note4*Final Notes:
*Check3* This was a very sweet piece. Thanks for sharing it with me.

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Review of I Live in a Box  
Review by Meeple
Rated: E | (4.0)
Hello. I am reviewing your piece "I Live in a Box for the "Invalid Item.

*Note5*First Impressions:
*Check2* Hehe, again I've enjoyed reading your piece because I am in the opposite situation. I lived in a small town for my first 20 or so years and have choosen to live in a large city. It's interesting to hear opposing viewpoints.

*Note2*My Favorite Part:
*Check4* The bit about Christmas shopping and your personal best.

*Note3*Suggestions for Improvement:
*Check1*'Does anyone drives as well as me?' (drive)
*Check1*'And three, crime?' (I see no reason for this to be a question.)
*Check1*'But, it's the exception, rather then the rule in everyday life.' (You don't need the second comma.)

*Check5* YOu are your subject. And you couldn't ask for a better one, eh?

*Note4*Final Notes:
*Check3* I enjoy your writing style. I'll check back later to read more of your thoughts on life...

Thanks for sharing your writing with me, I enjoy it!

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Review of Questions  
Review by Meeple
Rated: E | (4.5)
Hello. I am reviewing your piece "Questions for the "Invalid Item.

*Note5*First Impressions:
*Check2* I find that you have a writing style that matches my reading style. I'm not a big fan of the pink lettering, but the questioning format really works well in this piece.

*Note2*My Favorite Part:
*Check4* The ending! I, personally, don't drink; however, the last line of this work really ties it all together and works makes you rethink everything you've just read. Is it a philisophica debate, or just another a drunken ramble? Both?

I just read several of your essays (They were all so polished that I didn't feel that they needed any comments, so they didnt' get a review) and had gotten used to you having a serious comment hidden behind a dry wit. This piece completely pulled me in and I was expecting a serious finale, instead I was given a humerous twist.

*Note3*Suggestions for Improvement:
*Check1* I'm not sure that your spacing is correct. I have a wide screen monitor and the lines 'be enough to make stepping out of your box matter?' and 'circle?' are hanging out in space on the right side of my screen.

*Note4*Final Notes:
*Check3* Even though it has a twist at the end that might seem to negate the thought processes above, I really enjoyed the questions you posed. I like to think...these questions brought up new things to think about. Thanks!

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Review of Girl Watching  
Review by Meeple
Rated: 18+ | (4.0)
Hello. I am reviewing your piece "Girl Watching for the "Invalid Item.

*Note5*First Impressions:
*Check2* I'm not a 'feminist'...I'm an 'equalist'. I don't want any special treatment for beina woman. I want to be treated equal to a man. That being said, I started reading this piece expecting to hate it...but I didn't. You've really made me see the world through your eyes, if only for a moment. I beileve you have achieved what you set out to do.

*Note2*My Favorite Part:
*Check4* I like that you're honest about your relationship with your wife. Sure, all guys look...it's the ones who won't admit it that I worry about.

*Check4* I also really enjoy the idea that the best part of a woman is onely seen as she is walking away. Ironic, eh?

*Note3*Suggestions for Improvement:
*Check1* You have an essay that held my attention up to the last paragreph, but the ending was anti-climactic. You have a subtle humor thoughout the piece, I expected it to end with a wry bit of humor rather than just kind of petering out...

*Check5* You have a strong piece here. I don't see anything that needs to be changed beyond the weak (in my opinion) ending.

*Note4*Final Notes:
*Check3* Thanks for sharing your ideas with us. As a woman it's always interesting to hear 'the guys point of view' on topics that don't come up in everyday conversations.

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Review of Why I Write  
Review by Meeple
Rated: E | (5.0)
This is a well thought out piece and I appreciate that you were able to clearly state why you write and what you get out of it. I also appreciate that you put it at the top of your items so that people don't offer useless reviews. I, personally, write for enjoyment and hopefully to get published, and so I assume that is what others are looking for as well. I reviewed your piece after having read this entry and I think I only offered constructive critizism which was focused on where you wanted this piece to go. Reading this made my review of your other piece easier, thank you.

I agree with you one many points above, I've just never articulated them before...thanks for getting my mind going. It's fun to think!
Review of Firetruck  
Review by Meeple
Rated: 13+ | (4.5)
Hello, and welcome to Writing.com!
I am Meeple and this review of "Firetruck is being brought to you by "Rainbow Madness ~ Reviews and Upgrades and "Invalid Item.

All opinions here are my own. You are the author of this piece and so any changes you make to it are ultimately up to you.

Did it make sense? Did the chapter flow or was it choppy? Did anything stand out that needs clarification? Point out anything you feel necessary.

*Note1* It made perfect sense. Short and to the point and yet it still had a twist at the end! Good job.

Could you picture the scene in your mind? Could you taste, touch and feel with the characters? What would you suggest to enhance the scene and make it come alive?

*Note1* It could be anywhere, and that's just right.

CHARACTERS - Were they believable? What didn't you like, or did you like about them that stood out?
*Note1* I would like to see the word pyromaniac in there somewhere.

Point out anything you notice. Was the dialogue believeable? In tune with each character?

*Note1* "Firetruck!" yelled 5 year old Billy.
*Bullet* five-year-old

*Note1* I would put a line break in there to show that time passed.

An overall opinion of what you've read.For book chapters - Would you read more of this story? Why or why not?

*Note1* Cute and yet sad. I have two little guys who like trucks. It was sad becasue I often see my sons as the little kids in these stories...this tim eI really got a shock by the ending.

Thanks for sharing!

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Review of Cracked Clay  
Review by Meeple
Rated: E | (4.5)
I am Meeple and this review of "Cracked Clay is being brought to you by "Rainbow Madness ~ Reviews and Upgrades and "Invalid Item.

Hello, and welcome to Writing.com! I am spending the day reviewing people new to this site - newbies - and I have to tell you that your piece is the best I've read so far today. I'm a teacher and your piece spoke to me. I relly enjoyed it, shaking my head at the reality of it all the while. Now, on to your review...

All opinions here are my own. You are the author of this piece and so any changes you make to it are ultimately up to you.

Did it make sense? Did the chapter flow or was it choppy? Did anything stand out that needs clarification? Point out anything you feel necessary.

*Note1* You've captured the feel of an overcrowded school and made it interesting at the same time. It's a slice-of-life piece that educates as it entertains. Nicely done.

Could you picture the scene in your mind? Could you taste, touch and feel with the characters? What would you suggest to enhance the scene and make it come alive?

*Note1* I could smell the lavatory and feel the portable classrooms.
*Bullet* One thing I would like to see more of is dialogue. I want to hear the hallways as Jack walks through them.

CHARACTERS - Were they believable? What didn't you like, or did you like about them that stood out?
*Note1* He was absolutely believable. I actually have a couple of my students that I pictured in my head as Jack moved around.

Point out anything you notice. Was the dialogue believeable? In tune with each character?

*Note1* This piece would be easier to read if you put spaces between each paragraph. Right now it's too tightly packed.

*Note1* Also, the further we get into the piece, the less sentence stucture you have. The first few sentences are jsut the right length, but as we get further into the piece they become longer and longer. The last few paragraphs are breathless and a bit overwhelming.

An overall opinion of what you've read.For book chapters - Would you read more of this story? Why or why not?

*Note1* I will keep an eye on your portfolio. Keep writing, and thank you for sharing this piece with me.

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Review of One Day  
Review by Meeple
Rated: E | (3.5)
Hello, and welcome to Writing.com!
I am Meeple and this review of "One Day is being brought to you by "Rainbow Madness ~ Reviews and Upgrades and "Invalid Item.

All opinions here are my own. You are the author of this piece and so any changes you make to it are ultimately up to you.

Did it make sense? Did the chapter flow or was it choppy? Did anything stand out that needs clarification? Point out anything you feel necessary.

*Note1* The plot itself makes sense, but the tornado does not.
*Bullet* I live in an area where tornadoes are pretty common and I can tell you that they come with little warning or direction. It's extremely hard to predict when or where they hit. We are told about a day ahead of time that there is are thunderstorms forming and that they may be severe. A couple hours ahead of time we are told what the storms are doing to the people to our west and weather the storm is increasing or decreasing in intensity. When teh storm reaches us we are given about up to 20 minutes notice that there 'may be' funnel like activity. When a siren goes off telling us that a tornado is likely everyone gets to shelter immediately. There is not time to pack a bag and drive to another person's house. IF you are in a house wihtout a basement you are told to go into a rooom with no windows. If you actually hear a tornado, you should go into a bathroom, lay in the tub and cover youself with a matress.
*Bullet* I'm not sure how important the tornado is to your story...perhaps a different type of natural disaster might work better?

Could you picture the scene in your mind? Could you taste, touch and feel with the characters? What would you suggest to enhance the scene and make it come alive?

*Note1* Your setting is good, if a bit vague. I assume you'll add more detail as the story grows...

CHARACTERS - Were they believable? What didn't you like, or did you like about them that stood out?
*Note1* From the little I've read, you are good at writing both characters and dialogue.The characters were real people and their dialogue was converstaional.

Point out anything you notice. Was the dialogue believeable? In tune with each character?

*Note1* It looked good. YOu have a handle on the actual writing and it was simply a matter of reading the story. I like that I didn't have to reread every sentence to pick out grammer mistakes.

An overall opinion of what you've read.For book chapters - Would you read more of this story? Why or why not?

*Note1* It's a good start...keep filling in the story and see where it takes you.

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Review by Meeple
Rated: ASR | (4.0)
Hello. I am reviewing your piece "A Solitary Faerie Tells his Tale for the "Invalid Item.

*Note5*First Impressions:
*Check2* This is a very clever way to introduce people to someone's portfolio. I might have to steal the idea and come up with an introductory story of my own. *Smile* At first I thought it was all about your works, but I caught on once I began recognizing pieces that I'd read from very thankful 's port. I think it would be a great way to keep track of all of my 'favorite' reads I want to highlight. Thanks for sharing this unique idea with us...

*Note2*My Favorite Part:
*Check4* It ties into Sister's port well.

*Note3*Suggestions for Improvement:
*Check1* A picture or two would liven it up...
*Check1* You have an invalid item in there that breaks the story. I don't know how to avoid that from happening eventually.

*Note4*Final Notes:
*Check3* Thanks for sharing, do you migh if I borrow the concept for my own port?

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Review by Meeple
Rated: E | (4.5)

This is exactly what I hear in my head every time I show someone else my work! I know that you've already heard this a hundred times, but it's true...Practive makes perfect! Don't quit...instead, write more. You'll only get better. Each time you get a serious review and take it seriously, you will improve. Every time you catch yourself making the same mistake again - then editing it - you improve. Keep writing!

Here are a few suggestions:
I would get rid of the spaces in the poem, it makes it harder to read than it needs to be. Especially when you're writing fo rthe INternet, consider how it looks on teh screen. People are lazy and in some cases will not read a poem that runs longer than teh window allows. Silly, but true. I teach middle school kids - I know lazy! *Bigsmile* It's teh same amount of words, but if they can't see the end, they won't even start. Many adults are just older middle-schoolers in this case...

Try setting the title off from the rest of the poem by centering it and enlarging the font. Right now it reads like the first line of teh poem, which it is not.

I LOVE the last line!

I really liked the idea behind this poem. Thanks for sharing it with me!
Review of The Wilderness  
Review by Meeple
Rated: ASR | (4.0)
You have asked if this might make a future novel.

I think it could, but there's very little to it right now. I assume she has some form of superhatural blood, the strange scent he smelled. I want to know more...

I like the romantic tension you built into this this piece, and the light horror as well. I could see this as a ver successful larger work.

I won't critique details like grammer and such, since this seems more of a 'sketch' than a short story, but there is one area that caught my attention. You have it all from his point of view, then switch for a couple sentences to her point of view, then go back to his. If you're going to write from both points of view, try giving each one an alternating chapter. It was disjointed, the way it was written currently.

Overall - an interesting story, but not yet a 'story'.
Let me know when you have a chapter or two to review adn I'll come back. *Smile*
Review of The Deep End  
Review by Meeple
Rated: 13+ | (3.0)
Hello. I am reviewing your piece "The Deep End for the "Invalid Item and {item:}.

*Note5*First Impressions:
*Check2* A touching story about a mothers love for her son and his determination to go on after he loses her.

*Note2*My Favorite Part:
*Check4* I like the bit about the words on his shorts. It ties everything together nicely.

*Note3*Suggestions for Improvement:
*Check1* Be aware of tense. You have most things in present tense - threatens, is, asks - but a few places you're jumping to past tense - turned, made it to trials...

*Check1* The bit about the mother getting impailed with an ad which you could still read was too 'funny' for the moment. A tree branch or something would have worked, but the sign took all the tension away from the moment and made it seem like a joke.

*Check1* The explaination about how the mother was standing where the son had been standing made it would as though she knew the sign was going to strike there and that she willingly sacrificed herself for him. It was too wordy, and a bit confusing. I would shorten it to a moment when Jim realizes that he could have been killed, or leave it out altogether.

*Check1* You only need a line break after a complete paragraph or a line of dialogue. You have spaces in a bunch of places that makes the piece look more like a poem than a short story. Go through and delete all the unneeded line breaks.

*Check1* You need to put quotes around every line that someone says. And there should be only a single set of quotes around a paragraph. The part where the mother dies should either be all one paragraph, or you need to break each line up with a description in between the lines...

An example:
"My dear son," she said, raising her hand to his face, "you are the most important thing to me."

Jim felt his heart clench as he listened to her final words.

"I want you to mourn for me because it's necessary and then I want you to get back to training. You are going to be a champion one day and I will be in heaven cheering you on."

Her voice became softer, her breathing more ragged, but she continued, "Jim, don't forget to do this and when you return after the storm passes do one more thing for me please."

Jim nodded before she had even told him what her final request was, knowing he would do anything she asked.

"You run as hard as you can and jump off the deep end, I'll be there cheering you on."
[end example]

*Check5* The idea that Jim was always obedient eventually ties in to the story, but at first I though you were being a little heavey handed. By the end I see where you were going.
*Check5* These were perfect characters in a perfect town where an imperfect world gets in teh way. Were you going for allegory? If so it was nicely done.

*Note4*Final Notes:
*Check3* A bit rough, but sweet. You had little space with which to work, and yet you told a pretty complex story in those 1000 words.

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The sky, pregnant with rain, threatens a deluge and an end to the fun for one day. You see, Jim loves this little cove so serene. There is not a day that passes when Jim cannot be spotted running and jumping off the deep end.

The water has been his life from the beginning and his accomplishments rival those of others who love the sport of swimming. He's an Olympic hopeful this year and practices daily at the YMCA just up the road.

This rain is more than a shower, it is a hurricane that is on a direct path to our little community. We are boarding up in preparation. We will not stay, and fear what will become of the deep end when we return. "Jim! Get out of that water now! We must finish and leave soon." Oh that boy, one day he is going to be a star, but for now the fun is over, a storm is coming.

We are almost packed up and Jim has finally put his street clothes on.
"You look so handsome in your pants and white shirt, Jim." I say to him
trying to ease the loss of the fun he so misses when he can't jump off into the deep end. "Thanks, mom,(period instead of comma, the Capitalize the next letter.) Iis there anything else I need to do to get ready for the trip to the shelter?" Jim asks and as I think about it(space)one thing does come to mind.

Why yes Jim there is something you can do for me before we begin the trip.
Will you please go into the kitchen and turn off the coffee pot, we wouldn't
want to come home to find the house burned down or to smell that yucky
burned coffee smell for days on end. "Wouldn't that be a disaster?"

Jim; always the obedient young man; steps into the kitchen, reaches for the coffee pot and turns it off. Pours the remaining last few drops down the drain and turns to leave. As he turned (turns) the weather also turned (turns) drastically and the winds blew blowharder and shards of glass were already flying fly through the air.

Dashing to the front door he sees a sight that will change his life forever. more.
There on the ground lies his mother, impaled by a sign that came must have come flying from the
diner up the road. You could still see a part of the ad that advertised hot coffee
and free refills. "MOM! Oh mom how can things change so quickly, the storm
is still so far away, oh mom please don't die!" Pulling herself to one elbow, Susan looks at her son, aware that her life is ebbing away, and says the one thing that she knows will comfort her son.

"My dear son, you are the most important thing to me. I want you to mourn for me because it's necessary and then I want you to get back to training. You are going to be a champion one day and I will be in heaven cheering you on." . . . "Jim, don't forget to do this and when you return after the storm passes do one more thing for me please." "You run as hard as you can and jump off the deep end, I'll be there cheering you on."

The tragedy that struck Jim's life that day did indeed change him. You see it turns out that had Jim not gone to turn the coffee pot off, it would have been him who would be impaled because his mom had stepped forward to see her son go into the door. In the same spot he was standing and she did see the sign flying like a bullet heading straight for her chest. The impact knocked her back against the car and she slumped to the ground where her son found her. She tried to rise but fell completely down to the ground and began praying for her eternal rest.

The hurricane that was threatened never came, it veered to the right and hit another community that weathered the storm with just loss of property and even now it's as if it was a bad dream for them. The damage to Jim's little cove was minimal and Susan was the only casualty. The freak wind storm came out of nowhere and left behind a broken family to pick up the pieces.

Jim did as his mother asked, always the obedient son, he mourned for his mother for a long time and then continued his training. But not before he ran as fast as he could, screaming and hollering like a banshee, and jumped off the deep end. That dive was the most fun of all for it was as if he could feel a presence in the water with him and he knew his mom, that great lady Susan, was there cheering him on in the deep end. That morning he said "goodbye mom, I'll see you in heaven."

Jim made it to the trials and will be on the next Olympic swim team. Watch for him, his name is Jim and he will have a suit specially made with the words on his trunks reading, "the deep end." Others will not understand what this means but you who read this will understand and know Susan still meets Jim in "the deep end."
Review by Meeple
Rated: 13+ | (3.5)
Hello. This is a review of "The Visits of Anthony.

~~~This review brought to you by "Rainbow Madness ~ Reviews and Upgrades~~~

We all use the same Review Tool, which I have marked in purple.

Did it make sense? Did the chapter flow or was it choppy? Did anything stand out that needs clarification? Point out anything you feel necessary.

*Note1* I like the story. You have a goot idea here.

*Note1* I couldn't tell when the time changed.
*Bullet* I would put some breaks in - use dots or writingML tags - to show when one section is over and another begins.

Could you picture the scene in your mind? Could you taste, touch and feel with the characters? What would you suggest to enhance the scene and make it come alive?

*Note1* I could picture the people, but not the surroundings.
*Bullet* Add more deatil. The couch was soft, but what color was it? Did is have a blanket on it? Pillows?

Were they believable? What didn't you like, or did you like about them that stood out?

*Note1* The charactes weemed real enough to me, but more detail would have been helpful.
*Bullet* Colors, facial expressions, physical mannerisms...add all the detail you can to the scens so that we can feel we are one with the characters.

*Bullet*How old is Anthony?
*Bullet*Is he bigger or smaller than Alexia?
*Bullet*Does she feel threatened by him at any point?

Point out anything you notice. Was the dialogue believeable? In tune with each character?


An overall opinion of what you've read.For book chapters - Would you read more of this story? Why or why not?

*Note1* I liked the idea behind the story, but it felt a bit rushed. I would double or even triple the length of the story. Add deatil, fill out the converstaions, type the newspaper article at the end of the story...

This is a good idea, now put some heart into it and it'll be a great story.

Thanks for sharing and good luck!

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Review of The Key  
Review by Meeple
Rated: 13+ | (4.0)
Hello. I am reviewing your piece "The Key for the "Invalid Item.

*Note5*First Impressions:
*Check2* I loved, loved, loved the ending!

*Note2*My Favorite Part:
*Check4* "Marla tore the key off the paper. “Let’s see what this unlocks,” " and everything after...

*Note3*Suggestions for Improvement:
*Check1* It took me a while to get into the story. I couldn't picture Samantha in my head, and so it was hard to picture the rest of the story. How old is she? It never becomes clear...

*Check1* "how could she -- she…?”
*Bullet*I think the dash and the elipses should be reversed. The dash symbolises a broken off thought, the ... a hanging pause. At least in American English.

*Check1* wildflower- speckled (no space after dash)

*Check1* “Do you remember the first time I realized you’d crawled out your bedroom window onto the roof?”
*Bullet* You just told us a story about Samantha as a baby...so when I read this line I pictured an infant crawling onto the roof. I believe you should change 'crawled' to 'climbed' or 'snuck'.

*Check1* I think your story is strongest when the characters are interacting. If I were you I would rewrite the beginning to make it active. Start with the man with the envelope at the door and run the story from there. Right now you're telling us more than showing. It's when they find the house and the story catches up to the action that things really feel 'alive'.

*Check5* I love Marla. I was confused about her realtionship to Samanthat in the beginning, I though she was a close frined...but maybe that's what you were going for.
*Check5* Samantha is a bit more one-dimentional. I would love to know more about her, both physically and emotionally. Right now all we know is that she's adopted, angry (or at least frustrated) about it and loves her adopted mother.

*Note4*Final Notes:
*Check3* I really liked the story. I loved the ending! I want to know more about the main character. Perhaps once judging is done you could lengthen it and fill it out. It has the makings of an excellent longer piece.

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Review by Meeple
Rated: E | (4.5)
Hi, 🌕 HuntersMoon I'm reviewing your piece "The Tethered Heart as part of the "Invalid Item and as a member of "Invalid Item.

I think you have a very good poem here, but since you are asking for advice before entering it in a contest, there are a few things I will say to try to improve it. As always, these are only my opinions and you are welcome to ignore anything you disagree with.

You have an image at the front of your poem. I would like to see what it looks like if you changed the text color to deep red to match the image and center the whole piece. Right now the jaggedness of the right side is detracting from the straight flow of the left side.

*Note4* FORM:
A mirrored acrostic is a tough form to do well. A lot of times there are words that are too obviously used only to fill in a blank. I found little of that in your poem. The only word taht jumped out at me was calico. It's an odd word, and I had to re-read that line a couple of times. Perhaos it was that calico was followed by another unusual word, kaleidoscopic., which i felt was a good word choise for that part of teh poem.

I, personally, found the quotation marks around 'no' to distract from the form. The left side didn't flow as I read the vertical words. There are a hundred other words that begin with 'n' that could begin that line more effectively. I feel that the line beginning with 'no' was the weakest in the poem.

I thought you did an excellent job getting your ideas across. The only change I might make would be to change 'her' to 'you'. I always feel more attached to a poem if the author is talking to the subject rather than to the reader.

You use 'the' as your first word. Is there a more evocative word that you could use there to pull us into the poem? Thorny, thirsting, even total would be a better starting word than a simple 'the'. Again, totally my opinion.

"Silently denying the fading echoeS."
"Restrained, I lie upon agony's altaR
Tethered by a remembering hearT."

These are both emotionally charged and a nicely detailed bit of imagery. These are the gems within your poem, the bits that tug at my own heart.

*Note4* Overall, an excellent piece, but since you asked for help improving it I thought I'd offer these small observations. Good luck with the contest. *Smile*

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Proud member of the Paper DollGang!
Review by Meeple
Rated: E | (3.0)
Hello. I am reviewing your piece "Interest-Value-Time-and-Money for the "Invalid Item.

*Note5*First Impressions:
*Check2* It's a clever turn of phrase.

*Note2*My Favorite Part:
*Check4* or will you lose the interest?

*Note3*Suggestions for Improvement:
*Check1* It's a play on words, but to what cause? Is this a bit of a larger work? As a stand along, I see little value in it. Who's ever going to read it? It's not a short story, or even a poem...what's your targer audience?
*Check1* principle- (pal)!
drop the '- (pal)!' it detracts from the overall meaning, and just adds a layer of confusion.

*Check5* Not applicable, although I think it should be. If you broke this out into several lines of dialogue it could really be a witty scene.

*Note4*Final Notes:
*Check3* The idea of playing with the term 'time is money' is not a new one, so to get recognition you will have to add something that hasn't been seen before.

Here are a couple changes I would make, if the work were mine, which it is not, so you can take or leave as you see fit...


If time is money,
and money is time,

can I borrow some (of your) attention,
or will you lose the interest? (drop 'the')

I can only hope that you take me at
face value, and credit my principle- (pal)!

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Review by Meeple
Rated: E | (4.5)
Hello. This is a review of "The Mother's Day Gift.
This is a review for "Rainbow Madness - Reviews and Upgrades. We all use the same Review Tool, which I have marked in brown.

PLOT - Were you able to follow it? Did anything stand out that needs clarification? Was the flow good?
*Leaf4* I loved the story. It was light and fluffy and made me smile.
*Leaf4* I loved that you had the parents worry about the boy, but not interfere in whatever he was doing. They talked to each other and kept a watchful and protective eye on him while letting him work out whatever he was trying to work out.

SETTING - Could you picture the scene in your mind? Could you taste, touch and feel with the characters?
*Leaf4* I thin anyone with squirrels in tehir neighborhood could see exactly what the little guy was doing. It's one of the quirky behaviors that squirrels have.
*Leaf4* You have humaized the squirrels, makin gtheir homes more like humand dwellings. That you've added that element to the first line of the story was a way to introduce us to the fantasy world with talking squirrels. That was nicely done.

CHARACTERS - Were they believable? What didn't you like, or did you like about them that stood out? Was the dialogue in tune with the character?
*Leaf4* As above, anyone whose watchs squirrels go about their daily business will know exactly what this family looks like and how they are acting. I caould picture them in my mind, a different squirrel pose for each line.

GRAMMAR/SPELLING - Point out anything you notice.
*Leaf4* Looks good to me...

MY POV - An overall opinion of what you've read.
*Leaf4* I loved it. It's a cure little story that could be a little seasonal childrens book. (Except for the line about Uncle Henry. *Bigsmile* )

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*Leaf4* Here's a link to see "Invalid Item.

*Note1* Member of "Invalid Item.
*Note2* Member of "Invalid Item.
Review of nobody's baby  
Review by Meeple
Rated: 18+ | (4.0)
Hello. I am reviewing your piece "nobody's baby for the "Invalid Item.

*Note5*First Impressions:

*Check2* It was funny and cute, then turned a bit darker, then ended in a (admittedly, very short) lecture.

*Note2*My Favorite Part:

*Check4* Bootlegged liquor
A Ferris wheel kiss
A grope in the fun house
An hour of bliss

It has nice imagery and a light touch of humor. It pulled me into the story and I wanted to know what happened next.

*Note3*Suggestions for Improvement:

*Check1* The title should be set off from the rest of the poem. Right now it looks like it is the first line and doesn't fit.

*Check1* 'All nobody’s babies'
If the couple is married, why are they unclaimed? Are you implying infidelity? I'm a bit confused by this line.

*Check1* 'It couldn’t be mended'
I don't know what 'it' refers to. Can you change 'it' to an actual word? Love/marriage/family...

*Check1* 'There are nine well loved babies'

*Check1* The last stanza breaks with the poem and starts to preach. I'm not sure how, but I would love to see the flow of humor retained in this verse.

*Check1* You have very little punctuation throughout the poem, then the last verse you add four commas. I'd like to see more throughout the rest of the poem.


*Check5* I loved the carnival, I could see it.

*Check5* I hated the marriage, I could see it.

*Note4*Final Notes:

*Check3* I think you have a very successful story-poem here. I liked the parts I should like, I was upset by the parts that should upset me. I think of myself as a good mother, so maybe that's why I feel resentment towards the last stanza. Someone should not have to tell me how to take care of my kids...but as your story portrays, some people do need a little help, a shove in the right direction. I guess it's a point in the poems favor that I took it personally.

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Review of Punctuation  
Review by Meeple
Rated: E | (5.0)
Hello. I am reviewing your piece "Punctuation for the "Invalid Item.

*Note5*First Impressions:
*Check2* I wasn't expecting (no pun intended) an image. I clicked on this from the reviewing page and thought I'd get a tip about punctuation...hah!...I was really in for a surprise!

*Note2*My Favorite Part:
*Check4* All of it. The colors worked well with the theme. Another little bit of frivolity.

*Note3*Suggestions for Improvement:
*Check1* None.

*Check5* She's so sad and tired looking...perfect!

*Note4*Final Notes:
*Check3* Hah! Ha! Hahaha!

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