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Review of A Mark  
Review by dreamlike
Rated: E | (4.5)
What an interesting time! As I am sixty and thinking of my legacy; I really felt the impact of this poem. It certainly tells a truth when it talks about people leaving their mark. Posterity is measured on a subjective level by many of us and as far as I am concerned; I want my mark to be one of impact. I want to touch the inner soul of others with a kind word or deed . I do not know if my mark will be light or heavy but I want it to be memorable.
Review by dreamlike
Rated: E | (4.0)
This is an interesting love poem! The author is clear about the yearning and desire that is felt for the beloved. It appears as an entreaty is spoken and is i n wait of an answer. The reader is left with the impression that the one who loves is waiting for the one who is loved to respond with passion and desire. There is also a clear willingness to do what it takes to win the beloved. A true love poem indeed!
Review of My Freind  
Review by dreamlike
Rated: E | (4.0)
This is a poem that speaks about the importance of friendship. The author expresses ideas about the role and the impact of friendship and appears to attribute a power and force to it. The mention of safety in an unsafe and world with sin and hate certainly gives friendship as a treasure that can soften the world's ills and hide a tender heart from the cruel reality that the world often reveals.
Review of The Last Goodbye  
Review by dreamlike
Rated: E | (4.0)
This is a moving and love lost poem! The writer captures the essence of the intense love that was felt. The tragedy that followed after the argument illustrates just how quickly life can change and how we can get swept up and swept away.
There is a bittersweet touch as the missing and longing of the first kiss is mentioned. One might wonder if there is an implication that if that kiss could be recaptured; could perhaps time reverse itself and erase the argument and the tragic drowning.
Review of Test of Fate  
Review by dreamlike
Rated: E | (4.0)
This is an interesting and intense poem! A picture is drawn for the reader which appears to contain deceit and confusion. There also is the idea of eyes that have been crying a long time or drinking to forget. This is what comes to my mind at the mention of bloodshot eyes. There also appears to be an inner conflict between the past life and the impact that it has and the stranger that now lives withing and is unknown. The conflict exists between the inner intensity and the chill of the stranger that now lives withing is what creates the perplexing hell.
Review of Seduced By Evil  
Review by dreamlike
Rated: 18+ | (4.0)
What an interesting story! The writer uses descriptive and mystifying language throughout the story! It appears to me that there is deceit and illustion throughout although I am not always clear about its depth. There is a sense of the victim becoming the victor; of the disguised becoming visible and of a shallow beauty becoming unmasked. There are twists and a dark delight as the beauty-turned to ugliness reveals its true self. The web of deception is broken but the damage has already been done.
Review of Simple as That  
Review by dreamlike
Rated: E | (4.0)
This is a powerful story that fortunately had a happy ending. The writer captures the lonliness and self-absorption that the teenager had which was as deep as the people who were too busy to notice her! The writer's description of the girls inner conflict and struggle clearly represents the struggle that many lonely, forgotten people face. Sometimes the business of being busy forces us to forget our humanity. How precious was a smile and how wonderful a present for the teen!
Review of Rememberd  
Review by dreamlike
Rated: E | (4.5)
This is a beautiful, sentimental story! I love the way the writer personifies the animals! The devotion and loyalty of the three to each other and later the two devoted to each other and enriching people's lives was heartwarming and wonderful! The lesson of remembrance is a true and lasting one for certainly all of us want to be remembered and what a gift when we are remembered with love.
Review of I think of you  
Review by dreamlike
Rated: E | (4.5)
This is a moving and loving poem! The writer gives a description of various life events and refers back to remembrance. There is a gentleness and tenderness that comes through. The writer speaks of the many seasons of life and the vision of the face that always appears. It is a soft and powerful tribute to a loved one.
Review by dreamlike
Rated: 13+ | (4.0)
This is an interesting poem with a worthwhile lesson. The writer is honest and allows the reader to get a clear view at the error; the regret and the change. The writer also allows for identification with mistakes. The mistake and the indifference that was present initially is later acknowledged as being misplace in erroneous. The lesson of being open even if it is painful comes through.
Review of A Long Night  
Review by dreamlike
Rated: 18+ | N/A (Review only item.)
This is an intriguing story! The writer certainly builds tension and interest with the description of the characters and the events. I would have liked to have seen the plot developed more as it ended just as I was getting deeply involved and waiting to see what else was going to be revealed. It is an excellent story line and with a few more detials; it would be a complete story for me anyway.
Review of The Blue Grain  
Review by dreamlike
Rated: 13+ | (5.0)
This is a powerful, sad, tragic and hopeful story! The writer's description of the characters is excellent and creates a vivid picture in the reader's mind. The cruelty of the guard and his viciousness and disregard for human life was intense and horrible. The old man did indeed use his experience to prevent the teenager from having to live with regret. The power of the characters; the victimization of Kevin; the helplessness of his friend and the compassion of the old man enrich this story and make it a memorable and moving one indeed!
Review of Waiting for What  
Review by dreamlike
Rated: 18+ | (4.0)
This is an interesting story! The writer paints a picture of two young men who seem to be carefree and nonchalant about their lives. Their conversation is superficial and full of complaints. When one of the guys does appear to be making some sense; the other guy hears him but merely disregards the content of the conversation and reverts to asking his friend if he wants another beer. One might say that this story is an excellent example of a situation where people are disatisfied but unwilling or unable to make their situation better.
Review of Scarred  
Review by dreamlike
Rated: 13+ | (4.0)
This is an interesting story of revenge gone awry! The writer uses descriptive language to let the reader know of the plight of the doctor. It is sad that the doctor manages to hold onto her need for revenge so long. It is even sadder that she finds a need to develop a plan to destory the one that she felt was responsible for her distorted face. In the end; the doctor not only failed to get revenge but also failed to remember the details of what happened. So although it is said that revenge is sweet; for the doctor it was bitter instead.
Review by dreamlike
Rated: E | (4.0)
This is a cute and moving story! The writer gives a great description of a young, worried, anxious, abandonend and devoted mother. There is also the mention of the father's fear and undertainity. The ending was wonderful and fairy tale like! How wonderful it would be if all stories like this turned out like this one did in the end!
Review of A Survivor Speaks  
Review by dreamlike
Rated: E | (4.0)
This is an interesting story! The writer gives an excellent account of what started out as an ordinary day and ended up with people dying as a result of a bomb explosion. The writer manages to describe the daily everyday run-of-the-mill day that was abruptly disrupted. There is also the element of shock and perhaps this shock is what made the thoughts so pronounced. The writer certain makes an impression and imprint on my mind and reminded me all over again of the devastation of that day!
Review by dreamlike
Rated: E | (4.0)
This piece certainly makes an impacting comment! The writer paints a picture of the earth and all of its untainted beauty and wondrous creatures and lively people. It then shows how man manages through his deviousness; thoughtfulness; avariceness and forgetfulness; manages to destroy both the wonderful creatures of nature and the humans who inhabit the earth! How sad but this certainly appears to be happening in today's world!
Review by dreamlike
Rated: 13+ | (3.5)
The loss of innocence is special and the writer manages to convey this. However, I thought the piece needed more content to really maximize the concept of the loss of innocence and to make a deeper impact on the reader.
Review by dreamlike
Rated: E | (4.0)
This is an interesting and puzzling story! The author appears to be using personification regarding the teacup by allowing it to get legs and walk. The sense the I make is that there is a wall of reality that is impenetrable except to the mind. There also seemed to be a sense of false existence because of the fluid boundary between the tea-pot na my kett;e/
Review of Breaking Point  
Review by dreamlike
Rated: 18+ | (4.0)
This is a great story! the writer paints a clear picture of someone who is disatisfied with their job. The adjectives that are used to describe th duties make this very plain. This reminds me of being trapped into a job; for economics; only to find that the very nature of the job goes against the grain. I am glad that Jen decided to bite the bullet and free her spirit from the grind.
Review by dreamlike
Rated: 13+ | (4.5)
This is a tragic story! The writer uses powerful language that paints a tale of horror. The reader is lured into this story of madness and mad scientists. How sad a picture and how deadly is man's interference! The ending only reinforces how man's interference with nature creates a monster that lives on!
Review by dreamlike
Rated: ASR | (4.5)
This is a wonderful poem! The writer invites the reader to view other aspects of the moon. There is a quiet peace that comes from the other side of the moon; the quiet side and the softer side. When the night comes; the moon softens and softly slips into dreams where its presence is transformed once more and embraced by sleep's kisses.
Review of Left out.  
Review by dreamlike
Rated: 13+ | (4.0)
This is an interesting story! The writer gives a good description of the confusion and changes that teens experience; particularly in their romantic lives. The mounting tension that Allie has within herself is interesting and the ending of the story promises more excitment to come.
Review by dreamlike
Rated: 13+ | (4.5)
This is a sad and sentimental story! It invites the reader in with the emotion of heartache and hearbreak expressed by the young woman who has been jilted. It also shows the cruelty of her brother who also seems to be indifferent to what is happending at the moment. Still the sentiment of affection and care which is demonstrated by the gnetleman towards Miss Lily is sweet and gallant. It seems as if the entire story is enchanted and in a fog that envelops the entire experience!
Review of Sky pale grey  
Review by dreamlike
Rated: E | (4.5)
This is quite a stirring and riveting story! The theme varies but for the most part appears to be one of conflict. The language is vivid and quite descriptive. The colors used gray; wet; rain dreay; all speak of a quiet desparation. The reader is pulled into a search for light in the midst of darkness. There is a struggle to rise above the noise of chaos and this is reflected with the mention of the clutching hands and the statement of the body being a totally functioning machine. Through it all is the dismay and disillusionment; the loss of hope and in the end; the decision appears to be; to hold on; even with weak knees and clammy skin. Indeed to hold on because the ultimate choice is a total death of life.
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