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Rated: 13+ | (4.5)
Hello, I'm True and this is a Simply Positive - Angel Army review!

*Idea* First Thoughts *Idea* :
Oh goodness, Pythons in Florida? Hah, don't look for me to be around anytime soon!

*Thumbsup* What I liked *Thumbsup* :
The rhyme scheme was constant and remained unforced, which is great. As for the contents of the poem, you threw some new information on me! An informative poem? I like it!
*Note to self, avoid that vacation to the keys you were planning*

*Exclaim* Suggestions for improvement - Grammar/Spelling *Exclaim* :
I didn't catch anything that needed to be fixed, so again, great!

*Star* Final Thought(s) or Favorite Part(s) *Star* :
I enjoyed how you rhymed the poem while teaching some of us that are -way- out of the snake loop (LOL)
Hope to read you again!

Thank you for allowing me to read this piece, I hope you keep in mind that these suggestions are exactly that- only suggestions! If you have any problems or complaints about my review(s), please email me!
Have a wonderful day!

- Lauren (True-Romantic)

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Review of Shadows  
Rated: E | (4.0)
Hi! I'm True and this is a simply positive - angel army review!

Awwww, that reminds me of my little kitten Socks! She does that all!
Aren't they simply amusing?
Hint: Laser pointers = Hilarity!
Thanks for letting me into the life of little arl grey!

Thank you for allowing me to read this piece, I hope you keep in mind that these suggestions are exactly that- only suggestions! If you have any problems or complaints about my review(s), please email me!
Have a wonderful day!

- Lauren (True-Romantic)

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Rated: ASR | (4.5)
Hello, I'm True and this is a Simply Positive - Angel Army review!

*Thumbsup* What I liked *Thumbsup* :
I think it's wonderful that you would create something like this to lift the spirits of all the writers that get those random horrid reviews!

"I can look now at your measly score
And have myself some laughs."

I love that! It really makes you think "Well, I got a bad review... but hey! It'll get better!"

*Exclaim* Suggestions for improvement - Grammar/Spelling *Exclaim* :
I didn't see any errors, and I have no suggestions. Great piece!

*Star* Final Thought(s) or Favorite Part(s) *Star* :
The last stanza was perfection. It makes the reader want to raise their head a little higher, gives them more confidently.

Thank you for allowing me to read this piece, I hope you keep in mind that these suggestions are exactly that- only suggestions! If you have any problems or complaints about my review(s), please email me!
Have a wonderful day!

- Lauren (True-Romantic)

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Review of Ponderings...  
Rated: E | (4.0)
Hello, I'm True and this is a Simply Positive - Angel Army review!

*Thumbsup* What I liked *Thumbsup* :
I must firmly grasp what I have now,
or all hope for the Future is lost...

So true! If you never take hold of what lies afront you, you'll loose any chance you had.
*The mood for the piece is rather reflective as the author examines themself (As they often do *Bigsmile*) and lets the reader in on their feelings.

*Exclaim* Suggestions for improvement - Grammar/Spelling *Exclaim* :
I feel (Personally) that instead of Cap.ing the words "Past" and "Future" in the last paragraph/stanza, they should be as the rest of the words. If you wish to make them stand out, I highly suggest bolding/underlining/coloring the words. It takes something away for me, to see them out of place as they are.

*Star* Final Thought(s) or Favorite Part(s) *Star* :
Nice read, keep up the good work!

Thank you for allowing me to read this piece, I hope you keep in mind that these suggestions are exactly that- only suggestions! If you have any problems or complaints about my review(s), please email me!
Have a wonderful day!

- Lauren (True-Romantic)

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Review of Letting Go  
Rated: E | (4.5)
Hello, I'm True and this is a Simply Positive - Angel Army review!

*Idea* First Thoughts *Idea* :
Short and sweet

*Thumbsup* What I liked *Thumbsup* :
The mood set to your poem was soft and slow, a calming feel. I liked this particular bit:
To have a crystal sheen
it must be cleared
of all past hurts

The way I feel, a heart needs to be cleansed before it can ever let anyone in. So I quite enjoyed your poem, thanks for letting me read it.

*Exclaim* Suggestions for improvement - Grammar/Spelling *Exclaim* :
I saw no errors, the form is yours and therefore unique and in need of no changes.

*Star* Final Thought(s) or Favorite Part(s) *Star* :
(*Bigsmile* heh, I already mentioned my favorite part.)
Take care, and I hope to read more from you soon.

Thank you for allowing me to read this piece, I hope you keep in mind that these suggestions are exactly that- only suggestions! If you have any problems or complaints about my review(s), please email me!
Have a wonderful day!

- Lauren (True-Romantic)

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Review of Out of Time  
Rated: ASR | (4.5)
Hello, I'm True and this is a Simply Positive - Angel Army review!

*Idea* First Thoughts *Idea* :
Out of time... The title alone leads you to the thoughts of death

*Thumbsup* What I liked *Thumbsup* :
You always appear so confidant in your writing, and it shows.
That last part was perfection, a glimmer of hope maybe as he counted in his head... right before that lovely breeze...

*Exclaim* Suggestions for improvement - Grammar/Spelling *Exclaim* :
Didn't catch any errors, wonderful.

*Star* Final Thought(s) or Favorite Part(s) *Star* :
"charred, decomposing flesh that once comprised the faces of friends and colleagues."
That gave the reader a chill, gave them that sense of what the survivors are to become maybe?
Interesting read to say the very least.

Thank you for allowing me to read this piece, I hope you keep in mind that these suggestions are exactly that- only suggestions! If you have any problems or complaints about my review(s), please email me!
Have a wonderful day!

- Lauren (True-Romantic)

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Review of Ritual  
Rated: 18+ | (4.5)
Hello, I'm True and this is a Simply Positive - Angel Army review!

*Idea* First Thoughts *Idea* :
Uh oh, is this a teenage romance gone horribly wrong?

*Thumbsup* What I liked *Thumbsup* :
Ooooh my, vampires! What a way to be seduced... *Shiver*
I quite enjoyed the way you had your male character decieve the poor girl, it gives the reader a little shock when you get to where she is bound with fangs all around...
(Usually I detest vampire stories, but this is one I can definitely say I like)

*Exclaim* Suggestions for improvement - Grammar/Spelling *Exclaim* :
Didn't see a thing.

*Star* Final Thought(s) or Favorite Part(s) *Star* :

Thank you for allowing me to read this piece, I hope you keep in mind that these suggestions are exactly that- only suggestions! If you have any problems or complaints about my review(s), please email me!
Have a wonderful day!

- Lauren (True-Romantic)

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Review of Bad Carnitas  
Rated: 18+ | (5.0)
Hello, I'm True and this is a Simply Positive - Angel Army review!

*Idea* First Thoughts *Idea* :
Uh oh, bad food in Mexico sounds like the perfect recipe for a horror short!!

*Thumbsup* What I liked *Thumbsup* :
The images your words conveyed... so gruesome and detailed. I loved it.
The worms were a perfect touch, makes you want to look over everything you eat!

*Exclaim* Suggestions for improvement - Grammar/Spelling *Exclaim* :
I didn't see any errors... (Not like I have from you!)

*Star* Final Thought(s) or Favorite Part(s) *Star* :
Did I mention I loved it, and that it was gruesome in the most -amazing- way possible? In case I failed to, there it is! Goodness, I love your style!

Thank you for allowing me to read this piece, I hope you keep in mind that these suggestions are exactly that- only suggestions! If you have any problems or complaints about my review(s), please email me!
And I'm sorry it's taken me so long to get these to you! My apologies!
Have a wonderful day!

- Lauren (True-Romantic)

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Review of That Simple Smile  
Rated: E | (4.5)
Hello, I'm True and this is a Simply Positive - Angel Army review!

*Idea* First Thoughts *Idea* :
Smile? I wonder if this was written for the quote contest? *Smile*

*Thumbsup* What I liked *Thumbsup* :
This is one of those warm stories that makes the reader want to "Awwwww!" (I love these!)
The dialogue and character interaction was wonderful and realistic, not to mention all too familiar! It melded well together.

*Exclaim* Suggestions for improvement - Grammar/Spelling *Exclaim* :
Nothing caught my eye, I have no suggestions.

*Star* Final Thought(s) or Favorite Part(s) *Star* :
Lovely little short that warmed my heart a bit, that smile is all you ever need!
Very good, I'm enjoying everything I've found in your port. You're an amazing author.

Thank you for allowing me to read this piece, I hope you keep in mind that these suggestions are exactly that- only suggestions! If you have any problems or complaints about my review(s), please email me!
Have a wonderful day!

- Lauren (True-Romantic)

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Review of Sin City  
Rated: 18+ | (4.5)
Hello, I'm True and this is a Simply Positive - Angel Army review!

*Idea* First Thoughts *Idea* :
Sin City? The title alone just gives you that crime impression *Bigsmile* Then again, what would you expect from Las Vegas?

*Thumbsup* What I liked *Thumbsup* :
*There was so much DETAIL in first few paragraphs that it set a perfect scene for the story, and when he emerges from the basement... Perfection!
* "inspected every contour of her dissected insides." You really know how to set a mood! I jumped everytime I heard a noise after I read it!

*Exclaim* Suggestions for improvement - Grammar/Spelling *Exclaim* :
No suggestions here! My, you must have good eyes!

*Star* Final Thought(s) or Favorite Part(s) *Star* :
So horrifying, the thought of what had gone down in that basement...
I love that chill! There's nothing like an author who can manipulate your feelings, scare you a little.

Thank you for allowing me to read this piece, I hope you keep in mind that these suggestions are exactly that- only suggestions! If you have any problems or complaints about my review(s), please email me!
Have a wonderful day!

- Lauren (True-Romantic)

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Review of User-Friendly  
Rated: ASR | (4.5)
Hello, I'm True and this is a Simply Positive - Angel Army review!

*Idea* First Thoughts *Idea* :
Oooh, robot story? Nice *Delight*

*Thumbsup* What I liked *Thumbsup* :
*The idea of our robotic creations overthrowing the society has always been an interesting idea for me, so I really enjoyed that in this story.
*Also, the small paragraph explaining Omnibots and their purpose was a good addition, giving the reader a bit more information.
* "and even let him have the closet." - Heh, I liked that! Just goes to show, that golden rule pays off, doesn't it?!

*Exclaim* Suggestions for improvement - Grammar/Spelling *Exclaim* :
No suggestions here! Great work.

*Star* Final Thought(s) or Favorite Part(s) *Star* :
I found this to be a good piece, keeping the reader entwined, making them wonder...
Very nice.

Thank you for allowing me to read this piece, I hope you keep in mind that these suggestions are exactly that- only suggestions! If you have any problems or complaints about my review(s), please email me!
Have a wonderful day!

- Lauren (True-Romantic)

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Review of Freaks  
Rated: ASR | (4.5)
Hello, I'm True and this is a Simply Positive - Angel Army review!

*Idea* First Thoughts *Idea* :
"reading our minds, or walking through the walls of our house." What a time that would be...

*Thumbsup* What I liked *Thumbsup* :
Your details are outstanding! You write the reader into the scene with your detailed descriptions, and it gave something to the piece.
The story itself was very interesting. He engineered himself to stand up for the "normal" person when in doing so... he changes himself too much for society to accept him as such. I liked how you went about that, it was a great short.

*Exclaim* Suggestions for improvement - Grammar/Spelling *Exclaim* :
Hmmm, nothing needs fixing that I saw. (You must be very good at catching any mistakes you make!)

*Star* Final Thought(s) or Favorite Part(s) *Star* :
My, you've quite the talented hand, I must say. The story overall was very well written, (Not as if I've seen anything less from you!), and I found it to be an excellent read for any and all.

Thank you for allowing me to read this piece, I hope you keep in mind that these suggestions are exactly that- only suggestions! If you have any problems or complaints about my review(s), please email me!
Have a wonderful day!

- Lauren (True-Romantic)

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Rated: 18+ | (4.5)
Hello, I'm True and this is a Simply Positive - Angel Army review!

*Idea* First Thoughts *Idea* :
Morgue? Oh, this should be good!

*Thumbsup* What I liked *Thumbsup* :
~*~ The ending was just shocking! The moment the cell phone sounded... you just knew it was going to be bad!
~*~ That very last line, was just absolute perfection! The icing on the cake, you might say.
~*~ It was well written, and definitely kept the reader's attention throughout the piece.

*Exclaim* Suggestions for improvement - Grammar/Spelling *Exclaim* :
Again, I saw nothing needing to be fixed. Great!

*Star* Final Thought(s) or Favorite Part(s) *Star* :
I think my favorite part here would have to have been the afore mentioned cellphone bit. It made my mouth drop just a little.
I enjoyed this piece, and I can't wait to dig through your port a bit more!

Thank you for allowing me to read this piece, I hope you keep in mind that these suggestions are exactly that- only suggestions!
Have a wonderful day!

- Lauren (True-Romantic)

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Review of Rush Week  
Rated: 13+ | (4.5)
Hello, I'm True and this is a Simply Positive - Angel Army review!

*Idea* First Thoughts *Idea* :
Hazing? In a dark folder? Uh oh,... I'm scared! *Bigsmile*

*Thumbsup* What I liked *Thumbsup* :
~*~ I quite enjoyed the way you made your character think through this ... "experience". Their feeling of nonchalance gave the reader the pressing feeling of something to come to disturb them.
~*~ When you had the character realize they were confined in a coffin, it sent a chill down my spine! (Honestly, I'd have screeched like a banshee until I suffocated! *Pthb*)

*Exclaim* Suggestions for improvement - Grammar/Spelling *Exclaim* :
I saw nothing needing to be fixed. The sentence structure was great, spelling/grammar was as well. Wonderful job!

*Star* Final Thought(s) or Favorite Part(s) *Star* :
Overall, I really enjoyed the piece! It makes you wonder, after it's over, how far a hazing really would go...

Thank you for allowing me to read this piece, I hope you keep in mind that these suggestions are exactly that- only suggestions!
Have a wonderful day!

- Lauren (True-Romantic)

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Rated: 13+ | (4.5)
Hello, I'm True and this is a Simply Positive - Angel Army review!

*Idea* First Thoughts *Idea* :
A wonderful way to put it. There are too many people who fail to accept their children and cause them emotional harm by doing so.

*Thumbsup* What I liked *Thumbsup* :
You put it bluntly, it makes parents think about what they're doing or have done. I like that you've taken the time to try and help today's mothers and fathers as well as their children by writing this.

*Exclaim* Suggestions for improvement - Grammar/Spelling *Exclaim* :
No errors jumped out at me, so great job!

*Star* Final Thought(s) or Favorite Part(s) *Star* :
You were very right at the "Love MORE and Fret Less!" It's very important, and It's a wonderful thing that you've given that thought to all that read your piece. Your experience may help some who have none in this area, very good!

Thank you for allowing me to read this piece, I hope you keep in mind that these suggestions are exactly that- only suggestions!
Have a wonderful day!

- Lauren (True-Romantic)

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Rated: E | (4.5)
Hello, I'm True and this is a Simply Positive - Angel Army review!

*Idea* First Thoughts *Idea* :
Oh my, crushes are so deliciously fun aren't they?! *Bigsmile*

*Thumbsup* What I liked *Thumbsup* :
I really enjoyed the story! The characters were realistic in dialogue and in thought. I thought that the joke in the email was a nice touch, and the following email was unexpected and gave me a little smile.

*Exclaim* Suggestions for improvement - Grammar/Spelling *Exclaim* :
Didn't see any errors, great!

*Star* Final Thought(s) or Favorite Part(s) *Star* :
Nice little crush story, I enjoyed it.

Thank you for allowing me to read this piece, I hope you keep in mind that these suggestions are exactly that- only suggestions!
Have a wonderful day!

- Lauren (True-Romantic)

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Review of Dear Santa  
Rated: 18+ | (4.5)
Hello, I'm True and this is a Simply Positive - Angel Army review!

*Idea* First Thoughts *Idea* :
LOL! Oh my goodness, peekaboo cutouts for the jolly man? ... Not scary, not at all *Bigsmile*

*Thumbsup* What I liked *Thumbsup* :
This made me chuckle, I loved the bit about the "Naughty Twinkler." Who'd have thought there was naughty side to Santa and the Missus! Very interesting, entertaining read!

*Exclaim* Suggestions for improvement - Grammar/Spelling *Exclaim* :
Didn't see a one.

*Star* Final Thought(s) or Favorite Part(s) *Star* :
Haha, lovely read *wink* with a bit of riskiness to kink it up a little. Great job!

Thank you for allowing me to read this piece, I hope you keep in mind that these suggestions are exactly that- only suggestions!
Have a wonderful day!

- Lauren (True-Romantic)

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Rated: E | (4.0)
Hello, I'm True and this is a Simply Positive - Angel Army review!

*Thumbsup* What I liked *Thumbsup* :
I very much liked the way your poetry had a shadow of love/adoration/contentment. It drifts through the reader as they experience what you felt in writing it. Emotional input is a key of course, and yours was perfect.

*Exclaim* Suggestions for improvement - Grammar/Spelling *Exclaim* :

Hmm, my only suggestion would be for improving this particular line:

"I felt you gathering earth power.. "

I feel that it would read better to your audience/readers as:

"I felt you gathering earth's power.."

"echoed thru the moment.."
thru - Change to "through"

The very last line lacks punctuation:
"hearing the sounds from within(.)"

*Star* Final Thought(s) or Favorite Part(s) *Star* :
Wonderful read, my favorite part would have to have been:
"Musical notes

drifting along.

Melodies of life,

songs of where we belong. "

Magnificent! I love it.

Thank you for allowing me to read this piece, I hope you keep in mind that these suggestions are exactly that- only suggestions!
Have a wonderful day!

- Lauren (True-Romantic)

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Review of The Skirt  
Rated: 13+ | (4.5)
Hello, I'm True and this is a Simply Positive - Angel Army review!

*Idea* First Thoughts *Idea* :
My goodness, rebellion in the form of knees and leg!

*Thumbsup* What I liked *Thumbsup* :
So true! It was quite the issue - the legs covered. You painted the picture for the readers, and gave more into the thoughts of the girls affected by it.

*Exclaim* Suggestions for improvement - Grammar/Spelling *Exclaim* :
None that I can see.

*Star* Final Thought(s) or Favorite Part(s) *Star* :
I really enjoyed the final part of the story. The rules were broken and the girls were no longer feeling bound and oppressed. Everything took a sharp turn and changed for... the better? Maybe *Bigsmile*

Thank you for allowing me to read this piece, I hope you keep in mind that these suggestions are exactly that- only suggestions!
Have a wonderful day!

- Lauren (True-Romantic)

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Rated: E | (4.5)
Hello, I'm True and this is a Simply Positive review!

*Idea* First Thoughts *Idea* :
The title catches the eye - Enchantress...
It fits of course!

*Thumbsup* What I liked *Thumbsup* :
I liked how your poem sends vibes of peace through the reader as they read. It seems as though everything fades away except calm, the overall feel of your poem.

*Exclaim* Suggestions for improvement - Grammar/Spelling *Exclaim* :
I couldn't find any errors, very good!

*Star* Final Thought(s) or Favorite Part(s) *Star* :
"Look into the night sky, you’ll see her there."
I'm not really sure why, but that line just hooked me. It gave the feeling that she is nature, she is all that is beauty and safety.
(But of course that's just what I got from it!) *Smile*

Really liked this poem!

Thank you for allowing me to read this piece, I hope you keep in mind that these suggestions are exactly that- only suggestions!
Have a wonderful day!

- Lauren (True-Romantic)

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Review of Convention 2006  
Rated: 18+ | (5.0)
Hello, I'm True and this is a Simply Positive review!

Goodness I envy you for being at a convention! Sadly I didn't join up early enough for that, but I've heard wonderful things!
It's great that you met some WDC'ers, it sounds as if it was extremely fun!

I enjoyed reading your experience, thanks for sharing!


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Review of GO AWAY?  
Rated: 18+ | (4.5)
Hello, I'm True and this is a Simply Positive review!

*Idea* First Thoughts *Idea* :
There is evident confusion and doubt with ones self here, it makes the reader think as well as feel.

*Thumbsup* What I liked *Thumbsup* :
I liked how the heart was examined to find what it REALLY wanted - It didn't want him to go... It didn't want him to stay - Maybe a bit of both?

*Exclaim* Suggestions for improvement - Grammar/Spelling *Exclaim* :
I found nothing that needed to be fixed, wonderful job.

*Star* Final Thought(s) or Favorite Part(s) *Star* :
Loved the poem, it made me think back on personal experience and I quite enjoyed that you pulled that out!
My favorite part was this:
"At times what seems safest isn’t the best."
My goodness, how true! If you always play it safe, you miss out on a lot in life.

Thank you for allowing me to read this piece, I hope you keep in mind that these suggestions are exactly that- only suggestions!
Have a wonderful day!

- Lauren (True-Romantic)

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Review of TEARS OF WAR  
Rated: 13+ | (4.5)
*Idea* First Thoughts *Idea* :
The form/style is one that works very well for the images you portray, it's an attractive poem.

*Thumbsup* What I liked *Thumbsup* :
I enjoyed your descriptions in this poem, it helps the reader feel they can see the poem for themselves.

*Exclaim* Suggestions for improvement - Grammar/Spelling *Exclaim* :
There are a few places with forced rhymes, but it's not that big of an issue in this particular poem as the flow remains uninterrupted.
I'll point them out in case you'd like to change them.

In the first stanza, third line: Feel = out of place with the two former rhyming lines.
In the fifth stanza, third line: Worth = being pushed too hard to rhyme, a different word would suffice, but I suppose it would be alright if you left it.

*Idea* Favorite Part *Idea* :
My favorite portion of this poem was the ending. The character show his true feelings towards what he's done, what he's seen. It makes it so that some readers may be able to identify with the poem, and it pulls a bit at the heart strings to think of your characters emotions.
Well done.

Thank you for allowing me to read this piece, I hope you keep in mind that these suggestions are exactly that- only suggestions!
Have a wonderful day!

- Lauren (True-Romantic)
Rated: 18+ | (4.5)
*Idea* First Thoughts *Idea* :
Oh, twisted lullaby - Wonderful idea! There's a dark, ominous feeling that crosses over the reader as they read it... I loved it!

*Thumbsup* What I liked *Thumbsup* :
I loved the flow! It all melded together so perfectly, and I felt a slight chill as I caught myself singing it!

*Exclaim* Suggestions for improvement - Grammar/Spelling *Exclaim* :
It just seemed to me that this particular few lines should be changed.

"Twisted nights,
Do occupy my head"

I feel that nights should be thoughts, as it stands it doesn't make much sense to me.

*Idea* Final Thoughts *Idea* :
I LOVED this lullaby! It's twisted and dark, and it's flow (as I mentioned) was wonderful. Great job!

Thank you for allowing me to read this piece, I hope you keep in mind that these suggestions are exactly that- only suggestions!
Have a wonderful day!

- Lauren (True-Romantic)
Review of the darkness  
Rated: E | (4.0)
*Idea* First Thoughts *Idea* :
Short, but to the point. The style seemed off, but that didn't take away from the meaning of the poem.

*Thumbsup* What I liked *Thumbsup* :
I simply adored the last line:
"I never lost who I was, I never lost me."
Staying true to ones self, never forgetting what makes them who they are despite what they've been through - So important!

*Thumbsdown* What I didn't like *Thumbsdown* :
The repetition of the word "me" seemed as though it weren't needed.

*Exclaim* Suggestions for improvement - Grammar/Spelling *Exclaim* :
Only what I mentioned above, the "me" issue. Other than that it was great!

*Idea* Final Thoughts *Idea* :
I quite enjoyed this poem, I can see the emotional input in it - which is very important! Good job, doll.

Thank you for allowing me to read this piece, I hope you keep in mind that these are only suggestions!
Have a wonderful day!

- Lauren (True-Romantic)
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