Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/profile/reviews/sadie79
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6 Public Reviews Given
6 Total Reviews Given
Public Reviews
Review of Dear Me Letter  Open in new Window.
Review by sadie79 Author IconMail Icon
Rated: E | (5.0)
I found your 'Dear Me' letter very interesting! Wow! What an adventure your life has been! I want to read that novel. You can do it! Your letter was so positive and it articulated your goals very well. Best wishes for your writing aspirations.

Review by sadie79 Author IconMail Icon
Rated: 13+ | (4.0)
I found this article on the 'random read' selections.

When I read this, it reminded me of some nightmares I have had (not necessarily the matricide). You gave a good chronology, gave the reader insight into the good doctor's mindset. The reader is likely empathize with this fellow as he is left to care for an elderly, paralyzed mother by his siblings and his mother refuses to utilize the help he has assembled. I liked the transforming Siren nurses, nice touch! The only correction I noted was that 'there' should be 'their' in the last sentence of the next to last paragraph.

Good job and look forward to reading more of your works!
Review of Love Letters  Open in new Window.
Review by sadie79 Author IconMail Icon
Rated: E | (5.0)
What a very sweet tribute to an amazing mother! You conveyed such emotion through this poem. I love how you took the reader through your mom's passing, then found wonderful messages from her beyond the grave, when you were able to finally deal with the loss, I have a huge lump in my throat. She sounds like a wonderful woman who cherished her family. Great poem and thank you for sharing such an intimate story in poetry.
Review by sadie79 Author IconMail Icon
Rated: 13+ | (4.5)
Greetings. I came across this story from the 'Random Read' option.

I really liked this lighthearted, magical little story. You described the setting very well ... a young woman perched under an huge oak, sipping Merlot and trying to conjure up a story based on various writing prompts. Suddenly, a lovely 'tour guide' appeared and she was then transported into nature ... and gathered the perfect idea for her story.

Great job!
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