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556 Public Reviews Given
562 Total Reviews Given
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Overall impression, likes, suggestions, positive closing. I am honored to do reviews upon request, usually on the first day 2023 Quill Winner 2023 BEST REVIEWER
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...emphasizing positive things in addition to at least one suggestion2023 Quill Winner 2023 BEST REVIEWER
Favorite Genres
Biography, short stories, all styles of poetry.
Least Favorite Genres
Horror, Dark because I am not fond of voluntarily being scared.
Favorite Item Types
True stories and experiences
Least Favorite Item Types
Anything that scares me
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I will review anything. I have reviewed books, however, they take a lot of time, the turnaround is longer than 3 days.
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Review of My Life  
Review by tracker
In affiliation with disABILITY WRITERS GROUP  
Rated: E | (3.5)
Hello strlcuckoo,

I appreciate your request to have me review this poem and will do so with my opinions after reading "My Life".

Overall impression: It was a little awkward to read this piece at first because it was the entire lines of poetry with no breaks. It made it hard to track any rhyming scheme and take a breath in between stanzas. I took it to mean you were writing in somewhat of a free-verse style.

Your story was compelling. You had choices of life partners and which direction to go. You possibly started in one direction that was not right or did not work out. From the description of questioning your choice at the end it seemed to forebode something sad either within you or with how a situation turned out.

I felt like I was looking in on a very personal event or events in your life. I was not sure if they were good or bad making you feel up or down. I would suggest it may make a better short non-fiction story so you could embellish upon the way things went down. It would allow you to fill in some blanks that I as the audience would want to know. Did you marry and have children regrettably? Did you fall in or out of love or were you not in love at all? From the narrative, I could not tell. There was punctuation for a while then none so I was left a bit off in deciphering what occurred.

I am honored to be asked for a review. Your writing style in this one is not quite as polished as others I have read. It was written many years ago. If you take a look at it using my impressions, it may be something you may want to revise or update to give the reader a little more insight as to what transpired in your life. Thanks again.

Write on!

Sharing, caring, helping each other to get through the days. Writing, delighting many ways
#1817507 by dogpack:saving 4 premium: DWG

Made by Hanna

*Gold* My review has been submitted for consideration in "Good Deeds Get CASH!.
Review by tracker
In affiliation with disABILITY WRITERS GROUP  
Rated: E | (5.0)
Hi foxtale,

Thank you for your request to have me review your story "Tha A-Team Cake and Buster Dog". I used to watch that show and a dog named Buster sounded like there would be a little adventure involved.

Overall impression: I liked the way the story moved chronologically. I know the TV show and characters so the items on the cake were familiar up to and including the revised layout of the A-Team times. It helped a lot to know how Buster got through the front door. Dogs are red and green color blind but I imagine the box and the smell drew him directly to them. The fact he made a "beeline" for it made a great visual.

The storyline was helped by other characters when a need to move on occurred, such as his wife asking him to go to the store for the candy rocks. The descriptions were so real I felt I was part of the action. I was left wanting to read more. Great job with bringing the story together at the end. Your work is such a pleasure to read. The family stories combine humor and heartwarming experiences. The visuals of Jason snarling and the boys chortling are words that you don't see every day. Good choices when put together made for a marvelous story.

Congratulations on another expert story. I do have you on my radar to read more. If only I had 27 hours in a day to spend the extra 3 hours just reading to my heart's content. I was honored to be asked to give this review. Thank you for that.

Write on!
Sharing, caring, helping each other to get through the days. Writing, delighting many ways
#1817507 by dogpack:saving 4 premium: DWG


*Gold* My review has been submitted for consideration in "Good Deeds Get CASH!.
Review of The Spoils of War  
Review by tracker
In affiliation with disABILITY WRITERS GROUP  
Rated: E | (5.0)

This poem is brilliant. The words are specific. The story is clear. The moral is understood. There is everything right. No corrections. Using the vernacular of a person who may be found in a region where you find the ranchers in your poems would speak with words like learnin' and yearnin' with the others. Your poem is clear and concise. The main character is human like us, but his experiences have changed while he served us. I won't forget this poem because you are talking about my generation.

Write on!

Sharing, caring, helping each other to get through the days. Writing, delighting many ways
#1817507 by dogpack:saving 4 premium: DWG

DWG Autumn Sig

*Gold* My review has been submitted for consideration in "Good Deeds Get CASH!.
Review of The Chair  
Review by tracker
In affiliation with disABILITY WRITERS GROUP  
Rated: E | (4.5)
Hello Underground_Man,

I am honored to review your story The Chair. These are solely my opinions I hope are useful to you.

Overall Impression: This is a strong story evoking thought and introspection upon reading it. The quintessential question of how we live our lives is answered at the end. To be present in the now reaps the most benefits.

I liked the repetition of "Just like everywhere else." It reminded me of the Little Engine who repeated "No matter what" in The Little Engine That Could. It is inclusive of all people who live where they live who might be going through the same ritual.

I found just one correction needed. You wrote "He could only think about the the very moment itself." You need to delete the extra the.

I appreciated the unique spin you put on your premise. For no particular reason, my mind jumped to looking at a wall to watch paint dry, rather than contemplate wider, more serious issues. Your story is universal, believable, and relatable. All good things in storytelling. I am looking forward to reading other writing in your portfolio. I wish you a Happy New Year and my thanks for sharing your work.

Write on!

Sharing, caring, helping each other to get through the days. Writing, delighting many ways
#1817507 by dogpack:saving 4 premium: DWG

DWG Autumn Sig

*Gold* My review has been submitted for consideration in "Good Deeds Get CASH!.
Review of My Plague  
Review by tracker
In affiliation with disABILITY WRITERS GROUP  
Rated: E | (5.0)
Hello again str;cuckoo,

At your request, I am reviewing your poem "The Plague".

The style of 4 syllables with rhyming 2nd and 4th lines creates a song. It is easy and enjoyable to read. There is no hurry to get to the end because each part of the whole creates a picture. Seeing a fellow writer sitting staring at a blank page with pen in hand is a picture I am familiar with. Even if you are not a writer but perhaps doing an essay for class or other writing, the audience at large can relate.

In the next to last stanza, line 3 has only 3 syllables. The rest is flawless.

I am going to bookmark this one so I can sing it when I am blocked. I hope it would help but no it wouldn't hurt to try. More terrific poetry. Thanks for introducing me to your poetry.

Write on!
Sharing, caring, helping each other to get through the days. Writing, delighting many ways
#1817507 by dogpack:saving 4 premium: DWG

DWG Autumn Sig

*Gold* My review has been submitted for consideration in "Good Deeds Get CASH!.
Review by tracker
In affiliation with disABILITY WRITERS GROUP  
Rated: 13+ | (5.0)
Hi Beholden,
I was looking at a contest winner's list and saw your story A Very Parfit Knight. It was a longer short story than I have been reading. It was fun to read something longer.

I was hooked from the first sentence. I was introduced to the main character along with where he was headed. I jumped in with enthusiasm. It did not disappoint. I know enough about the intranet to understand the tiny inner world of the intranet. Technological breakthroughs can be used for evil. Every few months I receive a notice about information that has been compromised.

Each character was developed and presented with all their foibles. To do that in a short story takes planning and skill. They are memorable. The frame inside a computer is handled like a perfectly normal place for the story to take place.

I was thrilled to run across this very enjoyable story. It could easily be expanded to a book I would think people in their mid-teens would jump on this book since their milieu has been the internet since birth. Great writing, plot, characters, and frame. It left me wanting to read more.

Write on!

Sharing, caring, helping each other to get through the days. Writing, delighting many ways
#1817507 by dogpack:saving 4 premium: DWG

DWG Autumn Sig

*Gold* My review has been submitted for consideration in "Good Deeds Get CASH!.
Review of My Home  
Review by tracker
In affiliation with disABILITY WRITERS GROUP  
Rated: E | (5.0)
Hi and thanks for requesting me to review your poem.

"Home" is an excellent poem. The contrast between country and city is evident throughout. Obviously, if I had my choice I would take the mountain tops and peaceful valley. The poem flowed effortlessly. The rhymes are pure and natural.

My favorite stanza is:
Visitors look up in awe,
God makes my sky so blue.
They wonder at the eagles,
As they soar into view.

I likened it to flying up on the wings of an eagle. Your home feels like a sacred place. It is one with nature. Your poem is flawless mechanically. I loved the comparisons where most of the time you were sharing the wonders of country living. Most people won't know how that feels.

Thank you for sharing the poetry of your home. It is appealing.

Write on!
Sharing, caring, helping each other to get through the days. Writing, delighting many ways
#1817507 by dogpack:saving 4 premium: DWG


*Gold* My review has been submitted for consideration in "Good Deeds Get CASH!.
Review of One Man's Lament  
Review by tracker
In affiliation with disABILITY WRITERS GROUP  
Rated: E | (5.0)
Hello strlcuckoo,

Thank you for requesting I review your piece One Man's Lament. I will tell you up front it is the best of all your work that I have read so far. It flowed. The rhyming was with more specific appropriate words. The mental self-flagellation was sad. To think you ruined a good, or even the best thing that ever happened to you, carries a lot of guilt. On a personal level I would hope you can take this, one of my favorite quotes to heart. "Perhaps our eyes need to be washed by our tears once in a while so that we can see life with a clearer view again." Alex Tan

Thank you for the privilege of reading and reviewing once again. If I could, I would rate One Man's Lament a 10 out of 10.

Write on!
Sharing, caring, helping each other to get through the days. Writing, delighting many ways
#1817507 by dogpack:saving 4 premium: DWG

Made by Hanna

*Gold* My review has been submitted for consideration in "Good Deeds Get CASH!.
Review of Doused  
Review by tracker
In affiliation with disABILITY WRITERS GROUP  
Rated: E | (4.5)
Hi strlcuckoo,

Thank you for requesting a review of your Doused poem. I could read your poetry day in and day out.

Impression: This told a funny story about what did not happen to Skeet. Here you take care of this wonderful dog and he disturbed the awful scent producer and look at what happened.

You have the gift of rhyming. This piece, unlike the others, felt a little stiff to make the rhymes. I am sorry I don't know what "beaves" are. I know what a Diamondback is but I am not sure generally if most of the audience will.

Still, it is a pleasing poem telling clearly and concisely your story. As in other stories, I suggest you go in and add another genre. I keep wanting to read more which is every writer's music to their ears.

Write on!
Sharing, caring, helping each other to get through the days. Writing, delighting many ways
#1817507 by dogpack:saving 4 premium: DWG

Made by Hanna

*Gold* My review has been submitted for consideration in "Good Deeds Get CASH!.
Review of Skeet  
Review by tracker
In affiliation with disABILITY WRITERS GROUP  
Rated: E | (5.0)
Hello and thank you for requesting this review of Skeet. I am always happy to read and review your work.

I enjoyed reading this poem immensely. I love dogs and Skeet's story is heartwarming. I laughed until I almost cried at the llamas spitting in his face. Using bold print for this was brilliant. It made it even funnier. Skeet is a wonderful character. The poem reminded me vividly of Shel Silverstein's work. The expert rhyming makes the poem that much more appealing. I don't know what is special about llamas, but they seem to be a favorite animal to have. The spitting is mighty off-putting to me.

Your work is mechanically flawless. If I ever see errors, maybe excepting typos, I think less of the writing. You don't have that problem!

Great work! I don't run across talent like yours often. It is a great read and I appreciate you bringing it to my attention.

Write on!
Sharing, caring, helping each other to get through the days. Writing, delighting many ways
#1817507 by dogpack:saving 4 premium: DWG

Made by Hanna

*Gold* My review has been submitted for consideration in "Good Deeds Get CASH!.
Review of Texas Drought  
Review by tracker
In affiliation with disABILITY WRITERS GROUP  
Rated: E | (5.0)
Hi strlcuckoo,

I received a request to review your poem “Texas Drought” and am happy to do that for you.

Initial Impression: the story is all too familiar. Drought is devastating to a cattle ranch. The current drought, you say, has lasted three years and brings many "crying tears". If it is almost half as bad as the seven year one starting back in 1955, many will be in big trouble. All aspects of what a ranch goes through during a drought are expressed in your poem. The words sound kind of hopeless but the sign about rain maybe improving with prayer is a hopeful ending. It reminds ranchers and educates people who don't live anywhere near that lifestyle,that they are dependent on the weather.

I loved the rhyme. The third stanza covers the desperate situation succinctly. That is one thing I like about your poetry. I know that you will move the story in a natural flow. Each adjective and verb and adverb, well in total all the words, fit in to tell the story. I see the ending as a glimmer of hope. Where there is hope there is prayer. Powerful stuff is prayer! “Pray for rain!”

There is just about always something to improve a piece. You could fill in all three opportunities for a genre to improve the chances of more people choosing that genre to read your work. Your poem is mechanically flawless. Bravo!

You have a great handle on telling a story that an audience can relate to. At times, people know that there can be either too much rain or not enough rain. The circle of life needs to have conditions to cycle normally. Droughts are not part of that equation, as bad times can come as a catalyst to produce poor outcomes.

I enjoyed reading even with a topic of a less than desirable real life event. The way you approached it with examples of the result of having no rain was brilliant. The one that stands out for me is “The cattle’s been auctioned off, No grass they could eat. The cattle’s been auctioned off, No grass they could eat" are words followed by the fields being “harrowed." What a great, specific word is harrowed. Keep on sharing your poetry. It is an example of excellent writing expertise.

Write on!
Sharing, caring, helping each other to get through the days. Writing, delighting many ways
#1817507 by dogpack:saving 4 premium: DWG

Made by Hanna:

*Gold* My review has been submitted for consideration in "Good Deeds Get CASH!.
Review of Spotted Pup  
Review by tracker
In affiliation with disABILITY WRITERS GROUP  
Rated: E | (5.0)
Hi Strlcuckoo,

I am responding to your request for a review of Spotted Pup. I am happy to read any of your work and review it for you. I hope what I offer is useful for you.

Initial Impression: The poem looks perfect on the page. Nicely typed with your distinct 4 line stanzas. The read was wonderful. A story of a ranch pup grown up and doing the good deed for the good of the ranch is a moral story I got from it.

We are told he is eight years old. From that information, my imagination went to picturing the spotted pup grown up helping to round up the cattle. It sounds like a dog like Skeets becomes everyone's dog as he performs his skills for the good of the ranch. It is a complete story told in 87 words. I am fairly new to writing in the poetry genre. I have read them for years, of course, and always come back to ones that are clear and concise.

A couple of suggestions. In the line "Skeets been here eight years now, since his name is Skeet I think you are trying to say 'Skeet has' maybe using Skeet's been here instead of Skeets. The other is the genre western is perfectly the number one correct genre. To get more readers you would want to have the total of three genres. Maybe you could use animals and pets.

I enjoyed reading Skeet's story. Raised in the suburbs, any stories based on a ranch, in the country, or on a ranch are fascinating to me. I believe everything you say because you know that setting. Great writing! I am very happy I have more items to read from your portfolio. Have a good day.

Write on!
Sharing, caring, helping each other to get through the days. Writing, delighting many ways
#1817507 by dogpack:saving 4 premium: DWG

Made by Hanna

*Gold* My review has been submitted for consideration in "Good Deeds Get CASH!.
Review of Vision of Hope  
Review by tracker
In affiliation with disABILITY WRITERS GROUP  
Rated: E | (4.5)
I just read Vision of Hope. I always think of the line in the movie "Miss Congeniality" where Sandra Bullock expresses she wants world peace. I liked how you presented your vision of hope. Just imagine a world with no war. No children being orphaned, maimed, and killed. It is heartbreaking to watch these things. I like how you can uplift so eloquently in your poems. Thanks for writing this. It re-sparked a little bit of hope in me.

Write on!

Sharing, caring, helping each other to get through the days. Writing, delighting many ways
#1817507 by dogpack:saving 4 premium: DWG

Made by Hanna
Review of A New Start  
Review by tracker
In affiliation with WdC SuperPower Reviewers Group  
Rated: E | (5.0)
Hello again,

Here is the review you requested on your poem "A New Start"

Initial Impression: Your poem should appear in the World Dictionary under the definition of hope springs eternal or if at first, you don't succeed try, try again. The title should have reassured me that the poem had a happy ending. Who doesn't love a happy ending?

The internet is amazingly efficient at finding people. I found a couple of missing relatives that way. Your poem reminds me of great song lyrics. The rhyme set a great rhythm, on the fast-paced side which I really liked. Another thing I noticed is how you can tell a wonderful story by selecting small but powerful words. I can picture the likes of "Mustering nerve." You showed me the emotion and left it to me, your audience, to interpret. Typing the last line in all capitals was a super idea. It gave the point of the whole story more emphasis.

A suggestion is to replace the genre "other" with a descriptive one. The genres are used to locate writing that someone is interested in reading. They are also a good way a newsletter editor might find a work to showcase in an issue.

Your excellent writing is such a pleasure to read. Your emotional tone conveys your feelings which readers love to hear. One of the caveats of writing is to have the readers believe you. You seem to wear your heart on your sleeve. As a reader, that is appealing.

Write on!

WdC SuperPower Reviewers Group  (E)
Join the fun! We inspire reviewers through kindness and learning! Winner of eight Quills!
#1300305 by Maryann

A clover image for the Power Group to use

*Gold* My review has been submitted for consideration in "Good Deeds Get CASH!.
Review of Boulderman  
Review by tracker
In affiliation with disABILITY WRITERS GROUP  
Rated: E | (5.0)
Hello Beholden,

This is a review of your short story Boulderman. I wrote a review of one of your poems and came back to review this short story. Remember these are solely my thoughts that I hope you will find helpful.

Initial Impression: This is a superbly written story. Opening with a quiet moment, I was completely at ease. Mildly curious at first, I was pleasantly surprised as Boulderman’s reverie was interrupted. The pace picks up. I liked the transitions that moved the story along.

I think it is highly creative. I did not associate the name within the name, Booulder with a rock until he morphed into one. The ending with rock, paper, scissors is classic! Congratulations on another super story. There don’t appear to be any mechanical errors, but why would there be? I don’t have to tell you that you are an accomplished writer. If I see writing contest winners, I see your name! Any genre, any contest You are a valuable asset to WDC. I always enjoy your work. Looking forward to your next prize winning piece.

Write on!
Sharing, caring, helping each other to get through the days. Writing, delighting many ways
#1817507 by dogpack:saving 4 premium: DWG

Made by Hanna

*Gold* My review has been submitted for consideration in "Good Deeds Get CASH!.
Review of Aura Of Authority  
Review by tracker
Rated: E | (5.0)
Hello James,

I got wind of your portfolio while working with one of my groups on reviews. I noticed a review was done on Sergeant Gus and The Day of Joy. It sounded like a wonderful story so I read it. Just like Berkeley students' behavior. I have a nephew who attained his doctorate there. I also lived in the Bay Area for a time. I picked your highlighted story to read and review. The thoughts I am recording are mine alone. I hope they are helpful.

Overall Impression: Aura of Authority is a great comfortable read. I was encouraged by the description "Cool lake waters, hot beach sand, and a powerful red whistle." I like all three. Your opening hook was simple yet extremely effective. My mind was already whirring with the possibilities of a magic whistle.

I felt your pride at Melanie's conquering the job of her dreams. I was expecting her to get it the first time. Nice twist that she didn't. The examples of saving a drowning girl and preventing a fight from escalating were memorable. I nearly drowned at a public pool and am here because the lifeguard scooped me off the bottom of the pool, whisking me up and over the side to save my life.

The piece is mechanically flawless. Your choice of active verbs made the story as vibrant as the day you wrote it. A suggestion I felt would help the audience is to increase the font size. I am a boomer too and my sight is not as sharp as it once was.

Kudos for a fabulous story expertly written. It has elements of suspense, anticipation, action, and a great message about not only a job but better than that the tradition of keeping the red whistle. Your comment in your portfolio description, His one regret is that the late Andy Warhol only promised each of us a few minutes of fame - fortune would have been so much better. had me profusely guffawing. You have had more than fifteen minutes of fame with me today. I was left wanting to read more. It's a sure thing I will be back to do just that. I have rated five stars wishing there was a scale of at least ten stars!

Write on!

WdC SuperPower Reviewers Group  (E)
Join the fun! We inspire reviewers through kindness and learning! Winner of eight Quills!
#1300305 by Maryann

A clover image for the Power Group to use
Review by tracker
In affiliation with WdC SuperPower Reviewers Group  
Rated: 13+ | (5.0)
Hi Joel,

I visited your group and then popped into your portfolio here to look around. I saw this poem and thought it was a great way to get to know you. The title "How Brother Nature Got His Name" was self-explanatory. It is something my inquiring mind always wants to know. Remember the opinions I share are solely my own which I hope will be helpful to you.

Overall Impression: A wonderful rhyming poem that met all the elements of a solid poem. I think the name of your business is ideal. I would call your company just due to the clever play on Mother Nature.

The highlight for me was the cool rhymes that could have been lyrics for a classic 60s tune. I peeked at your bio where your sense of humor matched this poem. My favorite lines were every one of them. The best of the best is "One tormented girl and five rowdy boys, could you imagine our parents' joys?" Our family was the opposite with one tormented boy and four calm sisters.

The piece is mechanically flawless. Two suggestions. Other is one of your genre choices. Using "other" gives no clue what the poem is about, so you could be missing out on more people reading. I would replace it with "biographical." Secondly, it would be much easier to read if this work was in bold letters.

What a nice high you put in my day---without the wine! You are an experienced and expert writer. There is so much of your work to choose from. Keep on writing with the same style. Also of note, is the way you laid it out making it pleasing to the eye. I liked the colored font for the title and the by-line.

Write on!
WdC SuperPower Reviewers Group  (E)
Join the fun! We inspire reviewers through kindness and learning! Winner of eight Quills!
#1300305 by Maryann

A clover image for the Power Group to use

*Gold* My review has been submitted for consideration in "Good Deeds Get CASH!.
Review of Never Again  
Review by tracker
In affiliation with WdC SuperPower Reviewers Group  
Rated: E | (5.0)
Hello Stricuckoo aka 1jerseyboy,

Thank you so much for your request to review "Never Again." The following comments are my opinions only. I hope you find them useful.

Overall impression: I will admit my cheeks warmed reading this love story. The descriptions with comparisons to notable women struck a positive chord. I liked it was a poem. It is so much more expressive with fewer words than other genres.

The message: Your message of having the one, your special person you adored, was clear and concise. Words you used like "Hair like sunshine on waving wheat" painted a picture I could summon to mind. You showed your feelings without needing to tell them which is the sign of an accomplished writer. I can't forget "Her eyes so deep a man could drown." A beautiful line as I thought of eyes being the window to one's soul.

One correction is the word then in "meaning more then the Pieta's." It should be than.

Congratulations on sharing this very personal story. It is as significant and pleasing to read as it was for you to write it. I am so sorry for your loss but bet you have wonderful memories as you lay awake at night. I promise I will read the other recent pieces you added to your portfolio as time permits. You are an excellent writer. I am looking forward to reading more which is the best feeling to hear from one of your audience!

Write on!

WdC SuperPower Reviewers Group  (E)
Join the fun! We inspire reviewers through kindness and learning! Winner of eight Quills!
#1300305 by Maryann

A clover image for the Power Group to use

*Gold* My review has been submitted for consideration in "Good Deeds Get CASH!.
Review of You are with HIM  
Review by tracker
In affiliation with disABILITY WRITERS GROUP  
Rated: E | (4.5)
Hi Happy to Write,

I ran across your new poem about your mother "You are with HIM." Here are a few thoughts I had. Losing Mom has to be the worst thing we go through as daughters. Having a strong faith, as you do, makes it a bit easier to know she is in a place where a place has been prepared for those who love Him. If she was suffering, leaving to live in the house of the Lord for eternity was a glorious thing. It still doesn't completely take away the emptiness. It looks like your second holiday without her. One little correction in the line that she "done" a lot which should be "did" a lot or "had done" a lot. Remember her and keep her spirit alive in your daughter. Very nice writing skills you have. I was hopeful at the end of reading your poem. We can all use a dose of good outcomes. Great job!
Review of Dreams  
Review by tracker
In affiliation with disABILITY WRITERS GROUP  
Rated: E | (5.0)
Hello Green Supports Israel,

I caught your portfolio name at Lilli's QOTD. My mouse landed on "Dreams." How appropriate it was yet another anima, albeit a rodent, to add to your array of dream animals. This is a terrific children's piece, enjoyed by this seventy-four-year-old grandma. Your descriptions were vivid. I liked the way the animals were hanging out, the sloth in particular. Gathering the images together in this little tale was fun to read. I am not sure if you were sleeping or not. This had a real Dr. Seuss vibe. I liked it.

Write on!
Made by Hanna
Review of The Chosen Five  
Review by tracker
In affiliation with disABILITY WRITERS GROUP  
Rated: E | (4.0)
Hi Ash,

Your story "The Chosen Five" appeared on the Read a Newbie List. Welcome to WdC. Reading and reviewing each other's work is a major focus here. I will share a few opinions I hope you will find useful.

Your story is imaginative with many explanations of what could happen at each turn. The title is the best part because it ties together the characters in a common bond. It is written as if you are telling the story to a group of friends. I am not counting the areas I know you would like to correct, update, and change so I will leave that to your revision if you choose to work on it. The plot is sound and with some editing will make a story you can be proud of. Congratulations on joining us and sharing the story you wrote a few years ago.

Write on!

Sharing, caring, helping each other to get through the days. Writing, delighting many ways
#1817507 by dogpack:saving 4 premium: DWG


*Gold* My review has been submitted for consideration in "Good Deeds Get CASH!.
Review of Throughport  
Review by tracker
In affiliation with disABILITY WRITERS GROUP  
Rated: 13+ | (5.0)
Hello fivesixer,

Your prose piece "Throughport" came up on Read & Review. I will share my opinions which you may take what resonates and is useful for you.

Overall Impression: Your genres were helpful to know this is a personal, emotional piece. Sharing that the purpose was to mend a friendship explained the experience you had searching. You are looking for redemption, regretting whatever bad thing you did. It was clear that "You are moving to get around." One image I really liked was being a "cowlick in the family portrait." That image was unique and one I related to.

Mechanically, the piece is sound. It has appeal with the length of the lines making it easy to read. Congratulations on the story that is as significant today as it was when written.

Write on!

Made by Hanna
Review by tracker
In affiliation with disABILITY WRITERS GROUP  
Rated: E | (5.0)
Hello W.D. Wilcox,

Your endearing story "The Chocolate Holiday" appeared on Read & Review. With Thanksgiving a week in the past, I was ready for a Christmas tale. This review reflects my opinions only which I hope you find useful.

My first impression was a neat story between two elves. I knew they were elves when one touched "his pointed ear." The presumed brogue accent of one and the easy banter lulled me into thinking the story would be two elves shooting the breeze. When Santa arrived with his plan, I thought it was far-fetched. However, I quickly identified the sequence with a huge smile. The snowballs' names kept coming as I smiled more largely.

Alas, I did not get the punchline. It was fun to read, though, and worthy of five stars. It looked clean mechanically. The story has all the contents of a classic; if only I understood the ending.

Write on!
Sharing, caring, helping each other to get through the days. Writing, delighting many ways
#1817507 by dogpack:saving 4 premium: DWG

Made by Hanna
Review by tracker
In affiliation with disABILITY WRITERS GROUP  
Rated: E | N/A (Review only item.)
Hi Meghan,

I was looking for ideas to make a page similar to this merit badges and trinkets page. I planned to copy the merit image and write a brief 1-2 line memory of the reason the badge was given. The giver writes something but it does not always bring the event leading up to it clearly. I took the opportunity to collect the trinkets I did not already have from previous visits to your portfolio.

Your accomplishments here at WdC are awesome. It is people like you who form the strong backbone of the site. Thanks for having this page and page 2 that follows.

Write on!
Sharing, caring, helping each other to get through the days. Writing, delighting many ways
#1817507 by dogpack:saving 4 premium: DWG

Made by Hanna
Review of Your time is over  
Review by tracker
In affiliation with disABILITY WRITERS GROUP  
Rated: E | (5.0)
Hi Sumojo,

Your time is over appeared on the ONLINE AUTHORS list. I wondered whose time was over so came to read it. I am certainly glad I did. I loved this contest entry. I skipped right to the opening dialogue before checking the genres. I was fascinated at its originality. The dialogue flowed just like it would in real life. This was kind of an internal conversation of sorts. You accomplished answering the prompt. Bringing in artificial intelligence (AI) was current and made for a lively closing for kicking your muse to the curb.

I was bothered by the single apostrophes. I don't know why because they are probably appropriate. I think it was a most entertaining piece. You are a gifted writer and it is always a pleasure to read your work.

Write on!
Sharing, caring, helping each other to get through the days. Writing, delighting many ways
#1817507 by dogpack:saving 4 premium: DWG

Made by Hanna
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