Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/profile/reviews/pinkym
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63 Total Reviews Given
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Review by heart
Rated: 13+ | (5.0)
Dear twin01,

Sometimes it can be a book or any reading materials that we lay our eyes on, a scripture maybe, or rather a mere ad. Whatever it is that touches our heart and soul, there's always a lesson learned and an inspiration. We all go through the struggles of life, to try to perfect our imperfections, a journey that we all must tread!

*Not only are you a good reader, but a writer as well... more power to you!

Review of WHOOSH!  
Review by heart
Rated: E | (5.0)
Whoosh Hindley!

That was a great piece of work, a ticking bomb of a writer you are!

Review of The Rain  
Review by heart
Rated: E | (4.0)
Dear djharrington,

It is so nice to know, that you get to out pour your feelings deep down inside you, through writing. But you mustn't feel sorry for yourself, as you must not allow someone or something to bring you down. Just look at the brighter side of life, and be a positive thinker.

*You put a smile on my face, just imagining how you were really feeling. You are a natural! Keep on writing, no matter how life is... take the better part of it!


Review of The Dig  
Review by heart
Rated: 13+ | (5.0)
Dear Bread of the Dead,

You and your brother, had an adventure of a life time... of how children, out of curiosity and interest, unraveled a sacred place for the burial ground of the dead. Sometimes, memories of guilt gets to haunt you... thus, a very traumatic experience!

*A very well written piece of work, keep it up! You are not only an aspiring archaeologist in the near future, but a gifted writer!

Review of Never Stop  
Review by heart
Rated: E | (3.5)
Dear S. M. Spencer,

I do hope I got the right expression of your written piece, as water is to life. And whatever life can bring, we shall never cease to give up!

*Just get to avoid redundancy of words, but you are on the right track. Practice made perfect, just keep up the good work.

Review of Little Moments  
Review by heart
Rated: E | (4.5)
Dear dove.soars,

So lovely a poem, written by heart! It enlightens my inner soul. Keep on writing Poetry, you are a gifted one!

Review of L.I.F.E  
Review by heart
Rated: E | (3.5)
Dear CassidyDawn,

Life isn't a bed of roses, but we all tread the path of the ups and downs of living. If we do make a mistake, we learn from it. If we fall, we shall rise again, as we try to perfect our imperfections. True enough, sometimes things do happen that is beyond us, as nothing occurs accidentally. We all need a lending hand or maybe a shoulder, as no man is an island, and no one stands alone. At best, free yourself from someone or something that will bring you down!

*Your piece was short, but it clearly express what you wanted to convey to the readers. Keep on writing!

Review by heart
Rated: E | (4.0)
Dear Nancy Carol,

We all go through the journey of life, with its twists and turns. Sometimes the music just merely stop playing, and what's left are the memories that were once shared. The hardest moment is saying goodbye to someone we cherished and loved the most. Then the serenity and peace empowers you to let go. And at the end, what remains are those memories of someone, who was once hopeful until the end.

* I think you wrote expressively what you have gone through, with a father who had cancer. And I admire you for being strong for him, through his journey, until his last breath. I do hope you get to write more, that dwells on emotions and how to go about it. Keep up the good work!


Review of First Love  
Review by heart
Rated: E | (4.5)

Dear Meepsy,

An innocent love and a moment to remember, as everything stood still and there was magic in the air. Such cherished moments, never to be forgotten by two hearts as one.
You simply made it indescribable, not much an effort needed on your part, as words flow from deep within... So short but well written, keep up the good work !

Review of fading colors  
Review by heart
Rated: 13+ | (3.5)

Dear Deeppoetry,

Everyone is entitled to its own opinion, one may not agree and others may not, others would neither agree or disagree, all depending on the personality of an individual.
For you, life works are liken to colors, objects, feelings, emotions, and nothingness.
It is what is true by heart and facts, that you hold it most dear.
All things come and go, all exist and ceases to be, all shall have a beginning and an end.
All that is true shall remain to exist, as what one's heart shall deem it to be.
Nice representations of life itself and its works, simply written but descriptive, and opinionated. Keep up the good work !

Review by heart
Rated: E | (4.0)
Dear Highhopes,

Are you asking God to give you the strength, and boldness of the sea? As it rolls, toss, and the world have no control of it.
Is the sea, a likeness to your life, that you want to forget the past, to remember not, and be set free from it?
Like the tides of life, unfolds your secrets, sins to be forgotten, and soul to be wash and cleanse, also a past beyond your reach.
And that God shall give you the strength of the sea, as you journey through life's struggles, and then rise above every situations that shall come your way.
I hope i gave justice to your written piece, it was short but well written. Keep up the good work!

Review of Forest Lost  
Review by heart
Rated: E | (4.0)
Dear Alex Snyder,

What was once green, and beautiful... now forever gone, to pave the way towards modernization.
Sometimes humanity destroys the very essence of mother earth, then it gives back the wrath of nature to mankind. Only then, can we realize what we have done, and hope it's never too late for us, to recover what we might have lost forever.
kudos on you, for your concern to our trees and forest, much so what goes with it, too!
Simple written piece with a message to convey to the whole of mankind.

Review by heart
Rated: E | (4.5)
Dear durand Seay,

I do agree that simplicity of lines, will remain classic in designs, and can still be applied to modern environment. As you have said, a part of human nature to desire an intimacy,satisfaction, and comfort by seeing and feeling a particular place that exudes timeless memories of the past.
Like the camera, the eyes capture that moment of an elegant simplicity, and gets to store it in tne mind. It remains there forever, as a satisfying contemporary and forever classic work of art, that is appreciated by the beholder.
You have written your piece, so articulate and detailed, as if you have brought me into a timeless dimension, that holds no bound.
You are a gifted writer, keep up the good work, and carry on with your writing.


Review of Lost  
Review by heart
Rated: E | (3.5)
Dear Lupus,

With concern about hurting and in pain, I feel we all have the fair share of it all. Just that we differ, in what we go through in life.
It's the matter of how we accept things that comes our way, and the will to rise above the situations, inspite all the oddities of life. By merely accepting and forgiving, only then, can we move forward to a new beginning.
In everything that happens to us, comes a reason to be such. For every weakness, unfolds the truth of our being, a lesson learned to keep us more stronger than ever.
A decision made, ours to own and no one else... a perfection to our imperfections.
Keep on writing, yours was shortly written, but made it direct and clear to what you really wanted to express to the readers.


Review of Seasons  
Review by heart
Rated: E | (3.5)
Dear Kaylen Raye,

Seasons changes, as we do change too, in a continous process of nature and life itself.
Sometimes people come and go, but the seasons will always be here forever, until the end of time.
It might change in some way, but it still exist as a generation comes one after the other.
A very short written piece, but simply written and adequate. Keep up the good work and more power to you !

Review of Pink Balloon  
Review by heart
Rated: E | (4.0)
Dear Glass Fingers,

When you said, the wind is stronger than your grip, does the strong wind signifies the tides of life, and grip is signified by the pink balloon?
If it is so, I assume it was a brokenness of the heart, and the grip that was holding onto the pink balloon of hope, or memories of a loved one.
Either way, it is something that ails the heart of someone who lost her precious love, and what remains are the memories of the moments that took her breath away. As she went through a lot of hurts and pains, and has finally risen above the situation.
The brokenness was worth it all, in spite of what she had gone through, a scarred heart, as the sun shines through her eyes again, a new beginning and moving on.
I hope I gave justice to your written piece, keep up the good work.

Review by heart
Rated: 13+ | (4.0)
Dear Daily Quota,

Being brokenhearted, is not that easy to mend, especially when you wallow on the hurts and pains that long, and it takes the whole of you. As they say... time heals, but not for some.
If physical wound gets to heal, it still reminds you of the pains you've gone through, every time you see it, and what more of the heart.
It is in accepting the pains and hurts that we are healed, and the forgiveness to move forward.
Your short written piece, said it all... keep up the good work and more power to you !

Review of What World?  
Review by heart
Rated: ASR | (4.5)
Dear Writing At Midnight,

Life is not a bed of roses, but I don't think that our world is as cold as ice and as hard as steel, where none cease to love and care.
I truly believe that all people are worth stopping for, because we all have goodness in us, maybe some have hardened hearts because of extreme anger and hatred. Still, lots of good people out there who cares and love, just left unnoticed.
I also believe that love is not dead, rather it makes our world go around, without it life is black as death.
True enough our world is old, and so with our faith. But through a lot of generations that come and go, they are still in existence. It is in our faith and hope that we hold onto something to look forward, as a better world to live in and good life.
Along the journey in life is a struggle that we all go through, that means we get hurt and do cry. But we also have the moments that took our breath away.
As a one line of a song goes... Joy is the castle of one's heart. Therefore, I don't believe that it is lost in shame, rather makes the world divine. We do make our own world, either we choose to be happy or sad, ours to decide and own.
I find you a good writer, because you have expressed what was truly on your mind. On the other hand, I wish you would find time writing more positive written works, but you are good.

Review of Black Rose  
Review by heart
Rated: E | (4.0)
Dear William,

Writers have moods, I guess this one is as you have said... depressing. All people, in all walks of life, had a fair share of experiencing depression/repression, and it is indeed an emotional outpour or release in some way.
It was simply written and direct, nonetheless it is a great work of a written piece. Keep up the good work, and more power to you!

Review of Mother's Day  
Review by heart
Rated: E | (4.5)
Dear Alicia Roberts,

A mother is a gift of unconditional love, and the unique essence of a woman to give birth. As Sophia breillat, from the Susun Weed, had written... she is the female essence of a burning fire of love, and wisely uncompromising.
As a mother myself, those endearing words... " I love you, mom ", are indeed soothing to a mother's heart.
You truly made lots of mothers out there so very happy. Just keep up the good work, and more power to you!

Review of Father.  
Review by heart
Rated: E | (4.0)
Dear Shawn Darsem,

So true, birds like eagles were born to fly, and like you... one day, you will leave your nest and make a life of your own. And someday soon, you will reach for your stars.
As words of wisdoms will soon echo, then comes the realization that life is not just a bed of roses, and comes the want to grow and learn so as to expand one's life.
A nice gesture on yours, to say " I will love you, always "... mere words for a father's heart to rejoice, worth all the happiness in this world. As for love makes it sensible, to make life so meaningful.
Nice written piece and thoughts, your father must have been so much proud of you. Keep up the good work!


Review by heart
Rated: E | (4.0)
Dear Ms. Catherine Anne Northam,

I think the most wonderful thing to heal oneself, is to rise above the situation, acceptance of what had transpired, and forgiveness to be able to move forward, towards a positive outlook in life.
As you have said... a cloak of peace, warm knowledge of never to be dominated, as you have freed yourself of things and people that depress or repress you. Only then, shall you be free... as you are made whole in spirit, in heart, and one's soul.
A written piece of one's heart, keep on writing and more power to you!

Review by heart
Rated: E | (4.5)
Dear Ronnie Smiles,

There are some moments that words could not clearly explain one's feelings, it is merely felt by the heart. All we need to do, is just simply close our eyes and see from the heart, as the heart can see beauty and love more than the eyes could see.
Whether it be yesterday, today, and tomorrow... just a matter of time that we truly appreciate what life can offer. And it's never to late for anything, even for love. As life is not measured by the number of breath we take, but by the moments that took our breath away.
Your poem was wonderfully written, as it caresses the depth of one's heart... one true love that would last a life time.
Nice work done, you are a writer who writes from the heart, keep up the good work.

Review of Beginning  
Review by heart
Rated: E | (4.0)
Dear SirRoark,

For me, death is the final end of our journey in life. Whether we like it or not, we all shall take tread the path that ends our life, and to a death to a life to new beginning of spirituality. Therefore, it is a beginning and an end, or vice versa.
So short a written piece, but conveys a very meaningful message... the reality of death and a life after it. I do hope, I made justice to what you have written.
Keep on writing and keep up the good work...

Review of Food for Thought  
Review by heart
Rated: E | (4.5)
Dear Nealdavid,

Such wondrous words that the heart can speak, the eyes that captures its beauty, and the soul that appreciate the gift that God created for mankind.
I find it so beautifully said and done, nature and its beauty in the fullest of its essence... mother earth and nature in all its glory.
Keep up the good work and hope you write more of it...

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