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Rated: E | (3.5)
Hi again.
Getting harder to find an error..(love to find errors..."grinnn")

[ Time to find a safe place to rest for the night, it was not rather I trusted Danny’s driving]
... for the night. It was not 'whether' I trusted...

[head for the diner next door. Joyce and was the first to emerge, ]
... Joyce and...'who'?? I would delete the 'and' or if it was Grandma, it would be... and Grandma 'were' the first

[Taran was Wrapped tightly in ] l/c wrapped

just bob aka Sir Bob
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Review of The Stolen Child  
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Rated: E | (4.0)
Very 'visual'. Well done.
Could find no errors.

I do hope this is the start of a longer work. (it would be a shame to waste such a good opening)

just bob GPs to offset Auto-Rew
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Review of Lost Opportunity  
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Rated: E | (3.0)
Could be a good story... Finish it..."grinnn"

These are only my thoughts, but...

[ “Why do I do it? Why do I help him?” I think as I drive away. ] No "..." in a thought, this is only for the 'spoken word'. Some use italics, but as long as your reader knows it's a thought, even that uis un necessary.

[Let’s see he takes some of my time,]... This is a list. So ( Lets see: He takes....)

[ Luis is my friend. Luis is broke. Luis lives in the center]... repitition... ( He is broke, and he lives...)

[Luis and I drive around the city for the first time.] This seemes to be an unfinished thought. . consider..( When Luis and I drove around the city, he seemed to know just where to go.)

[We stop at a clothing store for Brazilians. Luis speaks to the lady ]... consider... (We stopped ... , and Luis spoke to...)

[Luis puts in his earphones and starts listening to music,]... I always have a problem with 's' words. Sounds like stage directions. (Now in this scene, Luis puts...) better .. 'Putting in his earphones, Luis started listning..'

just bob... aka Sir Bob
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GPs to offset Auto-Rew.
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Rated: E | (3.0)
I spotted a few things. First; as this is a conversation, all lines should have "..." .
my comments in blue
Only forteen? Egad. Your going to be a good writer... Keep it up.

[ In 1890, a child name Bonnie was born to Wade Hamilton and his wife, Rebecca.] named
[ She has lived far away from her grandmother for her childhood and] for 'most of' her
[Oh Grandma Scarlett, it’s so pretty here, it’s so different from where I live.] ... here. It's so...
[Scarlett: Oh, ok Bonnie, I’ll tell you a little.] okay, just like it would be spoken
[your grandfather, died during the war. He never came home to see Wade, your father, and I raised him.] ... Wade, Your father and I
[we had the best of time on our honeymoon, he was very rich and] ... honeymoon. He was..
[Rhett and I were sitting on our back porch Bonnie was on her pony and she told us] back porch, and Bonny was on her pony. She told...
[ I had picked up a cow at the old Twelve Oaks Plantation, which was burned down and besides the cow we had very little food to feed us.] ...Plantation which was burned down, and besids the cow, we had very little to feed us.
[ My sister in-law Melanie who was recuperating from child birth, was ] Melanie, who was recuperating from child burth, was

Just bob... aka Sir Bob
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Rated: 13+ | (2.5)
As promised, I'm going to rev. this..."gets out large reviewing hammer"... and as allways, these are only 'my' suggestions. ( go ahead and throw rocks at me if you wish)
I noticed a lot of 'run-on' sentences, and comma-splices, but it's shaping up to be a good story.
my comments in blue

[ The stars shone above the small unknown town, almost all of the townspeople were fast asleep except for the occupants of one home, the candles shining in the darkness. Inside there was a young woman and a child cradled in her arms. She hummed the melody to a lullaby she had grown up with, a lullaby that her child would never hear from her after tonight.
The sound of horses made her sit up back straight, only to sigh and sink into herself once more, looking down at the small infant in her arms. It was almost time to say goodbye, their time together was drawing to a close, as she heard the sound of voices coming closer to her home. ]
suggest... [ Bright stars were shining above 'a' small unknone town. Almost all the townspeople were asleep except for the occupants of of one home. Inside, lit by several flickering candles, a young woman sat cradleing a baby in her arms. She hummed the melody to a lullaby she had grown up with, a lullaby that her child would never hear from her after tonight.
The sound of horses made her sit up 'with her' back straight, only to sigh and sink into herself once more, looking down at the small infant in her arms. It was almost time to say goodbye. Their time together was drawing to a close, as she heard the sound of voices coming closer to her home.

[The month old child stirred, as if sensing something was wrong with her mother, face scrunched up unhappily, “Hush it’s ok, everything will be just fine, don’t worry angel o mine.”]
sugg... The month old child sturred, scrunching up her face unhapply as if sensing....
(new line) "Hush, it's 'okay', everything....."

[With those words, the door swung open to reveal two men, the cold air that entered causing a few candles to flicker uncertainly, but not causing any to go out.
“So now it is time, are you sure in your decision?” the smaller of the two sat himself on the chair across from her, a piece of rolled of paper in his grasp.]
sugg... reveal two men. The cold air that entered 'caused' a few...
(let your reader know who is 'about to speak) ... The smaller of the two men sat himself..... in his grasp. "So now it is time. Are you shure of your decision?"

[ tales, and more such dreams, with the signing of her name, they would all just disappear.]
sugg...., and more such dreams would just disappear with the signing of her name.

[ “Miss, are you okay?” she was snapped out of her despair by the man’s voice, as the taller and younger male touched her arm gently.]
(again, let your reader know 'up front' who is about to speak)
sugg... The taller, and younger, man touched her arm gently. His voice snapped her out of her desppear.
(new line) "Miss, are you okay?"

[ She nodded as she took a look at her home, her old run-down home that wasn’t a place for anyone to raise a child.]
... sugg... her home. It was old and run-down; not a good place for....

[ barely had money for herself, let alone a child as well, and she had no idea who the child’s father is, so no help there.]
sugg.... let alone a child, and she had no idea who its father was, so no help there.

[“Of course, we’ll take good care of her; she seems like a healthy and bright child. She’ll go a long way.” He soothingly said arms still reaching out for the now stirring child, his companion now waiting outside.]
sugg... With his partner wating out side, he said soothingly, "Of course..... "

[At her pleading look, his gaze softened, this was only his second pick-up and he hasn’t yet acquired the blank mask]
sugg... he 'hadn't ' yet

[different pair of arms.
“It’s Anne. Her name is Anne, ok?” He nodded in understanding,]
sugg... of arms..(same line) "It's Anne. Hre name is Annie, okay?"
(new line) He nodded...

[ Back in the old rundown house, the woman still sits in her chair, the wind that blew through ]
sugg... still sat in her chair. The wind...

Sir Bob??
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Rated: E | (4.0)
Welcome to WDC. Now let us see some of your work. The reviews you get will be of great value when striving for 'publication'..( nice word that).. WDC helped me a lot. I have lumps on my head from the hard reviewers that took the time to point out me shortcommings.

just bob
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Review of A life in shadows  
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Rated: 13+ | (4.0)
As a 'prologue' this would deffinatly get my attention.
I look forward to reading... and reviewing... your first chapter.. (send me an e-mail)

When... notice I didn't say IF... this would be a great teaser on the back cover rather than a prologue.

[As new cities were built, but not as big or grand as those of old, maps were being redrawn.]
I would drop the 'but' in this line

just bob
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Rated: 18+ | (2.5)

First, (I'm sure others have mentioned it) you're missing a lot of 'CAPS'.
[ "mind turning off the light?" ] would be "Mind..."

Second... repitition of names. ( once named, just he/she .. your reader will know who 'he' is)
[ these were Jupiter's first experiences... Jupiter's warm, free world drained away...Jupiter fell to his knees... his strength left him, Jupiter passed out,
( Believe me, I had to remove a ton of 'Dans, and Ochis from my first attempt at a story.)
So untill another speaks, acts, or thinks, you are still in 'his' view. When another speaks, it is best to let your reader know 'up front' who is about to speak.
[ "ah, you still alive, good. we'd thought you dead for awhile there," a feminine voice came from the other side of the room, "how're ya feeling?" }
better... A feminine voice came from the other side of the room. "Ah**, you're still alive. How're ya feeling?"
(it's a lont time before we find that voice belonged to an un named doctor. If he doesn't know her, let her introduce herself.) note the cap A.

Also, you might consider 'indents'. It's easy. Just put {indent} at the top of your story... highlite and copy... use the arrow keys to scroll down, and 'ctrl / v ' to past them where they're needed.

just bob aka Sir Bob
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Rated: 18+ | (3.5)
Intresting story. having been in Det. I reconize the streets... and the winter slush and grime... oh-my.

My suggestions... in blue

{[ Brit spoke, “She said ...] rather than 'Brit spoke', give him some action ( Brit glanced over at me. "She said...)

[agitated. Talk to me!”

She replied, “Ah cum back heah a...] we know it was her, but it would be better with some action from her, rather than a flat, 'she replyed'

[nervous? We’re here, so talk!”

She replied,...] again, we know it was her reply. she was asked a question, so unless Brit said something first, your reader will know

[Still lounging, I switched to looking at Brit. “They certainly seem ]...good... action before words

[ Brit took up the narrative, “And that degree...took up the narritive?? better ( Before she could answer, Brit said, "And that...

I think you see what I'm getting at... Just my suggestions, but I think it reads better than just saying she replyed, and you can tell the reader 'how they sound' at the same time... ( Barely above a whisper, she responded... The anger could be heard in his voice

GPs to offset the Auto Rew

just bob... aka Sir Bob
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Review of The ADHD Accolyte  
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Rated: E | (4.0)

Cute, and quite humorous.
I found no errors...(drat... I love finding errors)
[ A mother in front of me turns to me and says, "He certainly lends an new air of solemnity to the service." ] Did she say 'an'?? an air... a new air ... Hummm??

Sir Bob
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Review of The Surprise  
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Rated: 13+ | (3.5)
Saw your name on scroll... thought I'd give you a look.
Cute story... my comments for your concideration.

(The four legged animal stood patiently, sitting on his hind legs. The stray he had befriended sat on the hot pavement )...
[ stood... sitting ??? ] suggest wating patiently

repitition... [the dog.. dog ect. sugg.. give him? a name
repitition... [Jake]... once named, just 'he / him / his'... your reader will know who 'he' is.

(from one of his friends moms ) .. friend's mom... unless his friend has more than one mom?

(Jake watched as his mother’s mouth )... He watched as her mouth opened.. your reader 'will' know.

(“It’s about time you cleaned that dog up, and I must say he looks much better. He'll go to the vet in the morning for a check up.” And a surprised Jake stood looking after his mother and her retreating smiling face. )...
suggest... (new line... not on the same line as mom's words)
[ A surprised Jake stood... ]

Sir Bob... aka just bob
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Rated: 13+ | (3.0)
Intresting start... could be a good story.
'But"... ( you knew that 'but' was comming) I spotted a few problems.
First, I would recommend 'indenting' the new lines. ( I put {indent} then {/indent} Highlite & copy. Now I can scroll down and 'paste' the indents where I want them.

my comments in blue

[Snow is every where, there has always been snow here. Burrying the thick ice below in a thick, cold blanket. ] repitition... 'snow / thick' suggest.. ( Snow is everywhere.' It ' has always been here, burying the ice below in a thick..everywhere... burying

[ The Realm of wolves consisted ] 'The realm..' is a new line (indented) consisted?? past tense? no longer?? suggest (consists) [Water flowed in these caverns, giving life ] sugg..( flows)

[ above the mountains and slumber in large hot caverns inside the mountains]repitition... sugg.. ( inside 'them' )

[ plant life. Humans ruled the open plains] 'Humans ruled' is a new line.

[ deposed of three days ago by his brother who had planned rebellion for so long. His brother led the rebels ]sugg... ( .. for so long, and had led the rebels..)

[With Sherry and his unborn child gone, Simon had picked up what was left of his life and left, but not before greatly wounding his brother. When Simon had left, he had taken his brother's left arm ]
repitition.. 'left'.. brother' 'Simon' sugg.. ( .. of his life and moved on, but not before greatly wonding his brother; taking his left arm along as a prize.)

[ him. However, Simon would not be condemned to traveling alone, hundreds of his supporters had gone with him, most of these people were his servants, soldiers and their families. These people ]
repitition... sugg... (new line) ( However 'he' would not be traveling alone. Hundreds of his supporters 'went' with him. 'They' were his servants, soldiers, and their families

ooops... thunder storm forcing me off-line... will get back to you.. promise
just bob... aka Sir Bob
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Rated: 13+ | (4.0)
Hi! Intresting story.
I did spot a few...easy to fix..problems. (my opinion only... it's your story)
My comments in blue

While Brandon was busy untangling an errant rope on Julie’s sled, she walked absently away, fussing with the dangling end of her scarf. Brandon, ready to pull his daughter up the busy hill once more, turned to where she had stood a moment ago.

“Here you go kiddo…” he started, but she wasn’t there.
here...( she walked away..ect ) Not watching her, he wouldn't know this. Also throughout this you endlessly repeat 'names'. As it is 'all' in Brandon's View-Point, your reader will know who 'he' is.
[ Ready to pull his daughter,,,,., 'he' turned to where had stood. "Here you go Kiddo." ]

but she wasn’t there.

Panic gripped him momentarily, [ She wasn't there and panic gripped him... ]

about twenty feet away, and trying to stuff her ridiculously long scarf into her pocket. Brandon smiled at the childish futility, [ He smiled at }... 'now' he can see the scarf thing, and knows she had wandered away.

But now Brandon’s ears focused on the squeaking of rubber on hard-packed snow as the missile sped toward the bottom of the hill and his five year old daughter.
no space... this is 'all' one action
“Julie, watch out,” he cried, knowing he could not reach her in time
[ But now 'his' .... Knowing he couldn't reach her in time, he yelled, "Julie, watch out." ]

Julie turned toward the sound and the scarf fell from her open hand. She stood stock-still, apparently frozen with panic while the boys race toward her.
no space
The boys might have seen Julie in the final moment, because the tone of their
repitition... [ 'They' might have seen 'her' ]

genetic cross of flesh and rubber gone horribly wrong.
no space
The tube took Julie’s legs out from under her and the tiny body cart-wheeled through air. Brandon heard a dull thud when she landed flat on her back on hard-packed snow.

He reached her a heartbeat later. “Honey, it‘s okay. Daddy’s got you,” he said, lifting her onto his lap and kneeling on the snow.
[ He reached her a heartbeat later, kneeling in the snow, and lifting her onto his lap. "Honey, it's okay. Daddy's got you." ]

“Why are you so worked up, babe?” Karen asked from the other side of the bed. The couple usually read for a while before going to sleep, but tonight Brandon had turned off the light on his bedside table and rolled his body toward the darkness and brooded.

“Kids have spills all the time. It’s practically a rite of childhood.” Karen continued, sensing his mood and guessing his thoughts as she often did.
"the couple usually read" This is 'you, the auther' telling us. staying in 'his' VP
[ Brandon usually read for a bit, but tonight he turned off...... and brooded.
Sencing his mood, and guessing his thoughts, Karen whispered, "Why are you so worked up Hun? Kids have spills all the time.... "]

She took hold of the blanket and pulled it down past his shoulder. “Tell me Brandon. What was it like?” Her voice was tender, but firm. ...past his sholder. Her vioce was tender, but firm. "Tell me. What was it like?". ( normally, when with one other person, You wouldn't use their name... they 'know' who you are speaking to.) ( my wife only called me by name when she was MAD at me..)

The dump truck he had nearly traded paint with was pacing him now. The driver leaned over in his seat to look at Brandon through the window in the base of the door. He probably wanted to give Brandon a few driving tips: as in ‘driving’ the ‘tip’ of his boot into Brandon’s ass.
repitition... Brandon... your reader WILL remember who 'he' is

“No daddy, it didn’t get hurted, see?” She freed her had from Brandon’s light grip and held it up in front of his eyes, as if to give him a high-five.

there is a major jump in time here... give your reader a 'heads-up' I use *** or ~~

Cleveland was in the midst of a heat wave that had lasted five days with no relief in the

Okay, as this is a bit long I'll stop now... What I have been trying to say is: Avoid repitition of names. The VP charactor 'can't know what another is thinking, And each time another speaks, thinks, or acts, that is a new line. There are no spaces between action and words, or the continuation of an action... a space tells your reader someone else is 'about' to speak or act
just bob... aka Sir Bob
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Rated: E | (3.5)
A few comments...in blue

Ashton: I apologize for my dreadful appearance, for you see, my travels have left me horribly disfigured.... suggest [ appearance. As you can see, ]

Ashton: Do play coy with me you fool.sugg... [ Don't play... ]

Interviewer: Why did were you hiding from your family? did--were ?? pick one..
Why did you hide? or Why were you hiding?

Ashton: We talked to eachother, me each other

Christian brings out the trees used from the Oasis......You forgot to mention the trees in the Oasis set-up

Just gramps... GPs to offset the auto-reward
aka... Sir Bob
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Review of Oh Yisra'elā€¦  
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Rated: E | (5.0)
Brilliant words... and a great thought well presented.
It may fall on deaf ears, but that's not the poem's fault.

I can suggest no inprovements.

just bob
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Review of Camp's Fire  
Rated: E | N/A (Review only item.)
Thought I'd return the favor.

Very good piece... although the way the stanzas are aligned makes them hard to follow.
If you'd follow the structure in stanza one... staggered in a stair-step, this piece would be great.

suggest a change of wording [[ seemingly sizzling]] seemingly? it does sizzle, so [[and sizzling]] would be better.
Sorry to mess with your work... go ahead and throw rocks at me.

just bob
GPs included to offset the Auto-Rew.
Rated: E | (4.5)
Hi. Intresting article.

Did you write it, or is it from the A&E Coalition??

If you wrote it, I would suggest a change of wording.
[3. It is common knowledge in many places of India shoe making has been enforced on Dalits as caste labour. Though we recognize the dignity of labour including shoe making we strongly condemn any human labour enforced on any people as a caste duty based on birth and descent. ]
Is there a policy by the Gov. that 'enforces' this practice? Or are they mearly 'forced' to do it.
'Enforced' seems to me to be the wrong choice of words... I could be wrong in my thinking. If so, a few words added to that section would make it clear.

just bob
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Rated: E | (3.0)
An intresting piece on a place I'd love to visit.
I did see a few...(easy to fix)... problems.

indents... I put {indent} at the start of my posts, high-lite and copy. Then using the arrow keys I go down and (Ctr-v) to paste them on the new lines.
Read this over and you will see where a new (indented?)line should have been used.
I have made a few comments in blue

[Today the senses were overwhelmed with sounds and smells, like ]...
suggest 'On that day' or something. 'Today is 'now' not then

[ A large group from the UK of young chaps were drinking beer ]...
sugg... 'group of young chaps from the UK, were...'

[that he was no friend of mine.
Day 2 was a bit slow going, waking ]...
sugg a line break..(dbl-space) between segments like this

[Finally, the mosquitoes chase into our hammocks. ]...
sugg 'chased us' into..

[not disturb the fragile shores. The poor natives that live along the shores paddle out to ]...
repitition...'shores'... sugg..'natives who live 'there'

In several places your comma placment was off. Read the lines out loude. You will 'here' the pause between words. (an example) [ which tore at my heartstrings. Returning to mind the passion, I had as a child for the homeless] here you could have continued the thought 'tore at my heartstrings', with a comma. (heartstrings, returning my mind to the passion I had for the homeless as a child.)... as written, 'I had as a child'' seems to be a seperate thought with missing words.
Also there were many places where a new line (indented??) should have been used.. example..

[suppose, but luckily, nobody was hurt. The Fortaleza Hotel had showers,] As you can see, 'The Fortaleza Hotel' is a completly new thought, and should not be on the same line, but a new one.

Sir Bob
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Review of The Collision  
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Rated: E | (3.5)
I was asked to look at this and give you a few examples of active v passive voice.
I'm far from expert, but here are my thoughts...in blue

[A war has commenced between our separate beings. The first battalion of our forces has begun its fight in earnest. ]passive...'has begun' active... 'is beginning to fight'

[My body has fought against the approaching collision, ]pass... 'has fought' active.. 'is fighting' or 'My body faught against'

[ I have given it up to you now, and in this slow death, there is a sweet torture ]all active

[The war has ended. In the aftermath of our battling, a new me has emerged. The sweet collisions of our beings has created a new life. ]active.. 'a new me emerged'... 'beings creating a new'

[ The body that died in our collision has been resurrected into]passive..'has been'.. active...'was resurrected'...(note.. you can't get away from the occational use of 'was', therefore 'was' is not necessarily passive, but should be avoided when possible.)

[. But there was no death in my old mind, there was an expansion through the gift of your creation,]
repitition...'there was'... suggest.. 'in my old mind, just an expansion'

Sir Bob

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Review of Part One  
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Rated: E | (3.0)
Intresting start.
This one needs some work, but that's why we're here... Right?
(You should have seen my... ah... writing? before WDC reviewers 'hammered' me. Now some of my work is 'almost good'. "grinnn")

I will do an 'in-depth' rev. by private e-mail, so it won't be on the Public Rev. Page.
I will make a few comments here.

1st... Each time the subject, or speaker, changes, it MUST be on a new line. [a new paragraph... indented]

2nd... The use of 's' words.. [ Very lightly Tulia lands beside her companion. Staying out of sight of the very perceptive creeƤle, the little white breasted blue bird takes flight in pursuit of its subject.]
This seems to be 'stage directions'. ie.. "Now in this next scene, Tula lands beside her companion."
better .. [Landing beside her companion, Tula was careful to stay out of sight ]

3rd... Single quotes? When someone speaks, it is "..." not '...'. Single quotes are used for a statment within a spoken line... "Lea was all smiles, then she said, 'You'd better not tell.' I just laughed at that. We both knew I would just 'have' to tell someone."
They can be used to high-lite words as I have done above.

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Sir Bob
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Review of Wild Dark Horse  
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Rated: E | (4.0)
Overall very good... powerfull thought... except!!

[ Stunned, I became by his centrifugal force.] ??
Sorry. This line makes no sense. Look up 'centrifugal force.'
suggest [I was drawn as if by a 'magnetic force'.]

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Sir Bob
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Rated: 18+ | (3.0)
This is.. or could be.. an intresting yarn.
BUT..... In one block of text? No paragraph breaks? No indents?
These are things you 'must do' to make your work readable.
Even though it was told 1st person, each time another speaks, it is a new..'indented'.. line.

I'm not trying to be mean or nasty. I would love to re-read this when you break it into paragraphs ect.
I found a few 'redundant' words... no spelling errors... And had it been properly done, I would have made a 'line-item review'. Many on WDC have thanked me for my honest reviews, and suggestions.
(oh-my... you should have seen my work before WDC reviewers 'hammered me'... still not a great writer, but getting better)

just bob.. aka Sir Bob
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Review of Why I Hate People  
Rated: E | (4.0)
Hi Shawn.
This was delightful. Well written, and humorous.
I could find nothing to fault..( I hate when that happens... I have an 'industrial-sized hammer', that I love banging heads with) (oh... I have many lumps on my head from reviewers, but I'm finally beginning to get it)

just bob
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Rated: E | (4.5)
Very good. This should get an editors attention.

I feel an editor would like to hear more about 'you' and and any other work you may have near, or completeed.

I have a synopsis in progress... ( hate that word... causes me to make noises like a chicken and hide under the bed) Oh-well.

 Invalid Item 
This item number is not valid.
#1536454 by Not Available.

just bob

Review of Tapped!  
Rated: 18+ | (4.0)
Spotted this in your blog... thought I'd give it a look..... and a comment or two.

1st... rep. This is only in the opening. I didn't see any later.

>The clerk handed me the envelopes, and I opened the envelopes <
> I removed the pictures from the envelopes <
Repitition.... (opened 'them') .. (removed the pictures and examined them)
We know where the pictures were, so it is redundant to tell us.

2nd... It may just be me, but I hate unnecessary "yuck" tag-lines. (my fav. rant)

> He was dressed in all black except for his stark white lab coat, which I found rather intrguing.

"May I help you, ma'am?" he asked.

"Are you Ryan?" I asked.

"Yes, I am," he replied.<

They are... 'to me'... especially annoying when imbedded within a statment.
> "Ryan," I asked, "how do you join the NHA?"<

Even without the '?', I would have known it was a question, and who asked it.
My combined work is now over 170K wds... and not one tag-line in the lot.

just a few 'take it or leave it' thoughts from bob.
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