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197 Public Reviews Given
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Review of The Seagull  
Review by Steve McLean
In affiliation with WdC SuperPower Reviewers Group  
Rated: ASR | (5.0)
H i, SkyFall!

WOW! What a beautiful story you have written! Thoroughly enjoyed reading it. Your word pictures helped to capture my attention as your story developed into its theme, keeping me enthralled and looking forward to what miracle rescue your seagull benefactor would perform in your life next. And I loved how your story ended with the peace and beauty of its one final rescue from the touch of painful circumstance.

Great job, Skyfall!
Review of Sea Of Life  
Review by Steve McLean
In affiliation with WdC SuperPower Reviewers Group  
Rated: E | (5.0)
Hi, Roy!

WOW! What a wonderful poem you wrote about the sea. It's something different, something beautiful. I found myself reflecting on every stanza about how true its perspective is.

I was also reminded of the times I enjoyed watching those Jacques Cousteau specials on TV about the seas of the world and exploring them with Jacques and his professional scientific crew. Thanks for prompting such pleasant memories, Roy, and giving me incentive to reflect on the multiple aspects of the sea God created.

Great job, Roy!!!
Review of Memories of Past  
Review by Steve McLean
In affiliation with WdC SuperPower Reviewers Group  
Rated: E | (5.0)
WOW!!!, Teresa!

What a beautiful Christmas memory piece you have written! I'm sure every reader will find it prompting memories of the host of Christmases in their lives, as it does for me. I never had a family of my own to share family Christmases with because my ex-wife and I couldn't have children of our own because of that being too dangerous for her, to become pregnant, because of her diabetes, the doctors told us. But we still enjoyed family Christmases together with my Mom and Dad when they were alive, along with my sister and brother and their families getting together with us. And before that, growing up, of course, my sister and brother and I shared plenty of great family Christmases with our parents, grandparents, and other relatives, at our home and/or visiting at Grandma and Grandpa's house in Michigan on Christmas Eve, having Christmas dinner together in their big basement, then opening presents all the relatives brought to open, before going home to open immediate family gifts on Christmas morning! I miss all of those types of Christmases, Teresa. My parents, grandparents, most aunts and uncles, and some other relatives are with the Lord now, and I'm usually spending my Christmases at home by myself watching Christmas movies on the Hallmark Channel on Christmas Day.

Another great writing job, Teresa! Really enjoyed reading what you wrote!
Review by Steve McLean
In affiliation with WdC SuperPower Reviewers Group  
Rated: E | (5.0)
Hi, Teresa!

What a beautiful poem! I can relate sooooooooooooo well to its sentiments and dreamy looking forward to having that special someone come into your life to share the rest of your life with you, being happily married and sharing the blessings of God that such a special relationship knows!

I've known these joys for a period of time with two special women that God brought into my life to love, and, Lord Willing, I'm hoping to know it again with another special gal who will love me like the woman in your poem loves her future love.

Another great job, Teresa!
Review by Steve McLean
In affiliation with Talk Place Group Forum  
Rated: E | (5.0)
Hi, GirlwithaHeartbeat!

Great idea for a poem! Really enjoyed how you developed your idea into a special theme that related to your faith in the Lord. It's so TRUE that the Father, Son and Holy Spirit protect our lives like bubble wrap protect packages should they somehow fall and their contents become broken if not for the bubble wrap.

Good job, GirlwithaHeartbeat!!!
Review of Horseshoe Canyon  
Review by Steve McLean
In affiliation with WdC SuperPower Reviewers Group  
Rated: E | (5.0)
Hi again, Ruwth!

WOW! What a great special time of memories you enjoyed when you were 13 and visiting Horseshoe Canyon with your friends! Loved how you expressed each memory, Ruwth, in delighted detail, causing me to delight too in reading each sentence that gave me a glimpse into your young life! Thank you for sharing this special time with me and everyone, and you did a great job in writing it!
Review by Steve McLean
Rated: E | (5.0)
Hi, Ruwth!

I really enjoyed reading this look into what seeking God and having a relationship with Him means for everyone who does so. Of course, when we seek God and find Him we find He is God the Father, God the Son, and God the Holy Spirit; we find that the word God is plural in its tense, because our Creators are these three holy, spiritual persons, not like it may sound, a single person, using the word God without an "s" on it, as our heavenly Father, Lord and Savior Jesus, and our Helper, the Holy Spirit do in all the various, reliable Bible translations from the original texts. So when we, as you know, seek God and find Him, we find we are blessed to get to know not one person as God, but three loving, holy persons, and develop a lifelong, wonderful, personal, loving relationship with each of Them. What a joy it is to enter into a relationship like this, when we have become saved by our faith in Jesus and what He and our heavenly Father and our Helper, the Holy Spirit each did to save us from our inhereted sin nature and its deathly physical and spiritual result!

Loved how you developed the theme and the points you wanted to make in this article, Ruwth! Great job!!!
Review by Steve McLean
In affiliation with The Newbies Academy Group  
Rated: E | (5.0)
Hi, Sorji!

The Inspiration Gnome Strikes Again! It is quite a miscreant, isn't it?! We can all relate to being visited rudely sometimes by this insistent and, usually, welcome fellow. What a joy, though, it is to have him visit and prompt us to set his inspiration down on digital or other paper to work on and develop into something GREAT for our readers to enjoy reading, like this very poem about this gnome you've written, Sorji! Great job!!!

Review of Be Thankful  
Review by Steve McLean
In affiliation with The Newbies Academy Group  
Rated: E | (5.0)
Hi, jordyleigh18!

What a beautiful reminder to all of us about the reasons we should always feel thankful in our hearts and express this thankfulness to God, not only at Thanksgiving time, but daily in our prayerful communications with God. I do this every day, joyfully, knowing that though there may be many things I don't have in my life right now, there are just as many things I DO have that others don't, and I am blessed in having them. Great job, jordyleigh18, in presenting this truth poetically! I don't have any "helpful criticism", except to suggest you change the last line of your poem to just "as Americans have", leaving out the awkward sounding "as us Americans have". But, perhaps that has been simply a typo to correct, anyway.

Review by Steve McLean
In affiliation with The Newbies Academy Group  
Rated: E | (5.0)
Hi, Lisztgrieg!

LOVE this poem! It is so beautiful and poignant, reminded its readers that it's alright to make mistakes, that it's the joy in your heart that matters more than having to be always perfect in what you're doing in this life. I can really relate to that, as I'm sure most people can. If we only knew how many mistakes professional musicians have made as they composed and played their compositions on the way to creating the best sounding arrangements for their songs, we'd all be comforted in our own efforts to play and compose a musical piece perfectly. Great job, Lisztgrieg! You have a special gift too, for creating lines that rhyme, which adds to the joy in reading your work!

Review of PoeTry  
Review by Steve McLean
In affiliation with WdC SuperPower Reviewers Group  
Rated: E | (4.0)
Hi, Drago!

Loved the pun title you chose,
Can never get enough of those;
Your poem delighted me in its wonder:
How to write a poem without blunder.

Poets find many ways to go about it,
Knowing whichever way, they must not doubt it
Is worthy to share, worthy to tout it.

Green bean now you may be,
But a beautifully proficient future for you I see;
Choose a topic you find fun
And rhyme away 'til you feel your poem is done.

Great job, Drago!
Review by Steve McLean
In affiliation with WdC SuperPower Reviewers Group  
Rated: E | (5.0)
Hi, Maryann!

WOW! What a great start for a fun-filled children's story! I hope you feel inspired one day to write the rest of it. Purple is my favorite color, so I was especially drawn to your story about a purple POLAR BEAR!!! A great graphic of it to accompany your story. Taking photos is a LOT of fun, so I could definitely relate to all the excitement in your first chapter about DOING that! Great job on coming up with this unique idea, Maryann, and bringing it to life for your readers!

Review of love  
Review by Steve McLean
In affiliation with WdC SuperPower Reviewers Group  
Rated: E | (5.0)
WOW!, Rhyssa!!!

What a BEAUTIFUL poem about love!!! Love is indeed a treasure from God, expressed throughout the many functions of His Creation, as well as, in the awakening of true love in two people's hearts for each other.

I loved how your word pictures demonstrated this. GREAT JOB, RHYSSA!!!

Review by Steve McLean
In affiliation with WdC SuperPower Reviewers Group  
Rated: E | (5.0)
Hi again, Michael!

Another GREAT TITLE for another thoughtful refection on life and how it is and how it can be properly perceived, if only one will take the time to do so, with God's help.

God reveals so much TRUTH to us about life, in His Word, and throughout the observance of His Creation. It's a blessing to experience everything God reveals, when you seek to experience those things, and come to understand them in the process.

Another GREAT ESSAY, Mike!!!

Review by Steve McLean
In affiliation with WdC SuperPower Reviewers Group  
Rated: E | N/A (Review only item.)
Hi again, Megan!

WOW! What a romantic husband you are blessed to have! I LOVE reading about the romantic ways couples express their love to each other! My parents, grandparents, and other relatives were always providing examples, such as you've shared, to encourage and inspire their children and grandchildren in how to express love to their future husbands and wives. And I did my best to learn from and follow their examples in my romantic relationships and marriage.

It was a joy to read what you wrote about your romantic husband, Megan! Great article!!!

Review of Lucy  
Review by Steve McLean
In affiliation with WdC SuperPower Reviewers Group  
Rated: E | (5.0)
Hi, Charlotte!

Loved your short story about LUCY!!! It reminded me of a male cat I've lived with at one point in my life named "Puddy" who shares some of LUCY's attitudes and behavior. Some cats are friendly in nature to everyone, while others want to dot their own thing and not be bothered unless its to give them food and water and change their litter box. I chuckled at how similar to "PUDDY" LUCY was in this attitude, from kitten age and onward. I know you really enjoyed writing this short story about LUCY, and I had just as much fun reading it!!!

Review by Steve McLean
In affiliation with WdC SuperPower Reviewers Group  
Rated: E | (5.0)
Hi, Neva!

WOW!!! What a beautiful poem you've created! And its a great reminder of how our Creators: the Father, Son and Holy Spirit (God in Three Persons), used the color blue to bring blessing to our eyes and our hearts, as we observe it in all of the things in Creation that are blue or have shades of blue in them, like some people's blue-shaded eyes. Great job, Neva!!!

Review by Steve McLean
In affiliation with WdC SuperPower Reviewers Group  
Rated: E | (5.0)
Hi again, espero!

WOW!!! What a beautiful love story you have written!!! I can see this being filmed and presented as one of the Autumn / Christmas-themed love stories that I LOVE to watch on the Hallmark Channels!!! It's THAT good and heart-warming. Have you ever considered rewriting any of your love stories in expanded script form and submitting them for consideration as a TV movie, espero? I really feel this one would make a PERFECT addition to the roster of popular romances featured on Hallmark.

As I enjoyed reading your love story out loud to myself (which I love to do, giving the proper inflections to the characters' dialogue, and the sentences' narrative), I found several words to use in a future Word Search puzzle: nonplussed, impressive, reciprocate, oblivious, arboretum, and frivolity. Thank you for those, as well as, one of the BEST love stories I've ever enjoyed reading!!!

Review by Steve McLean
In affiliation with WdC SuperPower Reviewers Group  
Rated: E | (5.0)
Hi again, espero!

A great contest entry that I easily captured my attention and keep me reading to the very end. Valley View Manor would be a great place to set more short stories, and even a future novel, if your writer's inspiration extends beyond this contest for this setting and these characters.

Review by Steve McLean
In affiliation with WdC SuperPower Reviewers Group  
Rated: E | (5.0)
Awwwwwwwwww ... what an imaginative and sweet story!!! Were you watching "Honey, I Blew Up The Kittens" again, for the UMPTEENTH time!!! (Ha! Ha!)

Seriously, wouldn't that be an incredible real life problem to find yourself and your neighborhood needing to have solved? Those cat food companies have certainly been doing a lot of experimenting lately to improve their products and increase that customer base.

I really had fun reading your "cat-ostrophic" tale!!! Another EXCELLENT supposition that adds to your "cat-alog" of humorous animal tales, espero!!!


Review of My Critter Zoo  
Review by Steve McLean
In affiliation with WdC SuperPower Reviewers Group  
Rated: E | (5.0)
Hi again, espero!

WOW!!! Do you know how to touch a reader's funny bone
With a poem that sets for him just the "write" tone
To bring forth the laughter along with the fun
You must have had creating this gem for everyone.

So how do I rate the work you have shared?
Excellent ... and THEN some ... in fact, beyond compare!!!

Review of The Seasons  
Review by Steve McLean
In affiliation with WdC SuperPower Reviewers Group  
Rated: E | (5.0)
Hi, espero!

WOW!!! I LOVE THIS POEM!!! It's the type of poem that I would have loved including in an issue of the Christian writers group publication: REFLECTIONS when it was still being published. What great images of the way the seasons change, effecting our lives and the world around us as they do. And I love your penchant for creating rhymes that flow smoothly and naturally from one observation about the seasons to the next.

Great job, espero!!!

Review by Steve McLean
In affiliation with WdC SuperPower Reviewers Group  
Rated: 13+ | (5.0)
Hi, Eric!

As a fellow Christian writer, I appreciate reading uplifting and encouraging devotional writing such as this. I was having difficulty sleeping after I climbed in bed, which sometimes happens because of my physical challenges, other times for other reasons, such as runaway thoughts about this and that. Tonight I was feeling some muscle tenseness that wouldn't allow me to just fall asleep and continue sleeping soundly, so I decided to get up for a while and spend some time reading and reviewing other writers' work on WDC. I'm glad I needed to get up for a while and decided to do so, Eric, because it gave me the opportunity to discover your devotional blog and read this particular devotion from it. You really did a great job of explaining the meaning of Matthew 5:5 about "being angry but sinning not." I'm looking forward to getting to know you through what you share about yourself and the devotional wisdom you impart in the devotions you've written and write. I'm planning on sharing similar types of writings, inspired by the wisdom the Holy Spirit has gifted me with, once I am able to upgrade my WDC membership and can begin creating my own blog content.

I've been saved by faith in Christ, and what he accomplished for every Christian on the cross, since I was 12 years old, and completed the Lutheran church catechism classes I took, Eric. Last September 28, I turned 70, so you can see that I've known and loved the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit, and been blessed in all kinds of ways throughout the years by each of them, developing a deep, personal relationship with them, as every believing member of the family of God does. Again, I'm grateful to God that I couldn't stay in bed, peacefully sleeping, so that I would get up, and find your blog, and begin enjoying it, and starting to get to know you, Eric.

Review of Teleportation Day  
Review by Steve McLean
In affiliation with WdC SuperPower Reviewers Group  
Rated: E | (5.0)
Hi, Patrick!

It may be a work in progress, but WOW!!! What a work so far!!!

What you've written so far has grabbed my attention and peaked my interest in finding out what's going to happen next. I love opening pages like this. You can't help but read to the very end of the page, then eagerly turn it to see where the storyline leads from there. Great job, Patrick!!!

Review by Steve McLean
In affiliation with WdC SuperPower Reviewers Group  
Rated: ASR | (5.0)
Hi, Dougo!

Now that's what I call a FUNNY MYSTERY!!! What a great idea to turn into a comical detective story. Excellent, attention-grabbing in its setup and its dialogue throughout. How confounding indeed that anyone would be upset that Bob Dylan could win a Nobel Prize, and that that fact (or fiction) would distract them from the detective work at hand, namely, that a Bigfoot-sized assassin would kill his victim, then quote a classic Bob Dylan song. Great job, Dougo!!!

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