?o it nice to have the prose opened and explained, its a nice
piece of medicine,good to be reminded of his benfits,
I cant really think or force myself into a critique,things God Gave us to say, graded?,,cmom?
academic scrutny,no way
pharisees Queried,"How did he {jesus learn so much wihtout school,?" school? He was God silly,
we are his vessles so too it is like him some, it is, a drink of water, Thank you, I was thirsty
when i go into the religous Genre
lately when ima in church people think its school days,with bible apaologetics,
no its lif,e then eternity, be ready,be oceanic, be born again, im tired of head Games.. "i kinda want to go, "what?" that not whatt that means,, or he didnt mean that,but its flesh
The relaigouos Genre.. seems to be more of a freedom of expression, poetry share, its poetery live a little with Jesus.its okay
I have pause to wonder about some of it, huh? goodness no, yikes,
also u ,cant look for cleverness or style,just power, or freedom from worries by there stuff,
theological mistakes,..Away away.just.Catch the spirit catch it,Stop thinkin, many are just peacefull happy, daily thanks.Jesus is good.... to them, so i just sing happy littel birds, happy yes, gratefull good, ...But unfortunatley some is just wrong,
thank fully not too much,
if im not sure about that, i just pray for them, actually , im not sure i do really pray...honesty
thats a good thing, just sayin... words are not lostned to mauch lately, , The nation,our home chruch, is full of dissension,.. people listentowhat you say, so hust sow love for all, such scrutinizing,,sowearhing really
one nice poem was in there about praying hard instead of doing nothing jusr praying?,lil skeptical, then in the end i really liked it, the nation needs prayer warriors,,,it difficult to speak out, countries like a big jingha ready to fall,.Sow love, pray to jesus.,..
uh i gotlost..oh well
David fascainting, arc comes back,,David,wow, hes ecstac, dancing ,. But Michals the queens "eyes'..her souls decievd, seeing a sinner being a fool, no you are the fool madaam,
passage is so telling,of the eyes of eh soul,
of sins ugly nature when faced with true worship So true is this like all of us, we are sinners with sin vison,Jus woship freely sing dance dont be afaid of your exstacy, i wish allwould dance loe david
procliviities and obcessions and endless misteps make uswary...but if we love jesus deeply enough we are holy and have freeom and can dance an sing,
we get excited but they think crazy people,, no happy people, many in that genre really are o commend them as the on.y real Genre, you listneing , reading,,join us? we are not mad, we found the desire of the ages..our lord jesus....
Its odd. its all poetry, but, thats teh skinny of the personal walk with jesus,I bring a boatload of fishes
in closing, we are not kings or queens,like David and michael, but someitmes we are under the illusion of being nobodies, but,dont lay down in this, get up, put onyou rdancing shoes, we can "see"things, others cannot,
unlike David we hace th holeu spirit adn are blessed inour agoe to be born again, many things david traveersed snfully for and got , we will not do.... yet,still. he sang and danced befor God. as he was a man after Gods heart, and his child,
thank you for the poem, send more,,the releigous genre and critquing community must grow,
my goal is to rennovate this place, in the future maybe not a temeporal profesional writing veunue... through no fault of anyone it is is whatt it is,,,,, eterrnal life upgrade i say,, WeHeappered in a dream, sad laonel degectedmthoahg incredibley skilled, cant see. and express the anyting trul new...trully time to time, Famous wiiters get depressed, the world is not enough, dont say, no no! ,,cmon,u have dreams too,",, show jesus to others... forgive me, or not time to time I gotta crow for jesus heis freedom, thank you for your poem..patrick
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