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Review by Neilieu Author IconMail Icon
Rated: E | (4.5)
Our refuge, at least one of them is our own mind.

In it, we are on longer subjected to the opinions of others and social norms.

With word we can turn these neurological conjuration into something concrete and abstract so that others will try to find meaning in our work.

But sometimes there needn't be a meaning.

It could just be a delightful poem to read.
Review by Neilieu Author IconMail Icon
Rated: E | (4.5)
Rainbow will only appear after it had rained, so perhaps success might as well follow the same rule.

Without some sort of hardship, there will not be progression at all.

Sometimes we just have to keep on journeying the path the we had chosen, no matter what. Perhaps what we are heading towards is not a mere mirage in the desert, but an actual oasis with fresh water to quench our thirst and a few palm trees to date trees to provide much needed shade.

We will never know the outcome if we give up prematurely.

Design thinking. Life is something millions of people had gone through, certain lessons and rule of thumb will be relevant.

It is up to us.
Review by Neilieu Author IconMail Icon
Rated: E | (4.5)
Despite the poem is really short, yet it is an oddly healing read.

We all love sunlight, it really does lift our mood.

I really love rain, though perhaps I had never experienced the year long drizzle and over grown moss as well as washed clothing takes a long time to dry up.

But I still love rain.

BUT without sunlight, one does feel moody.

Sunlight is what keeps us alive, without it, we lack the essential vitamin D and we would develop bone deficiencies.

But cod liver oil makes us capable of living in the Scandinavian countries.

Sunshine is warmth, it is comfortable siting in its soft glow during winter of fall.

Tough not the harsh sunshine during summer.
Review of Wise man  Open in new Window.
Review by Neilieu Author IconMail Icon
Rated: E | (3.5)
The elders?

Does this piece have anything to do with the Cthulhu series?

The wise man who have never known what the unknown had to offer. The knowledge where it would erode one's sanity.

Who can say one has all the knowledge of the world, everything we learned is fragmented and partial.

Review by Neilieu Author IconMail Icon
Rated: E | (4.5)
This piece of writing is quite sweet.

We were told of the different symbolisms of a blossoming flower. Its brilliance.

It could a rose, being given to a lover.

It could be an assortment of different colours, given to people of all walks of life.

To someone who had recovered from the recent pandemic, it could symbolise survival and victory.

A poppy for us all to remember the senseless war.
Review of Gift for Natalie  Open in new Window.
Review by Neilieu Author IconMail Icon
Rated: 13+ | (4.5)
The characters are well written in this short piece. I can totally imagine this kind of friendly office chit-chat.

Then the twists suddenly turned the initial calm atmosphere into something unexpected.

This is an enjoyable read, reading from a creeps or stalker's perspective, well, it is quite something.
Review by Neilieu Author IconMail Icon
Rated: ASR | (4.5)
The first sentence really takes me into the scene together with the character, his languid way.

He immediately, well, at least with the title, I immediately thought about Nathan Drake from the uncharted series.

The sound of the forest is another sensory input, I can totally hear them in my mind.

Don't we all want some sort of a refuge, where we can display our feelings without fear of being overheard.

We do want some sort of a man-cave.

This piece is giving the reader of sense of tranquil, of inner peace.

Where we can ruminate in our childhood delights.

Seeing the world in a different light.

Review by Neilieu Author IconMail Icon
Rated: E | (4.5)
Understanding others can be tricky, since most of us are not experts in micro expression.

Since we are lives with a mask on, we are more difficult to read.

We need t try to walk in their shoes, getting to know a person takes time.

Since there are cultures that shun outright display of emotions, we need to understand them if we were to love them.
Review of The Storm  Open in new Window.
Review by Neilieu Author IconMail Icon
Rated: E | (4.5)
This poem is really intense.

Just like the downpours and torrents of water cascading from the skies, it is fast paces, barely left any breathing room for the reader.

It really gives the impression of the raging weather, and everything is quivering under its might.

But then the rain does not last forever.

Perhaps just as suddenly as it broke out, it would stop and the menacing clouds would part and sunshine and rainbow makes their appearance.
Review of Song of May  Open in new Window.
Review by Neilieu Author IconMail Icon
Rated: E | (4.5)
In the first stanza, the poet used various sounds to bring the reader into a scene of summer, where flora and fauna are busy with flourishing their lives.

Then we are reminded of the weather associated with summer, the temperate rain and the lovely sun lit days.

Why shouldn't we praise nature for its gifts, summer is such a lovely season, May is the best since it is not that excruciatingly hot.
Review of Whispers  Open in new Window.
Review by Neilieu Author IconMail Icon
Rated: E | (4.0)
I enjoy the analogy between a cat and death itself.

The two stanzas really offers a clear mental picture.

First we might see death as a black cat, perching on top of the great pillars. Then as the memorial services and burials had concluded, the cat could leap down to claim what is rightfully his.
Review by Neilieu Author IconMail Icon
Rated: ASR | (3.5)
Yeah, when you are expat working in a new country, the first few months can be quite challenging as you are still adapting to the novel experiences and culture.

I suppose you might also be interested in streaming services? There are good communities out there as well.

Hopefully you would have become more comfortable in your new environment, hope you had made some new friends.
Review of The Triangle  Open in new Window.
Review by Neilieu Author IconMail Icon
Rated: E | (4.5)
Wow! This piece of writing is just amazing!

I am so glad that I had came across it.

I feel totally drawn into to story, following the crew as they flew into this mysterious place.

I had been quite a fan of the Bermuda Triangle, be it conspiracy theories or not, I did read a published book about all the disappearances.

And this writing just vividly recreated some of the vague sensations that I had imagined while I was trying to imagine what would cause all those planes and vessels to disappear.

Review by Neilieu Author IconMail Icon
Rated: E | (4.0)
Ending the verses with similar words endings is really creative.

From the poem's lines one can certainly reads the poet's delight in muffins and they in turn took a liking to those who are involved in the business of selling muffins.

They are indeed delicious.
Review of Falls  Open in new Window.
Review by Neilieu Author IconMail Icon
Rated: E | (4.5)
The poet personifies the raging waters, especially the falls and rapids.

the water flows through the mountain ranges and come across the more gentle flat lands and her velocity slows to a crawl.

One can imagine the sediments she carries for up to thousands of miles, and shaping landscapes with almost mystical powers.
Review of Seven things  Open in new Window.
Review by Neilieu Author IconMail Icon
Rated: ASR | (4.5)
We sometimes take time for granted, when we do not achieve good marks we might say that is just how it is. But perhaps we did not try hard enough.

Life cannot always be about endless fun. Without pain there is no labour or birth.

We have to endure, but not daunted by this process, we can learn to tune our emotions when encountering hardship and think that our skills would improve after we had trudged through the impossible.

We should be grateful for our circumstances, what ever it is, we have to make it, being alive is to compete and challenge.

Life lessons were often not taught at school, we need to read, or find someone who would inspire us, to initiate us.

But we cannot always rely on others, we have to develop strong sets of skills.

To read the masters and understand their teaching and incorporate them accordingly to our lives.
Review by Neilieu Author IconMail Icon
Rated: E | (4.0)
In this poem, we were placed into the shoes of someone who is at the moment of proposing.

After he had uttered the three words, he feels his entire life is going to be judged by the reply.

It could mean growing up and maturing into a real man, or it will shatter a heart and soul.

This poem is surprisingly tender, even asking his partner not to feel pushed into making a harsh decision.

Love, the something that many sought after, but never cherished.
Review of Scars  Open in new Window.
Review by Neilieu Author IconMail Icon
Rated: E | (3.5)
Often times we would compartmentalise ourselves into a kind of mind set, thinking we are the only ones struggling in this modern world.

We have learned to show the would our glamorous, scrupulous side.

Yet, when everyone puts on a mask, all we see is an illusion.

Behind the covers, when it is dark or raining, when no one else is there to see and judge, will we offer ourselves a change to let the emotions burst their banks.

But what ever we say, it all sounds hollow.

After all, we cannot bring back the dead.
Review of Listening Post  Open in new Window.
Review by Neilieu Author IconMail Icon
Rated: E | (4.0)
Life is not just about yourself, we should sometimes just listen, instead of forcing our worries and bad day on someone else.

Being an attentive listener is not taking much effort, perhaps a little bit of time in small dose each day.

Instead of dominating the talk, trying to compete for the alpha spot, we can be the moderator of the talks.

We wanted our voices be heard, but perhaps we can learn to listen first.

Though the worries of letting some one take advantage of our timidness, well life is complicated.
Review of Another Reason  Open in new Window.
Review by Neilieu Author IconMail Icon
Rated: E | (3.5)
Well, I can understand your struggles, perhaps you wanted to become a writer and publish your work as a living.

Well, we should encourage others to pursue their dreams.

However, you should know the industry before making a full commitment, do not burn the bridges so soon.

You are still young, perhaps there is still time to receive education. Online courses, and night school or proper college, there are ways to perfect your craft.

But when you have no basis in something, well, I do not want to sounds like those who would dissuade you from your dream.

But, use writing as an example, you can always maintain writing as a hobby while holding a regular job or some sort of an income.

You know, Stephen King is a school teacher until he made it.

Bread and butter.

Dream is not going to pay your rent.
Review by Neilieu Author IconMail Icon
Rated: E | (4.5)
Since there is no evidence, perhaps even this story is fictional, as the essay in question has conveniently disappeared.

Ok, I am just kidding.

I remember going through a similar episode, though I had made up my marks to avoid being spanked(OK, perhaps that is not very alike), this might be just a phase of maturing, with our childhood delights we can make up stories that does not have a lot of repercussions.

But keep on writing, that is the best thing.
Review by Neilieu Author IconMail Icon
Rated: E | (4.5)
A longing for one's youthful days, as one is struck down by the inevitable circumstances one would undergo as the end draws near.

The poet really made good use of the prompt words and the resulting poem is something that make we think about what are we going to do in our old life.

I would recommend a book called "Being mortal" by Atul Gawande.
Review of Going Overboard  Open in new Window.
Review by Neilieu Author IconMail Icon
Rated: 13+ | (4.0)
Well, I have to say when I am reading this, i found a few expressions and word collations are used in a way that makes reading this piece a bit less enjoyable.

Please try to work on some of the sentences, be more precise. They are siblings, and your dialogues did make me believe they are indeed related to each other, but they do not have speak so formally to each other.

Loosen their speech a little, use more abbreviated forms.

Negate some of the unnecessary conjunctions, they break the flow of the work.

Review of Nosedive No More  Open in new Window.
Review by Neilieu Author IconMail Icon
Rated: E | (4.0)
The overall message of the writing is good, you keep trying if you do not succeed at first.

In this writing, there are quite a few places that are wordy. A children's tale could be a little bit more flashy instead of clumpy.

I suppose you could focus on shortening some fo the sentences and check your word usage.

Think about giving each little bird a distinct voice, work on the their dialogues.

Using bird sounds to accompany their speech perhaps and give their words a rhyming style.

These are just some opinions-----------

Do not be dissauded, keep on practice writing!
Review by Neilieu Author IconMail Icon
Rated: ASR | (4.0)
The rhyme is good, a delight to read.

There are many pandora's boxes in the world, should me open them for the hope that is the only reward and let out the beasts they hold within?

The description are really vivid, I feel myself transported to the scene and witnessing it first hand.

Perhaps this is what we might feel when we are between life and demise.
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