I really find an enlightening interest in this article. The quotations you live your life by specifically. The quotes you spoke of, I haven't heard before, but as I found myself within these mottos myself, I would like to know the life stories, and the adventures each of these brilliant writers have faced. Most often, I think the joy of writing, and the passion of writing; often is birthed out of a storm. You have a joyful, youthful way of writing, and pertain to the senses of worth, and boldness. You could raise a debate, as to, what is going on in the nation, and why are there so many followers, and yet so few, so rare are the leaders, that lead by example. There are many that would present themselves as a leader, even take up a role, of being, what they might think a leader should look like, but what does a leader look like, and how would you pick out a great leader, out of the masses? That answer by itself, would solve so many questions about what's going on with the morality of the world today. I think, for myself, I could answer the question, but then for others, or to others that believe differently, would find it controversial. I believe it's this nation wide trend of wanting to be like. They think that just because they don't click, everywhere, then they click nowhere, or should just be left alone; creating inventive ideas, great imaginations, and inovative desires. I think many people once they discover these insightful, and wonderful gifts within themselves, they often think, they can now be liked for what they are able to do, rather than who they are. |