Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/profile/reviews/ulvdgn1
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11 Public Reviews Given
11 Total Reviews Given
Public Reviews
Review of To Our Heroes  
Review by ULVdrgn1
Rated: E | (4.5)
         The To Our Heroes poem is a wonderful poem showing the importance of and gratitude towards all those who have and who continue to serve and protect all of us on the world. They sacrificed their life for all of us and should be thanked and appreciated! I too thank all of you who helped protect all of us as well.

         The poem was very heart fel. It was written very well. I didn’t notice anything that needed to be corrected either. It was a great read!
Review by ULVdrgn1
Rated: E | (5.0)
         There's a reason why I chose not to vote, who the real monster is. Is there perhaps, a reason why the human's beating up on the werewolf? I asked the watcher and he said that he found out the reason why the human's been doing this. The human hasn't actually been beating up the werewolf, he's been training him to be good, kind and nice towards others. So therefore, no one is a monster and there's only a I don't know to vote on and chose to leave this here instead.

         This is a great poll. You can have lots of fun thinking about this. This can really make you think about what answer to choose.

         The poll was fun and interesting to think about doing. I didn't notice anything wrong with the spelling or anything else. What an entertaining poll, thanks!
Review by ULVdrgn1
Rated: E | (4.0)
         "A Blossoming Flower" is a beautiful poem about a new life unfolded and continuing to unfold. It describes the beauty of a youthful individual. It describes this very well.

         The poem had a good and positive feeling to it. It was creatively written. It kept my attention until I finished reading it which was wonderful.

         There wasn't anything that seemed to be needing to be corrected. The punctuation seems to be done well. I also didn't see any grammatical errors or anything that needed to be fixed either.
Review by ULVdrgn1
Rated: E | (4.5)
         "Lady Marine: Song Of Lochness" is a beautiful and well written poem. It to me loves and honors the lochness, and considers this creature to be an angel instead of a monster. Not all creatures that are called a monster, are a monster and should also be loved and respected. Actions speak louder than words. Perhaps a being, creature or beast that's mentioned as such should be given the benefit of the doubt? Why is a unicorn called a beast when a unicorn is good? Why was the beast in the Beauty and the Beast Disney movie called a beast, when he was really good? Great examples of what I'm saying here...

         The poem was a fun and interesting read! I enjoyed this! It was very well written and kept my interest until I finished reading it and it made me want to also. It's wonderful seeing an individual loves what so many consider to only be a monster and loves the creature instead.

         There wasn't much that I noticed that needs to be corrected. "Your an angel in my eyes" "Your" should be You're. "Be of use for you another day" should have a question mark at the end. That's all I noticed that needed to be fixed, otherwise the author wrote a very well written masterpiece that's filled with love for the Lochness angel.
Review by ULVdrgn1
Rated: E | (5.0)
         Happy to write created a very great poem. It made me think which was good and means the writer was great at making me do so. And the poem kept my interest, I wanted to know what else the author had to say.

         Michael Jackson, J. F. Kennedy and others mentioned in the poem had a tragedy happen to each of them in their life which was sad. It's good that the writer mentioned names of those who had. I never thought of all of the individual's that had before and it's good that the author mentioned them to make me think more about them. I try to think of the good the individual he mentioned once done in their life. At least each of them were able to do something great in their life even if they had a shorter life.

         There wasn't anything I noticed in the poem that needed to be corrected. I did notice a period and comma was spaced a little too much though. Otherwise, the poem read and flowed very well and enjoyed reading it.
Review of Future Looks Good  
Review by ULVdrgn1
Rated: ASR | (5.0)
         The author wrote a great story about a husband's wife having dementia. It's very sad that she thought that she was no longer important. It's wonderful that the husband didn't think of his wife like that and even told her the ways she was great. Yes, music is great to a person that has dementia, so is dancing. People even love babies and baby dolls are given to patients in nursing homes. This even further helps make people with dementia or Alzheimer's more happy. They also love being helpful and being included in on doing a daily task. And yes working in the garden is great too like the author mentioned.

         It's wonderful that the author mentions how important the husband's wife was. I liked how examples were mentioned too on how she was still great and special and let his wife know. Dementia, Alzheimer's or Parkinson's are a challenging condition for any person to have and is very heartbreaking to see someone have to go through this, especially if it's a loved one.

         There weren't any misspellings or errors I noticed. Punctuation seemed to always be used properly also. I enjoyed reading this and found it very informative and is great that it was shared to even further help people understand how dementia is like, and how someone should be continue to be treated with love and respect that has it.
Review of Shipwrecked  
Review by ULVdrgn1
Rated: 18+ | (5.0)
         The author wrote a great poem! It flowed well and kept my interest until the end. I was easily able to imagine another world with the loss of an astronaut partner, from mean tooth baring aliens. Or perhaps from their spacecraft that had a wreck? It's great that it might be a mystery left for the reader to decide. Maybe his astronaught partner died in the wreck and the other was left, seeing tooth barring aliens. Maybe he'll survive or he won't. It leaves the reader left hanging which is good.

         There weren't any errors I noticed. I liked how punctuation was used at the very end. So perhaps the surviving astronaut was left alive?

Review of Lexi  
Review by ULVdrgn1
Rated: E | (5.0)
         The author wrote a very unique and beautiful poem! It flowed, read well and kept my interest until the very end.

         It was great how the writer mentioned the meaning of her grand daughter's name. I liked that. I also liked how she put a lot of love into the poem for her grand daughter and gave her some life wisdom also.

         The poem didn't seem to have anything needing to be corrected I noticed. The spelling was correctly written. Each separate line was fun and full of what the author wanted to say to her grand daughter that's important to mention to her which was wonderful. Well done!
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