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362 Public Reviews Given
381 Total Reviews Given
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I am no expert on anything. So I can only tell you how something makes me feel. My native language is also not English and I am not an American. So I might not understand culture specific expressions. 5: If I absolutely love the item and would remember it and even recommend others to read it by posting it in my newsfeed. I will also give 50 GPS+ if I have any GPs left in my account. 4-5: If I like the item, but not enough to recommend it to others and post the link in my newsfeed. No GPs. 3 -4: If the item is okay. I kept on reading it because I thought I might change my opinion, but the item failed to meet my expectation. On the other hand I did not find any grammatical or spelling errors in it. 2-3: If the item is something which I didn't get at all and found at least one grammatical/ spelling error. 1 -2: I did not like it at all and could not even feel like reading it to the last.
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Sci- Fi, fan fiction and contemporary fantasy
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Review by Tammy
In affiliation with WdC SuperPower Reviewers Group  
Rated: E | (3.0)
Dear Alexander Stephens:
You have done a good job with the description though the twist and surprise element I look for in a short story was sort of missing. Another thing I have noticed is how you changed the tense from past to the present in the latter part of the story. I am a little confused as to why it was done.
Now reading the last line of the second last para, I assumed Apollo destroyed himself. There was no indication that it affected the garden as well. I wish you'd provide a link there.
In the third line (1st para) of the story, you may consider using the word 'falling' instead of coming.
Sixth and the 7th line can be joined with a comma.
Well, Keep Writing!

Review by Tammy
Rated: E | (2.0)
Dear Casey,
This reads like a diary. I however do hope that you will look for typos before posting a write up.
All the best. Keep writing.

That dreaded sound of the alam alarm clock. The one I know I set last night along with three others to make sure iI get up. I absolutely hate that sound. It means I have to get up and go out into the world. Socialize and try to live my life and be happy. Not that it happens much. I drag myself out of bed and just stand there for a minute. I really just want to crawl back under my blankets and just sleep the day away. I finally go take a shower. Turning the hot water on high to maybe wake myself up.it It never really works though.I know the reason I can't wake up is because I barely got any sleep. Too much homework and stress on my mind. I finish my shower and go to my room to finish getting ready. Picking out cloths clothes and putting on makeup drying my hair all of it just to look presentable for people who don’t even care unless I don’t do it. I'd rather give them less to tease about though. I guess I should tell you who I am though. I am no one special, mind you. Just another simple teenager trying to make it in this world, I am five foot tall with short red hair. I am origanllyoriginally a blonde but I started dying it in eight grade and haven’t gone back. I have a curvy body I guess that’s attractive to some people but I don’t really like my extra pounds. I am a creative happy-ish person. It just depends on what's around me. I have a thing where I feed off the emotions or things around me. If others are happy I kinda am if the mood is quiet and somber I wont say a word. I live with my father and my uncle but my uncle is just a 30 year old teenager. My mother is still around I guess but shes kinda cut off our relationship so we don’t talk. I guess that’s my fault though… I don’t have siblings that I can see but I have my two best friends who are just like sisters to me. I want to be a veterinarian when I go to collage but I don’t know if that will happen. My grades and life arent really together for that. I don’t really care how people feel about me but I am kinda forced to notice it. It's not hard to notice though. I love music. I grew up on country but got into the heavier stuff around eighth grade when the depression hit me full force. But that’s another story.
I eat breakfast even though I could go without. Hunger isn’t something that bothers me really. There are people hungrier than me. My father takes me to school and then goes to work. I walk up to the door just hoping I am not noticed or I don’t trip or fall. Just hoping I look normal when I walk. I get inside through the door and walk into the cafeteria and my skin starts to crawl I feel like everyone stares at me. I know they don’t but I feel like they do. I sit her the first two class periods just hoping that I can stay out of people's way and not be noticed. It's easy when I get the back table in the corner. That’s the place I like. I have a few people I know that come at the end of their second period. But they arent so much friends as just people I talk to. I don’t have many true friends that I actually trust. When we can finally go to class I put in my headphones. If only to block out the noise of others and make me feel like I am safe in my own world. Music is my one safety. This is what I do between all my classes. I just try not to have menta;mental break downs along the way. I feel like most of my teachers like me. Or at least I hope so, I am mostly quiet in their classes I don’t really cause trouble. After third period I normally meet up with one of my beast bestfriends. I only see her twice during most days. I try to get through the day withut without any spikes in my moods or any break downs. Sometimes it works sometimes it doesnt. At lunch as I an walking to my table I have to mentally prepare myself. The feeling that everyone is looking at me comes back. I cant shake that feeling all through lunch. Some days I can't go get food because my confidence just escapes me. Ill go hungry if it lets me just feel comfortable in my own skin. My leats least favorite classes are after lunch all except my geometry class where I actually have friends. My last class is the worst I just want to get out of school. But the bell cant ring fast enough, most kids just want to go party or hang out with friends. I just cant wait to get home away from people. I sit and wait for my father to pick me up. I am 16 without my license because I get so anxious behind the wheel. My father doesnt help much. I feel like he's always yelling at me even though he says he's not. When I get home I escape to my room. I can only escape an hour or two because I am the only one that cooks in my house. But that’s ok because I love to cook. After that’s done I feel like I have to spend time with my father he gets mad if I don’t. So we sit and watch a movie. I normally go to bed around one or two in the morning. I just cant seem to shut my mind off. I just think about everything I could change or all the mistakes I could have of prevented. I think back to my past and that destroys me. But that’s my day and I live it every day of the year.
Review of My City of Dreams  
Review by Tammy
Rated: E | (3.5)
Dear Naveedsk:
Reading your poem it felt almost like I was reading about my own city, only that it is not by the sea. I think it is thoughtful piece. But I can tell you one thing it is very hard to get readers of this sort of poetry here in WDC. My one-year experience says so.

About your poem, the second line of the fourth paragraph did not rhyme as well as the other stanzas. But then I do not have any other words to suggest.

Anyways, Keep Writing!
Review of NYC  
Review by Tammy
Rated: E | (4.0)
Dear Choconut,
Though there is no element of surprise in this short story, the way I usually prefer, your story has a sweet peacefulness woven in it. It has this dreamy feeling and for me it generates hope.
I have only one observation. 'stomach is flittering' --- May I suggest the following: 'I could feel something flittering inside my stomach.. '

Best Wishes.
Keep Writing!
Review by Tammy
Rated: E | (3.5)
Dear Breathless
I wonder if you have considered getting this published for children. I think this could be a good educational story for you kids to inform them about the life cycle of a butterfly. With lots of colourful pictures or even animation this can work very well.

All the best.

Review by Tammy
Rated: E | (3.5)
Dear PureSciFi:
Though the ending of your story was quite predictable, you kept the conversation interesting. And to think you would take a traditional festival and give it a out of space look is well 'out of the box' thinking in my opinion. You write well.

All the best.
Review by Tammy
Rated: 13+ | (5.0)
Dear Jess:

You are a Good StoryTeller, it appears. Yes, my GOD the way you described the young men, even I got deceived and thought oh they were there to smoke weed and that man must be a detective or something. The ending was so different that I almost got a shock and now can't stop smiling. I guess that is what good stories do.
I usually post link to works I give a rating 5 on my newsfeed so that others get a chance to read it too. I hope you won't mind.
Best Wishes.

Review of Guardian Angel  
Review by Tammy
Rated: E | (4.5)
Dear Jess:
This is sweet and intelligently written story. I liked how you used the sound effects and also held on to the interest of the reader.
I think I am going to check out your port to find similar witty stuff to read.

All the best and keep on writing!

Review of Let 'er Rip  
Review by Tammy
Rated: E | (4.5)
Dear Audra,
This is such a sweet story. Your reflections of the 1950s as well as the portion about the 'our song' part reminded me about someone very special that I now have in my life. Stories like this remind you that you don't need to have GREAT plots etc to touch people's heart. You just tell the story from heart and you did a good job.

Do Keep Writing.

Review of Complete  
Review by Tammy
Rated: E | (3.0)
Hmm this is how I feel too. Complete after finding someone who loves me for who I am and what I am and who reciprocated my life. It took me almost 38 years to find that person. So I know what you are talking about.

Keep writing!

PS: did you use 4 and 2 intentionally?
Review of IF ONLY...  
Review by Tammy
Rated: E | (4.0)
LOL --- that was a smile surely.
Review of Crazy Love  
Review by Tammy
Rated: E | (5.0)
LOl! This is good. I did think that it was probably an image the narrator is talking to, but to find out that it is actually a refrigerator, hee hee hee that was a good twist.
Enjoyed reading your piece Nance. Keep Writing! Best Wishes and Welcome to WDC.
Review of Love You More  
Review by Tammy
Rated: E | (2.0)
Dear Micah,
The poem's nice but there's a lot of spelling mistakes. I wonder if those were intentional?
Regards, Tammy
Review by Tammy
Rated: E | (4.5)
Dear Bear,
It is a sweet story and very appropriate for children, I think. But I wonder if you should change the third line, for it appears a little incomplete unless one moves to the fourth line. So I would suggest : 'Every morning she would advise him to stay away from the village.'
Later in the story you described a town though. I think I would have loved the story if I were a kid. *Smile*
Keep Writing!
Review of love  
Review by Tammy
Rated: E | (3.0)
Dear Cory,
The poem is no doubt emotional and it felt true to the feelings of the writer, not something forced out. I am curious though did you intentionally used small caps for 'i'? But it was not so in the first sentence. In the sixth line, 'If I knew than..' would it be then?
I like your second line though. BTW the first line.. just saying Love.. It is not the title, is it?
Keep Writing!

Review by Tammy
Rated: ASR | (5.0)
LOL, Dan.. this is the most amusing family life Drama I ever read. But Ahem I must say I am getting a little worried too. Is conjugal life that difficult? To be considerate for each other you end up getting on each others nerve. So how would you know where to draw the line. How do you know what you want to do for the other would be acceptable with a smile and not a feeling of defeat or feeling, 'I am not weak?' Hmmmm I am getting a cold feet.
But really liked your style. Crisp and witty.
Keep Writing!
Review by Tammy
Rated: 13+ | (4.0)
Dear Dawsongirl,
I liked reading your experience with the bird. In fact it was quite amusing. I also liked how you played with words naming the bird and the noises he made. Though I raised my eyebrows a bit when you compared it not only the Roman Catholic cardinals but how similar they are in their convictions, nevertheless it could not take away my smile.

Good Work.

Review of No More Winter  
Review by Tammy
Rated: E | (2.5)
The Story is nice. I had a little bit of difficulty grasping the same sex relationship you tried to project among wolves, but yesterday I got an lecture about that from my hubby about letting art traverse the unconventional. So I guess it is ok.
But what I really think you should work on, is the first sentence. I got lost and had to read it twice to reach its end.
Otherwise.. Good work! Keep writing!
Review of July 2006  
Review by Tammy
Rated: E | (4.0)
War. The thing that gave my country freedom seven years before I was born. Growing up and reading stories of war heroes I wanted to be present there and then but to be honest do I really want to experience a War ever? The killing of lives, the fanfare of destruction could it really attract me? Your story reminds me of the stories I heard my mother say about those time in my own country.
Lebanon, Middle East the Arab nations... etched in my mind with smoke and crying babies, I do not know if before I breathe my last I would see an end to all that.
Thank you for sharing this piece.
Review of THE DAY WE MET  
Review by Tammy
Rated: 13+ | (5.0)
Dear Robin,
I enjoyed reading this story. After a long time I read a story which I did not want to leave mid-way and come back later. I rather told my colleague to give a couple of minutes to finish it. That means your story really held my interest.(Yeah I am shirking shark who loves to read WDC stories at work). I think this is one more thing I liked about your stories, how you ignored convention and included parentheses to add humour. Most people here do not like this. The last reason I liked it I think because I could relate to it as I come from the same region as yours so there's a cultural connection. And guess what I could not guess who Anjali would turn out to be until she appeared in the story again. So I think you did a good job. Looking forward to reading more good stuff in your port.
P.S. I am kinda in a poor state so cant afford to give you a lot of GPs. but just to honour your writing... attaching a few.
Review of True Love  
Review by Tammy
Rated: E | (2.5)
This is definitely how you feel when you fall in love, but true love is still I would say far far different.
But anyways, your poem was nice to read.
Review by Tammy
Rated: 18+ | (3.5)
Dear Weirdone:
I really liked reading your story except at one point I felt a little restless. The place where the man is describing all the things he used to do as a boy to hurt himself. Otherwise the reading and pace was smooth.
I think I found two typos.
The man just smiled. "Oh yes, he was. Her socks were orange, but I don't think the police caught it."
It should be 'His socks were orange'....
I used to think about how great it would be if I could start up the buzz zaw and just let my hand go into the blade so that I could feel what it was like."
buzz saw.. I think it should be saw.. no?
Good work. Keep writing!
Review by Tammy
Rated: 13+ | (3.0)
Dear Whitemorn,
Hmmm this is not the usual creative writing I come across but many of the items in your piece did ring a bell, 'did I not do that once?'. I can add a few others like wishing your best friend on her birthday only to realise it was a month ago or getting on a taxi to go somewhere and when you reach destination you find that you changed your purse and forgot to put the money wallet inside.
Though I was amused and your list triggered quite a few ADHD fails in my mind too, I would suggest that you try and write short stories based on some of the fails. That would be interesting.
Best of Luck,

Review of The Twist  
Review by Tammy
Rated: 13+ | (3.5)
I read your story and till the end it did hold my interest. But to be honest I was hoping for a good laugh or at least a smile at the end, because you mentioned it was a comedy. However, I could gather up none. Perhaps it is a black comedy, the reader's not suppose to get.
Anyways, a publisher might like it because it holds the reader's interest to the end. But if you ask if I would recommend it to another reader, maybe not. So that might be a negative thing for the publisher.
Keep writing,

Review of Aliens  
Review by Tammy
Rated: E | (3.5)
This a sweet piece. I especially like the ending. Keep on writing.
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