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Review by sarge
Rated: 13+ | (4.0)
good read. I can not the big problem either. "A" reads " y" book coming up with"?"result. This is right.
"B" reads "y" book and comes up with "!" result. That is right.
"C reads "y" book and figures A and B are blind since he can not see what either of them did.
I read "y" book and take a cab out of town before the fight begins since I WROTE "y" book and none of the above spoke with me or they would have seen there is NO SINGLE results.
Sorry for the bad joke but I think you see what I mean. Again good job.
Review by sarge
Rated: E | N/A (Review only item.)
great read. You seem to hit the bull's eye.
Review of My Psalm  
Review by sarge
Rated: E | (4.0)
Great read. I do not think David could have said it better himself. He is credited with having written at least half the psalms.
Review by sarge
Rated: E | (4.0)
great job. But you seem to have forgotten why the Pilgrims,Quakers etc. first came to this country-Freedom of Worship. Many of the constitutions of the 13 colonies show a reliance on Divine Providence. I have heard that Divine intervention is shown in at least 2 books about our history-"1776" and "Mayflower"
Review of A Simple Prayer  
Review by sarge
Rated: E | (4.5)
great job. It seems you have everything covered.
Review by sarge
Rated: 18+ | (4.5)
great job Now can you tell me what Maher is #1drinking,#2smoking(yes he does inhale-I believe). Where did he study history? I wonder what he has against HIS story? Look at the books"1776" and "Mayflower" and explain how some of these stories happened without"SOMEONE"'s help and/or design. Again great job.
Review of Easy Evangelism  
Review by sarge
Rated: E | (4.5)
great ideas. I never thought of any of them.
Review by sarge
Rated: E | (4.0)
never heard of you party,but it sounds interesting. Can you remind halloween used to be ALL HALLOWS EVE? great job
Review of Christian Survey  
Review by sarge
Rated: E | (4.0)
great job when will you release the results?
Review by sarge
Rated: ASR | (4.5)
good job.I have not seen it summed up better for sometime.
Review by sarge
Rated: E | (4.0)
good. How do you keep your "nose to the grind stone"? I often write myself into a corner then give up.
Review by sarge
Rated: 13+ | (4.5)
great job. I thought justice was only blid. This time it seems to be a master of disguise as well. again greta job.
Review by sarge
Rated: E | (3.0)
Can you tell what is on a persons mind when you read an application for a job?
Who are baby boomers? What positions do they hold? Can any of them still work? How long?
Do you know anything about indentured servants?
If an illegal has"x"job and is sent home. You have"x" skill have been unemployed for sometime and are about to loose your home etc. You have been told "x" job is available. No one else has applied for the job.
Illegals do not pay taxes. Sometimes neither do their employers. No taxes=no money for government programs.
How many illegals die where they are dropped in this country by the smugglers they have paid every last peso they had?
What were the requirements for immigrants coming through Ellis Island?
The worst of what appears to be "POLITICALLY CORRECT" is that illegals are to be treated to that which our citizens have worked for but can not be given.
I know of some AMERICAN men who had to fight for almost 2 years bring their WIVES into the country(before 9/11).
I hope you do not loose your current job. At our ages(you-59 me-61) it appears hard to get jobs. I was a factory worker until my job was EXPORTED to save my former employer money. Check and see how many others have had the same fortune.
If politicians could give as much attention to the people who voted for them as they seem to give to illegals I believe OUR ECONOMY could TURN AROUND.
I spent almost half my life in service to this country. My grandfather was an immigrant. So,technically was my father(he was 5 years old when he came to this country).
Review of What War Is  
Review by sarge
Rated: 13+ | (4.5)
great read. Unfortunately it was,is and (unfortunately) shall be for sometime to come true. It is among the worst inventions of mankind. I must challenge any antiwar reporter or protester with a very simple question,Who do you think wants war to end more you or the service men/women who are"In Harm's Way"? again great read.
Review of Forty Years  
Review by sarge
Rated: E | (4.5)
great read. I knew corpsmen will die for their patients. I never thought about rangers dying for regular infantry men. I always thought rangers went in first to try taking out specific targets to help the infantry before they were near the battlefield. Again great read.
Review by sarge
Rated: 13+ | (3.5)
good read. Do you plan to go any further with fields vs rogers?
Review of Insertion  
Review by sarge
Rated: E | (4.0)
great read. It seems all too true.
Review of War  
Review by sarge
Rated: ASR | (4.0)
great read.I would love to see mankind turn its back on war and solve its problems with reason rather than weapons. The only war I would like to see is war against viruses. If that were to happen how long would it take to conquer aides and many forms of cancer.
Review of Ira Howard  
Review by sarge
Rated: ASR | (4.0)
great read. Have you ever been to Gettysburg? I bought a video about Gettysburg. I thought it was the battle but it was about the last reunion of those who fought there. I can almost see Ira. He was like most combat veterans. They do not like talking about their war experiences. Again great read
Review by sarge
Rated: 13+ | (4.0)
great read. I regret to say that the problem and solution are both MANKIND. Even with Divine Guidance the physical work must be done by MANKIND. I would love to see ALL Nations take HALF of their MILITARY budget and put it into war against MANKIND's worst enemies HUNGER,IGNORANCE.ILLNESS. Teach a man and he can overcome ignorance. Teach him to hunt,fish or farm he will feed himself,his friends and family. Teach him about germs and viruses and with your help you both can win the WAR for better health. Again great read.
Review by sarge
Rated: E | (4.5)
Great job. I wish you had included that most of Europe and some of Asia had been conquered leaving our friends the British all but alone against Germany,Italy and Japan. Then ask what happened to 2 of our WW II allies who turned against us feeling sure they would bury us. Where are they now? Russia is not what she was. China is trying to rebuild herself,not as a communist state.
Review by sarge
Rated: 13+ | (3.5)
great read. A child's death due to combat is the hardest thing a soldier can endure.
Review of Sarge  
Review by sarge
Rated: E | (4.0)
great read. I can almost see it happen.
Review of A warriors view  
Review by sarge
Rated: E | (4.5)
great read. right on target
Review of A soldier's story  
Review by sarge
Rated: 13+ | (4.0)
great read. It may not help but history is full of stories like yours. The bad part of this sort of story is that the understood(him or me) does not make it any easier to accept by the soldier that pulls the trigger. Hopefully it does not get the upper hand with you as it has with many of the vets in veteran homes and hospitals.
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