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Review of young love  
Rated: E | (5.0)
KellyMarie, Yes in deed the things we do as young and innocent sometimes hurting ourselves and others during this learning process. I really like the message you have composed here as it has caused me to reflect back upon my own life and think about things done in the past. Thank You for sharing your artistic brillence through your well selected words of poetry and especially for giving us a little of yourself.

Rated: E | (5.0)
Audrey, I really like the reality you have composed here as it has actually caused this reader to ponder this particular topic. That is a good thing for any author to have this ability of propmting their reading audience to think and/or ponder their creative words of choice. Thank You for sharing your excellent poetic talent with us all and for giving us a little of yourself. Wonderful Poem Audrey.

Review of In remembrance  
Rated: E | (5.0)
Wow Jane, I really like your writing style as you have this amazing ability of reaching right out to your readers and touching their emotions through your heartfelt talent. The pictures you paint with words become vividly clear within the minds eye thus allowing your readers to see the emotions you are intending to project. Your poems are like a story in poetic form and thats a good thing when its complete and clear. I can only hope you may keep your pens ink flowing across sheets of paper as we your readers eagerly await your next poetic caper. Another wonderful poem Jane.

Review of Brown eyes  
Rated: E | (5.0)
Oh Jane, another wonderful poem by you and yes in deed they can pull you in with their lovely stares. I really enjoy your writing style as you have this wonderful ability of writing clearly for your reading audience that allows them to ponder themselves into a form of personal reflection. Once again, I find myself being lured into you for more and becoming satisfied for being so drawn. I can only ask that you may always allow your pens ink to flow so your amazing words of poetry shall always grow. Wonderful Poem Jane.

Review of The closet  
Rated: E | (5.0)
Jane, what an interesting look back into our closets as you have somehow stirred my wondering mind to go and take a peek at past memories. Wonderful poem as I commend you for a wonderful poem of creative talent. Thank You for sharing your amazing gift and for giving us all a little of yourself.

Review of Night Flight  
Rated: E | (5.0)
Oh Wow Lauren Nicole, I read this wonderful poem by you and felt as though I were out under the moon and stars enjoying the beauty of nature with my horse. Excellent job by having this amazing ability of pulling the readers right into you through your poetic literature. May I ask that you please always let your pens ink flow across sheets of paper as we your readers eagerly await your next poetic caper.

Review of Today I Dream  
Rated: E | (5.0)
Wow Claire, You said it so beautifully through your poetic composure. I say that one should never stop dreaming as yes in deed its your dreams that keep you alive and striving through the journey of life. Thank You so much for such a meaningful poem of reality for all to savor. More importantly, Thank You for giving us all a little of yourself. I want to ask a small favor from you through this comment. Please always keep your pens ink flowing so your wonderful words of poetry keep growing. Wonderful Poem Claire.

Review of Sundays  
Rated: E | (4.5)
Ann, I really like the message you have composed here for your readers to savor. I think something for a title may be, "Listening Heart" or "Unspoken Words" Just an idea that kind of tie into the poem. Now I want to Thank You for sharing a little of yourself with all of us and for giving us a small part of yourself. Once again, Wonderful Poem.

Review of Often never here  
Rated: E | (4.5)
Caringfreespirit, Wow what an amazing poem that reflects upon many in todays fast paced society as the demands place many people chasing an income and status within an organization before their families and their personal lives. I really enjoyed the message you have composed here and can only hope that those with a family and children take note and heed its powerful message. Thank You for both sharing your creative talent with us all and for giving us a little of yourself. Wonderful Poem.

Rated: E | (4.5)
Katira, Amen with this amazing poem of faith. I really like the message you have composed here for your readers to savor. The message is clearly vivid and I commend you for a job well done. Thank You for sharing a little of yourself with all of us and especially for giving us such a meaningful poem.

Review of A Wife"s Lament  
Rated: E | (5.0)
Cherry'schoice, You have described the union of marriage so beautifully as yes in deed this reality is displayed in many relationships. A marriage is a team of two trying to survive the demands of life to live comfortably and in harmony. I commend you for such an outstanding reality throughout your wonderful composure. I also want to Thank You for giving us all a little of yourself. Excellent Poem.

Rated: E | (4.5)
WitchWords, What a vivid poem of reality you have composed here for all readers to grasp the reality of our changing society. Yes in deed we are loosing more and more of our freedoms every day and most just stand by and allow it to happen and then complain when the changes effects them. I commend you for a job well done on this here poem and I also want to Thank You for sharing both your gift as an author and especially for sharing a little of yourself with all of us. Wonderful Poem.

Review of "My Love"  
Rated: E | (5.0)
S A Gibbins, What a wonderful poem you have composed here as its packed full of heartfelt emotions. I really enjoyed the third stanza as that one spoke volumes to this reader as now I say Thank You for sharing your wonderful gift of poetry with all of us and for giving us a little of yourself. Wonderful Poem.

Review of Am I not human  
Rated: 18+ | (4.5)
Enamorata, You have described a living reality for many as the numbers seem to grow for so many young innocent children due to their parents making bad and somethimes heartless decisions. I applaud you for a wonderful poem of meaning that hopefully will create some awareness to hinder these types of situations. Thank You for giving us a taste of your wonderful gift in poetic literature and especially for giving us a small part of yourself.

Review of Outsider  
Rated: E | (4.0)
Veronica, I really like the message you have composed here as I am almost certain most have faced this type of situation but react differently. If others do not make you feel welcome then disengage and leave that scene because its probably their loss for getting to know someone new and possibly even grow a new friendship. Thank You so much for sharing your craft of poetry with us all and for giving us a little of yourself. Very meaningful poem.

Review of untitled  
Rated: E | (5.0)
Wow Starchild, you did an outstanding job on this one as you hit the nail right on the head so to speak. Wonderful Poem Of Reality as I now say Thank You once again for giving us a little more of you and for sharing your poetic brillence with us once again.

Review of Tribulation  
Rated: E | (4.5)
Wow Lady Rini, A release of such emotion is a healthy but hurtful event as you have done so beautifully. I commend you for a brillent poem that reaches out to your readers and strokes their emotional being with happiness for you by letting it out to go from you and sadness of the situation that has hurt you so deeply. Thank You for sharing your well defined talent in the art of poetic literature and especially for giving us a little of yourself. Wonderful Poem.

Review of my twilight zone  
Rated: E | (4.5)
Wow Starchild, what a poem of living reality as I think many older people have these very same thoughts. Growing older means being responsible and comforming to societies rules. I really like the message you have composed here and I know other readers will as well. Thank You for sharing your special gift of poetry with us all and for giving us a little of your wonderful creative personality. Wonderful Poem.

Review of Fly  
Rated: E | (4.5)
Whinnergirl, I really enjoyed the message you have composed here for your readers to savor. You have actually composed a gem which is now your readers treasure. Thank You for sharing your wonderful gift of poetic literature with us all and for giving us a little of your awesome creative personality. Excellent Poem Whinnergirl.

Review of Fragile Peace  
Rated: E | (4.5)
Elizabeth Newport, Now this is a powerful message of reality that many never realize until they lay their eyes upon your works with its meaningful message. Wonderfully done as I Reach back out to Thank You for sharing this excellent poem for your readers to savor. I also want to Thank You for giving us all a little more of you.

Review of Dream  
Rated: E | (4.5)
Green Eyes Broken Smile, I really enjoyed the message you have presented to your readers in poetic form. Yes in deed friends will give us strength and lift us when we fall. A dream must never die as I now say Thank You for sharing such a meaningful poem with all of us. I also want to Thank You for sharing a little of yourself with all of us. Wonderful Poem.

Rated: E | (4.5)
2girlsNme, What a beautiful picture you paint through your well defined words of poetic art. I hope you know that you have actually touched many a readers heart. Thank You for sharing both your wonderful words of poetry with us all and for giving us a small part of yourself. Beautiful Poem.

Review of MY LOVE  
Rated: E | (4.0)
Shyla, wow what a powerful poem that drips with such heartfelt emotions. I bow before your greatness and say what an Honor it is to have this chance to be amongst your presense. I really enjoyed the message within this piece and know others will as well. Wonderful Poem.
Rated: E | (4.5)
Wow Dezzi Marie, You Go Girl! This poem was packed full of emotion and your readers will really enjoy the picture you have painted for them as it contains such a vivid reality for so many. Thank You for once again sharing your well defined craft with us all and for giving us more of you. Wonderful Poem.
Review of Winter  
Rated: E | (5.0)
Blessed Hands, What a beautiful poem you have composed here. I really enjoyed the touches of nature with the inspirational mesage you have painted through your words of choice. Thank You for sharing such a meaningful poem with us all and for giving us a little of yourself. I can only hope you may always let your pens ink flow so your creative words of poetry shall always grow. Excellent Poem.
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