Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/profile/reviews/strategos101
Review Requests: ON
33 Public Reviews Given
33 Total Reviews Given
Review Style
My style is varied for the most part meaning that sometimes I feel it necessary to comment on grammar and other times the flow of the story as an example. I will always try to be sensitive of your feelings for I know that writing is hard and personnel but even though this is true I still want to be as helpful as I can.
I'm good at...
At seeing plot issues, all issues related. Also I'm good at sniffing out dialogue issues.
Favorite Genres
Fantasy, science fiction, and fiction in general.
Least Favorite Genres
Erotica or anything full of a lot of detailed sex, and no poetry. In fact, I won't review these genres at all.
Favorite Item Types
Short stories, novels, any size, and fiction.
Least Favorite Item Types
I will not review...
Erotica or anything full of a lot of detailed sex. And no poetry.
Public Reviews
Review of The Cutting Edge  
Review by Joseph Mack
Rated: E | (5.0)
Well written story. Also very interesting. I've never read anything like this. I also like the message it left me with. Walls can be broken down. Divides can be bridged if we so want to do that. I also like the pov switch. It is hard to do this without throwing off the reader, but you did it very well.


Review by Joseph Mack
Rated: 13+ | (4.5)
Hi there.

Often times, I will preview a requested item, story, before deciding if I will review it. I did this with yours and I ended up reading the whole thing. Never skipped even a bit. This is my way of saying that you have a very interesting read. It hits upon a subject matter that all of use have had to deal with at one time or another or so I surmise.

Now, with that said, as I read it, I kept asking myself what is the main clear point she was trying to make, or better stated, what is the plot. The truth is, I wasn't all that sure really. One minute it was about how race plays a role, as you experienced it, in dating, finding a mate, and eventual marriage. This is what the first part of your story lead me to believe. But then, came the controlling parents, of course, race playing a part, but also the man's educational level and ability to make money. I thought, ok the story isn't just about race, but these other things as well.

Then the focus of the story became more about how the parents controlling behavior caused hardships within the marriage and within the the people going through it.

My point is clear here. A story should have one main plot and if wanted sub plots, but the sub plots should never replace or overshadow the main plot. Sub plots are used to support the main plot. This is, of course, how I understand it to be.

Also, I like your writing. It is clear and straight forward. And at no point was I lost or felt like the story in general went completely off the rails. Your message(s) are compelling and powerful.

And as a side note, I liked very much your walking with the Lord no matter what happened.

And lastly, I didn't find any issues with the grammar or spelling.

Good luck and bye.

Review of I Am The One  
Review by Joseph Mack
Rated: 13+ | (5.0)
Hi there. Well, I'm not sure how to review this kind of writing. I gave it a 5 star because, in my mind anyway, it doesn't matter how it's written, but more so, how it makes me feel. How hard it hits me, and if I can understand it. The 5 star is my way of saying that what you wrote it powerful.

And if you feel this way still, then all I can say, is that as time changes so does the future. Each day brings something new, although, in your state mind, if this is still your state of mind, it might not seem so. That is if you keep your eyes open. This is the key: Keeping your eyes open. Go to bed knowing that with a new day there bring new experiences, or so I believe.

Anyway, good day to you.


Review by Joseph Mack
Rated: ASR | (3.5)
Okay, lets start with some general observations.

A.) There was no setting. Where did this take place? At a restaurant? Not sure. No description was given except a table.

B.) What's really weird about her? People dress many ways and look different. The definition of weird is as follows: of strange or extraordinary character. How was she this? Okay, she ate funny. She wasn't appealing to the guy on the date, but was she really strange. I don't feel she is. Maybe a different word should be used here. Now, if you meant her to be strange, like out of this world kind of strange, then you will have to put in some work to make her that I think.

Now some questions to make you brain storm things a bit. Try to come up with answers to them.

1.) What does it mean to stare at someone's soul?

2.) What was so strange about the conversation? Sounded to me it was more boring then strange. She did act and respond as if she was lonely, really lonely.

3.) When she asked if she could watch him play why did he say sure? It doesn't sound like a response that would come from someone who obviously doesn't like her at all.

4.) The guy on the blind date didn't know about her at all ever? He is a friends with the guy who is friends with her and she is so freaking strange and his friend never said one word about her. Don't seem possible. If she is so strange, so out there, looks like the cat, then how could he not say something.

Anyway, I do want to say I did find this part of the story interesting and has promise. Keep up the good work and thanks for sharing.

Also the intensity can be increased with short sentences and mystery. Like when he begins to ask questions she might reveal something that requires more questions, more digging. An example might be as follows:

"So, what do you like to do for fun? You do like to have fun now don't you?

"And then some. I like to tie people up and put them in my closet."

"Oh really? Nice joke."

"Whos joking?"

"Oh, you're not?"

"Not what? Joking? Maybe. Just maybe."

"Oh, is that right. And are you looking for someone now?"


"And why not?"

"Because I already found someone?" she said with a slight smile. Her eyes, steady and unblinking, were fixed on him. The way she was staring made him feel unsettled. Ready to take flight.

I'll it stop here. You see my point?

Have a great day.


Review by Joseph Mack
Rated: E | (5.0)
Hi there. Well, as a whole, I liked it very much. It is simple in wording but deep in meaning. Who hasn't, when found someone who they love deeply, felt like this.

Also, it was somewhat sad because this person whom these memories are all about has passed on and or left. The lose I did feel.

Anyway, like I said, I really liked it. Thanks for sharing.

Review of One Man's Lament  
Review by Joseph Mack
Rated: E | (5.0)
Hey sir. Good day to you.

I love this poem because it is so insightful. The word choices were really good. It tells a story that we can all can relate to. Nicely done. It was well thought out I also thought. I wish I had more to say but I don't. Well done again.

Review of Tingle Town  
Review by Joseph Mack
Rated: ASR | (3.0)
So, let's start with this:

You said: This place has been founded by Arnelius Samuel Mackery-Ron, who is also named A.S.M.R. He was a massage therapist and became a sleep doctor. He received a bachelor’s degree in massage therapy.

Make yourself at home. Here you will find stores, malls, churches, and schools that will meet your everyday needs. When you are watching television, all channels are limited to silent cartoons or anything with whispering. As for music, your playlists will be limited to only spa music and lofi hip-hop. Our hotels provide the most relaxation with the softest mattresses, great food, and great customer services.

Again, don’t forget to whisper, but more importantly, don’t forget to smile.

My question is: Who is talking to here and to whom? Now, I know this is being said to the reader, but the reader is an observer in this story it appears and not a character.

You said this: She passed out copies of the syllabus and went over it. She then went over the rules.

“No eating or drinking in class. Even though we want you to feel at home, we don’t want this place to be a mess. The only exceptions are water. You can only have food here for a project. Next, no sleeping unless it’s for a project. No talking while the teacher is talking. No cellphones, especially when the screen is too bright and the ringer is on. However, we highly recommend you bring headphones to class. If you don’t have any, the school will provide you for some. Just return them when you’re done. And lastly, no yelling. Any questions? No? Alright. Class dismissed.”

The woman smiled brightly as everyone left the room.

It was already lunch time. Today the cafeteria served raw honeycomb, rainbow cake, edible brushes, edible sponges, and edible anything that is non-edible. For the drinks: water, smoothies, herbal teas, hot chocolate, etc.

And all I can say is this is way to rushed. A good dose of pacing needs to add here. Also, nothing of any relevance happened it class. Handing out the ruls, going over them, them game over, off to lunch we go, is lacking depth.

You said: Laqueta, her younger daughter squirmed in her seat. She hated talking, which makes the place was right for her. She was just getting into first grade. “Good,” she said, not even a whisper.

Everyone pick a partner,” Mrs. Gigi said. “If you can’t find one, I’ll assign one for you.”

Serenity was glad that she didn’t have to go around the room to find some random person. The teacher could do it for her.

Okay, so this part completely jumps. There is no transitioning at all. We were at school, where nothing happened, we are home, mom buys a car, now instantly we are back to school.

And I think I will end here as far as the review is concerned. This should be enough to work on if you agree with my observations. I did finish the story, and I will say, despite everything, I found it full of promise and interesting. It needs work, but I think you have a winner here.

Good luck.


Review by Joseph Mack
Rated: 13+ | (5.0)
Well, you at least got me to look up the difference between those two words, that alone is something special, but in the end it matters not that there is a difference. You see, it's the feeling they, the government, cares about and not the heart. It's the feeling they are after. Because if they can make you feel a certain way then they can control you. Direct your actions. And in the process make you feel like what you did in the name of this and that was the right thing to do even if it wasn't. Fill you up to the rim with pride. This is what hitler did. This is what the president of the United States at that time also did. He was more subtle then hitler was but the end result was the same. Both manipulated those in their nations. Both done wrong. Sending people off to die for a cause based on patriotic pride is wrong. It's a tool. God warned this would happened and as always he's right. So, I'm not that hyped up about nationalism and patriotism because the end game is indeed the same. Die for your country. Die for your family and friend. Die for me so sayith the leaders of the world. Well, I won't die for a country but I would die for God and his son and you if need be and it has nothing to do with nationalism or patriotism. It has everything to do with the heart.
Review by Joseph Mack
Rated: 13+ | (5.0)
This gives a very relaxing sensation. I really liked the description. I also like your word choices. I particularly liked this: "You catch the cycles of lives and the seasons they fly through."

Again, overall the work was excellent because even though it was short it said a lot. Good job.
Review of The Human Magnet  
Review by Joseph Mack
Rated: E | (5.0)
Oh my goodness, these accounts just had me laughing my buns off, pun intended. And I'm sure it wasn't meant to be funny, and I'm sorry for laughing, but man the way it sounds is comical. I mean, I never really thought about this subject before. (:

Thanks for sharing.
Review by Joseph Mack
Rated: E | (5.0)
Wow, that was insane. I don't know what to say other then I would completely move out of that area. Run Forest run!
11 Reviews · *Magnify*
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Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/profile/reviews/strategos101