Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/profile/reviews/nicegrandma777
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64 Public Reviews Given
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Public Reviews
Review of The Music Man  
Review by Doremi
Rated: E | (4.5)
A city scene with a street musician who plays for the joy of the music more than for the money. Good images! An enjpyable read.

Thank you!

Review of FIREWORKS  
Review by Doremi
Rated: E | (4.5)
This brings back scenes of summer nights with famiy and neighbors, children allowed up late. (no school tomorrow) Summer is my favorite time of the year. this poem is an ode to what is best about summer.

Review by Doremi
Rated: E | (5.0)
The history of the world through the eye of the soldier who paid the cost. Well done!

Review by Doremi
Rated: E | (4.0)
You make excellent sense. Another point you could make is that this plan would ease the burden on people like me. In my eighties I pay an unconscionable school tax each year on the house where my family grew up.

It is troubling to me to see young people, nearly all men, being paid salaries in the millions of dollars while teachers and other public servants are paid far less although their work has more importance. This also goes for entertainers, movie stars, etc.

To put some of that money back into the school system makes excellent sense . I hope the idea will catch on because it is a good one.


Review of Last Words  
Review by Doremi
Rated: 18+ | (4.5)
This is a powerful story of a love stronger than death. Well done, no flaws.

Blessings and joy in 2010

Review by Doremi
Rated: E | (5.0)
This is wonderful! The speaker acknowledges his own human inadequacy for the spiritual warfare and realizes he is more than a conqueror through Him who loves us. There is awesome truth in this little poem. This is a truth that knowing it or not knowing it can make or break you in your spiritual battles. I like the line that says loved and standing. The heart of God is filled with love as He watches over you.

Thank you for sharing a poem for the new day and the new year.

Blessings and joy in 2010.

Review of Fog  
Review by Doremi
Rated: E | (5.0)
God bless paramedics. They were here many times during my husband's last years as he was fighting cancer and had to make many trips to the hospital. Without the paramedics and ambulance people this time would have been much harder. Later, a couple of years after my husband died, I had a stroke and again appreciated the wonderful young people who transported me to the hospital and to rehab. You do not forget this kind of help compassion and kindness.

This story touched my heart. Compassion shows through the words. you told it beautifully and caused the reader to understand and feel with both patient and caregiver. I saw nothing I would change. Thank you for sharing/

Welcome to WDC! Keep writing becuse you are good at and have stories people need to read.

Review of Rebirth  
Review by Doremi
Rated: E | (5.0)
Very well done. You expressed it so well I would not change a thing.

Review of The Musician  
Review by Doremi
Rated: 13+ | (5.0)
Thr thing about this story is that it could happen. Well written and frightening.

Review of Tommy Lightfoot  
Review by Doremi
Rated: E | (5.0)
I give this five stars for the perfect description of a beautiful place on a summer day. 'surrounded by a sea of yellow grass it sat there like a jewel.' I see it! You bring the reader's senses into it with the smell of honeysuckle and hay.

The tragedy is well written and brings out the emotion with a few words, letting us see Tommy's grief and guilt, and the speaker's sorrow at losing two friends.

Beautifully done!

Welcome, Newbie! Glad you joined us! Stay a long time and write a lot because you are good at it!


Review by Doremi
Rated: E | (4.5)
A good story about a loving couple. A husband who trusted and did not believe anything bad about his wife even though he was told what might mke some men suspicious. And about a wife who worked hard to give her man something she knew him well enough to know he wanted. Without actually saying it you tell me this couple love one another in a truly deep and lasting way.

Well done! Delightful to read about good people who love and trust one another. Well written with no mistakes I could find.

Review by Doremi
Rated: E | (5.0)
A beautiful tributr! I am sure Jeanne treasures these words mote than diamonds. God bless you both! Thank you for sharing .

Review by Doremi
Rated: ASR | (4.5)
This is a sad story and one I know happens often. The life of athe child of an alcoholic parent is difficult . I think such children take on responsibilities abdicated by the parent, responsibiblities they are too young to handle. Trying to be the good daughter while disregarding her own feelings.

You wrote this well. the conflicted emptions of the daughter come through with heartbreaking clarity. I like the sentence that says you do not hate the help you hate that you need it. So true!

Good work This stands as written I would not criticize anything.

Welcome to WDC! stay a long time and write a lot because you are good at it!

Review of Aftermath  
Review by Doremi
Rated: 13+ | (5.0)
Wonderful! What images! I love the line, 'scarred mother ship. ' Some events shock us to the heart, Columbine, Virginia Tech, Oklahoma City, 9/11. But this world is the only one we have and it is still beautiful. It's where we live.

But you already said all that better than I did. There is nothing to criticize When I say five stars I mean perfect.

Review of Snow Folks  
Review by Doremi
Rated: E | (5.0)
I like this, and the picture of the snow people is delightful. The point that tthe poem makes is a very good one, La vie est breve. That's not necessarily sad that's how it is. Well done! I'm making this public because I think other people will love the picture, too.

Review by Doremi
Rated: E | (5.0)
Excellent. The first sentence is great, It grabs the reaader and drawa us in. And then to go on and read, of a family where nothing seems to change but everything does change. I could relate to this for now I am the last of my generation in my family. Chairs become empty one by one.

Do we ever know what we have while we have it? Even when we think everything will go on as always we get subtle reminders. Like this week, I noticed for the first time how gray my youngest son's hair is! He is a handsome man and the gray is becoming but it was not there last year.

Throughout this piece there are wonderful word pictures like the description of the homemade cranberry relis, the abandoned fsrm buildings. There is so much to like about this!

And subtly woven in is the growing up of the speake from a child asking can we go now to a man who finally understnds what tradition is and why we do it over and over again.

Thank you for this wonderful piece!!

Review of Addiction  
Review by Doremi
Rated: 13+ | (4.5)
Very sad and ends without hope. Maybe there is hope but here hope has to be spelled HELP because a drowninf man can't save himself.

The poem is well written and draws the reader into the emotion as a poem should do. I could feel the despair and sense of giving up on life. A sense of sorrow for the speaker in the poem. I hope this poem gets noticed and read by a lot of people!

I wouldnot change anything in the way tiy have crafted this poece,

Review by Doremi
Rated: E | (5.0)
I don'r give five stars unless I really mean it.

This poem is awesome. It draws in all the reader's senses. A perfect early morning scene, Two young people enjoying it all. The boys do not know it at the time but they are creating a memory to last forever. It doesn't matter whether they catch anything.

It is late at night but I am glad I read one more thing before I go ro sleep. Thank you for sharing this lovely poem!!

Review by Doremi
Rated: E | (4.5)
It's almost paralyzing to know how big the problem is and how many aspects it has. In my years as a volunteer with the young women at the county jail, I learned of the destruction of young lives and often wondered where was the support for these women when they needed the guidance that would have made all the difference.

Most of these women were people who had been failed. By family, church, school. community. Now here they were in trouble of many kinds that all had the same roots. We could only try to help put together the pieces that were left of their lives. Sometimes we succeeded but often we did not.

This story raises important points. One of them seems to be, nobody can do everythinh, but everybody can do something. This is not going to go away by itself and probably not going to go away period, but all of us can help individual young people before they are in the situation of the women I met at the jail.

This is well written and disturbing as it was meant to be. We need to be disturbed and get proactive for our children.

The writing is good, the descriptpm of the meeting, the mayor, the heat, the people was excellent.

Well done and makes important sense. I hope people read it and think about it.


Review of I Wonder How  
Review by Doremi
Rated: E | (4.5)
I like this piece very much/ the thoughts and memories that come while one is coming up out of the not-real world of anaesthesia before reality sets in and the pain starts. The images are very clear and real Thank you for sharing this.
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