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Rated: E | (5.0)
In a way, trying to put salt on a bird's tail so as to be able to catch it, is a self-defeating exercise. But many in a way seem to try something like that in a way, going out of their way, trying to get it somehow in a way, chasing after things in a way that seem nowhere still their way!

As for putting salt on a wound, perhaps it helps heal, but in a rather painful way ... rather like in catharsis ... seeking healing in reliving pain-filled experiences, but no longer hurting that way!

Good Luck In Your Writing, being both Right as well as Doing a 'Good 'Write' !!!
Review of Tell me my Love  Open in new Window.
Rated: E | (5.0)
Instead of a 'proper review', I'll be your love, answering your poem, also in verse:

Yes, I will be your love,
trying to be both true and pure,
waiting till the snows come down
from the mountains,
Till the seas are washed out
by the sands clinging to their shores,
Till the very ends of time
OR till we meet at God's feet!

Priyanthi Wickramasuriya
Review of The Song of Hope  Open in new Window.
Rated: E | (5.0)
I am very much familiar with Emily Dickinson's version. This too (like Emily Dickinson's) goes straight to the heart; and too like Emily Dickinson, has a facility with rhyming in her verse, with a rhyming sequence of A-B-C-A in each verse of this lovely poem! And let me ad that the lovely bird in the photo too did its part to make me read it wholly and not in part!

Carry on! All right!

Rated: 13+ | (5.0)
Different perspectives, they say, lead to different understandings and different situations. This amusing story tells from the view-point of a dog of his master's getting ready to celebrate Halloween - after nightfall, when as we see, the dog sees it otherwise. The dog concerned being a Labrador, and as we all know, Labradors are good pointer dogs, smells the fact that the pumpkin had 'gone', being overripe, thus making it easier for his master (a teenager perhaps) to clean out the pumpkin's inside and make 'a pumpkin man', to go trick-or-treating or inviting trick-or-treaters ... A very good story! I recommend it to everyone!
In affiliation with The WDC Angel Army  Open in new Window.
Rated: E | (4.0)
I could really smell the flowers and the grass, and taste the cookies eaten by the children and the tea brewing amid the housewives gossiping over tea. Most of all though I loved the idea of silent praying in one's room after the clanking of knives and forks in the dining table. As for smelling snow, it depends. When I was in England for my M.Sc., I felt unbearably cold for days, then it snowed for a day, and it got better, though not before I bought 'Moon Boots' with ridges and all on the advice of a friend.

Review of Trick or Tweet  Open in new Window.
Rated: 13+ | (4.0)
Like the writer says, there's a message in it somewhere. Being drowned in Hi Tech Information Technology is bad enough, but to have Doomsday Prophesiers using the Internet (and their would-be successors like GNet (When? in 2020 perhaps, after Obama's foray into the Limelight in past 17 [years? When did I get to read/hear of Obama?)] But this perhaps is the New Genere of Sci Fi!

To be honest, I had not read the full story. Doing it in parts (and skipping parts), because I had to be in time for the Tea Break, using the Sahanaya Computer ... But this Science Fiction writer is someone to reckon with! And I'll try and finsh the book later, filling in the skipped details.

But one more question. The narator's wife seem to love Hi Tech more than her husband. Am I write? I am positing it to the author, if he/she happen to read this review!
In affiliation with The WDC Angel Army  Open in new Window.
Rated: E | (5.0)
This is not really a review but an appreciation ... An appreciation for all that I have learnt from the lengthy-meaty article ... including the difference between the World Wide Web (WWW or W3C?) and the Internet, with the latter covering and encompassing the former.

"Is It Over for the Web?" asks the author. In a way for me, though a computer programmer who likes to consider herself a Software Engineer since her stay at former Leicester Polytechnic - UK (now De Monfort University) had been putting stuff on the World Wide Web at Writing.com and WriteClique.net for about 5 years, and using email to communicate with friends for over 10 years so far ... Though I am not a socialist and a PASSIVE Capitalist with money in bank fixed deposits and so on, as well as in Company Shares ... I do appreciate my writing forums and also the stuff that I can land via Google ... AND many thanks to Tim Berners-Lee who it is said pioneered the World Wide Web in its second stage ... Even if technology is slowly overtaking his dream ...So, I say, men may come and men may go ... but let computers, world-wide-web and the internet live forever!
Rated: ASR | (5.0)
I like angels myself, even ones without wings for the moment! Pretty pictures and pretty idea really ... to encourage newcomers and new wannabe writers to reach out more, even unto upto the very stars! And do you know how starlight is created? I am hoping to put out a story there on that myself!

PS: Yes, I do want to join in, and many thanks to sherryb (sherryb@Writing.Com) for inviting me to do so!
Review of Join RAOK!  Open in new Window.
Rated: ASR | (5.0)
I liked the banner brigade banner! Pretty!
Review of Heatlink  Open in new Window.
Rated: E | (4.5)
While I worried a bit about implications for the 2nd Law of Thermodynamics and how Heatlink really worked, my real concern was with something else ... How life is changing fast, even here in distant Sr Lanka, at my home in Kiribathgod, once surounded ny pastoral beauty, noew fast turning into a concrete mess ... with the people to all messed up inside, if not like me on the outside only!

There's no such a thing as a Free Lunch in the Universe, as they say! Good story here too. Makes a very valid point.
Rated: E | (5.0)
Two things bother me here in this poem: What had been spelt as 'string', I feel should have actually been 'spring' [in "The one last touch of string and heart"] ... and perhaps (and perhaps only there), in the line "I'd leave to hint of peace I'd found", it should be actually 'no' not 'of'!

The first because Picasso was as noted as an artist and not a string instrument player ... and the second, going by the whole!

But then 'am no mean mamma myself either when it comes to dropping 'aitches and typos ... so, I will still award this little poem 5 out of for a perefect score! A bull's eye hit! For a verse on an artist painting bullfights and whores and sad old men at the point of death!
Review of The Darcys  Open in new Window.
Rated: E | (4.5)
Perfect as the story goes ... and carrying over the charcters from the original to this new 'eplogue' .. by another Lady, we hope, though I admit frely, cannot quite trust (even if ahleasphil had been a bit more 'feminine') ... but a bit too given to unaccountable typos - with refrence to spelling, and one dealing with tense perhaps!

While like Lady Catherine and my very own dear Mother, I to brook no argument ... Though unlike them, I often forgive mis-spellings, mis-pronunciation .. and even at times mis-managed missile darts all for the honour of having but at least once being so careless as to hurl at some twits an epthet suggesting that they just might have been mis-begotten! But yet even I can't brook such carelessness as allowing the word <b>broke</b> in place of what very definitely should have been only a mere <b>brook</b> ... albeit not meant for trout fishing! Or dangling after mere sport!

And while I do very much admire poor Lizzie's ardoitness and deftness in dealing with tactless fathers and still more cussed aunts - who just might try to put her out again ... <i>even to the extent of resiging her Place of Honour to one who after all is only an aunt-in-law (and not even her mother-in-law), though a dowager duchess very much still put out by being put out in her own plans in both keeping Pemberly unpolluted by thedaughter of a very silly woman (and worse still, having an uncle in the 'trade'), as well as securing for her daughter a coronet which in any case she could not pass onto her son ... not being blessed with one in the first place, by dint of bringing about the marriage of her dfaughter Anne with that of Darcy ... son of her sister and brother-in-law on both counts AND heir-apprent next (on account of an entailed Title, passing only through direct male heirs) ...

and wish perhaps I could be dangling after trout there myself in those quiet glades and silver brooks running through Mr. Darcy's own considerable estates, in additionn to what he might conme to possess when Rosing too become his own ...

Still I would dare tresspass on your patience longer, and fish in troubled waters a still bit longer, by raising another point or two ... nibling at your patience perhaps, quibling over what you might call mere words!

For it does mortify my spirit very much to see such a beautiful epiphany of sorts troubled by an yet another almost unforgivable mistake: Being soi careless on the part of the author, as to have what you might justly suspect to be yet another Malaprop (or Malapropism, if you prefer it) thrown among swans!

The word <b><color: Red> excerise</color></b> had been spelt at least least twice ... nay thrice wrong, ...(and that very consistently, being replaced by <b><color><Blue>exorcise</color></b>... though perhaps Mr. Benet was only having a subtle joke of his own, though perhaps shared by his second daughter Lizzie and that son-in-law ... certainly not by Georgiana! But perhaps that was only broad Yorkshire! And perhaps I am having one of my own! A sly dig at the person whom I think wrote this smashing epilogue!

And if I too have made a small mistake or two in passing, please forgive me, all those who have cause to be so among you!
Rated: E | (5.0)
A very incisive comentary ... a critique or critical analysis, if you please. And I am taking the liberty to place a referal to yours, in my own "Books that I Have Liked" -s'p age dealong with same. May I add,that it is indeed, Jane Austen's delightful use of irony got me firmly hooked (and on tenderhooks at that) from the word Go, when I first set eyes on that probably most widely-acclaimed masterpiece of hers, at the tender age of twelve or so, myself.
Rated: 13+ | (4.0)
Love can create pain too ... especially the bso-called 'love' of creatures who think like 'animals' , equating mere lust and gratification of the senses with what is by rights Divine. For as I have always believed, the origin of true Love is Divine ... springing as it does from the lips of young maidens, and the Foot of Gods! But alas, Love is something that is unknown by hearts cruel and cold, that shuts out their eyes, ears and feelings to tears and sufferings of others! And when Nemesis comes in calling .. having caught up with them at last, those who never took the trouble to examine the rights and wrongs of not only their past actions, but the present too ... are not only caught off guard, but very much surprised!

Yet, I'd like to tell with the poet ...

I strove with none,
For none was worth my strife ...
Even if somewhat quioxtically,
I tilted at windmills on my own!

But I also still tried to warm
both my hands at Life's Fire ..
And now that it sinks,
I am ready to depart!
Review of Dream Traveling  Open in new Window.
Rated: E | N/A (Review only item.)
A breautiful fragrant evocative poem .. A fragrantly beautiful painting, carefully silhouted in a mirror of thought, conjuring soft dreams alight with dreams! Conjuring up dreanms of magic ... dreams of travelling ... sleeping under cedar trees, taking in the scent, while bathed in moonlight, awash with those still lines of moonshine and stars!

I wish that I can write like this too!

Rated: E | (4.5)
Love is about giving what the person whom you want and need truly, and not necessarily what you feel ought to be best for hhim or her... Many people don't understand this ... So, you have people murdering their supposed loved ones, or spoiling things for them with their boyfirends/girlsfirends or spouses - all in the name of love! Except probably the recipient of such kind of 'loving attentin' feel very unloving in return for those 'services rendred'

On the contrary, the protagonist of this sotory doe understand what real love and caring and sharing is about ... and so in a way, do the nurses attending his wife.
Review of THE CATCHERS  Open in new Window.
Rated: 18+ | (4.5)
A nice rugby try! A bit outlandish and funky, true ... but hell, who cares? And who said that it is virtually impossible ever to score six hundred and eight tries ... all in one fell swoop at one fell go! And sleeping under the stars and all that!

One thing though baffles me still a bit ... Is that that satin-fitted 'floozy' really the farmer-cum-owner of all those glorious big-big-birds? If so, they are getting on indeeed!
Rated: 18+ | (4.0)
A Great story in a way, but too spooky for my taste... And somehow or other, everybody - poor Carolina Stump, her father aunt & cousin are equaly ghastly and revolting in their behaviour... Are people really, that bad? And so crassed? A pity in a way, but perhaps it is just as well that Carolina's poor mother died in giving life to her...

But the story moves on at the pace of a gale-force till the last deadning climax at around 9.8 on the Richter Scale, I guess!
Review of Ramadan 2011  Open in new Window.
Rated: 13+ | (4.5)
The world is a snare at times, it is said, and perhaps that is why Allah recommended Ramadan as a period of renunciation and self-control to those who believed in him, a la the Holy Quoran. Certainly it provides food for thought for all of us (Buddhists, Christians, Hindus whatever)in this ever-more materialistic times ... in a fast-living selfish world. It is ceetainly good to think of taking a hold of oneself in the matter of one's desires ... though for people with blood sugar deficit problems, fasting for 12 hours or more for 30 consecutive days, will probably pose problems!

Certainly, beautifully typed, and very well presented ... almost a work of art! Superb in its presentation, almost enticing the viewer to the author's point of view! Very much bettter so than breathing fire through your nostrils against infidels, blasphemers, etc. Softly ... softly, as the Chinese say! Wish that Al Queda people too get to see!

Rated: 13+ | (5.0)
Sometimes the unexpected can and does happen! Even if seemingly, only a Dream! I too delight in dreams!
Rated: 13+ | (4.0)
It is nice! But can be a bit more witty or humoourous... But it certainly fosters the spirit of caring and love and community feeling amongyoung members...

As for Christmas and Santa Claus, anything is possible for those who truly believe from the heart, or so they say! So, carry on with your novel, and I too hope to see more of it, when I can manage it!

Review of The Last Laugh  Open in new Window.
Rated: 13+ | (2.5)
Perhaps you ought to be more positive about the facts surrounding your birth ... and your foster-parents' covering-up or whatever. Always assuming that this tale is a true one, that is.

As far as I can ascertain, my parents are in fact the ones responsible for my birth - and I had always felt comfy with my father. My mother though is not above changing the truth a bit here and there when it suits her ... and always it seems, for my benefit!

Be glad that though passed over, you still got to enjoy an occasiional Passover or Christmas or whatever with a real family, instead of being in a 'home' for instance ... or out on the streets!

Review of Two Short Poems  Open in new Window.
Rated: ASR | (5.0)
1. Yes, ultimately one must come to terms with oneself ... then only can you find true inner peace. Only, my heart is still strewn with strife ... and I have no peace.

2. This is the truly ugly side of war. The young GI or whhatever, does not understand, that fighting the enemy is not raping their women ... whether by way of revenge or simply satiating his animal lusts. Ultimately this will mean more war. For the raped woman (if still alive) or her close kith and kin, may be out only for revenge now. Sometimes simply only mindless revenge - not aimed at the 'beast' who violated the hapless woman, but an unfocussed full-scale onslaught directed at anone even remotely identified with the 'enemy'. Thus are some suicide-bombers are born, I think. Whether in Palastine, Russaia (Chechenya - part), Iraq or Sri Lanka!

Priyanthi Wickramasuriya
Review of Heads Held High  Open in new Window.
Rated: E | (4.0)
Love is a miracle that hapeens to some of us, every now and then... Whether unrquited or not, it will almost always pay back in some way, even if the one whom you loved, in a way, did not deserve it. Yes, you are right in the sense that though you have loved and lost, yet you can still hold your head high ... and look forward for a day, when things will become right again. In a sense, this poem made my day.

Priyanthi Wickramasuriya
Rated: E | (3.5)
Someone once said, "Blessed are the poor, for they are always with us!" Except Mc Young does not seem to quite see it that way. For twhat this author obviously feel is that instead of just ignoring the truly absymially poor, saying that it's no fault of of ours, so why should we worry about the more unfortunate, or even that whatever we give will be deducted from the 'little store' we have, and so on ... what we should indeed tell ourselves is what a favourite aunt of mine used to say, that, "There but for the grace of God, go I!"

For while the very poor are part and parcel of life among very wealthy communities too, though in places like 'America' they are often not only marginalised but often invisible as well, except on rare occassions like when that hurricane hit New Orleans last year, suddenly they bit headlines there on national papers, TV, etc. because the poorer peole there (mostly blacks, but some whites too) simply could not afford the extra charges suddenly demanded for a few litres of petrol to move out their old Buicks, etc. in spite of receiving advance news of the impending chaos and disaster! But here in Sri Lanka, when the Tsunami hit our shores on December 26th, (day after Christmas) 2005, many people even in the worst affected areas had no means of transport whatever available, even though the killer waves did not hit everywhere at the same point of time. And mind you, it was not only the poorest of poor, below the breadline who were affected. Many fairly wealthy people suddenly found themseleves bereft of shelter, home, food and even loved ones, within a short span of few minutes!

This brings me to the second point as to why we should all pitch in times of great disaster, and lend our mite or small bit of time well spent. For someday, we ourselves just might need such assistance, however well-placed and top of the world we might well be feeling at this very moment!

But for the chronically poor, just tossing a few crumbs (of cake even) or giving what you no longer need, is simply not enough. There's a great deal of truth in what is commonly ascribed to Late Chairman Mao Tse Tung of China, whatever your political affiliations or religous beliefs may be. "Give a man a fish, and you feed him for a day. But give him a fishing rod, and you feed him for his entire life!" Of course, you must take care that it is always not mere fishing rods alone, that you distribute! Otherwise there well might be a glut of fish the wide world over, and scarce nothing else for any or everybody! That said, well done, Mc Young, whoever you may be!

Priyanthi Wickramasuriya
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