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166 Public Reviews Given
200 Total Reviews Given
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Review of There is Hope  
Review by Mike Day
Rated: E | (4.5)
Your piece has an honesty and clarity that is quiet wonderful. Keep writing as you say more you will find you have still more to say.

All the best

Review of Winter  
Review by Mike Day
Rated: E | (5.0)
There are not many poems that make me read them twice, and then usualy it's to try to make sense of something badly writen. In your case it was for the sheer pleasure of hearing those words once more in my head.

A truely special poem, thank you.

Review by Mike Day
Rated: 18+ | (5.0)
I really enjoyed this, a worthy winner. I liked the feel that you gave to the piece. The dark twist was wonderful at the end.


Review of Commanding Cold  
Review by Mike Day
Rated: 13+ | (4.0)
This has a really good feel to it, I like the set up and the characterisation. I think you might want to look at the dialogue; it's good, but perhaps a bit stilted. Try reading it aloud and see what you think.

Remember this is just my opinion so feel free to ignore it.

Keep writing you have talent.

Mike Day
Review of Intension  
Review by Mike Day
Rated: 18+ | (4.0)
Hi, you certainly have a feel for action. The pace is good and the description of the actions were crisp and precise.

If I may make a couple of suggestions, and please feel free to ignore them at will,

1/ you wrote let along, I'm guessing you meant "Let alone"

2/ A few scattered descriptions of the surrounding environment would draw the reader in.

3/ This is a good piece of creative writing but you need to expand the introduction and conclusion if you want to make it a full story.

You defiantly have something, keep writing.

Review of Midnight  
Review by Mike Day
Rated: 13+ | (4.0)
Hi, I really liked this piece. It has the bones of a really good story.
I would suggest, and remember that this is just my opinion, that in places it is perhaps a little over egged. For example: The love that usually swam within his baby blues now seemed to be in an all out war with some dark force. You are telling the reader about an all out war, where perhaps you could simply say, His eyes, normally filled with love seemed troubled.

I am constantly battling in my own work with over description and embroidery, so it’s a subject I know well.

Keep writing you have a real talent.

Mike Day
Review of Apocalyptic Soul?  
Review by Mike Day
Rated: 18+ | (5.0)
This made my stomach churn with sympathy, a truly beautiful piece of work. The humanity and eloquence with which you told this story was truly remarkable.

Thank you so much for sharing a great piece of literature.

Mike Day
PS, may I be so bold as to recommend a piece of my own? A story called "A Shopping Bag" it isn't a patch on yours but I think it carries some emotion.
Review by Mike Day
Rated: E | (5.0)
What a great Christmas story. I have a soft spot for Christmas stories of all kinds. I didn't spot any grammar errors and the narrative was warmed by the glow of fond memories, bravo.

If I may be so bold I would like to recommend one of mine you might, I hope, enjoy called
 A shopping bag  (E)
A very short story inspired by a woman I helped outside a department store one Christmas.
#1367354 by Mike Day

All the best and keep writing.

Mike Day
Review of Eternity  
Review by Mike Day
Rated: 13+ | (4.5)
I love the darkly, horrifying end; or lack thereof. The images are beautifully graphic. My only two niggles are the too quick line about loosing a man earlier and the phrase “grabbing the leg of one of my partners for support. Pulling him off balance, he in turn grabbed the third of us and we all slid downhill... fast." The third of us, sounds awkward to me (In my oh so humble opinion)
Overall a great piece of writing, I look forward to reading more.
Review of Untitled  
Review by Mike Day
Rated: 13+ | (4.0)
Welcome to WDC, I hope you enjoy it here as much as I do. I'm a recent Newbie as well,if there is anything you need help with, feel free to give me a shout. If I don't know then I will learn something new finding out.

I liked your piece, it had more than a touch of H.P.Lovecraft about it. The story felt like it needed to expand a bit, perhaps playout the growing sense of despair a bit more. (All my comments should be taken or discarded as you see fit)

A couple of minor items: under the age of 6 lie (lay) dead in their beds.

rage to (UN)leash their wrath upon us.

You obviously have real talent, keep writing.

Mike Day
Review by Mike Day
Rated: E | (4.5)
This is great, I run a boarding kennels and cattery and have a jack russel (small dog) and a Great Dane (Huge, ten stone) and a ginger cat who thinks he owns the place. Your description is warm and very familiar to me. A great piece of writing.

Take care and keep writing.

Review of Lost - One Memory  
Review by Mike Day
Rated: 18+ | (5.0)
Speaking as a forty year old husband, I fully recognise the quoted law of nature. Great writing.
Review by Mike Day
Rated: E | (5.0)
Wonderful, thanks for recomending it.

Review of STICKY NOTES.  
Review by Mike Day
Rated: E | (5.0)
Oh Meg, it made me laugh out loud. Wonderful, truely wonderful.

I will be looking for black board paint if my memory gets any worse.

All the best

Review of White Russia  
Review by Mike Day
Rated: E | (2.0)
Hi, you clearly have a great imagination. The rest is just craft, if you have the stamina and the will, you can learn anything you need.

A couple of suggestions, remember this is only meant in a spirit of helping a fellow journeyman writer:

1/ Try to look at your work from the point of the reader, you may know where they are meeting but no one would really say "we are coming to pick you up two clicks away from here"

2/ Remember realism, no one can get a helicopter ride from Siberia to Iraq. Soldiers on active service don't get told about their next mission until they are safely back.

3/ Minor one but anything that disturbs the readers flow is bad news, "are" should be "our"

4/ Read some of the masters of description like Hemingway, he cuts away every word that doesn’t help to build the story and image, for instance "eating dead wolf" Most wolves would object to being eaten whilst still alive.

It's always hard to hear criticism, even constructively meant but remember no one ever made it as a writer without learning from someone.

I hope you take this as the help it was intended to be.

Keep writing.

Mike Day
Review of The Awkward Liar  
Review by Mike Day
Rated: E | (4.5)
I liked this, it really made me smile. I could see the face of the manager, and hear the silences as the story grew. Brilliant.
Review by Mike Day
Rated: 18+ | (4.5)
I loved this, so lively. A delightful character well rounded and with flesh (stone) put on to the bone. It certainly made me smile.

Keep writing.

Mike Day
Review of Into the Light  
Review by Mike Day
Rated: E | (4.5)
I like this it had a nice twist. Come and have a look on my portofolio I to enjoy the 55 word challenge.

Mike Day
Review by Mike Day
Rated: 13+ | (5.0)
Great, really great.

I saw one that read "Chemicaly speaking, beer is a solution."
Review by Mike Day
Rated: 18+ | (5.0)
Powerful, moving and carried a truth that all the great art does. Hats off, it’s wonderful.

If you have the time I would be honoured if you would read my short story
 A shopping bag  (E)
A very short story inspired by a woman I helped outside a department store one Christmas.
#1367354 by Mike Day
called "A Shopping bag" its not as powerful as your poem, but I think it has a glimmer of something.

All the very best and please keep your GP's the pleasure was mine.

Mike Day
Review by Mike Day
Rated: 13+ | (5.0)
You had me wrapped up in this story from start to finish; the only thing that could have made it better for me was if I had written it myself.
The weaving of his thoughts around the song which in turn gave counterpoint to the pain he was feeling was masterfully done. I will stop gushing now, Well-done! And happy New Year.

Mike Day
Review by Mike Day
Rated: E | (5.0)
In all honesty, and I’m a forty year old Englishman with the usual hereditary stiff upper lip, I had to wipe a tear away, wonderful. I thought the flow and imagery were just right, it gives a beautifully different perspective on an old woman in a lonely chair, bravo.

Mike Day
Review of Thine Eyes  
Review by Mike Day
Rated: 13+ | (4.5)
Very, very good. I like the images and how the story rolled on to its jaring conclusion. If I can make one suggestion, Its so powerful that you could leave the outside of the letter blank. It might be less jaring and punch home your message.

Review of July 2, 1961  
Review by Mike Day
Rated: 13+ | (4.5)
I loved this, I'm a Hemmingway fan and this says a lot about the light that went out six years before I was even born.
Review of The Portrait  
Review by Mike Day
Rated: 13+ | (4.5)
I liked this story, it ticks the box in my mind labled (nice twist), if I were to have one sugestion, it would be this; when she burns the photo, a part of her would still perhaps be doubtful, so I would have skipped the bit about protective clothing. Just a thought.

All the best

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