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Rated: E | (5.0)
The changes you made here are great....The flow is good, and the comparision in hte
second verse has become mre of a comparison than before. I have given it a 5..This
is a lovely poem.
Thank you for letting me know about your changes.
God bless you always with appreciation of the written word and a love for life and all of
His beautiful creation. *Heart*GYPSYROSE
As these petals unfold, so may God's love in your life. A rose that I grew in MICHIGAN.
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Rated: 13+ | (4.5)
Inspirational, spiritual, religious and nature items, mainly poems.
#959448 by Dr M C Gupta

It is delightful to read your poetry, and this is no exception. Again, I enjoyed your comparison of life being like a Rose.

This is my only suggestion, and feel free to understand that it is only my opinion, and you
may or may not agree. IN THE SECOND VERSE...this would help it flow better and would
not change your meaning..."iT has the same meter..6...."Some days we're pricked with thorns." Just a thought that I wanted to share with you.

I loved the last verse...especially.."Let not mind be burdened by.. Needless negative weight." Such great advice to the reader. It could change the world, if everyone would
follow this simple concept.

God bless you always with beautiful words to inspire and uplift others.
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Rated: E | (5.0)
 FADED ROSE--award winner  (E)
Roses fade. Memories don't.
#1426680 by Dr M C Gupta

Nothing can compare to love more than a beautiful Rose. This is a lovely, well-written
poem that reminds the reader of the tenderness of a romance that is new. Special are
the memories of a simple gesture of love, and the fragrance of the Rose placed with
love into your hair. Your words captured the moment and allowed the reader to also
feel the love between the two.

You stirred the emotions of love, compassion, joy, and also sorrow for the love that
walked away. I can easily compare this also to the beauty of a Rose, its fragrance and
the delight one feels gazing on its beauty. There is a sense of sorrow and loss as its
petals wilt and life diminishes from its healthy lustre and it turns brittle and dry...yet
never looses its fragrance~ just as love never fades from the memory.

I really loved this poem and congratulate you for your beautiful words that touched me
deeply. God bless you always with a love of his beautiful creations, especially the Rose,
and the ability to inspire others and touch your readers emotions as you have here.
Review of Bathtub Haven  
Rated: E | (5.0)
Sounds like your puppy does not like loud noise of any kind. His ears must be super
sensitive and this isn't all bad, since a burgular would have trouble sneaking in. Just
be patient, keep laughing and leave the door open so he can hide in the tub when these
loud noises make him uncomfortable.

MY FAVORITE PART.."He's climbed under the desk Right at my feet. There is no telling
Where I end and we meet." Sounds like puppies that I have had, but they grow up too
soon, just like children, so enjoy them while you can.

God bless you always with a love of His little critters. *Heart*GYPYSROSE
Rated: E | (5.0)
This story, so common today, is really timeless. First the father so wrapped up in work
and the almighty dollar to satisfy a lifestyle, and then as his children mature and start
their own lives, they also become "too busy" for family relationships. What has happened
to the American Family while pursuing the "American Dream?"

My Favorite Part is.."Sorry dad, can't go to the hockey game with you tonight, the boss wants me to stay late." What goes around comes around. Perhaps parents should
concentrate on the Golden Rule....."Do unto others as you would have them do unto you."
Perhaps if they could look into the future for a moment and see themselves old and lonely,
they might appreciate their little ones while they still have them around to enjoy and love.

Your piece is a "wake up call" for parents ~ if only they would take a minute to read it and
see that it could happen to them. Good job~keep up the inspiration and remember this
one when you start your own family.

God bless you with the ability to inspire others with your written words. *Heart*GYPYSROSE
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Review of My Favorite Place  
Rated: E | (5.0)
This is a lovely description of the heart of a band competition and how each one must
feel as they perform for the crowd and the judges. You have what it takes to get the blue!

This took me to the stands~another place and time~ when I would delight in watching my
grandson march in harmony while his trumpet would shout "victory." To write like you have
and be able to touch the senses, both visual and sound is quite a gift. Keep up the
good work. Your ability to stir the emotions is great. You are an asset to any band!

God bless you with joy in one of His most precious gifts..music and a delight in performing.
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Review of Winter's Toll  
Rated: E | (5.0)
I really like this "Lune" Although short as a LUNE is structured, your choice of words
paint a picture that is real as ice itself. The first three set the scene.."Frozen silence broken, and it brought to mind immediately a time when on such a silent crisp day, I was
walking on an icy pier in MICHIGAN to catch up with our visiting grandchildren. YOU
WROTE the end to my own story...."Limbs crack, crash and fall, Winter's icy victims."

This American version of the JAPANESE haiku (3:5:3} brought me to another place and
time, and to me, reading it was colorful and realistic. YOUR choice of words was excellant.
Keep up the good work.

God bless you with a continued love of the written word, especially delightful poetry such
as this one. *Heart*GYPYSROSE
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Rated: E | (4.5)
Snuggly Kitten,
A Loveless Society  (E)
This is about the scarcity of love in our society today
#1445448 by SnugglyKitten

A beautiful tribute to why it is so important to show love to others. For all the reasons
you mentioned and even more, each one of us needs to take a good hard and long look
at how we could improve our relationships with others. This is exactly what JESUS
taught us while he lived on earth....to love our neighbors as ourselves and to do unto others as they would have them do to us. YOU have captured the essence of how to
make the world a better place to live.

MY FAVORITE is.. your advice to talk to people .."To show them that someone out there
cares about them and knows they're alive." I would omit "To" in this sentence...
This might well be the only conversation they may have on that day. Wouldn't
they appreciate your kindness?

God bless you for being so thoughtful, and may He always protect you with His
loving care that you might sprinkle it around to others.*Heart*

Remember..."if you find happiness, you must have been looking for it."GYPSYROSE
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Rated: E | (5.0)
What a lovely tribute to God and to your daughter on Mothers Day. This poem gives us
an entirely different and unselfish view on the celebration of Mother's Day. To thank God
for the "gift" of a daughter, and the happiness that she has brought to you is a very
profound way of looking at why a day has been set aside to honor Mothers.

MY FAVORITE PART IS.. as you asked God for guidance in raising your daughter so that
she could follow His path, you also prayed for her to be strong and your lovely words..."I take the credits, but they are really for you." I am sure your lovely words have put a big
smile upon God's face, for He is so deserving of the credit you have given to Him, and
few remember to thank Him or even realize that "with Him all things are possible."

God bless you and your daughter with happiness and joy in serving HIM, and may your
journey together be pleasant always. *Heart*

Remember.."if you find happiness, you must have been looking for it."*Heart*GYPSYROSE
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Rated: E | (5.0)
World Trade Center, Revisited  (E)
A poem I wrote after a trip to NYC, shortly after the tragic events of 9/11/01. Published.
#1393973 by Julie D - PUBLISHED!

This picture of the after effects of the 911 tragedy in NYC is profound and timeless. Your
words are another reminder that we have suffered as a nation and survived this horrendous event. IT PORTRAYS the families and individuals whose voices are now
silenced...but as you so beautifully pointed out we are ~America the Great ! We are
survivors and CAN meet any challenge that we have to face, be it terrorism, hurricanes, any
thing that causes pain and suffering.

As I now contemplate on your words, I am inspired to believe that we can overcome the
terrible losses we are even yet going through today....the loss of lives and devastation from
the MISSISSIPPI floods, the unemployment, the homeless, the foreclosures, high gas
prices and other economic problems.

Your lovely poem inspires us to remain strong~ We are Americans~ we will endure.
MY FAVORITE PART IS..."I could not believe the sight that I saw..It scared and shocked me
and left me in awe." These words are timeless and they also inspire me because we
endured this and we can endure any tragedy.

God bless you always with words to inspire us to always be proud to be an American.
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Review of Faith  
Rated: E | (5.0)
This is a wonderful prayer of faith. "Through the eyes of a child" you have shown what true
faith really is. To enter God's Kingdom, we must become as little children. Your words
have reminded us of this truth.

I particularly liked the way you told the parable of the birds, and how God takes care of
their needs, and how we need to show faith and rely totally upon His love and promises
that He will also take care of ALL of our needs. When things happen to us, as in your
story of the father leaving the family, and the mother and child left to struggle to exist, I
know that our faith is being tested...and it is to make us strong...to make our faith stronger.
YOU have done a great job here to point out that fact.

MY favorite part is..."Believing in Me is the only way to heaven." Again, your words remind
us of the importance of faith. IF our faith is never tested..or if trials did not exist...our faith
in God would not grow stronger...perhaps it would even dwindle and die, for many would
become too self reliant and think that they do not NEED God in their life.

God bless you always with the power to inspire others with your words. *Heart*GYPSYROSE
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Rated: 18+ | (5.0)
Concluding Thought  (18+)
This poem of suicide tells the story of perpetual grief.
#1437878 by Kristi

This heart rendering poem about your Granny and her final moments is so tender and
sad. One can almost picture what you went through as you fully describe what you saw
and felt. MY deep sympathy goes out to you, for it brought me to another place and time
when I experienced a death of someone very close to me.

The most touching part to me was..."unfinished game of solitaire", since I AM A GRANDMA
who loves that game and plays it often, and can never leave until it is finished. Your words
also bring me to think of so much that I would hate to leave "unfinished" should that happen to me. MY prayer has always been that God would let me stay here "until I have
finished my work upon this earth"....and yet we all know that we have been given just so
many days until we will be called home. This should inspire all to remember how important it is to live life to the fullest, and never put off doing important acts of kindness
and do for others always...as we may not have tomorrow.

Thank you, for this lovely reminder of your love of your Granny, for after reading it, YOU
caused me to reflect upon my own life and how I SPEND MY TIME.

God bless you always with the ability to inspire others and to help you live life to the best
always. *Heart*GYPSYROSE
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Rated: 13+ | (5.0)
 Lottery Ticket-Destination Imagination  (13+)
No win lottery ticket
#1091823 by askpaddy

This is a witty look at the fasination and determination that encourage some to buy those
lotto tickets. You have done a good job at showing what happens to the MAJORITY of
tickets bought. It is no secret that those who buy, have dreams that die, soon after checking the numbers.

Perhaps reading this may discourage those who gamble on a million to one chance or
less of becoming a winner, but I doubt that those who dream of something being handed
to them out of the blue, will stop buying the tickets. Most will keep on hoping...that they will
win big one day..so is the "joke on them?"

MY FAVORITE LINE IS.."No luck...tear it up." Just wonder if they would act the same if it
was a dollar bill in their hand~ would they tear up a buck and throw it in the trash, since
that won't get them a Ferrari or a great vacation either. Just a thought that your words
inspired. This was fun to read.

God bless you to always inspire others to "go beyond your words" and use their own imagination to the highest potential. *Heart*
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Rated: E | (5.0)
This beautiful poem is worthy of recognition...for in spite of our imperfections, your words
are truly an inspiration for anyone looking to overcome trials and the strife of todays
problems that we all have to face each day. Your words show that with faith, we can

MY FAVORITE IS..."Your grace gives me comfort as wisdom prevails; my life is not over,
You've given me sails." We are reminded by these words, that God does give us "sails"
to overcome even the most raging waves that tear at our lives. Thank you for this very
profound reminder that with HIM in our lives...all things are possible, in spite of our own

God bless you always with a strong faith and a firm foundation...~HIS WORDS.
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Review of I Miss  
Rated: E | (5.0)
What a beautiful tribute to your Grandma...makes me want to adopt you for your sweet
words about a Grandma who is no longer in your life but for your memory of her. This is so
heartfelt, that I COULD walk along with you as you re-visited her beautiful flowers, and
the great meals you shared with her....the games you played together....What touched me
the most was the love you had for her and as I READ your words, I felt like sharing this
with my own grandchildren, who are growing up way too fast,. I WILL remember the very
next time we are together to look back with them and remember all the wonderful times
we had when they were little and came every week to visit. I am inspired by your lovely
words to walk down memory lane together and remember all the great times we spent

MY FAVORITE IS...."But, most of all, I miss you being a part of my life, Grandma" This is
what I would say to my own grandchildren who seldom come to visit anymore as they
are so busy growing up....if only we could stay close forever...this poem reminds me that
time is passing way too fast, I BEST do my part now, while I AM still able to show them how much I APPRECIATE THEM! tHANK you for reminding me by your words to appreciate family while we are still able to be together. God bless you always with the ability to inspire others as you have inspired me..*Heart*GYPSYROSE
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Rated: ASR | (5.0)
Vivian, So true about life's seasons and we can always look to the scriptures for an
explaination of life's treasures...the season of laughter, of sorrow, or of faith and even of
doubt...for everything has its opposite...to know one side..is to seek the other..for this
is the purpose of life itself..to discover good and live it...to discover joy and share it...to
feel pain and then be able to ease anothers because of our own experience.

MY FAVORITE IS..."life changes from joy to sorrow, from love to hope for release, from hope
to searching for an anchor."...As for the last one ,as we search for this anchor...we must
always keep the faith.
God bless you with love of HIS word, and the principles HEwants us to discover through studying it. MAY YOUR SEASONS ALWAYS BE BRIGHT SUNNY DAYS AND STARRY, STARRY NIGHTS. *Heart*GYPSYROSE
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Review of Colors  
Rated: E | (4.5)
This poem was a great comparison of colors and three of the opposites that plague
humanity today....evil, sorrow, and envy. I like the way you brought out that first, they bear
witness to anothers faults and then actually after one had allowed these three to dominate
their life, they may become evil, envious, and sorrowful in another's eyes.

MY FAVORITE was that you were able to contemplate the fact that seeing evil led you to
kindness, and in witnessing anothers sorrow, you were able to stand for happiness and
again by contemplating anothers envy, you were able to stand for contentment. This is
actually the purpose of life....there IS OPPOSITION in everything...without sorrow, we would
not be able to appreciate joy and happiness, and without evil, we would never be able
to understand kindness and love..or.....without seeing envy and realizing jealousy, would we be able to overcome these and become content within ourselves?

A well thought out poem, given color by the picture you painted of each and also by using
these colors as a flag...the reader could see a clear picture of how important it is that we do our best to overcome these terrible influences around us.

God bless you always with the ability to inspire others with your colorful words.
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Rated: E | (5.0)
A beautiful love poem that is the very reason why love is spoken...because another cares
enough to wipe away the tears, and calm another's fears. It was very touching and the
image of the lovely ship created a very positive mental image of the two searching for
love and colliding...a love that was certainly meant to be.

MY FAVORITE VERSE..."I climbed the highest mountain peak, Reached down to free those
words of love I dared not speak ~ Because you cared for me.

God bless you always with an appreciation of "True Love" and the ability to give it to another. *Heart*GYPSYROSE
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Rated: ASR | (5.0)
Your little house on the hill sounds like a place we used to live in Michigan...It is special
and just like your poem...it was home....

I LOVED THE WARM way you spoke of your cat and your dog and though it is a "little"
house, there is plenty of room for family and friends to visit...but my very favorite part is
that your garden will soon be blooming and that touched me the most because springtime
is so very special and there is nothing like the songbird to lighten your day....they are
the music of the UNIVERSE..and to hear them in spring as they call to each other can
bring joy to even the rainy days, which are so needed to keep everything growing and

Enjoy the little country house and the lovely setting as it is really God's way of showing
you what heaven will be like...sounds so inviting and beautiful.
God bless you always with JOY AND LOVE OF HIS CREATION.*Heart*

Remember..."if you find happiness, you must have been looking for it."GYPSYROSE
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Rated: E | (5.0)
Loving all he good ole fairy tales, I found this "Three Little Pig" revision simply delightful.
Besides being a joy to read with a great rhythm, the story had a great lesson to learn...
that kindness can really change someone. For a youngster to be told that someone is
coming to blow the house down and eat you up isn't a very positive lesson, even if it is
just a pig and a wolf...

Your rewrite of this famous piggy story is SOOOOmuch better and teaches a little one who
has it read to them, or perhaps is just learning to read, that it is important to help others,
and treat them kindly even when they appear to be trying to be tough. Also teaches them
that a little kindness goes a long way.

MY FAVORITE IS...."Be kind to the neighbor who seems full of wind, He just might be a
wolf in need of a friend."

God bless you always with a vivid imagination and creativity to lighten anothers day.
LOVE, *Heart*
Remember.."if you find happiness, you must have been looking for it."GYPSYROSE
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Review of The Bear  
Rated: E | (5.0)
This poem is short and sweet but says it all...For me it was deer trampling my garden
and eating all my pretty flowers...I know what it does to the Gardener!

God bless you with a sense of humor and a green thumb as you need both to keep
garden's growing...LOVE,*Heart*
Remember,.."if you find happiness, you must have been looking for it."GYPSYROSE
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Review of Nature Never Told  
Rated: E | (5.0)
Such a heartfelt love for a innocent daughter who only touched your life but for a precious moment on this earth and then wisked away by angels to take her back to her heavenly home in God's Celestial Kingdom. To have your hopes and dreams shattered by her short presence and then to read your words and feelings in this lovely poem, has brought tears to my eyes.

This profound event and your faith and unconditional love for God is evident and as you share your thoughts we are reminded that to trust in HIM is the only answer to help us get through the sorrows that we face in our journey through the eternities.

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Review of Waves  
Rated: E | (5.0)
The "waves" of mystery are just that, but as I READ further, I compare them to forgiveness,
especially to be able to forgive oneself. "A merciful undertow of forgetfullness flows......
drowning my woes." Just to be able to forget troubles and fo leave them behind, we are
washed clean as your words "white sacred shores."

MY FAVORITE PART IS..."Let me once again stand upon white sacred shores
Where all wounds are healed and all still adored." This is very profound.

God bless you with beautiful words that will touch another to the depths of their soul.
LOVE, *Heart*
Remember..."if you find happiness, you must have been looking for it."GYPSYROSE

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Rated: E | (5.0)
What a delightful poem, SW POET, about JACK, and how you waited for him
and even how he came to be your delight of your life. IT is amazing, your story, of having
miscarriages due to something that having a simple test, may have prevented. But
even so, God's plan may have been these trials so that he became more dear to you
because of what loss you had suffered.

Very profound, and you always write with such a mastery of the soul and with great depth.
IT IS GREAT to see your work in the spiritual NEWSLETTER, AND ALLOW us to get to
know your work better...IT is always great to read your work and know the effort that you
put in to every poem.

MY FAVORITE IS...."One year, a lifetime later, My dreams of you came true. You burst to
life impatiently. A mere eight weeks too soon." This beautiful gift, a healthy little boy, so
worth the wait, and so appreciated, was a gift that you will forever treasure. Be sure to

God bless you always with faith and understanding, and a deep appreciation of the
miracles HE sends to brighten our lives. LOVE, *Heart*

Remember...Poetry is not just the beauty of the written word, but the beauty found in
living life to the fullest."GYPSYROSE
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Review of Jahala Rose  
Rated: E | (5.0)
A lovely tribute to your little newborn granddaughter. A blessing given through
your daughter that is almost beyond your dreams. This litle innocent newborn has
already captured your heart so it seems by this lovely poem that you have written for
her, Jahala Rose.

MY FAVORITE IS..."sticky sweet swaddled.......Innocence coddled." Words that let the
reader feel the sweetness of this precious innocent spirit, just come into this world.

God bless you and your family with a closeness and happiness always.
LOVE, *Heart*
Remember..."if you find happiness, you must have been looking for it."GYPSYROSE
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