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104 Public Reviews Given
104 Total Reviews Given
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I enjoy reviewing all sorts of media of all genres and lengths with a speciality in poetry. With me as a reviewer you can count on receiving in depth, constructive response to your pieces. Before I write one word of your response I must become deeply and thoroughly immersed in your writing. I will consider aspects such as Originality, Punctuation, Creativeness, Things I enjoy about your piece and Things you could do to improve your work. All reviews will be at LEAST 1000 characters long.
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I have a speciality in reviewing poetry and things of a similar nature.
Favorite Genres
Spiritual, reflective, emotional.
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There is not anything I will not review! Never dismiss anything if it's not your thing. You could be walking away from the best thing you have ever read!
Public Reviews
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Review by inkwell
In affiliation with WdC SuperPower Reviewers Group  
Rated: E | (4.0)
Hi Inkwell here!
This is a beautiful little poem! This deserves so much exposure. I myself am not a godfearing person, but those who are will really appreciate this work and what it represents! please keep writing and developing your work! Pieces like this make my reviewing time such a pleasure.

*Gold* My review has been submitted for consideration in "Good Deeds Get CASH!.
Review of SNOWSTORM  
Review by inkwell
In affiliation with WdC SuperPower Reviewers Group  
Rated: 13+ | (5.0)
I love this! such a beautiful piece of work. it really captures the beauty of winter and everything that comes with it. i love the rhyme scheme, it works so so well!The only thing i really have to pick up on is the capital letter at the start of each line. However this is usually down to preference but in this case im unsure if it grammatically correct due to the structure of the poem in general. Overall its a lovely piece and I urge you to continue to write and develop your poems.

*Gold* My review has been submitted for consideration in "Good Deeds Get CASH!.
Review of Peace of Mind  
Review by inkwell
Rated: E | (4.5)
I love this! It really shows how deep relationships between people can run and it is a shame people feel that they have to take their lives in order to get closure from the death of a loved one. There is nothing incorrect that jumps out at me other than one line that we have previously discussed. Other than that, double spacing between paragraphs is needed to give the readers eyes a little bit of a break. Well done on producing such a deep, emotional piece of work. Keep creating great things and think big!

*Gold* My review has been submitted for consideration in "Good Deeds Get CASH!.
Review of Thirsty Leaves  
Review by inkwell
Rated: E | (5.0)
I have never seen a poem like this before, im more accustomed to the generic plain old stanza's. Today I have learned something new and im glad it's from reading this lovely little poem. It has a nice flow and is punctuated well. I am also quite a fan of the colours in the word splendor. People are so absorbed in quality of writing they often forget to make it pleasing to the eye!

*Gold* My review has been submitted for consideration in "Good Deeds Get CASH!.
Review by inkwell
Rated: 13+ | (5.0)
What a lovely way to remeber apet and show respect to our feline frinds! This piece has a lovely rhyme scheme and a brilliant flow. Rhyming poems are my favourite!I was curious and clicked the link to the story of rainbow bridge, it's such a heartn warming little story I was unaware existed until this review! Not only have I gotten to read a beautiful poem I have also learned something new! thank you!

*Gold* My review has been submitted for consideration in "Good Deeds Get CASH!.
Review by inkwell
Rated: E | (4.0)
First of all, I tried reading it as a poem. It was good. Then I tried singing it as some sort of song and I loved it even more. I like the flow, when things roll of the tonge in a simplistic way it turns out to be quite a nice little read! One thing I will say though is about some of the words used. It seems to be in full Queens English and then you stick things like "wanna" in there. I know why it's been done, it adds to the flow, but it just looks so out of place in a way. other than that Theres nothing that immediately jumps out at me in regards to improvement. Keep up the good work!

*Gold* My review has been submitted for consideration in "Good Deeds Get CASH!.
Review of Haiku Of Color  
Review by inkwell
Rated: E | (4.0)
Well Geoff!

Why am I not surprised to see something fabulous in your portfolio once again!
your work is always such a pleasure to read, and I hope one day to become a preffered author on this site of a quality that meets yours!
This is such a vivid piece, perhaps it would be ironic to say you could paint a picture of it. There are so many lovely things being described and going on all at the same time. I am a fan of the format used also, I am guilty myself of using this in most of my work. I don'tlike change ! haha. Overall I don't really have a bad word to say about this. Well done!

*Gold* My review has been submitted for consideration in "Good Deeds Get CASH!.
Review by inkwell
Rated: E | (5.0)
Overall opinion of this piece is brilliant! I love it. It's so relevant! Though many who this would apply to fail to see the appreciation they should have. It's almost taken for granted. Imagine a world where there was no rest. People would soon see the light. I really like the structure of this poem. Also thefact that it talks about sleep and rest and is shaped like an hour glass (how fitting!). There is no rhyme in this piece, many people of recent will only use rhyme, simply because in my eyes... it's easier! many people wont consider a piece a poem unless in rhymes? bizzare huh? Please continue to write to this quality and standard! It shows why you are considered a preffered author!

*Gold* My review has been submitted for consideration in "Good Deeds Get CASH!.
Review of I know a bully  
Review by inkwell
Rated: E | (4.5)
Personal Opinion:

I really like this! I have been a victim of bullying myself for many years and this really speaks to me as I know there is an element of truth in it.


I love your use of repetition. I find that very creative and eye catching. Well done on using this type of device in your work.


This poem is not punctuated at all. Initially I would suggest to incorporate full stops and commas into your work and to lose the Capital at the beginning of each line, but looking at the format and layout of this poem I would suggest to leave it just how it is. This poem would have less of an effect if it was your standard generic poem. I think your choice to leave out punctuation was a very wise one.

What I like about the piece:

I like it's unusual layout. I say unusual as many poems I see here follow the same format, I myself am guilty of this on occasion and it's nice to see a bit of slight variety.

What I feel could be improved:

There's not a lot about this I feel needs tweaking. I cant come up with a single fault that is apparent to me.

Overall it is a great piece that has the potential to speak out to a lot of people. Very well done.

*Gold* My review has been submitted for consideration in "Good Deeds Get CASH!.
Review of First Love  
Review by inkwell
Rated: E | (3.0)
personal opinion: I like this a lot, my initial thoughts when I saw the title was this was going to be a poem about a first love with another person, but it was a nice surprise to see it was about nature, specifically trees.


As stated above, it was a nice surprise to see such a lovely poem about trees. I personally have never seen a poem about love for trees so I find this pleasantly creative and unique.

Punctuation and grammar:

This piece isn't very well punctuated. A capital letter at the start of each line is not necessary in the slightest. Most lines in this poem could be separated with a comma to ensure it flows better. With a capital at the start of each line it give the impression that each line in the piece is a completely different sentence, therefore are not relevant to each other which they are. This is what makes this flow less. Also where are your full stops? Each line seems to rhyme pretty well except the last which causes a bit of disruption in the reading, unless this was intentional.

What I like about the piece:

You have used lovely adjectives to describe the trees in all seasons, I think that is really nice. This poem provides a nice piece of imagery which in my eyes is a key point in writing successful poems.

What I feel could be improved:

The only things I feel should be altered in this poem are the points I have brought to light in the punctuation section of the review.

Overall this is a lovely little poem and I would love to see it developed.

*Gold* My review has been submitted for consideration in "Good Deeds Get CASH!.
Review of A Painful Memory  
Review by inkwell
Rated: 13+ | (4.5)
Personal Opinion:

I like this a lot. What a wonderful start to a short story. I say start as there is a lot more that could potentially be added to this and I'm interested to see where this could lead.

Punctuation and Grammar:

The punctuation and grammar in this piece all seems to be used appropriately and correctly.


I like this. It's an issue many people go through daily and it's always commendable when somebody takes the time to write about serious issues like this that many people can relate to.

what I like about the piece:

I like the way it is written generally and the concept is something that I can relate to in some ways. The language used here is all very appropriate. This story is something I believe that could get very interesting, it's just finding ways to develop it. I would be interested to hear your ideas to further this piece.

What I feel could be improved:

It's not so much an improvement as it is a mere pointer. The first part of the story could be taken slightly as indirectly racist so do not be alarmed if any members make comments.

Overall I really like this. Very well done. I hope to see more in your portfolio!

*Gold* My review has been submitted for consideration in "Good Deeds Get CASH!.
Review by inkwell
Rated: E | (4.5)
Personal Opinion:

I really really love this. Robin Williams was such an inspiration to so many people. It is such a shame that he is gone. He suffered from depression throughout his life and nobody suspected a thing. It was a painted smile, but a beautiful one. He put almost all of his time into making people smile and laugh and that's more than most people do.

Punctuation and Grammar:

The punctuation in this piece is very good. Everything appears to be used in the correct manner. The grammar however, is a little off. There is a capital letter at the beginning of every sentence. This is not needed. A capital letter is never used after a comma.


I love how creative this piece is! You have used examples from Robin's films in a most wonderful way. I also love the way this is almost a speech or a letter to Robin. Very well done.

What I like about the piece:

As I have said above, I like an awful lot about this piece. It's beautiful in every way and I know if Robin was looking down now he would probably have tears of joy after reading such an appreciative and dedicated piece of art.

What I feel could be improved:

The only real thing I feel needs tweaking here is the capital letter issue. Apart from that this is a pretty fine piece!

Overall I enjoyed it very much and shall be giving an Awardicon!

*Gold* My review has been submitted for consideration in "Good Deeds Get CASH!.
Review of Leaving  
Review by inkwell
Rated: E | (3.0)
Personal Opinion:

This is a very sad piece. I'm unsure if this is personal or not, or if it is just from a different perspective. I, myself suffer from depression and can relate to some of the things said here. That is what initially captured my attention and drew me to reviewing this piece.

Punctuation and grammar:

Right, this is a bit all over the place. I have never reviewed you before so I will state here what I do on all my new reviews. I am not one for punctuation. Personally I do not really care for it at all. Though I prefer to comment on it anyway to provide the best reviews I possibly can. /First thing is first. You never start a sentence with but. I nearly lost an arm to an English teacher for doing this. That is serious Grammar police business. Leading on from this, you have used a capital letter at the beginning of every single line. That is also not necessary. A capital letter never comes after a comma.
Another thing for me to pick at is the line :

"Myself will sob and say and be sad"

This line does not make sense at all. Myself shouldn't be here. I would suggest starting this with I instead.

What I like about the piece:

I actually like quite a lot about this. Its very hard to put depression into words. Every single person experiences it differently. I myself may try a poem like this and see what I come up with. I'm very impressed :)

What I think could be improved:

There isn't much for me to say here at all. The only things I feel could be improved are what I stated in the punctuation and grammar section :)

Overall I think this is a very nice expressive little piece! keep writing :)

*Gold* My review has been submitted for consideration in "Good Deeds Get CASH!.
Review of Torment  
Review by inkwell
Rated: 13+ | (4.0)
Personal Opinion:

I'm not sure what to make of this at all. Not in a bad way of course, it's just a very powerful piece of work. This is my first time reviewing anything other than a poem, so I will try my best to be as helpful as possible.


For the first time I've seen in your portfolio with the work I have reviewed, there are too many commas! haha :') Some parts of this piece have just turned into a big long list. You are using the punctuation correctly in this piece, but at the same time I think you have definitely over used it. Some of the sentences just feel a little too long for me.


I can quite easily say I have never seen anything like this! Such imagination! I am very impressed at the volume of vivid images you can pull from this story.

What I like about the piece:

Firstly, its of a decent length. Many Stories I have seen on here that are separated into parts are very very short. Maybe even a paragraph or two. That doesn't really sit well with me. I always think "I understand this will be a short story, but part one is a single paragraph? How short is this going to be?!" I'm pleased this is not the case here. As I said above, I admire the vivid imagery I get from this work. I'm quite a fan of powerful work.

What I feel could be improved:

Here is my biggest pick with this work. As much as I love this piece due to the language used, I'm not actually 100% on what is going on. You have spent way too much time describing the setting and there's not enough time spent actually telling the story. I am interested what part 2 to this looks like as I strongly feel, if condensed this piece would be a lot better off in a more poetic form.

Overall I am very impressed! Very well done for putting down such raw imagination on paper! (well, sort of :P)

*Gold* My review has been submitted for consideration in "Good Deeds Get CASH!.
Review by inkwell
Rated: E | (3.5)
Personal Opinion:

This is nice. I like it a lot. very enjoyable!


A full stop definitely isn't needed at the end of each line. For every line that is describing the same thing or is on the exact same subject as the line below needs to be separated with a comma. Otherwise it looks like you are just starting sentences randomly and the poem will not be read in the way you intended it to be :)


This is a very interesting piece. In a way it all seems quite random, but it's randomness that makes sense when put together. I love the fact this is almost like a speech. It's from the perspective of the calf I presume? Unless I have misread. I think that is really unique.

What I like about the piece:

I think I have more or less described everything I like about this piece in the different sections of the review. The only other things I can really add are that I like the word fluff and I do ever so love snow haha!

What I feel could be improved:

Once again the only real adjustment needed here is the punctuation/grammar. The full stops and capital letters at the beginning and end of every single line really isn't necessary.

Overall it's a very nice Idea for a piece! Very lovely concept!

*Gold* My review has been submitted for consideration in "Good Deeds Get CASH!.
Review by inkwell
Rated: E | (4.0)
Personal Opinion:

I like this. I am very fond of emotive poems and I am very pleased you have selected me to review this piece.


I'm a bit sceptical on the punctuation in this piece. As I have said in many peoples reviews, punctuation is not my strong point at all but I always prefer to comment on it when necessary as to provide the best reviews I possibly can whether its's to suggest improvements or to praise. Generally this poem is punctuated correctly as far as I can see but I'm unsure on your excessive use of the ellipsis. Personally, I understand what you are trying to do here but the text book definition of the ellipsis is "a series of dots that usually indicates an intentional omission of a word, sentence, or whole section from a text without altering its original meaning." This is something I do don't feel applies here but feel free to correct me if I am wrong.

What I like about the piece:

I love your use of emotive language. This piece really is quite beautiful when you look at it as a whole. Your use of metaphors and slight personification gives examples almost of love. Not love on it's own but it's many forms. I also admire that in a piece.

What I feel could be improved:

instead of "
Everlasting stone....
Cold hard stone..."

Could I suggest simply separating these two lines with a comma instead of ending them with an ellipsis and making them into two separate sentences. In my eyes,
"Everlasting stone,
cold hard stone."

flows a lot more freely. These two lines are very similar in subject, I do not see the point in separating them like that if they are describing the same subject.

The only other thing I can suggest really as stated before is you excessive use of the ellipsis. Maybe try and change them into more relevant punctuation. You may disregard everything if you wish as they are only mere suggestions.

Overall it is a very imaginative piece that I enjoyed reading very much. Keep writing.

*Gold* My review has been submitted for consideration in "Good Deeds Get CASH!.
Review of ABANDONED  
Review by inkwell
Rated: 13+ | (3.5)
Personal Opinion:

Okay, so this is an interesting one. Personally i'm not sure 100% what its about but I do recognise it can be interpreted in many ways.


This piece isn't really punctuated appropriately. Not every sentence here needs to be capitalised or have a full stop. Especially the end line. "and" Never comes after a full stop. Even doing it there as an example hurt my feelings and i'm not one to care much for punctuality. Though I always try and comment on it where needed to provide the best review service I possibly can.


I can't say I have seen a piece quite like this before. Just the whole idea of the piece in general just seems very unique and original to me.

What I like about the piece:

I like the sheer volume of emotive language you have used, it really brings out the emotional power within the poem. I also like the fact it can be interpreted in different ways as stated before. Every mind is different and each reader could potentially draw something new from this.

What I feel could be improved:

Once again the only real thing I can bring to light about this poem is the incorrect punctuation. Another suggestion I would make is possibly putting this poem into stanzas.

Overall this is a very intriguing and powerful piece. I like it very much and hope to see more like this. Keep writing! :)

*Gold* My review has been submitted for consideration in "Good Deeds Get CASH!.
Review of Again  
Review by inkwell
Rated: E | (5.0)
Personal Opinion:

I myself have personally witnessed the effects both long and short term of domestic abuse. This piece is a perfect example of what happens in homes affected but domestic abuse daily. I like this piece a lot.


This piece is punctuated perfectly as far as I can see. There are no obvious flaws at all.


I like what you have done here. Im not sure if this was your intention but I interpret it as the dog being the abuser but placed in a slightly metaphorical manner. I find that rather unique.

What I like about the piece:

I like more or less everything about it. I think it is an extremely well though out piece. I find it very unique with many elements of truth incorporated into it.

What I feel could be improved:

I think this piece is pretty much great the way it is. The only suggestion I think I could possibly make is maybe it could do with a bit more length?

Overall I think its a brilliant piece of work. I hope to see more like this on this site!

*Gold* My review has been submitted for consideration in "Good Deeds Get CASH!.
Review of Courage  
Review by inkwell
Rated: E | (3.5)
Personal Opinion:

This is a very meaningful and sorrowful poem. I like it a lot.


This piece seems punctuated correctly. There are no obvious flaws I can see.

What I like about this piece:

This is a truly beautiful piece. It shows how selfless and kind some people can truly be. You have brought to life in strong words a very serious issue. many people are faced with this decision every single day but opt against it due to their inability to let go of their loved ones. This is a lifesaving gift and I am very impressed somebody out there has produced such a heartfelt piece about it and I have had a chance to read it personally. Its not often you see such a beautiful piece about the gift of life. The emotive language written in this piece brings out the raw emotion the reader is intended to feel.

Things I feel could be improved:

As you can see, I like this piece a lot and am finding it hard to identify things that could be altered. The only thing I could possibly suggest is to add in some rhyming. I think this would really benefit the piece. Personally I would rewrite this to add any alterations as this is fabulous the way it is.

Overall I am thoroughly impressed. Keep up the good work.

*Gold* My review has been submitted for consideration in "Good Deeds Get CASH!.
Review of Can I ?  
Review by inkwell
Rated: E | (3.0)
Personal opinion:

Not 100%sure on this one. Its good, very imaginative but not something i'd seek pleasure in reading personally.


This is a very interesting piece. It is worded in such a way, that you almost interact with it. This aspect portrayed in this particular way is something I have never seen before.


The piece appears to be punctuated correctly. I can not see anything that is obviously out of place.


Though it is not a favourite of mine, this is one of the most creative pieces I have ever read and I admire that in all forms of work.

What I like about the piece:

I am quite a fan of the layout of this poem and as stated before, the almost interactive element. Most poems are telling you what to feel or portraying a specific emotion. This piece is in a nutshell- what you make of it. It has a slightly positive vibe but generally you can interpret this with any emotion you please.

What could be improved:

The second stanza is a bit of a mouthful in my opinion. The words used are a little long and it appears to drag slightly. It is almost like a story is going to begin mid-line.

Overall this is a very original, well thought out piece. It can be interpreted very powerfully if the right mind reads it. I hope to see more like this.

*Gold* My review has been submitted for consideration in "Good Deeds Get CASH!.
Review of Purpose  
Review by inkwell
Rated: E | (4.5)
Personal Opinion:

This piece speaks to me on many levels. Personally I would love to know your inspiration for writing this piece. I love the way it flows. In my opinion the imagery is rather exquisite.


I find this to be a very imaginative piece. I have read nothing similar to this all day and find it very very original.


This piece appears to be punctuated correctly. I have however noticed a few points where full stops are required and capital letters are not needed.

What I like about this piece:

I find that it is worded beautifully. Just the kind of poetry I like to read and review. Your work has inspired me to write something of this nature. I hope to see a lot more beautiful reflective poems like this. keep up the good work.

What you can do to improve:

As I like this so much, Im finding it very hard to critique. I think some more frequent short, powerful stanzas would benefit this piece. no more than two or three lines.

Overall this is a very very well thought out piece of work. It is relateable and inspiring.

*Gold* My review has been submitted for consideration in "Good Deeds Get CASH!.
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