Dear Writer,
This is just my humble opinion, so please take it as it is.
First Impression:
The ending was unexpected....the last two lines in particular contributed to the strength of the poem. The weakness ; the multiple repetitions of the word DAY(s)
1st stanza: 
I can understand the stressing of the word 'day' but when it becomes too excessive, it weakens the poem.. For the first stanza, there are three accounts of the word 'day'... it can be done, but maybe slightly differently:
Another day,
Like the others,
It was just another day.
Nothing done different,
Nothing changed,
Time gone, wasted,
On that very day.
'just', and
'very' will in a way make clear to the reader that the stressing of the word is intentional.. and stressing it in this way like i did, also gives a better flow.
2nd stanza:

Since you ended the first stanza with the word 'day'... the begining of the second stanza, doesnt have to include the word. You can say;
After this::After that:::Since then:::...

The second line in this stanza,,. i'm sorry to say is aweful!

"no more just another days"..?! its grammatically wrong and doesnt sound nice when you say it aloud. You can say:
'Just another day', no more... or something like that.

If you realize.. 5 lines of this stanza include "day".. read it out loud and see that it doesnt sound right.
3rd stanza:
"for now that i am alive, now that i have cancer" was great! I love how you turn such devastating news into a new rewarding start for life... almost as if it were a blessing. Maybe you can hint this in the stanzas before... like concealing it by stressing the concept of the contrast or difference or barrier of the day with the ones before and after.. this will let the reader know that something happened that day... yet will only know at the end. I guess it would be better than the continous mundane repetitions of 'this day'...... i know you did that in the second stanza but i mean give a more poetic picture,,. include some imagery, similies... stuff like that.
ANOTHER DAY....!!! .....give a more abstract title like : Rebirth....Break-Even....The Change.... i dont know.. i know they're not that good, but im just trying to give you an idea of what i mean....and most importantly... dont use the word
The first and second stanza were 7 lines each and the last 4.. so there is no set structure. The flow was completely ruined by the number of repetitions. It seems more like a note on your journal than a poem.
To not make it so... (like a journal note).. follow the suggestions i have given above...; lessen the word use, add some imagery, add some emotion... and i think you'll get a wonderful poem.
The ending, as i said before was great... smart...emotional...deep... So all in all, it was nice,, but it has potential to be more than nice. Hope my review was helpful enough. I hope all your days remain positive and full of life...Write On, and keep sharing!
Best Of Luck

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