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287 Public Reviews Given
522 Total Reviews Given
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Review by Mari ~
Rated: E | (5.0)
Good Morning, Taya,

This is a wonderful contest Tay. Among the sea of activities and contests, this contest to demonstrate love and appreciation of our pets is welcome. I will happily make a donation toward it.

If you need help judging, I would be delighted.

Warm regards,
25000 being sent
Review by Mari ~
Rated: 18+ | (5.0)
** Images For Use By Upgraded+ Only **

Hi Diane Welcomes Jack!,

I really enjoyed your story,"Poolside Emabarrassment"! I absolutely identified with this story.
~*~ ~*~
Grammar: I found no grammatical errors
~*~ ~*~

Most Liked:I stayed in the pool and played with the others, not wanting to get out for fear that my bottoms would come off too. The guy ramped up his efforts to court me, and eventually I agreed to a date. That date was probably one of his most embarrassing moments, but I'll leave that story for another time.

~*~ ~*~
Suggestions: I have no suggestions for improvement

~*~ ~*~
Personal Thoughts: Just to share, I had a similarly embarrassing moment around the same age as you were at your "Moment in the sun".
I was in a mixed group of people, one of which was interested in me.

Being sort of shy, when something embarrassing was said, I tried to hide my flushed cheeks by tucking my face in my shirt as a turtle would retract into his shell. As that was a normal reaction for me, I pulled the shirt up. Before I realized it, I had unleashed further embarrassment upon myself. The elastic of the short top pulled easily over my breasts in my efforts to cover my face. Needless to say, I exposed myself to a room full of people.

The man whose interest I had piqued earlier became even more interested. We remained friends even after our "closer" relationship ended.

Thank you so much for this beautifully written story and bringing back some good/funny memories for me.

Write On!
Thank you,


I Sponsor this Item:
Fountain of Knowledge  (18+)
Let your knowledge spill forth like a fountain or partake in the wisdom of those who do.
#1421315 by Dee

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Review by Mari ~
Rated: E | (5.0)
Hi imadreamweaver,

I really enjoyed your poem,"That's When Angels Dance"! From the title to the very last word, I enjoyed this.

~*~ ~*~
Grammar: There were no errors

~*~ ~*~
Most Liked: I love the whole thing, but to choose a favorite stanza I would choose this one because I really think all small things done for someone else are great to the person they are done for. Therefore there are no small kindnesses.

You helped another in need one day
"It was only a small thing" I heard you say
But these are the things for which angels pray
That's when the angels danced.

~*~ ~*~
Suggestions: I have no suggestions to improve on such a beautifully written piece.

~*~ ~*~
Personal Thoughts: Please keep writing! This was OUTSTANDING!

Write On!
Thank you,


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Review of Back of the House  
Review by Mari ~
Rated: 13+ | (5.0)
Hello Kimchi,

I came for a visit today and couldn't get past the folder before I had something to say. This is decidedly the most interesting folder organization I have seen yet. I ABSOLUTELY love it! Tremendously creative! This folder should serve as my example.

Thank you ...
Review of The Photograph  
Review by Mari ~
Rated: 13+ | (4.0)
Hi Susie, the LV Transplant,

I really enjoyed your story,"The Photograph"! I loved the warm memories you shared about your family trips to the lake.

~*~ ~*~
Grammar/Spelling: I found a couple things you may wish to look at.
P.6 line last

wharf while we caught up of current events
Perhaps you meant to say caught up "with or on" current events.

p7 line 3

It's been a family tradition for neigh on 100 years

I think the word you are looking for is nigh

~*~ ~*~
Suggestions: Your story would be easier to read if you put a space between the paragraphs.

~*~ ~*~
Personal Thoughts: It's a tough pill to swallow when you cannot do the things you used to do. I am glad the family visits at least.

Write On!
Thank you,

Review by Mari ~
Rated: 13+ | (4.5)
Hi Sherris' man,

I really enjoyed your story,"Getting engaged to Sherri"!I love it when someone is so in love with their partner that they want the world to know.

~*~ ~*~
Grammar: I found no technical errors.

~*~ ~*~
Most Liked: That your heart is healed and you have found the love of your life.

~*~ ~*~
Suggestions: I have no suggestions.

~*~ ~*~
Personal Thoughts: Thank you for sharing your beautiful feeling with us.

Write On!
Thank you,

Review by Mari ~
Rated: ASR | (5.0)
Hi Wiggy,

I really enjoyed your piece,"How To Be An A+ Teacher"!

~*~ ~*~
Grammar/Punctuation: I found no errors.

~*~ ~*~
Most Liked: I liked the whole thing but I really liked this line.

11. Care more than is safe for your emotional stability. The FDA doesn't regulate a raw, bleeding heart.
and this one.
17. Remember that it was written by stuffy, bespectacled intellectuals who never set a loafer-clad foot in a classroom.

~*~ ~*~
Suggestions: none

~*~ ~*~
Personal Thoughts: I was drawn to read this piece because my daughter is a teacher and ...Anyway, I thought it was delightful.*Heart*

Write On!
Thank you,

Review of I Miss  
Review by Mari ~
Rated: E | (4.5)
Hi Wiggy,

I really enjoyed your poem,"I Miss"! I love the emotion you express and that you included many individual things you miss about your Grandma.

~*~ ~*~
Grammar/Punctuation: The punctuation is inconsistent in this piece.

~*~ ~*~
Most Liked: I miss your hair, white and fluffy as clouds
I miss your bright smile, contagious as the common cold
I miss your heartfelt advice, which sometimes went unheeded
I miss your laid-back attitude about life

~*~ ~*~
Suggestions: Punctuate consistently.

~*~ ~*~
Personal Thoughts: There are two schools of thought regarding punctuation in poetry. But you can't have it both ways.

You very decidedly are a talented writer!I look forward to reading more of your work.

Write On!
Thank you,

Review by Mari ~
Rated: 18+ | (5.0)
Hello Ariana,

I think this is a marvelous idea for a forum. I bet this will become extremely popular. I'm going to add it to my contest to help you get it off the ground for you. I think this is one of the best ideas I have seen on WDC.

Honest to goodness, if there is anything I can do to help you, please let me know.


Review by Mari ~
Rated: E | (4.0)
Dear Cap'n Belle,

I read you poem entitled "Get rid of your somedays". If you wrote this at age 13 you were well above your age in maturity with this piece of poetry. It is a good way of looking at things.

People on WDC will give their opinions about your work if you want them to or not. That is part of the reason for this site...someone reviews and is reviewed in return. The critiques help both the reviewed and the reviewer. The aim is to help each other grow. A suggestion would be for you to place a restriction on it(in the editing area).

Good Job expressing yourself!

Welcome to WDC and Write On!
Review of Creative Comments  
Review by Mari ~
Rated: ASR | (5.0)
Hi Kim,

I was just wandering around the halls of WDC and ducked into your shop. How wonderful these C-Notes are. I like the humor in them. I have marked this in my favorites file. See you soon...well, I'll talk to you soon.

Suggestion: Make more of these funny notes.

Review of Spring Angel  
Review by Mari ~
Rated: E | (4.5)
Hello Matilda,

I enjoyed reading your poem about a spring angel. I felt as if I were there with you and the angel watching the flowers grow.

My favorite:
You watch the children play
Yet you're not alone
You can almost hear her say
"Look how they've grown."

You have a spelling error; jubilation.

Thank you for an enjoyable read.

Review by Mari ~
Rated: 13+ | (4.0)
Hello Ski,

I have just read an interesting beginning to your story "A Cold Entity - Chapter One".

~*~ ~*~
Theme: Fantasy

~*~ ~*~

His eyes were closed; his heard was rolled over. Did you mean head?

Essentially killing him from the inside out, with just a simpe touch of my fingers and will of my mind. simple

~*~ ~*~
Personal Thoughts: An interesting main character so young and with such an attitude! *Smile* Her personality is well executed as is her revenge.

You have talent. Write On!


Review by Mari ~
Rated: ASR | (5.0)
Hi Julie!

Oh how beautifully you've expressed one of the deepest sorrows of a woman's heart. If this is a personal story, my heart goes out to you.

My favorite:
I dream in color, isn't that rather strange?
Your dark brown eyes vividly can change
to a hazel-like hue that haunts my mind;
memories of you are perfectly defined.

I got chills when I read this piece.

Thank you,
Review by Mari ~
Rated: E | (4.5)
Hi James A. Osteen Jr.,

I really enjoyed your poem,"Country kind of living"! I like the simplicity of it. The flow and meter was good too.

~*~ ~*~
Most Liked:

Just as plain as yesterday
my thoughts go back again
to the simple way of living
we lived a way back when.

~*~ ~*~
Personal Thoughts: I am wondering if it is intentional wordage in the third stanza at the end? If so, very clever.

~*~ ~*~

Grammar: I found no grammatical errors. (unless the third stanza was unintentional)

Good luck in the contest and Write On!

Review by Mari ~
Rated: 13+ | (4.5)
Hello Dalyon,

This sounds like it is going to be quite a fascinating book. Sounds as though there are going to be some interesting adventures. I like the characters you have already begun to acquaint me with in your prologue.

The last two sentences seem to be warring with each other.

As several agents of the Imperium track his every step..
My thought is if you began the last sentence with the word "Several" instead of As several...it would solve the conflict.

I found no other errors.

I am looking forward to reading the rest of the story.


PS I like your word imperium.
Good writing!
Review by Mari ~
Rated: E | (4.0)
Hi bunnyhamm,

I enjoyed your poem,"A Memory of Spring"!

~*~ ~*~
Form: Free Verse

~*~ ~*~
Grammar/Spelling errors: I found none.

~*~ ~*~
Most Liked:

And reminds me
that I still have

~*~ ~*~
Suggestions: If you go into the "edit" portion of this piece, you can put the title "A Memory of Spring". You can leave the description as it is or add that this is a free verse poem.

~*~ ~*~
Personal Thoughts:

Write On!


Review of Gray Rain  
Review by Mari ~
Rated: E | (5.0)
Hi iKïyã§ama,

I really enjoyed your poem,"Gray Rain"!

~*~ ~*~
Theme: Contest entry with a prompt. Exceptionally well done.

~*~ ~*~
Grammar: of course there are no errors.

~*~ ~*~
Most Liked:

However, these tears are hot and thick
Globs of murky gray that burn like acid
Forcing the experts to make their predictions
Else the masses come to their own conclusions.

~*~ ~*~
Personal Thoughts: I like how you wove the gray rain story of doomsday.

Good luck in the contest and Write On!

Review of A Pet's Kid  
Review by Mari ~
Rated: E | (5.0)
962569 Poetry's Prism~Weekly Contest [Rated: 18+]
By: Tammy~Catchin Up~
The contest ID is 962569

Thank you for entering "Poetry's Prism~Weekly Contest". I am Mari and am honored to be the guest judge for the week.

Dear wolfSinger,

I read your entry for Poetry's Prism: "A Pet's Kid"

My First Impressions: Very Cute!

When the kid first found the gate,and the water, I worried. I was confused by the "former sand" part. Then I felt relief as the kid ran into the house. The next stanza had me chuckling because my dog huffs at me and rolls her eyes when I disturb her. Then in the last part of this piece you had me surprised with a pet should never own a kid.

My Favorite: That is hard to say.

Comments: Absolutely adorable. Well written. Flow and meter was smooth.

Write On!

Thank you,
Review by Mari ~
Rated: E | (4.5)
962569 Poetry's Prism~Weekly Contest [Rated: 18+]
By: Tammy~Catchin Up~
The contest ID is 962569

Thank you for entering "Poetry's Prism~Weekly Contest". I am honored to be the guest judge for the week.

Dear Dave Dave

I read your entry for Poetry Prism: "A Pixie Wonderland"

First reaction: Very poetic, if you'll excuse the term. Your word choice is wonderful...yon vale. The story you tell of the Pixies is a picture well told. I can see the Pixies dancing and playing along the enchanted banks to the tune of the river.

Well Done!


Review of complacent  
Review by Mari ~
Rated: E | (4.0)
962569 Poetry's Prism~Weekly Contest [Rated: 18+]
By: Tammy~Catchin Up~
The contest ID is 962569

Thank you for entering "Poetry's Prism~Weekly Contest". I am Mari and am honored to be the guest judge for the week.

Dear Weevilwobble,

I read your entry for Poetry Prism: "complacent".

A sad story you tell with this poetic expression. Yes, I felt the need to analyze this piece, I hope I interpreted it as you intended.

My interpretation: Longing for but unwilling to allow oneself to follow through with passions felt "yesterday"

I found nothng I would correct.

Write On!
Review of Fog  
Review by Mari ~
Rated: E | (5.0)
Hello Shadowmouse,

This is a really cool poem. I do not say that in its most simple meaning. I enjoyed how you brought the grey silkshawl over my shoulders. Of couse your description of the sun splintering off the frozen gems...nice

My favorite part is the last...fairy dust sprinkled by Peter Pan over Wendy...I enjoyed the read.

Thank you
Review by Mari ~
Rated: E | (4.0)
Hello NanaeRenee,

Your friendship poem is very sweet. There are so many facets of a friend. Its hard to put it into words. You have given your friend a lovely gift.
Welcome to WDC. You will find lots of things to do. Most everyone on this site are ready to offer help in improving each others work. You willdiscover this is such a wonderfully positive site. Reviewing others work is a growing/learning experience.
Write on!
Review of I think of you  
Review by Mari ~
Rated: E | (4.5)
Hello Ashentear,

I can feel your heart through this poetic Tribute to your dad. Job well done!

My favorite part:
When the rising sun reveals its grace
And the world is enshrouded by its heavenly embrace
When the curtain of darkness is replaced by day
Then the silent soul inwardly says
"I think of you"

I found no obvious errors.
Thank you for sharing.
Review by Mari ~
Rated: 13+ | (4.5)
Hello Armadillo,

This is quite a powerfully written piece. You echo my very thoughts in some places and give a name to others.

I found no obvious errors technically.

My favorite part:

Sad sight, so many flags draped over coffins never seen.
The sinister lies that filled them burried deep beneath such patriotic sheen.
Human losses well disguised, and media filtered from our collective eyes,
By corporate puppet leaders, whose agendas we must now despise.

Thank you,
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