Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/profile/reviews/sarahcheard
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26 Public Reviews Given
27 Total Reviews Given
Review Style
I am open and honest. I will tell you what I thought of your character development, your storyline, how it flows, and if needed suggest grammar or word change (which you can take or leave)
I'm good at...
spelling and grammar
Favorite Genres
Sci-fi, Romance, Religious, Mystery, fan fiction,
Favorite Item Types
Sci-fi, Mystery and Christian Romance
Public Reviews
Review of The Great Un  Open in new Window.
Review by Sarah Heard Author IconMail Icon
Rated: E | (5.0)
It's a very interesting read! I like how you wrote each of the scenes, and it seemed like I was being pulled into each one. The song at the beginning was one of my dad's favorites, so we used to sing it a lot. I was excited to see you use that as a sort of beginning to your story. So the Emerald City? Is it like a dark version of the Wizard of Oz? Was the last part like a dark-er (if that's even possible) version of Harry Potter?? Maybe I just spend too much time around kids, but that's what my brain immediately went to. LOL. I liked it! You definitely need to work on spelling and grammatical errors, but other than that, its very creative and a very interesting read.
Review by Sarah Heard Author IconMail Icon
Rated: 13+ | (5.0)
Beautifully written! Once again I felt as if I was right there with Mia experiencing what she goes through. As usual it kept me hooked to the very end, longing for more! I wish I had a bit more back story as to how Mia actually got into the situation she’s in. Was she banished simply because she’s very powerful?? She seems like a really good person for being a powerful sorceress. Anyway, despite that, the story is so good! I enjoyed reading it. :)
Review by Sarah Heard Author IconMail Icon
Rated: 13+ | (5.0)
Beautifully written as usual! Your creativity in your storytelling grabs the reader and keeps them hooked to the very end! I enjoy reading your stories so much and look forward to reading more! This story (like other stories of yours) makes me feel like I’m right there with Inona experiencing everything. I enjoyed reading this very much! :)
Review of The Hunter  Open in new Window.
Review by Sarah Heard Author IconMail Icon
Rated: 18+ | (5.0)
Wow! Once again a great story. I felt like I was right there with Eva and Ariel experiencing their conversation in the motel room. It flowed so beautifully and felt so real as I read. I am sad that there isn't anymore yet...lol. You are a very gifted writer, and I enjoy reading your stories so much!
Review of Seeds of Change  Open in new Window.
Review by Sarah Heard Author IconMail Icon
Rated: E | (5.0)
I really liked this poem very much! It flowed well, and told a story within it's words.
Review by Sarah Heard Author IconMail Icon
Rated: 18+ | (5.0)
Wow!! This is just as good as Knight of Magic!! I was mesmerized from the very beginning and so sad that it ended as I want to read more and find out what happens!! The progression of the story and characters are amazing! I think my favorite part of the story is the part when the three men come in thinking they are going to take advantage of Melondthera and then she shows them that she can take of herself. LOL, what woman wouldn't want that gift! Again, I enjoyed every minute of this story and wish there was more to read! lol.
Review by Sarah Heard Author IconMail Icon
Rated: E | (5.0)
This was amazingly detailed, and captured every reality and thought of a soldier during the Civil War. My family and I are Civil War Reenactors and Living Historians, and often people don't see what truly went on or understand what was thought or experienced by a soldier. I enjoyed reading this very much!
Review of Mathew 5:13  Open in new Window.
Review by Sarah Heard Author IconMail Icon
Rated: E | (5.0)
I really enjoyed reading this entry. It definitely brought back memories of how I had fallen away from God and lost my saltiness. I didn't want to be so involved in the church or follow God's calling for my life when I was younger and I suffered both spiritually and physically. You know, the whole 'Stuck in a Rut' feeling? That happened and I believe it was because I wouldn't follow God's will for my life. Now that I'm older, and more spiritually mature, I still have to daily remind myself (especially in circumstances where I want to be in control) "Thy Will be done".

I keep my relationship with the Lord fresh by daily studying/reading the scriptures, praying, listening to Praise and Worship music and going to church. To witness and serve Him, I post scripture verses daily on social media sites (Twitter, Instagram, Facebook) and write blog posts. God can use us in incredible ways if we just allow Him to work in our lives!

Again, I really enjoyed this very much. :)
Review of The YSA  Open in new Window.
Review by Sarah Heard Author IconMail Icon
Rated: E | (5.0)
Oh my wow!! This is such an amazing story! I love how it starts out, with her just having dreams and then come to find out that it's actually her being trained to be a spy! Amazing!! I loved reading every bit of it and was disappointed when it ended! Are there plans to write more? I certainly hope so! Very good!!
Review by Sarah Heard Author IconMail Icon
Rated: E | (5.0)
I love this so much, it captures the emotion of growing old with the memories and not wanting to let go of who you are or what you’ve done! Well done!
Review of Twister  Open in new Window.
Review by Sarah Heard Author IconMail Icon
Rated: E | (5.0)
I enjoyed this very much
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