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Rated: E | (3.5)
This is an absolutely beautiful piece in terms of content. It is poignant, touching, and thought-provoking. You have obvious talent! You're discovering how to tap into your own inner emotions AND demonstrating cognizance and consideration of those of others. BOTH of these talents are instrumental - and of immeasurable value - in culliing "ho-hum" writers from the phenomenal ones. In this piece, you've masterfully hurdled the the most challenging of all obstacles for a good writer - you've distilled your piece to its most intense potential in terms of emotion and humanity. Resultantly, you have here an absolute diamond in the rough and can now commense the polishing process. That process involves first the basics - insuring that all grammar, spelling, and punctuation best serves your purpose and optimally enhances your piece. Then polish further by reconsidering more subtle nuances (such as choosing maximally powerful words and more dramatic word arrangement, and utilizing creative punctuation) in terms of enhanciing the power, impact, delivery, etc. of your thoughts. The "polishing" is as much fun (and far less daunting) as the process of intially penning your thoughts. Think of words as affording you innumerable uniquely shaded hues with which to paint your thoughts, and add as many 'colors' to your pallette as possible. Once penned, sit back and read your words with the eye of a newcomer to the piece - take in and savor them thoughtfully with the 'tastebuds' of your mind. Ideas for "flavoring" your work in varying ways come more readily this way. Before you know it - you'll have a polished diamond, brilliant with many, many facets. I've noted a few suggestions for such polishing below - but keep in mind they are ONLY suggestions to offer you avenues of your own to explore. Your immense talent will be a natural asset in the process of polishing - DO WRITE ON !!!
She came into his life for a moment,
but she would have a eternal effect.
He was lifeless now,(;) all he did was weep.
For his wife was dead.(consider deleting "For" here - it will make your line more dramatic and add punch.

He rocked his head ageist (against) his knee,
slowly(,) like a whisper in his ear he herd(heard,),
"don’t cry for me, move on with your life."
His head raised and he stared at the gentle light,
("He raised his head and stared/or gazed) at the gentle light"
his mouth waved (wavered?);and then broke away from the cry(weeping or tears?) and into a smile.(Consider deleting the un-needed conjunction, "and")

Only last week they(they'd) said their most sacred vow(vows),
In a church full of both family and friends.(Deleting "both" here might tighten up your line and enhances flow...)
The priest standing out front, his clothes shinning.(shining) - (Consider another adjective here - perhaps 'resplendent" or some other adjective a bit more applicable to the noun, 'clothing'.)

Now today the family and friends stood by him. (Consider dropping the "Now", since it is redundant when used in conjunction with "today". Deleting "now" and leaving the "today" makes your line more taut, rendering it more powerful)
There(their) faces long gone with smiles, but replaced with tears. (This line is a bit awkward, but only needs a bit or re-arranging - something like 'From their faces, long gone the smiles; replaced by tears' maybe?)
The priest who glorified(Perhaps you meant, 'sanctified' here?) the wedding now was mourning(Using, "now mourned" resolves the problem of mixing tenses in this line)
She lay in a coffin, still wearing the ring he (he'd)placed on her hand.

Slowly the coffin was lowered into the ground and with it,his heart.
The rain started to fall as he muted (Do you mean, "muttered" here?) to him self(himself,)

Rated: 13+ | (4.5)
This is a sharp, concisely written, obviously well thought out piece, and offers readers a massive amount of extremely valuable insight regarding how Writing.com operates. Furthermore, via the use of assertiveness and sardonic wit, this essay affords readers the opportunity to weave together the many threads that form the tapestry of a community such as this, and shed light on that fabric is kept fresh and vibrant and taut. If more individuals in our modern day world would take the time to read, reasearch, ponder, and for just a moment consider how the "fit" would be were we to walk in the other fellow's moccasins, ours truly would be a kindler, gentler world, indeed. Such a simple premise - and yet so difficult, it would seem, for so many of us to grasp. Ages ago, they called it The Golden Rule...
At any rate, this piece is absolutely marvellous - an absolute MUST READ for ALL Community Members here at Writing.com. (I'm also going to make it my first posted Recommended Read in my new Forum entitled, Well, Excuuuuuuse ME! Well done!!!!!
Rated: 13+ | (5.0)
This is a well constructed, redily navigable, clearly set forth forum with a grand mission! Excellent work! Enclosed is my GP entry fee for 3 entries - (Posts 66, 67, and 68). What wonderful work you are doing here! Best wishes!
Review of The Wake  
Rated: E | (5.0)
Absolute perfection. I immensely enjoyed the perspective from which this piece is "narrated". The verses speak to us of so much - how we neglect to speak our hearts to others, the social constraints that perpetuate such non-communication even when death will soon part us, and how utterly unimportant in the overall scheme of things those social pressures we so religiously adhere to in life truly are. You show us in this piece the scenerio human beings repeat over and over again in life: neglect, capitulation, and in the end, regret for both - then gently reveal how readily and meaningfully the play's Final Act could be altered. A marvellous effort!
Kelly Long-Kirkpatrick
Rated: ASR | (5.0)
Yet again - perfection. I've never before encountered an author who writes more powerfully, more expansively, more beautifully, and more succintly of true and everlasting love. The only work that even approaches yours is Death Be Not Proud, the author's name for which unfortunately escapes me at this writing. Linda was not the only one with a big smile as I read this story! The story sets my heart afire - as it will the soul of every woman who longs to be so wholly and captivatingly loved! Your stories are destined only to be read - they enter by osmosis nter your readers' very hearts. Never stop sharing your immense talent - and even more monumental capacity for loving - with the entire world.
Kelly Long-Kirkpatrick
Rated: E | (5.0)
An absolutely marvellous piece - a must read for every lover, and a shining example of what true and lasting REALLY is. So, too, should must it everlastingly remain if this world is to survive. And as long as souls such as this author's number among us ~ we have the hope that it will.
Rated: E | (5.0)
Oh, Jim - oh, Jim...
You sent me a Review for my poem, "Our Love Born of God's" that was incredibly moving, and I sent you a reply of thanks, telling you that though I had to get to bed for tonight, I'd be visiting your port in the morning. I did try to go to sleep - but couldn't. For some reason, I became aware that sleep would not come until I at least took a "quick look" at your portfolio. What I've found here is absolutely incredible. What I've found here is a treasure - and a true artist.
I was born on March 19, 1951 - in Portsmouth, Ohio. Needless to say, I felt an instantaneous connection with Linda and through her, with you. Jim - never stop writing. If you do the world will suffer an immeasurable loss. And never stop loving - instead, rejoice that no vaccine exists for 'incurable romanticism' - and continue being an ambassador for romance and lasting love. I'm so deeply honored to now have your site included in my Favorites, and will most definately return soon - and often. You and your Linda, and your tributes to her, are a source of great joy now safely nestled within the depths of my heart.
Rated: E | (5.0)
I think this forum iss a grand idea! If at any time you could utilize my donation of a custom made, unique sig (or several sigs - i.e., a package deal) tailored to the bidder's wishes/needs, please let me know. You can take a look at some of the sigs I've created thus far to see what you think. I'd love to help your cause!
Photos, C-notes, Sigs, web art, graphics, etc....
#811455 by Of Fire Born mourns Mama

Rated: E | (5.0)
I think this forum iss a grand idea! If at any time you could utilize my donation of a custom made, unique sig (or several sigs - i.e., a package deal) tailored to the bidder's wishes/needs, please let me know. You can take a look at some of the sigs I've created thus far to see what you think. I'd love to help your cause!
Photos, C-notes, Sigs, web art, graphics, etc....
#811455 by Of Fire Born mourns Mama

Rated: E | (5.0)
As always when it comes to yours and StoryMaster's endeavors - perfection, my dear! An absolutely wonderful post - and intensely meaningful to this lady vet. Please accept the enclosed GP's to use in any way you deem most emergent to support our troops. I'm also enclosing a Sig Image and an Item, both to be used, if you desire, anywhere you feel they might serve to perform a service in furtherance of you efforts. I'd be honored to join any and all related groups or forums you are sponsoring, and to provide future GP and other forms of support for all time to come...
Most sincerely yours,
Kelly Long-Kirkpatrick
** Images For Use By Upgraded+ Only **
"Invalid Item
Rated: 13+ | (5.0)
Thank you so much for allowing me to join this grand forum! I've been burning up PSP tonight and left the Group some donated sigs on the posting board. Use them only if - and in any way - you wish. Thanks so much for a wonderful forum! Enclosing som GP's for the Group's "slush fund".
Sincerely -
Kelly Long-Kirkpatrick
Rated: ASR | (5.0)
Wonderful forum for a grand cause! God bless our country and guide us all! I'm enclosing a sig I created as a donation to your site on behalf of women vets. Keep up the wonderful work!
** Images For Use By Upgraded+ Only **
Review of Noticing Newbies  
Rated: 13+ | (5.0)
A wonderful resource forum for newbies. Thank you so much!
Rated: 13+ | (5.0)
An intensely moving piece ~ places a call to the soul that must be answered and addressed as a prelude to personal growth. Deftly set forth ~ breathtaking!
Sincerely ~
Kelly Long-Kirkpatrick
Rated: E | (4.0)
A truly beautiful piece... thank you so much for sharing this. I'm sending you the following links to let you know that you are not alone ~ and that we truly care:
 Invalid Item 
This item number is not valid.
#811306 by Not Available.
and "The Angels' Wings. Our hearts hold you close....
Kelly Long-Kirkpatrick
Rated: ASR | (5.0)
An absolutely compelling question you have posed here...well done! Bringing this issue into the light of day is the means by which bigotry and hate will meet their end at long last! Do write on!
Rated: E | (5.0)
A marvellous idea, this forum ...a grand opportunity to express our thanks and support! Cudos!
Kelly Long-Kirkpatrick
Rated: ASR | (5.0)
I wish to thank you most sincerely for this post - it is literally teeming with marvellous approaches I'd NEVER have thought of, left to my own devices. Thank you so very much!
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