Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/profile/reviews/sukumvit
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6 Public Reviews Given
6 Total Reviews Given
Review Style
I tend not to focus of grammar too much unless I found it too be very lacking. I look for good character development a captivating plot and plenty of atmosphere along with quality descriptions. Ease of reading is important to me also as I want to be entertained, not to have to translate and research every sentence in order to understand what I am reading. I also look for an appropriate pace, if its fast it’s gotta be fast if it’s slow lets dwell on the moment. A good use of imagination is also something I look for.
I'm good at...
To be able to tell you if the work was entertaining as a whole. Was it able to grab the attention of the reader and keep them hooked early on. To be able to strip away mechanics that make a story good and feed that information back to the writer. Identifying atmosphere and telling whether the writer has captured the scene well. I can tell if a piece was overwritten or underwritten and give advice accordingly. Good at identifying if the style of writing matches the story well.
Favorite Genres
To be honest I am into most genres as I find they all have their own individual strengths which the writer can draw upon to create amazing stories.
Least Favorite Genres
I am not a great lover of fan fiction.
Favorite Item Types
Anything to be honest.
Least Favorite Item Types
None really
I will not review...
I will review anything. This however may change in times to come.
Public Reviews
Review of CLONING CHRIST  Open in new Window.
Review by sukumvit Author IconMail Icon
Rated: E | (5.0)
Interesting article as I was not aware of any nutjob groups attempting to clone Jesus. I was however aware of the blood sample on the Turin shroud which contained a double X chromosome which is pretty freaky as a person with one parent would indeed have such a blood.
I looked a lot into the shroud and the head cloth which I believe is in Spain. There a lot of freaky facts going on there. Such as 3D information contained in images of both cloths as well as X_ray data, and they thought it was the work of an artist,lol. The fact the carbon testing was proven to be incorrect as the sample supplied by the Vatican was new material from a repair undertaken in the 14th century as well as a host of other facts.

My take on it would be if Jesus is as described in the bible cloning would not be required as he would no doubt return as he stated.

As for the article, Well written and interesting

*Gold* My review has been submitted for consideration in "Good Deeds Get CASH!Open in new Window..
Review by sukumvit Author IconMail Icon
Rated: E | (4.5)
Pretty good, I look forward to reading more of these werewolf chronicles. As for the preface my only criticism is maybe put a little more detail into it and a bit of atmosphere if you could. It’s no doubt a fantastic story but it’s in your head and but not in mine. Give a bit more out in the start to hook the reader further. Writing style is easy to read being nice and clear.

Keep it up


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Review of Ellekonge  Open in new Window.
Review by sukumvit Author IconMail Icon
Rated: 13+ | (4.5)
Bing a fan of Skyrim and loving anything to do with this type of fantasy is a good start.
Good points are as follows;
Lots of background info and plenty of references to other Characters which come across as fitting into the fantasy world you are writing about. Seems a bit of Tolkien has slipped into the world this which is good.
Dialogue is good and in theme with the writing and remains consistent throughout.
Grammar and construction of sentences look fine too with no errors standing out to me.

Only negative for me is it has been written in in present tense. I feel it could have been even better if was written past tense.

*Gold* My review has been submitted for consideration in "Good Deeds Get CASH!Open in new Window..
Review of Trapped  Open in new Window.
Review by sukumvit Author IconMail Icon
Rated: 13+ | (5.0)
I liked this piece of writing; it was short and to the point. I found it captured the girls experience well; the descriptions in my opinion were neither overdone nor underdone. Just the right amount of information. The girl seemed very realistic in the types of memories she recalled and the ending though dark was good.

*Gold* My review has been submitted for consideration in "Good Deeds Get CASH!Open in new Window..
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