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Review of Bad Roses  
Review by Calli Seren
In affiliation with WdC SuperPower Reviewers Group  
Rated: ASR | (1.0)
Hello Maryann,
I've ascended the list - and alas my final "Thank You" comes your way for the amazing job of Captaining our wonderfully mangy WDC Power Reviewers group! You really do deserve our thanks.

In my grazing through your port - I had to pause and restock my hankies - because first I read about your first poem and beloved kitty (I lost my Snowflake long ago but never forgot)- THEN stumbled upon your precious dog tribute - God they're worth EVERY moment of our love for all they give but it's like losing family - God bless you for honoring them!

Ok - I "threatened" a 3 star review - and what utter delight I found in the "Bad to the Bone Poem" folder that I could dish out a lousy 1 - because a lousy 1 was actually a perfect 5 - this time*BigSmile*

I'd like to say this truly was BAD - but I really think you should re-cycle this critter to Lornda's Humorous Poetry Contest when it's re-opened. I think there's real potential for a win*Laugh*

I especially adored the 2nd verse

I looked for a vase,
While you smiled so sweet,
My finger dripped blood,
Right by your feet.

Will you win any awards for poetic depth, lyricism, allusion, etc.??? Thank goodness no, we need a little "depth relief" once in a while and this was the ONLY time on WDC that I got to give out a 1 so woo hoo. More "Bad to the Bone" would actually be quite "good"!

You know the drill - blessings but a few laughs don't hurt either...


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Review by Calli Seren
In affiliation with WdC SuperPower Reviewers Group  
Rated: 13+ | (5.0)
Hi again Sum1! It's my weekend of "Thanks" for all the WDC Power Reviewers did to make me feel warm, fuzzy, and welcome in this my initial month with the group. What amazing folks!

Now, I had a few choices here - considering there were "81" POEMS alone to chose from. (More if I count the Jester folder-lol!) I really should let you rest on your "considerable" laurels - HOWEVER - unless I'm mistaken this was written months ago and I'm not finding a 2012 poetic entry.

Granted, you're a review "manic" - and there's much "other" writing genres, and you're more than a bit amused in "activities" but still...ah the poetry.*Blush*- my weakness...

Onward and forward -

Of course this piece was fantastic. What a twist on the Night Before Christmas with a bit of "scrooge" thrown into the mix!

It was hilarious in spots - *Smile*
It was snowy outside, it was really quite cold.
For the first time ever, I really felt old.
I felt a little tired and donned my jammies,
Wondering if I’d ever get to Miami.

Poignant and fanciful -
The children were gone, but where did they go?
For outside, there were no tracks there in the snow.
Had I been dreaming? I remember there were 6 at the most,
Were they just imaginary or perhaps even ghosts?

Emotional and satisfying in conclusion:
I had to know the message that was displayed on the sign.
And walked outside, seeing with eyes no longer blind.
Tears came to my eyes at its beautiful sight,
It said, “Merry Christmas to all, and to all, a Good Night!”

You're amazingly gifted at "anything" you write but...how about another poem-lol???

Your "poetry" greedy admirer,

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Review by Calli Seren
In affiliation with WdC SuperPower Reviewers Group  
Rated: ASR | (5.0)
Hello Smiling Sonali -
It's my weekend "Thank you" to our WDC Power Reviewer group Captains and top crew! I'm sort of in love with this group and thought you 'all should get a little of it back!

Now I hit your port and went - OH GOODY! - as while it's jam packed with assorted yummy things*CupcakeP* - it is overflowing with perfectly perfect poetry, my ABSOLUTE favorite thing to review!

Now I had to do some digging around (which was a pleasure *Smile* anyway) - but I actually found an "un-reviewed" item! To my utter delight - it was well - "delightful"!

I always look for "elements" in great poetry, and they have nothing to do with rhyme since that choice is personal to the poet.

Vision- Yes, found in abundance - Water, waves, sky, sun, this setting the visual tone:
The waves call gently
The sky
the land.

Ambiance/Tone: It was simply ethereal - the entire tone was like being enveloped in warm arms and floating along. One of my favorite passages:
Mirror our person
Mirror the sun
The sparkling reflections
Heaven sent.

Emotion expressed lyrically:
In the eddies,
there forevermore.

Spiritualism: The is a personal preference, but when I find it - it only enhances a piece for me - and you captured it brilliantly.
The sun watches
The moon looks on
God's eyes

Truly just a "feast" for the senses -

Many blessings to you and yours,


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Review by Calli Seren
In affiliation with WdC SuperPower Reviewers Group  
Rated: E | (5.0)
Dearest Elizabeth -
This started as a simple way to say "Thank you" for your involvement in being one of the Captain's of the WDC Power Reviewer group, which I've found to be such an amazing group of folks in such a short time. Never one satisfied to just grab the "first" piece that pops up - I'm a "port" raider ,and WOW after what you've been through - (hope your collar bone is healing) - you REALLY deserve some love and hugs! *TulipP**Heart**TulipR*

Next, you are NOT going to believe this but in my port rests a piece I wrote for my daughter, "I Remember Miracles". My daughter's name is Brianna Dawn. The sentiment expressed in your "Briana Dawn" was as if you could've written it for her, and it touched me. All of your port touched me, but I couldn't resist this one - for obvious reasons!

Apart from being a beautiful tribute - it was a talented and lyrical piece of writing and accomplished through the acrostic form flawlessly. Some favorite lines:

Born a beautiful soul
A blooming white rose

Beautifully done - by a beautiful soul*Angel*

Much love and healing coming your way -


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Review of Savior  
Review by Calli Seren
In affiliation with WdC SuperPower Reviewers Group  
Rated: E | (4.5)
Wow this is especially fun when I bump into someone I haven't read before. You're a March newbie - and as is my custom, I search the plug page and statics for poetry to review, since that's my first love.

Your portfolio is jam packed with gems. You have a wonderful style and a very strong voice. I didn't give you 5 stars, why? You need a title. I can think of about a dozen but how about "Orphaned Angel" - it about sums up this "journey".

This piece provoked incredible emotion. This verse in particular was so filled with pathos - and and set the tone of the rest

"An angel falling from the skies
No halo and a broken wing
The shadows falling all around
Raining down comes everything"

What did I see, a mother broken - but absolutely desperate to love away the hurts, to reach into the unreachable, and shelter.

Excellent flow, intelligence, hurt, frustration, powerful love...you "got" me in and kept me there and that's what great artist do. WDC is very lucky to have you on board!

Blessings always to you and yours,

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Review by Calli Seren
In affiliation with WdC SuperPower Reviewers Group  
Rated: 18+ | (5.0)
Hi there Bumblegrum!
First - I adore your handle. 2nd I adore this piece! Since I'm primarily a poet, I go searching for great poetry in the hopes of learning a bit. Sometimes I'm engaged, sometimes I'm confused, and sometimes I just can't wrap my brain around the topic. This piece made me smile, big time and the pace was fantastic. This particular passage just about had me rolling out of my chair -
“I don’t want to lose my sweet Jill.

I'll go much more slowly, I will."

“I missed you,” she said

“Just take me to bed,

don’t worry, I’m now on the pill.”

My very favorite type of poetry takes me on a journey and tells a complete story. This didn't disappoint, from the first blush of infatuation, the rebuff of lust, through to the wedding and conclusion.

The flow of this piece was faultless. You imbued it with humor, warmth, excellent imagery, and perfection in rhyme scheme.

I of course raided your port, I can't seem to help myself before reviewing and all I can say is "more" please*Smile*

Blessings always to you and your lovely wife (of 43 years),

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WdC SuperPower Reviewers Group  (E)
Join the fun! We inspire reviewers through kindness and learning! Winner of eight Quills!
#1300305 by Maryann

Review of The Wind  
Review by Calli Seren
In affiliation with WdC SuperPower Reviewers Group  
Rated: E | (5.0)
Ahhhh - you have once again penned an exceptional poem.

There is an ambiance in this piece that simply allows one to fall into it. You created distant connection while expressing such gentle, yet impact rich visuals, I felt the wind and saw the stars. I felt the breeze from the wind, and the movement of the clouds to reveal celestial wonders.

More I wandered through my own emotional warehouse to be both the "other" from afar as well as initial "love searching with teary eyes". Great poetry should always inspire the reader to journey outward and inward. Your pieces never fail to deliver.

There was melancholy but in its' best form, not contrived or "beaten" - but inviting the reader to finish the thought, the why of "teary or weary eyes". Your words are never chosen randomly, "caresses the same sky" - a lover's embrace across a shared evening sky.

I try VERY hard to be random in my reads and reviews. I adore the discovery of new artists. I try to primarily review a piece here or there and move on to another. Then I find jewels - and I know I will woefully fail to diversify and simply surrender to greed - and repeat reviews, as often as a familiar name appears. You are on this list - and I'm thankful.

Blessing always to you and yours,

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Review of I wish  
Review by Calli Seren
In affiliation with WdC SuperPower Reviewers Group  
Rated: E | (5.0)
Oh my Goodness!
I must say if I hadn't sought out teen/young adult poetry - and your handle
"Just A Kid" - hadn't given away the fact that you're a young author - we might all be hard pressed to figure it out!

I get REALLY excited when I stumble upon GREAT really phenomenal writing - and that is exactly what this is - you are an artist with a gift! Where have you been since March 2012? Wherever it is - you need to come on back!

Your imagery was exceptional - this passage was pure brilliance- *Idea*
"I wish I were an expanse of emerald field
The earth's bedding into which sleeping clouds can cry
The lost and lonely come for the healing that I yield"

I wonder if *Vine1* you *Vine2* know how talented you are? Soon others will notice - jump back in - the water's fine *Beach*

Here's some links to some young author groups - if someone hasn't already snatched you up- lock the doors - they'll be knocking!


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"WdC SuperPower Reviewers Group

Review of I Use To Be  
Review by Calli Seren
In affiliation with WdC SuperPower Reviewers Group  
Rated: E | (4.5)
I think you will find a "warm and loving" home here in WDC. Writers are a funny bunch. We seep emotion
*Confused* and it's not only OK here, people actually respect writing that goes deep. This piece made me weepy, because it isn't fair what you've gone through, but it's not where your life has to stay.

There's *RainbowL*beauty *RainbowR* and *Heart* love *Heart* here for the taking, and wonderfully supportive people who can't help but express themselves!

So take those broken pieces and let them heal - make friends and find community here - I think you'll find it's all just waiting for you to bloom*TulipB*

Here's some great links to get you started - if you decide you'd like to meets some other young authors.

*ButterflyV* Blessings always *ButterflyV*


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"Teen Writers Info-Sharing Team (TWIST)

"WdC SuperPower Reviewers Group
Review by Calli Seren
In affiliation with WdC SuperPower Reviewers Group  
Rated: E | (4.5)
Wow! For only 17 years old you have a great deal of depth in your portfolio! I chose this piece because I like to write poetry myself and this one had intelligence as well as feeling.

You started out with great imagery that set the tone for the piece -

"engulfed in it's dark abyss" - just brilliant*Idea*
"hear the desert whisper in my ear" - another GREAT allusion*StarStruck*

There was great sadness but gentleness too -
"letting our last night together embrace me" - a soft moment *Heart*

All told - this was very well crafted and left the reader "feeling" and this is what great writing is all about! You may already be a member of some of these great groups but I was surprised to learn recently about them, so I thought I'd share some links at the very bottom of this review. Check them out!

Wishing you *RainbowL* blessings*RainbowR* and much *Heart*love*Heart*

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#1783166 by Not Available.

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"WdC SuperPower Reviewers Group

Review by Calli Seren
In affiliation with WdC SuperPower Reviewers Group  
Rated: E | (4.0)
Hi Ron B!
I love discovering our *Globe*International
*Globe* crowd and promising new authors here on WDC!

Wow - really? really??? You're only 14?*Shock* You have a writing style that will make people smile. This particular piece painted a great picture,*Baseball* and I really liked how you centered it and broke the lines and thoughts for effect. I have a few U.K. friends so I "got" most of the unique references to "certs" "runners" "Bualadh bos" (yeah-well done) - and it was great fun bridging the culture gap regardless!

I couldn't help noticing in your bio that you're a Harry Potter fan (who wouldn't be)*People* so I threw a link in here for young authors and fans. It looks like it is just starting up - you might find it fun and you'd be sure to meet lots of folks! There's some amazingly supportive groups here for teens especially so I threw those links in as well.

Write on Rob B - I'm sure you'd make your namesake (Ron Weasley) proud!

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WdC SuperPower Reviewers Group  (E)
Join the fun! We inspire reviewers through kindness and learning! Winner of eight Quills!
#1300305 by Maryann

"Invalid Item
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"Teen Writers Info-Sharing Team (TWIST)

Review by Calli Seren
In affiliation with WdC SuperPower Reviewers Group  
Rated: 13+ | (5.0)
Hi Sashie -
Ah - only 16 and already writing a great and informative piece!
*StarStruck* You write extremely well and I think there's a "journalist" in here. This website appears to be an excellent resource for teen "gurls" who are struggling with "anything" and just "fun" for any that aren't and just want to touch base with contemporaries and chat.

I decided to review it because I'm hoping it will gain some exposure on the public reviewing page. I also wondered with your "gift" for laying out information in such a fine manner, if you wouldn't enjoy reviewing and even blogging and joining in some of the great and supportive groups here on WDC.

*BurstO*I also read your other port piece and you are a great storyteller so hopefully you'll have as much fun here as you do on gurl!*BurstR*

Wishing you nothing but *RainbowL*Rainbows!*rainbowsl*

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WdC SuperPower Reviewers Group  (E)
Join the fun! We inspire reviewers through kindness and learning! Winner of eight Quills!
#1300305 by Maryann

"Most Recent TWIST Newsletter ~ 8/10/2011
Review of All I Feel  
Review by Calli Seren
In affiliation with WdC SuperPower Reviewers Group  
Rated: E | (5.0)
Hey Addie!
Did you know you write quite beautifully? I'm primarily a "poetess" but I dabble in other writing as well but when I stumble on young talent - I'm pretty

You have great "flow" and *Bird*"imagery"*Bird* you painted some wonderful pictures! - "meadow green" - the quietness and solitude of the place "silent air" -

I think rhyming has become something of a lost "art" - and those who do it well follow in the footsteps of some amazing poets - I think you might be one of them!*Blush*

I loved how you concluded this piece - it wrapped up the whole feeling of the piece in a nice pretty package *GiftR*
"The sun pouring down like rain connecting with the trees
warmth and heat are all I feel next to righteous seas"

I hope you're affiliated with some awesome groups here - since many would be very lucky to have you! If not, check out some links below and consider jumping in - the water's fine*Beach*

*RainbowL*Blessings*RainbowR* Always!

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WdC SuperPower Reviewers Group  (E)
Join the fun! We inspire reviewers through kindness and learning! Winner of eight Quills!
#1300305 by Maryann

"Most Recent TWIST Newsletter ~ 8/10/2011
Review by Calli Seren
In affiliation with WdC SuperPower Reviewers Group  
Rated: E | (4.5)
What a beautiful piece this was! I hope your friend appreciated this moving tribute. You created something here of great style. There were many touching moments here but this one early in the piece set the tone. I could feel your friend's support and love - and how it has shaped you and given you hope.

You've made me who I am
You've made me who I'll be
You'll never know what hope that brings to me.

There is something very special in the writing of the young because it is honest and uncensored. It is like watching beautiful wings *ButterflyV* grow and flutter...and I can see already from this piece that you have a special gift of both style and heart.

WDC is blessed to have you...wishing you *RainbowL*blessings*RainbowR*

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WdC SuperPower Reviewers Group  (E)
Join the fun! We inspire reviewers through kindness and learning! Winner of eight Quills!
#1300305 by Maryann
Review by Calli Seren
In affiliation with WdC SuperPower Reviewers Group  
Rated: 13+ | (5.0)
Fyn -
If I didn't know how "little" time you have right now - this piece would still be incredible. What is it you said - oh you had a "few" minutes between "author" appointments? I can try to explain to you that for "some" of us lesser mortals - penning a poem is a little like giving birth, you know it "is" worth it in the end but you "labor" and you "dream" about what's coming. Sometimes its' gestation is counted in "months" - not "minutes" while it languishes in some oft opened word document saying "please" write the next line - and "DON'T" you dare backspace over me...

I explain this to you because yet again - you have penned this remarkable piece- "in minutes". While I have to "go there" - to that place of magic, and flip a switch where no one can touch me or enter, you simply "live" there. I think your pores ooze analogy and emotion.

Ok - favorite passages -
Wow , this invokes scary, sad, broken images and captures the "surface" of gaiety that is the carnival and the grit beneath - all in one brilliant line
"Magic and fantasy are folded into boxes, packed away like disjointed clowns"

And this - just this much could launch a whole "new" poem, the brightness dimmed - the endless towns - the story that is always the same, and it does not "glitter"
stained with a thousand yesterdays

You never fail to "deliver" dear lady - another triumph for our Fyn...

You know the drill - Blessings and all that (lol) -

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WdC SuperPower Reviewers Group  (E)
Join the fun! We inspire reviewers through kindness and learning! Winner of eight Quills!
#1300305 by Maryann
Review by Calli Seren
In affiliation with WdC SuperPower Reviewers Group  
Rated: E
Hi Love1-
You so kindly did a review of one of my poems and I am here raiding your port to return the favor, as I always do! My my my was I ever pleasantly surprised! You see - I truly adore poetry and lean heavily toward reviewing it as opposed to other types of writing, it's "my" personal comfort zone.

Then along comes something like this...where the writer pens something "poetic" and this amazing marriage takes place between a story - and a picture painted in lush brushstrokes where you find little treasures, and a poet in hiding. The author can't help it - their mind works in hues and emotions, and they "sneak" out. This is "Siddhartha" on steroids - lyrical in the way of Hermann Hesse's finest works and I kept stumbling upon piece of perfection...

This line - not a long one - but profound and touching
"His simplicity is beautiful"

And this - it "could've" been written in a mundane way - but it wasn't, you chose lyrical and it would've fit into a piece of poetry as easily and flawlessly as it does here...
"Content is the Aussie deep blue, the oceanic waters of the great reef"

You also graced this piece with wonderful and touching humor - it had me giggling - while still written in your unique and enchanting style...
"Yes, he does appreciate his lady fish for her inner beauty, as well as her outer-gill beauty. No doubt. Earl is a true gentlefish"

One of my favorite passages? When they are on the spaceship sitting down for the meal - it was that morsel of poetry more obviously displayed here - AHHHHHHHH the ending of that passage ....
"Simply imagine a feast of your dreams, and be ready to receive it".

Maybe you don't know you're gifted? You are. Maybe you're hiding a volume of poetry somewhere (a girl can hope) - if not write one.

Suggestions - STOP here - "I" personally don't want to go back yet...
"Earl, too, is amazed by the view, and scoots closer to his ladylove"

Land that spaceship somewhere else - heck I don't care if you turn back and head for Hawaii, the Amazon, the Baha Coast - some made up planet where "there are no nets, or oil spills" - Nirvana for the gilled which would certainly fit your style.

These 2 lovebirds need to move on and around - there's so much more to tell...and many who would want to hear and feel it. You could create volumes of adventures and expand. OK, I admit I'm greedy and ambitious - forgive me, but I wouldn't ask if I didn't feel it was all "already" there - that "feast of your dreams" - just waiting to continue..

You're simply lovely and your handle fits "Love1" -

Blessings in abundance to you and yours,

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WdC SuperPower Reviewers Group  (E)
Join the fun! We inspire reviewers through kindness and learning! Winner of eight Quills!
#1300305 by Maryann
Review of Four Feathers  
Review by Calli Seren
Rated: E | (5.0)
I'm surprised I haven't bumped or bungled my way through your port in the past...but I am so very glad that I have found it now. I may select a piece but it is never a solitary journey I take to find one. It is after reading many things I find within that paint a picture of the artist and give me a sense of their depth and heart. What a gorgeous journey I found here.

What a beautiful soul you have, what a gift you have in penning the heartfelt. This particular piece embodied hope, deep friendship, love, and faith. That you painted such a lovely picture in doing so was icing on a rich velvety cake. The early analogy to a "white dove's wing" set a peaceful and spiritual tone, that carried through the rest - and let the reader float though and be lost in the spirituality so rich here.

We are a diverse community - with many of wonderful and varied faiths - and since you make mention of LUCY, KIERAN, and JESSICA - I think we will call upon this beautiful group of artists to send their own prayers and "virtual angel wings" in your direction, hopefully you will be overrun by feathers in every direction!

Much love and always blessings,

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Review by Calli Seren
Rated: 13+ | (5.0)
What a beautiful piece. I have a couple of prints of "Footprints" in my home because to me nothing embodies the spirit of Jesus as perfectly as does it. Everyone experiences their faith in a personal way but to me perfection is not wrath, it is love and forgiveness, and a gentle hand in the worst of times. You captured that perfectly here, and the spotless agape love of a father in your prelude and story of father/daughter.

My favorite part of this was by far this closing - saying that everyone knows troubles and trials but that if those moments bring you closer to the love of God - what of the cost?
"what if Your blessings come thru raindrops
what if Your healing comes thru tears
what if a thousand sleepless nites are what it takes to know You're near
what if trials of this life are Your mercies in disguise.."

Finally, and this is a personal expression of my faith and as mentioned we all have our own.

I don't believe in a God of wrath and displeasure. I believe in a God of perfection and love who wants only the best and brightest for His children. Why would a "perfect" entity prefer that a child of his live in fear, gain respect through intimidation, or that they would feel less than full self worth in the face of constant failure and never being able to live up to that "parents" vision for them.

I don't believe God rains down misfortune, disease, and loss in our life. I think we for the most part do a pretty good job of taking the wrong directions ourselves periodically - and sometimes when there are losses, they are simply pieces of life. No one will ever tell me that the child who falls victim to crib death or stillbirth was being taught a lesson, or being "punished"- nor their parents, but they could tell me He held them and loved them when they passed. Much is simply the circle of life, imperfect bodies - not judgment meted.

I do believe this perfect being is there to catch us - and "love us back from the brink" - with boundless love, and that His intention in our life is simply to cherish, cheer, and raise us up. If we wallow in guilt, or regrets -that's not "God given intention" If we accept the frailties of imperfection in ourselves, we are able to easily accept and forgive them in others and we approach the life we're meant to live. If we simply try to wear "His heart" in all we do, we honor Him, and share Him.

Blessings always to you and yours,

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Review of Shadow Walks  
Review by Calli Seren
Rated: E | (5.0)
Oh crud - forget 5's - where's a 6 when you REALLY need one!

Ok - you have a gift, and you can't "teach it" - you can only go so far on "technical" training, long winded professors, and classes on composition and phrasing. Then there are the "master storytellers" who weave heart and soul into everything they write. They make inanimate things breathe - they paint colors where hue was missing before - things move and speak that shouldn't - but you believe it all - because you have been taken to a place and you live there as you read. It is as magic as it is rare - and it is here.

The movement in this piece was phenomenal - both literally in it's flow, and figuratively in the analogies between the movement of the water & waves - and "shifting sand" beneath her feet - time goes on....

Favorite line - "waves pulse and pound the cadence of the living" - it so summarized the passage of this piece, animal - woman - nature - and made me weep.

As always - your work is art Fyn - just amazing...

Blessings always to you and yours...

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Review of Branching Out  
Review by Calli Seren
Rated: E | (5.0)
You have such a gift - for everything you do. You have heart and absolute truth, you bless us all.

There was a very spiritual pull to this verse in particular for me - the vine growing strong and and sure in the waters of true friendship, it was the turning point from "polluted air" to hope and future - clean and bright - saying "this is what matters" - this is what is to be cherished and held.
The vine of life gains strength and spirit
through waters fresh and clean and bright--
kept pure by very air surrounding
friendships, words and what is right.

OK - with your Alyndoria books published hot off the press - there "had" to be a Dragon- right? I admit it got me wandering to your Wynwidynpress.com website to find the "tree" - I wasn't disappointed for the magic went on there.

This piece married your love of the written word with pathos and emotion (you always do), and your positive and joyful spirit to face all challenges and roll right over them, but never by forgetting those who matter and stand beside you.

Alyndoria may have birthed your beloved "dragon" but in Wynwidyn Press - you have given life to the dream you are "going forth the dream to meet".

Yes dear lady - "Integrity will bridge the stream" and you will "march on" with your cherished authors to help them write many "chapters" and touch numerous lives with your special gifts of time, sensitivity, and heart.

Always blessings to you and yours,

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Review by Calli Seren
Rated: 13+ | (4.5)
Dear Amber -
OK - you "got me"! I now need to know what has turned this otherwise very composed and successful businessman into a pile of mush. If not for your title "A Man's Guilt, A Woman's Saving Grace" - I would still have deduced that there was a love interest involved.

There was a few subtle clues, "a single name, a name that caused him to loosen his necktie a bit and wish it were a tad cooler. Ridiculous." and of course near the end....- "Oh, how inevitable the pull of fate seemed. He sighed, a smile creeping onto his peachy lips"

What did I want and what stood in my way of that perfect 5? I couldn't quite "see him". Is he a dark haired rouge, or tow headed. His hands are soft from his profession, and he has slender hands - but does he have broad shoulders, is his skin tanned from outdoor pursuits - or pale due to lack of them. Short, tall, round or slim?

Could a "light breakfast" have added little to his lanky frame - or did it rest easy around a taunt waistline? Could a slender hand have raked through raucous curls - or pushed back at a gently receding chestnut hairline? Did he fold his considerable height into that high backed chair? What of age? You used the term "gentleman" which to me says someone more mature - or it could simply be "cultural" on my part since Americans tend to attribute such a title to someone further on in years, and seldom to the young, or even middle aged.

Intellectually, I "got him". Book lined walls, a substantial home, a man of some accomplishment.

It is entirely possible leaving less physical description was completely intentional because you have an amazing gift when it comes to description. Your work flowed seamlessly from one paragraph to another and the reader can see the study, the winter outside, the warmth of a fire. I am simply "greedy" for you to physically paint "him"-that's just me! If your intention was to build "that area's" suspense - Bull's Eye!

You are truly a gifted writer and I enjoyed this brief glimpse enormously. It was intelligently written and I found no wasted moments that waxed in to babble or belabored a point. It was precise, professional, and entertaining. I will need to "read on" so keep me updated when there's a new installment!

Blessings to you and yours,

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Review of Falling  
Review by Calli Seren
Rated: 18+ | (4.5)
Diamond Dee,
Very nicely done. You not only created a complete picture but raw emotion without getting "trite" or self serving or over blown. I was able to "see" the break up - out in the open, under the sky - and this particular phrase with brilliant - and powerful imagery.
"I wondered how close I could get to the edge
before I'd fall"

I think how you broke the piece with rebuttals or responses - "it was I LOVE YOU" - "liars" - created impact in just the right places.

Using "rain" as a medium to cleanse, to lessen some of the grief was an excellent union of images & sensations -

You "cycled" grief, pain, refusal to accept the loss completely - some denial and anger - as this final verse showed very powerfully and actually "married" your opening "fall" to your ending one -
How dare the moon
so beautiful
begin to rise. . .
when I just
began to

You have great talent - and remember to always write from your heart - where the best (if sometimes incredibly difficult) - stuff comes out!

Wishing you many blessings, and joy that lies on the horizon not far away -

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Review of Susana  
Review by Calli Seren
Rated: E | N/A (Review only item.)
Wow - I adore finding the "unique" and remarkable in style and substance. I admit it - I'm a bit of a "sucker" for a touch of "magic" and this passage in particular - was incredible! Obviously this is a person of great warmth and spirituality, VERY worthy of being revered.
"Moonshine's love ballad offered soft tones of sincerity.
Her lunar music enveloped his spirit,"

Another passage - this person is "deeply and completely bonded" - I picture them walking under the heavens and gazing at her with profound realization that "this is the one!"
"Starshine sparked the indigo-dark hours.
Celebrated wonder and firework magic
exploded in his soul with extraordinary love."

The transition from "indigo-dark hours" of bliss to another night - grief, bafflement, wondering if he did something, lacked something - so hurt. By the way - the spacing here - the single word lines, created unbelievably powerful pauses - and sort of ripped at you as you went through them.
Night's revel faded into dismal fog.
Clarity lost.
Love confused.
Questions created chaos.

What a lovely friend you are - your ending 2 verses saying, "don't give up" - have "faith" - see this picture? Hang on to it - things may change, there's always hope....don't be lost completely in the hopelessness. I have to believe that whatever the ultimate outcome - this glimmer softened the hardest moments, perhaps allowed him to get through.

Beautiful - and I WILL be back to raid your port a bit - you have a strong gift and a unique one.

Blessings always to you and yours,

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Review of Souvenirs of Love  
Review by Calli Seren
Rated: E | (5.0)
What incredible writing. No wasted preposition, noun, or verb, which takes a gift. I first savor, then consider - were my "senses" fully engaged - the answer here is an abundant "yes"!

Sight - there were a riot of images - colors rich, textures abundant "Crystaline, clay bowls, Carved wooden boxes

Smell - pot-pourri wafting, the scent of a saved "rosebud"

Feeling - it was a path - using words like "crushed", "fragile" - "smiling gaiety" - some memories bittersweet, others simply special and warm

Imagery - I like when a piece allows me to "wander" - and allows the reader do some of their own personal interpretation, it makes it "personal" when there are some things implied but not completely concrete. It allowed me to "engage" in a personal way from my own memories.

I felt like there was a timeline, an evolution in blooms - which I thought was brilliant. Toward the end - "a silk carnation" - not in a box but on the bed - current, and "smiling gaiety" - perhaps a wedding shared, something he wore - not far away, a happy and shared event, a love that lingers.

The ending "Love always leaves a trail" - simply wrapped up the journey - powerfully and incredibly gently. It made me go back to the beginning, and wander the "trail" again, a wonderful conclusion.

Blessings always to you and yours,

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Review by Calli Seren
Rated: E | (5.0)
First, I can't believe I haven't raided your port before, so THANK YOU for reviewing one of my pieces - thus launching me back to find one of yours to review!

I read several and will review more but I adored this one. You walked us through a life shared, from the earliest moments when you were captured by a "mischievous grin" - so I felt I already knew him. He of warmth and humor, deep passions and romance.

What you felt - early in knowing you wanted him, "Your heart I want to win" - feeling a bond. The wedding ceremony with him waiting and holding that "winning smile" - just for you. Watching through your words - a bond grow stronger through time, and even through challenges "our lives become harried".

You're a gifted artist - who made every word count - you paint with your heart and we're blessed...absolutely wonderful!

Blessings always to you and yours,

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