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Review by scarzack
Rated: E | (5.0)
Daily Review Rewards offers an excellent opportunity for members to build points and help fellow authors.
A review is an acknowledgement of someone’s work. Offering comments is an opportunity to build your own writing style, and at the same time provide others with an idea of how their work makes others feel.
We all know that opinion is subjective, and staying positive helps develop character. Being rewarded for helping is a big plus.
Read, write, and review. Everybody wins.
Review of W.W.J.D.  
Review by scarzack
Rated: E | (4.5)
W.W.J.D. is an exploration in faith as a guide for living.
The author offers questions of faith and convention to lambently view the impeccable example of Christ as a role model.
This piece is humorous, well communicated, and respectful. The author speaks to every man in this work.
The conclusion of the work is equally delightful. In as much as the author’s ability to reconcile faith and reality, this work is genuinely refreshing.
An author shows character taking on issues that may cause heated criticism for having an open view, so that alone scores big points with this reviewer.
Great Job.
Keep writing.
Review by scarzack
Rated: E | (5.0)
Next Stop Hollywood reviewers wanted is an open invitation to the public to assist Hollywood in finding material.
This item looks legitimate. They provide a web address, the web address reiterates the initial proposal, and this reviewer found no dead links.
The invitation provides a forum for fans of film, fans of writing, and an actual opportunity for writers to interact with the big companies that make the films. They offer no payment, but the opportunity looks like a good chance to develop skills.
This looks very interesting.
Review of Autumn  
Review by scarzack
Rated: 13+ | (5.0)
Autumn is a delightful tribute to a beautiful season.
This poem is brief and easily read and understood.
The Author communicates love for the subject.
The cycle of life as observed in the changing seasons, is the motivation for the author.
Balance and rhyme work well in this piece. There are no technical errors.
Great Job.
Review by scarzack
Rated: ASR | (5.0)
A Death in the Family is a work that expresses the pain of loss and suffering, and the triumph of loving memories.
The author guides us through scenes that provoke compassion, encounters that invoke tears, and a view of the isolation of surviving a loss. Grossly understated is the emotional devastation resulting from the loss of a daughter and twin sibling.
The story flows smoothly and the reading is easy. This work is very well constructed. This work is inspires an introspective look at the human condition.
There are no technical errors in this piece.
The author presented this work in a very well organized structure.
Great writing.
Review of Warflower  
Review by scarzack
Rated: 13+ | (5.0)
Warflower is a work that succinctly illustrates the brutality and vivacity of life.
The setting evolves, the characters evolve, and the brevity of existence is expressed in life's eternal struggle.
The author has crafted a tale that nature has vividly confessed, as if to state, “Art imitates life.”
This piece would be a great work to explain the concept of evolution. The action is filled with vivid imagery, and the theme is easily comprehended.
Technically, I found no errors in this work.
This is a good read. Warflower is entertaining and thought provoking.
Great Job.
Review of Beloved  
Review by scarzack
Rated: E | (5.0)
BELOVED is a work of very enthusiastic hope.
The author is strongly expressing the belief that a soul mate exists. Vividly evocative imagery brings to mind romantic couples of heroic dimensions. This is the love we all desire, and the author has graced us with its articulation.
Technically, I found no errors.
However, I would like to mention the use of the uncapitalized “I” as a pronoun.
When looking at this work with a critical eye, the inclination to leave this pronoun in lower case causes this reviewer to be slightly distracted. Capitalization of the first person personal or singular pronoun “I” is a very universal convention in the English language.
In this work the personal pronoun “I” is consistently used in lower case, except when it is used to start a sentence.
Consistency denotes style. Courage in defying orthodoxy gains big points with this reviewer.
Great Job, keep up the good work.
Review of Grieving Solitary  
Review by scarzack
Rated: E | (5.0)
Grieving is a short work of beauty.
The imagery is powerful. The opposing reflections are stunning in their desolate beauty.
The author uses Synesthetic Metaphor and simile to establish a potent analogy.
The reader can easily relate to the isolation described in this concise work.
Technically, I found no errors in this piece.
The author is able to communicate emotion with apparent ease.
Great work.
Review of Starship Sentry  
Review by scarzack
Rated: E | (5.0)
Starship Sentry By Jerry Powell is a delightful work that puts one’s intellect through it’s paces.

This delightful satire is not scathing nor does it cause discomfort. The mind is forced to slow down to keep pace. Once a level of comfort is reached, the author flips us in his pan and heats the other side of our brain.
I am thankful I had the leisure time to read this work a second time through.
I found no technical errors.
In my enthusiasm for this work I had to remind myself not to use labels, like Genius, that might intimidate readers. This work is easy to read and even more delightfully so on the second go around.
Great read.
Review by scarzack
Rated: ASR | (5.0)
The River Princess is a beautifully flowing expression of passion.
This must be why we have words.
Powerfully vivid and spell binding, this succinct author must be inspired by powerful forces.
I now suffer from Venus Envy, yet I’m happy in the knowledge that I can find beauty, if not create it.
It is work like this that frustrates my appreciation of poetry because the Gems that blind with their sparkle are so far apart.
Thank you for this art.

I feel vulnerable now, so brace yourself for the critique.
I found no technical errors with this work.
I found the theme enormously delightful.
The imagery is stunning, agile, and supple.

Great work, please keep it coming.
Review by scarzack
Rated: 13+ | (5.0)
The Muse Strikes Back is a work that illustrates the dull void of inspiration that is writer’s block.
I found no technical errors in this work.
This work, unfortunately, is all too easy to relate to. Fortunately, however, I find some grim satisfaction in the knowledge that I am not the only person trying to drink from a cup that is overflowing with an absence of motivation.
This work is short, concise, and poignantly right on target.
Great work.
Review of Burning Winter  
Review by scarzack
Rated: E | (5.0)
Burning Winter delivers exactly what it promises.
The brief description reads: A memory of happiness, a future of hope.
The imagery is powerful. The ability to invoke my passion, pain of a lost lover, and the reticent hope invested in an unfamiliar prospective lover, was pulled off masterfully.
Technically, I found no errors in this work.
I am especially envious of the line, … embers of hope in my gut
Review of The Usher Of Life  
Review by scarzack
Rated: E | (5.0)
The Usher Of Life is a work of love.
This ode to a man illustrates a respectful expression of affection. The author paints images of a gardener diligent in his care for the garden he has cultivated. A metaphor for his family.
I found no technical errors, and a warm sense of reverence.
Poetic. Excellent.

Review by scarzack
Rated: E | (3.0)
‘The Lord is coming Soon’ is a work of personal faith and affirmation.
The author expresses strength of faith through declaring that the end of time is near, rhetorically asking the reader qualifying factors of their Christian knowledge and the particulars of their faith. The Author concludes by offering a prayer of salvation to the lost people of the world.
I did like the mention that Jesus’ love is free and salvation is not for sale.
I think this piece may enjoy a wide audience given the popularity of the subject matter.
Technically, the only flaw I found was not a distraction for me; ‘ulimate’ should read ‘ultimate’.
Good work, keep writing.
Review by scarzack
Rated: E | (5.0)
Wonderful story. Excellent imagery. Excellent flow.
Review of Night Diversions  
Review by scarzack
Rated: 18+ | (4.0)
Night Diversions is a very good short story.
The impact of the opening paragraph is what grabbed my interest, and the action held it.
The author is very good at generating descriptions.
The author has taken the time to ensure the work was complete.
Great job.
My recommendations are technical for the flow of the story.
The lead characters seem to have a mental bond that allows them to communicate. They should use this as much as possible since it is an asset of great importance.
I missed this the first time it happened because the event was not elaborated upon. I caught it on the second reading.
I like the story and I think the little mechanical tricks to enhance the flow and build anticipation will be easy for the author to discover.
I use a ‘text to speech’ program I downloaded free from the Internet. It reads my work to me. Also, read or listen to the story with an audience, one person will do, because you catch things your familiarity with the story hides.
Alcohol is an item that thins the blood. I think it would be counter-productive for an injured character like yours to drink alcohol. A small mater, but an issue that may hang up some fans.
I found no technical errors with this work. There are some aspects don’t quite flow with the rest of the work and a little work can make this piece more powerful.
Good luck.
Review of Learning Curve  
Review by scarzack
Rated: E | (4.0)
Learning Curve is a poem about life. Every now and then I pick up what I consider to be Universal Truths, and this is one. This work is succinct, to the point, and humorously on target.
The author understands that the courage to continue in the face of adversity is not as common as one would think. If we fail to learn from our experiences, we fail to live life to the fullest.
Technically, I only found two errors:
‘Learnto’ should read ‘Learn to’ and ‘til’ might read better as ‘`til’. These were not great distractions for me but they will improve the ratings when corrected.
I like the subject of this work, the style, and the message.
Good Work.
Review by scarzack
Rated: E | (5.0)
I like this work because it is basic and can be taken at face value. I mostly like it because it takes an issue that is grossly misunderstood and helps make it not so difficult to relate to.
Personality disorders are so often missed they are rarely diagnosed.
I just can’t put enough emphasis on the courage it must take to resist or otherwise deal with the stigma associated with such a predominant social issue, and a potentially devastating personal issue.
I found no technical errors with this work.
Good work.
Review of Fem fatal  
Review by scarzack
Rated: ASR | (4.5)
I like this work.
The spacing especially adds to the impact of the piece. The title of the work does not give away the ending, the focus is specific to the action, and the climax is powerful.
Technically I found no grammatical errors and I enjoyed the pace.
I do however ask the author to cross-reference the final line.
My research indicates the statement “… as all garden spiders do when they mate” may not be the most accurate although it is a very popular belief.
I checked 4 different references and I could not confirm the above quoted statement and they all contradicted it. I offer this because it was a distraction for me. If the piece ended at the word “off” I would have rated this work as higher.
Excellent work, please keep writing.
Review of Tangled laces  
Review by scarzack
Rated: 13+ | (4.0)
The tempo of this piece is rather fast because the last word in each line rhymes. This is okay because the impact is that the writing is rather frantic as is the flow of thought.
I like this work because it is emotion charged.
I only found one error and that is with the word ‘lazers’. Laser is an acronym for light amplification by stimulated emission of radiation. This did not detract from the work for me but it is important to the author, as spelling is integral to writing.
Good work.
Review of Look to His Like  
Review by scarzack
Rated: 18+ | (5.0)
Chapter one is strong and emotionally charged. The author expresses the shock many of us undergo when we realize that a conservative establishment likes its associates to be conservative and straight-laced. Although the main character had to fight the appearance of being quite liberal, it is her conservatism that is appalled and offended. Professional acumen is neglected by others and the main character must project a lifestyle more consistent with the stereotypical outward appearances of their brand of conservatism.
This work communicates to me because I have suffered similar scrutiny, as I am sure many readers will find they too have been subjected to a seemingly arbitrary set of criteria of the established order.
This is a good read.
Review of Single Sweets  
Review by scarzack
Rated: 13+ | (5.0)
This work goes beyond fun with food.
Fun and thoughtful, the author uses the imagery of food and the sensuous character of chocolate to explore the comparative texture of comfort food and romance. Lines about ‘empty carbohydrates’ and ‘nocturnal cravings’ allude to a changing emotional pallet as the focus of the work moves on to companionship and flirtations of promised delight.
I like this work.
I think the work will find an appreciative audience in those that have had to move on to a new environment for companionship and especially those that delight in the sweet anticipation offered in a budding romance.
I found no technical errors.
Although I would not consider this piece comedy, I found it humorous and delightful.
Excellent Job.

Review of The Admirer  
Review by scarzack
Rated: E | (4.0)
I like this piece because it is a little dark and very intimate. Almost like a parents love.
This piece is thought provoking because the imagery is so powerful and the overtones are so forceful. I like it, and I’m not sure why.
Technically I found 3 spelling errors, and one errant apostrophe.
Immagination should be imagination.
Gail should be gale.
Abandonded should be abandoned.
It’s should be its.
Most word processors have a spellchecker feature, which can easily improve the communicative quality of a piece. I did not pick up on these errors until I pasted the work onto my word processing program. Spelling is not my forte’ and using spell check is a must for me.
These did not detract from the impact of the work, for me, but may for other readers.
This piece, once corrected, can stand-alone or be easily integrated into a larger work.
Good Job.

Review of MRE  
Review by scarzack
Rated: E | (5.0)
Very nice.
This work is simple and to the point.
I enjoyed it because the format separates each item and gives the impact of introspective discovery.
There are characters the reader doesn’t need to know, because the author allows the reader to experience one aspect of their existence vicariously.
When I was in the military, my children often helped me clean my gear and they took great joy in discovering the odd treat from MREs.
I’m guessing there are very many people that can sympathetically share in the experience, and understand the dire circumstances our neighbors suffered through the food source described in this piece. It is a tangible link that gives us a powerful object to fuel our compassion.
The imagery was strong and realistic. In the short space of this piece, the author helped me vividly recall many events I had put out of my mind: storm damaged locals, years of eating alone in the woods, my fellow soldiers and marines around the world, the aches and pains of many forced marches, the humor of being miserable while in training, and the recent tragedies of a very active hurricane season.
In short, these few words invoked more thought than I can list or care to share.
Awesome job.
Well done.
Review by scarzack
Rated: E | (4.5)
I like the work and I can appreciate the humor.
A big distraction was the “hot coffee maker”
A 79 year old woman received 3rd degree burns to her genitalia and thighs. The company had ignored court orders to reduce the temperature of their coffee. They were callous and indifferent to their responsibility to the public while in court. The jurors and judge were not happy with the company.
While I see the humor there is much to be gained from a society that pressures companies to take financial responsibility for their actions.
This aside, I have known people that would rather sue than earn. It is pathetic and they are truly deserving of such pointed satire.
Keep up the good work.
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