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Review by C. Lowen
Rated: E | (5.0)
A bit perplexing at the first glance of the piece, but after a few slow reads over it to fully grasp the context of the piece, it is before me in my own view of it. It's a piece about trust, someone trying but failing to open their self to the world, and it seems impossible to love when the trust isn't realized yet. My meaning may be way off for what you first viewed of it as the author, but I learned something from being a writer the reader's view is never the same, because each reader is different in many ways so their interpretation could from a to z in meanings, but you have to accept it because your piece did that for them, and it's quite nice to know that more than one way can be seen on the same piece. Overall I give this a 5, this peace was quite enjoyable to me, and that is why I will say this. See ya.

Come on in and help support Sweet Dreams by bidding on a sig or two...what do you have to lose? I DARE YOU TO COME IN...

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#1295562 by Not Available.

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Review of Ode to 9/11  
Review by C. Lowen
Rated: 13+ | (5.0)
So sad the events that happened on 9/11 and the 6 year anniversary is this Tuesday...this piece reminded me about what happened, back on 9/11 I was just an eighth grader, I was a 6'0ft tall eighth grade, but an eighth grader nonetheless. On that day in my personal view, my class was so shocked at what we missed, we had missed the most terrifying part to only discover that it was far from over, the second plane crashed only a few minutes after we thought we had missed the terrifying part, so many lives were lost, so many innocent people sacrificed there own lives so that we could at least have a fighting chance to allow the survivors their chance to speak their own stories of the event. This event left our country scarred beyond measure, the twin towers were only objects, but what was taken could never be replaced, the lives of people who did nothing at all were taken and that was too much to bear for anyone. So many times we as kids sit around and watch television, but on that day everyone us in my class looked at the world differently, because a horrible act of pure hatred and insanity had taken place. This piece helped me to remember some things about that day as a kid watching television just wondering what is going on...this can't be real right, but it was a big slap in the face when the world I knew turned out to be as helpless as a newborn child... Thanks for letting me review this piece, and see ya.

Come on in and help support Sweet Dreams by bidding on a sig or two...what do you have to lose? I DARE YOU TO COME IN...

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#1295562 by Not Available.

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Review by C. Lowen
Rated: E | (5.0)
Wow....I just have to say wow, here I am with tears in my eyes, because this piece really touched my heart, it's so good to see what an impact those people have made on your life, and personally I think every writer ha had one or more people that they loved and cared about impact their lives so much, and they each left their own gifts to help us along our way. It's a very warm and touching piece, that is straight to the point, gentle and kind on the meaning, which allows us to see you as a person...the man behind the pen in other terms...I loved reading this piece, and I know others will too.

Come on in and help support Sweet Dreams by bidding on a sig or two...what do you have to lose? I DARE YOU TO COME IN...

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#1295562 by Not Available.

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Review of Reaper  
Review by C. Lowen
Rated: 18+ | (4.5)
Dark, aiming at the point of horror, and it will definitely pull you in, it's a piece wit flare, but this isn't a flattery review this is a basic typical review of the piece. The piece I have just read is entitled 'Reaper' which in terms talk about a man, a dark figure of unimaginable evil, yet the man isn't the reaper that we are looking for, the reaper is the narrator, and the narrator is simply biding his or her time until they can send this evil soul to hell, and that's why I liked the detail shown to throw you off on who the real reaper was until the end. So overall this is a piece with flare, and it pulled me in to see the details, and what was really there.

Come on in and help support Sweet Dreams by bidding on a sig or two...what do you have to lose? I DARE YOU TO COME IN...

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#1295562 by Not Available.

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Review of Frenzy  
Review by C. Lowen
Rated: 18+ | (4.5)
Hmm, muy interestante...what to say, what to say. It's an interesting piece, but basically I'm in a stump of what to say. I understood the piece, yet you know how your mind wants to do something and your body does another thing, well that's how I feel right now, so I'll just say it's a good piece, it made me stop what was doing and read it. See ya...

Come on in and help support Sweet Dreams by bidding on a sig or two...what do you have to lose? I DARE YOU TO COME IN...*Pthb*

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#1295562 by Not Available.

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Review of Noise  
Review by C. Lowen
Rated: 13+ | (5.0)
Wow so vivid so full of life, and freedom to flow from each stanza. The shape of the piece is quite original, that's what is needed in this world we call the world of writing...it's been a long time since we've talked the handle has changed, but the personality is still here, and the man behind the handle still lives here. Last time we talked was back in November last year when i joined the site to ask 'Why do writers write?' So how have you been, and I really enjoyed the piece.

Come on in and help support Sweet Dreams by bidding on a sig or two...what do you have to lose? I DARE YOU TO COME IN...*Pthb*

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#1295562 by Not Available.

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Review by C. Lowen
Rated: E | (5.0)
That is so true stereotypes or way too big on people and it's very tiring...I choose to read this piece since I was interested in what you had to say about the unhealthy factor of stereotypes, it's something that we have to admit is wrong, but we deal with stereotypes everyday whether we know it or not, and it's a growing problem someone should address the issue, or else it will grow far too big for one person to stop on their own.

Come on in and help support Sweet Dreams by bidding on a sig or two...what do you have to lose? I DARE YOU TO COME IN...*Pthb*

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#1295562 by Not Available.

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Review of August 26, 1883  
Review by C. Lowen
Rated: 13+ | (4.5)
Wow what a story...the message is clear, yet it is so vivid in the details that you feel like you're right there going through all the drama, pain, and uneasiness. Such a vivid piece like always from an author I love to read, I enjoyed this piece very much, because it was so vivid and real to me. I know that the story was painful, but it was needed to show the other side of the writing world, and I thoroughly enjoyed this piece.

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#1295562 by Not Available.

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Review of Grace.  
Review by C. Lowen
Rated: E | (4.5)
Grace....some woman that grace is *Bigsmile*, I know Grace is very important to everyone's life, since it's up to her if we are smiled upon or not, and that makes me feel warm inside knowing that Grace smiled upon me with the sun shining on my brow. I really liked the meaning of the poem, and the spiritual side of poetry is the most important factor to me. See ya.

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#1295562 by Not Available.

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Review by C. Lowen
Rated: E | (4.5)
That's a very dysfunctional kingdom, things went from bad to worse after one wrong suggestion, and I really think that the school systems are like that. There should really be a lot of changes in both the kingdom and the school system, because some of their actions people can look and say...'this was a dumb idea' Which is all so true on many accounts, and personally I think that it will take someone very radical to show the error their ways. Liked the dysfunction in the piece, and hope to read more from you.

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#1293583 by Not Available.

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Review of The Last Guardian  
Review by C. Lowen
Rated: ASR | (5.0)
Quite a nice piece...I thought at first it was about an alien race fighting against another alien race in a war, but when I got to the end and saw the humor part yet bad part for the insects...I knew it was a battle against a bug spray and the insects. It's quite a nice piece...personally I thought it was more fantasy and satire than horror, but that's me...my view could be seen another way by someone else. Nethertheless I did enjoy reading this piece, and I enjoyed reviewing it.

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#1293583 by Not Available.

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Review by C. Lowen
Rated: 18+ | (5.0)
Nice story I was taking in piece by piece since it is quite a mouthful for me to take at one time, but nethertheless I did digest this piece. It's sitting me wanting the next part of this immense story which I can tell has more layers to it than is showed, and I like that it's hidden with it's depth. It's a good piece to read if you like fantasy.

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#1293583 by Not Available.

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Review of What is love  
Review by C. Lowen
Rated: E | (5.0)
Hmm nice view point on love...it is truly blind, but it's other senses are quite accurate it's able to fend itself from ones that want to hinder it. I like this poem a lot, it shows your view point on love, which is a sightless view of the most known word in language, we all know that it keeps us as humans stable and true to ourselves. 5.0 on this interpretation of love.

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#1293583 by Not Available.

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Review of "Why Dream"  
Review by C. Lowen
Rated: E | (5.0)
So you're the one who gave my finaace Rayleigha Bloomer that nice military merit badge. So I guess you deserve a review. *Bigsmile* It's a nice poem, nice flow of words, and a nice feeling. It seemed to move along each passing line, each line showing a new part into the story of a dreamer...*Bigsmile* Overall I would have to say it was a wonderful piece something to read if you want escape the reality...and live your own dreams out.

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#1293583 by Not Available.

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Review of Unsolvable  
Review by C. Lowen
Rated: 13+ | (5.0)
I think you meant television instead of televition...other than that it was EXCELLENT, I was into this story like I was there to see this all happen the gruesome scenes were gruesome to me, but it only added depth to the story itself. The way this murder was planned out to the perfect T was just so nicely represented and I very much enjoyed what I read.

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#1293583 by Not Available.

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Review of Anticipation  
Review by C. Lowen
Rated: E | (4.5)
Should be 'surrounds' in the first line instead of surronds, overall this is nice. I almost forgot it was a short piece for a moment there, I was thinking it was going to go on, get longer, and keep me on this weird feeling of anticipation...I liked it towards the end when things started to elevate to it's peak. For a short entry it is good...I don't know what an occult is but whatever it is you made a good piece.

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#1293583 by Not Available.

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Review of Hush  
Review by C. Lowen
Rated: E | (5.0)
Nice...very interesting in deed, I was moving along the lines reading each line hearing your voice speak this out, it seemed very nice to hear you speak about love like this. It is very nice when a writer writes about something that he can dive into and make others feel the same emotion. overall 4.9...but you round it to 5.0 *Pthb*

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#1293981 by Not Available.

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Review of The Poetical Mind  
Review by C. Lowen
Rated: E | (5.0)
Nice...you did a nice job showing the imagery to describe your poetical mind, overall this piece was good, it had a nice flow, nice details, and a nice meaning. It's something that can move people that want to be moved by a piece like this, and it's very well made. You earned a 5.0 to me and that is what you get.

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#1293981 by Not Available.

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Review of The Angel Lounge  
Review by C. Lowen
Rated: ASR | (5.0)
Great spot...this place is a great spot for anyone to plug items, talk, or even introduce others. I'm glad you made this place Kiya, because it is an excellent place to be...*Delight* Well other than that, I want to thank you for giving me a chance to spread my wings and find out that I really love wanting to do nice things for others. Thank you.

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#1293583 by Not Available.

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Review of The Swing  
Review by C. Lowen
Rated: E | (4.0)
Nice movement with the story, showing the back and forth motion of the swing with the words you presented here. Nice effected used, a common effect the use of showing the effect of what is described...your use of the swing is a nice one, showing how this young girl enjoyed her time on the rope and wood swing...*Smile*

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Review of The Diary  
Review by C. Lowen
Rated: E | (4.5)
Man this is just out there...it has a powerful meaning but at the same time it's a drastic one too. I'm really thinking about the pain this person have dealt with to come to the conclusion of death, it's just an option many of us think about when going through the hard times, but when it actually happens...I don't know, it's very hard to know what thoughts would be thought to allow ourself to die from that kind pain. This poem is emotional and drastic at the same time...

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#1284355 by Not Available.

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Review of Legacy  
Review by C. Lowen
Rated: E | (5.0)
Man that's gets to your heart once you get lost in it...that's something that every one fears to hear about, and I know it must really be bad to know that you have lost the one you care about. The only one in the entire world who made you feel whole, loved, perfect, and complete. Those precious memories are all that is left, no more new smiles, or joys to come, but there is one good thing left, the love that he had for you is still there not as a memory but as an act one that was marked on time itself to point out that there was nothing in this world or the next that would stop him from loving you. This piece is quite emotional and I like it a lot.

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#1284355 by Not Available.

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Review by C. Lowen
Rated: E | (5.0)
Sounds like a great place to live...and Fred's antics this year are just hilarious...it is always nice to see what the latest things about you and Fred, I know reading each of these diaries has been a highlight to most of my days...man this diary is just excellent, I know that you will have plenty more that are as good as this and I will be sitting there as a big fan *Pthb*

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Review of Façade  
Review by C. Lowen
Rated: E | (5.0)
It's a nice poem to read...wearing a mask to make ourselves believe we belong even though we don't sounds too much like real life the title explains it all...a facade, yeah I know that word just by seeing people in my life, but we all put on a facade at times to either keep things hidden or make ourselves appear more than we are, but some time in that whole facade you let your guard down and reveal the real person who lies behind the mask. Once that person is revealed it's up to you to decide if you are you or the person you pretend to be, me personally I don't care what people think of me, because from the day I was born to the day I die, I'm going to be me, the man I see in the mirror, the man who loves living, the man who is in love...that's who I am and I can't pretend I'm not him because no matter what facade is shown the same guy you see in mirror when you wake is the same guy you'll see when you go to the mirror at night...

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Review by C. Lowen
Rated: 13+ | (5.0)
Interesting...I thought it was about a man who was about to lose his wife...but it turned out to be a play, and the leading male made Janet sick because of the garlic he ate...sorry just isn't good enough when you make someone sick from what you eat...and that's why I liked it...*Pthb*
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