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Review by Tornado Day Author IconMail Icon
In affiliation with Circle of Sisters  Open in new Window.
Rated: 18+ | (5.0)

Dearest Light,

In my heart, I know that God cries the same as we do…..

And I am grateful for such, and that the view is broader through His eyes -
such that He knows the road ahead….

these stones along the way


hold me here
a little while -
catch my tears with joy
remind me of a day
not long ago
I sat upon the steps
and played -
thought not long ahead
of all that would
your tender mercies


I am reviewing for the September (a bit late) Rising Star Shining Brighter
contest. Thank you so for this amazing piece. I am thankful for the
depth of feeling that is your talent.

Always love,

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Review of The Muse's Garden  Open in new Window.
Review by Tornado Day Author IconMail Icon
In affiliation with Circle of Sisters  Open in new Window.
Rated: E | (5.0)

O Ken ~

I love this. The style is beautiful, and I must say that I am envious of your
ability to work within form (and have me forget the form completely). I think
that's why I resist, for my words always feel forced into a place unnatural
to me - to the original thought.

Also, this was sad........in a way. But then again, you surely knew
I'd think that..........for it writes to my heart, so easily scarred.


beyond the life
we dreamed -
find me there
penned into the places
meant for rhyme

say my name
with passion -
the same as once I heard
tell me still
you love me -
lest I die
your words


I really love this, Ken. I am reading for the April Rising Star Shining Brighter Contest. Thank you
for your entry, and for the wonder that is words.

Much love,


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Review of LINES  Open in new Window.
Review by Tornado Day Author IconMail Icon
In affiliation with Circle of Sisters  Open in new Window.
Rated: E | N/A (Review only item.)

Dearest Everose ~

I love the simple beauty of this piece. It leaves the reader to imagine,
to fit their own lines into those of yours.

It is magic. It is literature.

It is beautiful.


weave these words
to fragile verse
these lines to fill between
the leaving
from the coming back
the waking
from the dream


I love this. I am reading for the April Rising Star Shining Brighter Contest. Thank you
for your entry, and for the wonder that is your talent.

Much love,


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Review of Jolene!  Open in new Window.
Review by Tornado Day Author IconMail Icon
In affiliation with Circle of Sisters  Open in new Window.
Rated: 13+ | (5.0)

Dear Marc ~

I love this……… Not for the situation it portrays but for the courage shown by Jolene.
Do you know that an abused woman will be beat an average of seven times
before she leaves the first time? At some point, the lines fade between right and
wrong and all that matters is surviving. I’ve worked with women who found a refuge
in prison for it was the one place their husband couldn’t reach.

You’ve done a wonderful job with developing this story…. Thank you, Marc.


stay me here
one other day
beyond the urge to fly
tell me that I’m all you’ll ever need
a means for understanding
wrongs were never right
tell me of your love
when come for me


I am reviewing for the January edition of the Rising Stars Shining Brighter Contest.
Thank you for this thought provoking and emotional piece.

Love always,

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Review of RoadWork  Open in new Window.
Review by Tornado Day Author IconMail Icon
In affiliation with Circle of Sisters  Open in new Window.
Rated: E | (5.0)

Dear Friend ~

I really like this. I’m not sure I can say just why, other than to say
that it kept my attention…….

Beyond words, the format was such that it kept me engaged. I really
really like this………. I close my eyes, and can smell the tar….


here and there
the road becomes
a reason to remember
the coming back
the moving on
to home


I am reviewing for the January edition of the Rising Stars Shining Brighter Contest.
Thank you for this wonderful piece.

Love always,

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Review by Tornado Day Author IconMail Icon
In affiliation with Circle of Sisters  Open in new Window.
Rated: E | (5.0)

Dearest Connie ~

….and in the sharing, you find those moments again.. *Suitheart*

I am convinced that is part of the reason we write – to live
again in our words. In your words, you relive a beautiful time -
stretching moments to span eternity.

I've often thought that we live as long as one remembers our
name. In the telling of your story, we become a part of that story -
of your telling.

Love can never exist without his brother, sorrow. And yet, where one
comes, the other sits not far away.

For lives we grieve, until they surely
bring us to our knees. Perhaps while we’re there, we should express
our gratitude for love that came before. Love that told our story.


whisper to my memory
the first I thought of you
as winter passed
and Christmas
called your name


I am reviewing for the November edition of the Rising Stars Shining Brighter Contest.
Thank you for this beautiful gift you share through your stories of Jim and your
family together. You are blessed and you have blessed us in the remembering.

Love always,

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*Gold* My review has been submitted for consideration in "Good Deeds Get CASH!Open in new Window..
Review of Spark  Open in new Window.
Review by Tornado Day Author IconMail Icon
In affiliation with Circle of Sisters  Open in new Window.
Rated: E | (5.0)

Dearest Marc ~

O yes!!! We need only to be open to it – to become a part of it. *Fire*


burn against
this chilly heart -
mark my soul with flame
move these winds
to carry me afar

sweet to
right your wronging -
wordless to your sin
shining just above -
your favored star


I am reviewing for the November edition of the Rising Stars Shining Brighter Contest.
I am grateful for every entry you make, Marc. Thank you for you.

Love always,

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*Gold* My review has been submitted for consideration in "Good Deeds Get CASH!Open in new Window..
Review of Autumnal Dance  Open in new Window.
Review by Tornado Day Author IconMail Icon
In affiliation with Circle of Sisters  Open in new Window.
Rated: E | (5.0)

My dearest Ken ~

I love the Fall. There is something sweetly romantic in the falling of leaves -
in the almost (not quite) dance of colors. The eager brushing of hearts
one to another. It is the story of life coming true.



fallen once
the maple chord
of memories beginning
would find
and wrap around us
in the light

was once a word
of all we knew
was story -
is falling now
beyond the reach
of night


I love this, Ken. I am reviewing (a bit late) for the October Rising
Star Shining Brighter contest. Thank you for the wonder you bring to those
who love you.

Much love always,


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Review by Tornado Day Author IconMail Icon
In affiliation with Circle of Sisters  Open in new Window.
Rated: ASR | (5.0)

My dearest Christina ~

I am always envious of those who can weave a story from imagination.
I can do rhyme and ramble with the best of them. But story only works for me
when it is true (when it is my story)……

And yet, I fell in love with this and the mystery you wove into words. Very
well done, my friend.


as pages
once the mirror claimed
stories writ the wind
ancient seeds
and there a garden

separate from another
some reaching
into life
took us not by faith
to places


This is very well done, Christina. I am reviewing (a bit late) for the October Rising
Star Shining Brighter contest. Thank you for the gift of story that comes so easy to your

Much love always,


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Review by Tornado Day Author IconMail Icon
In affiliation with Circle of Sisters  Open in new Window.
Rated: ASR | (5.0)

Dearest Marc ~

I love this………..it reminds me of “The Tale Tale Heart” for some
reason. There is both acceptance and sorrow here, but greater is the
life which dares to remain tied to this mortal existence – reminders
of remembering.

You get me every single time!!! Truly (truly) exquisite, my friend.


tethered by a promise
come again someday -
make of me
a star in all your dreams
say my name
or keep it
taste each tender vowel
last year’s plans
have faded from us now

where we were
and what we meant
some other trust betrayed
a moment came -
has stayed
the changer with the changing
the dreamer
doesn’t dream -
for only this
the passing into light

burdened not by
stories –
of something
someone said
was life before
a ways for this to find
measured not to hours
passed -
when given love’s embrace
tempted not to taste
a breath divine


I am reviewing for the June competition for Rising Star
Shining Brighter. Thank you for your beautiful submission, and
even moreso, for sharing your talents with us.

Much love,

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Review of Pillars Of Stone  Open in new Window.
Review by Tornado Day Author IconMail Icon
In affiliation with Circle of Sisters  Open in new Window.
Rated: 13+ | (5.0)

Dearest Kasia ~

There is a heaviness to this piece, and I can only attribute
it to the weight that is the burden of life. If we carry it with strain,
it can bend us double. But if we dare to stand tall, the burden
is lessened – the road not quite so steep.

I love the feel of this though. It’s an old world type feel
of understanding, sorrow, and shared apprehension of tears.

where and still
we gather here -
with sorrow for the way
we came
and yet another price to pay
leaned into eternity
when faulted not our own
to fall into -
to answer yet by name

I love this. I am reviewing for the June competition for Rising Star
Shining Brighter. Thank you for your wonderful entry, and for
continuing to share your talents with us.

Much love,

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Review of A Whispered Call  Open in new Window.
Review by Tornado Day Author IconMail Icon
In affiliation with Circle of Sisters  Open in new Window.
Rated: ASR | (5.0)

Dearest Sinclair ~

There is a depth to this piece that words cannot reveal - a sorrow
that can never be contained by a pen or by the limits of a page. In this, the truth
that is life and love - the cost for all we know.

I've thought many times over the past week that the world is fortunate
that I am not God, for surely I would have destroyed mankind during a moment
of grief such as this....a moment revealing the apparent flaw with creation.

And yet, I am not God and we are blessed (again) for always, it was
a part of the plan that love would save us ~ HIS love would save us. We were
never meant to earn it....

and we never did.


what words shall fall
to ease your pains -
what joy would hurt absolve
what tears to cry
would tell you of my loss
how many sins
you might release
how many wars unknown
would still your heart
that I might grieve
your sons


I am reviewing for the March Rising Star Shining Brighter contest. I am honored to have
the chance to read this timely and emotional piece, my friend. Thank you and good
luck with the contest.

Much love,


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Review of Barn  Open in new Window.
Review by Tornado Day Author IconMail Icon
In affiliation with Circle of Sisters  Open in new Window.
Rated: E | (5.0)

O, Marc ~

I love old houses. But of course, I would. More than brick and mortar, is the story.

A friend was telling me just last week how she was moving into an old place and began
by telling me all the things she was going to do - lay down carpet, resurface
the mantle, paint over the walls....

And I have prayed each day that she runs out of money before she buys the
first gallon of paint. The stories are what matter - the lines to measure how children grew,
the burn mark on the kitchen counter, the patch above the door knob...

memories, stories, reminders of living. These moments of the divine are the meaning
for existence ~ the measure of life.

I've wondered if houses fall because they are burdened with grief, wanting
still for those who were never meant to stay.


spin me 'round
this splintered floor
make of dreams some other
and slide me neath
the winter once we lay
with plans to keep
and prayers unsaid
forgotten to forever -
a promise to the silence
hurts we rubbed away
remember me
to empty rooms
and something more
I wanted -
would stay the night
and not my touch betray


I am reviewing for the March Rising Star Shining Brighter contest. As always, I am moved
by your talents and the depth that is your heart. Thank you so very
much for your entry. Good luck, Martin.

Much love,


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Review of Pavement  Open in new Window.
Review by Tornado Day Author IconMail Icon
In affiliation with Circle of Sisters  Open in new Window.
Rated: ASR | (5.0)

Dearest Marc -

I'll be honest. Some of this was perhaps lost on me - as it was a
darkness unfamiliar to perhaps everyone but you.

But in wondering about it, I realized that while the darkness may be different -
the shadows exist for all of us - taunting us with regret and wasted
choice. Within our brightest color are whispers of grey, the
remnants of a storm, the red that is both our blood spilled
and our passion bloomed.

Beneath every joy lies a bruise.......the price for bliss.

This is beautiful.


of these few lines
across my skin -
a weathered cloth of brow
are called to mind
a many sleepless night
the silver
of my favored scar
the ache beneath the break
holes where'er my heart
was once -
now gathered
to the light


Thank you so much for your entry. I'm reading for the January Rising Star Shining
Brighter Contest. As always, your words inspire me to more than write. They inspire
me to think! Thank you for this unexpected gift (every time).

Much love,

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Review by Tornado Day Author IconMail Icon
In affiliation with Circle of Sisters  Open in new Window.
Rated: E | (5.0)

Dearest Christina -

There aren't many who can weave a story as you do, filled with such intricate
detail and yet also alive with magic. The story takes life in your hands, with your pen.

What I loved most about this story is the feeling Meghan was left with at the end,
as she was comforted by something she could no longer see or prove had ever happened.
Such is faith, and such is the warmth we find in belief.

This is beautiful.


might I be
sworn into
another kind of life
the one I live
beyond these crystal streams
the way I walk
much different there
the song - my only one
crowds into the memory
of dreams


Thank you so much for your entry. I'm reading for the January Rising Star Shining
Brighter Contest. As always, the very best of luck to you. Thank you.

Much love,

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Review by Tornado Day Author IconMail Icon
In affiliation with Circle of Sisters  Open in new Window.
Rated: E | (5.0)

Dearest Marc ~

Indeed! It is our gift (our obligation) to question ~
to seek the truth (even among declarations
of the truth). Always, there will be those who swear
to know, and yet, we must know.

We must KNOW!


as dark
the ways to travel
and worried there alone
of where the stars were leading
(let them lead)
casting long
our tattered nets
into the sweet divide
made between this world
and those beyond

as the ancient tie
barely seen at all -
tho stretched to hold
of all together now
as one to understanding
let now the thread be cut
as each was sworn
another time
to be


I am reviewing for the 2012 North Star Competition, open to
previous winners of the Rising Star Shining Brighter honor. I am
honored by the chance to share in the talent of your words.


Thank you, Marc, and good luck!

Much love always,

Review of Meaning  Open in new Window.
Review by Tornado Day Author IconMail Icon
In affiliation with Circle of Sisters  Open in new Window.
Rated: E | (5.0)

Dearest Marc ~

If you have learned one thing, it is that with joy comes
sorrow. When one sits at our table, the other lounges on our bed.
We exist within the confines of our own thwarted imagination, the lines
we dare to create for ourselves.

But in truth, we are the wind and everything is ours for the taking,
if we could only get out of the way. Our assumptions, our fears, our
egos are often much bigger than our dreams.

And isn’t that always the case.

But we must ask ourselves every day – ‘what would I do if I
weren’t afraid?’, and then do it!


not of these
my destinies
are laid in sheets of white
printed as a memory
to my eyes

let me fly
to ancient skies
let me touch the sun
forgiven now to reasons
I had none


I truly love this, Marc, and apologize for a delay in getting by to visit. I am reviewing
for the November Rising Star Shining Brighter Contest. Thank you for this
wonderful and thought-provoking entry. Good luck.

Much love,

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Review of 2025  Open in new Window.
Review by Tornado Day Author IconMail Icon
In affiliation with Circle of Sisters  Open in new Window.
Rated: E | (5.0)

Dearest Marc ~

Do you know what I love? I love words that make me feel and make me
think ~ and make me want to get up and open the window, throw open the door,
light a candle and burn down the barn!!!

Change ~ change is the greatest fear of all. It keeps us from every love,
every dream, every job, every hope, ever peaceful night’s rest ~ every single tomorrow
that we imagine. We can have it all, and yet – there we are – standing in our own

I teach a class for recovering addicts who are terrified – not that they won’t make it,
but that they will. They fear the thought that they have power to change anything. And they
have the power.

Whether they think they can or think they can’t,
they’re always right.

Let us change it all ~ one glorious thought at a time. Let us love and let us
stand against all that we fear. Let us ask ourselves again and again ~

What would I
do if I weren’t afraid?

And then….let us do it!


give me more
than one more day
one more tear to bare
one more light to shine
into the darkness
give me grace
to lift my arms
to give to others might -
let me love
as I am love -
a fight to stem the fight


Thank you for this exceptional piece of work, dearest Marc.

I am reviewing for the October Rising Star Shining
Brighter contest. I wish you the best of luck with the competition.

And I was just kidding about burning down the barn! *Bigsmile*

Much love,

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Review by Tornado Day Author IconMail Icon
In affiliation with Circle of Sisters  Open in new Window.
Rated: ASR | (5.0)

Dearest Christina ~

Halloween is a time of year that I am grateful for.

If for no other reason,
it is a reminder of the child in all of us ~ and more than that ~
that regardless the night, light always wins.

Good always trumps


stay the break
of others -
watch until the flame
is burned into the ember
some remembrance
of the pain
stay when shadows
gather -
stay the night
to ease the dawn
warm my heat
against your hunger -
hold my heart
within your heart


Thank you so much for this timely piece of work. I am reviewing for the October Rising Star Shining
Brighter competition. Good luck with the competition.

Much love,

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Review of Old love  Open in new Window.
Review by Tornado Day Author IconMail Icon
In affiliation with Circle of Sisters  Open in new Window.
Rated: E | (5.0)

Dearest Koyel ~

Anyone who knows me knows that I am not a fan of form. The reasoning is that
quite often, the focal point becomes the form and the words
are lost from meaning.

But sometimes, I am reminded of how unfair I am in that perspective ~ when I read something
that is so beautiful ~ and never even notice there was form.

You've done that with this piece and I am overwhelmed.


would e'er my soul
be given
a moment to remember
the ways to home
as paths I've never known
and there within
a memory
of someone still I love
as light escaped
another dawn
awaiting me to come


This is beautiful. I am reviewing for the September
Rising Stars Shining Brighter Contest.

Thank you for this entry and for the talent you share with this
community. Truly...

Much love,

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Review of Summer Solitude  Open in new Window.
Review by Tornado Day Author IconMail Icon
In affiliation with Circle of Sisters  Open in new Window.
Rated: E | (5.0)

Dearest Marc ~

I absolutely love the wonder that escapes through your words. I found myself
breathing along with you, quietly counting as would ripples against the
shore, rapids returning to stone.

My favorite line ~ I carve my name upon the universe .

How very true, but I know (I can see) that the universe has
carved its name on you ~ for otherwise, these words would not sing.


pour to me
the wonder
that is the forest song
and slip my tired flesh
beneath the boughs
bear me as the river
gently to the sea
remembered still
the mountains
to me now

spill me
as eternity
against a stretch of sand
as polished to her mirror
were my ways
drink me
from becoming
as one with all I see ~
and rain me from the clouds
another day


Such inspired work. I am in awe. I am reviewing for the September
Rising Stars Shining Brighter Contest.

As ever, I am in awe of your talents
and so very appreciative of the wonder you share
with word.

Much love,

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Review of Time  Open in new Window.
Review by Tornado Day Author IconMail Icon
In affiliation with Circle of Sisters  Open in new Window.
Rated: E | (5.0)

Dearest Marc ~

It's odd that I would read this today. I just finished a book in which one of the main characters
insisted that love is spelled TIME.

If we love, that is what we give - the sweetest of all gifts - time.

Regardless our desire, we cannot reclaim time which is lost. Save our memories, but as
they are, they are. If I cannot change the fact that I had pancakes for breakfast, then I cannot undo a wrong
committed yesterday, or board a ship that left dock ten years ago.

If you are familiar with the parables of the bible, I am convinced that the word talent is meant
to be a measure of time, for nothing says more of what lies within us than
how we spend our time.


parable of destinies
awaits a new foretelling
as one to know
so few will understand -
the past can never be returned
but never is it ended
in places
we remain -
the arrow flies


I am reviewing (albeit a bit late) for the July Rising Stars Shining Brighter Contest.
This is a thought-provoking piece, my friend, and I thank you for the talents (time) you share with
this community.

Good luck with the competition.

Much love,

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Review of Dark Scribe  Open in new Window.
Review by Tornado Day Author IconMail Icon
In affiliation with Circle of Sisters  Open in new Window.
Rated: 18+ | (5.0)

Dearest Sisco ~

I've often thought that the upside of getting down is that it makes for some fabulous
writing. Think about all the exceptional writers that we would have missed out
on had it not been for depression and despair.

Sylvia Plath, Emily Dickison, Edgar Allen Poe - just to name a few. In their
despair, they found a solace. In their depression, they found strength to leave us
a legacy of amazing literature.

Perhaps it is our conviction - our savior - our one salvation from that which
would destroy us otherwise.


turn me not the way of home
or steal from me these words -
or paper then to write
of thoughts unheard
tarry not the journey -
where the pen has made my way
or save to lines -
each truth I held
as death shall soon repay


I am reviewing (albeit a bit late) for the July Rising Stars Shining Brighter Contest.
This is an inspired piece, and I am grateful for your entry, and for the talents you share with
this community.

Good luck with the competition.

Much love,

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Review by Tornado Day Author IconMail Icon
In affiliation with Circle of Sisters  Open in new Window.
Rated: ASR | (5.0)

Dearest Deanna ~

This is indeed a heartfelt piece of beauty, and I applaud your ability
to master emotion enough to write it. I suspect so very many can relate
to the story passed in these lines – one of compassion and selflessness.
But also one of confusion and disappointment.


give me grace
beyond my reason
will to understand
of love I gave
without condition -
moments left to my
withered roses
teardrops flowing -
always here I dream
of more
than breath I gave
to save another -
a tender touch
worth waiting for


Beautiful. I am reviewing on behalf of the Circle of Sisters for the June competition
of Rising Star Shining Brighter. Thank you so much for your entry and (as always)
for your talent with words.

Much love,

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Review of Oh Fortune!  Open in new Window.
Review by Tornado Day Author IconMail Icon
In affiliation with Circle of Sisters  Open in new Window.
Rated: E | (5.0)

Dearest Marc ~

I truly love this. And I bet you can guess my favorite line…

“Lead us not
to roll the rock of Sisyphus,
in our quest to find meaning
for that we are not ready to understand”

I am a searcher for the truth, but realized a long time ago that it is not
always a failure in my ways that keeps me from arriving at the truth (nor is it
the case for others who seek answers). Most often it is a merely one of timing -
that I am not yet ready to understand.

Many look for a teacher, but when we are truly ready to be taught,
a teacher will come. Thank you for this lovely reminder.


turn my soul
into the wind
and ride my breath
to Burma ~
sail upon the wings
that are my song


I am reviewing on behalf of the Circle of Sisters
for the June competition of Rising Star Shining Brighter. Thank you so much for your entry,
and (as always) for your talent with word.

Much love,

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