Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/profile/reviews/whitneyne
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Review of Flowered Heart  
Review by Whitney
Rated: E | (5.0)
Just like your other romantic poems, this one doesn’t disappoint. It’s emotional yet realistic, and a bit mystical too. You describe what sounds like a very lovely lady you care deeply about, and your feelings of love and admiration shine through. I enjoyed reading this heartfelt romantic poem. It left me feeling the beauty of the love you both share.
Review of After The Shadows  
Review by Whitney
Rated: E | (5.0)
Along with darkness there is always light. In looking to the divine there is always hope, always comfort. Life is a combination of good and bad experiences. It’s important to enjoy the good times when they come, and to find something good in every single day. Remembering the blessings we have been given, and having gratitude, can get us through a tough time. Very nice poem.
Review of The Journey  
Review by Whitney
Rated: E | (5.0)
Many of us struggle with issues from our past. No one’s journey is smooth in this life, and discouragement can come just as sure as the day dawns. But anyone can triumph over the trials of the past. With each new day comes a new chance for hope, for one more step forward…or five, and for a new opportunity to take hold of the things that matter. Sit in quiet contemplation to see the right path, then seize the day. This poem combines the past and the present along one’s journey. Shadows may follow a man through life, but in his spirit is the power to turn things around. Nice work.
Review of Summer Love  
Review by Whitney
Rated: E | (5.0)
Romance and love abound in this delightful poem. I feel the warmth of summer fortifying this writer’s soul. I feel the vulnerability of his open heart. I feel the hope within him for someone to love. He wants companionship. He wants to share. He wants to experience all that love can be. This is a beautiful piece of writing that leaves all of us hopeful for something magical in our lives.
Review by Whitney
Rated: E | (5.0)
This poem is very heartfelt and sweet. I can truly feel the great adoration this writer has for his lady. He not only admires her care for the flowers she loves, but he takes on the same task of watering in his own garden to honor her and to feel close to her. This poem is beautifully descriptive and it’s a real joy to read.
Review of Deborah  
Review by Whitney
Rated: E | (5.0)
This is not a long poem but it’s far from simple. I must admit, this piece grabbed me and took me on an emotional ride. It’s beautiful in its love and devotion, and I really liked the mystical connections to time and space. It’s romantic and lovely, a poem that stirs the reader and carries them to another plane. It’s a wonderful poem.
Review of Love In The Rain  
Review by Whitney
Rated: E | (5.0)
This poem has great flow with excellent rhyme. It evokes feelings of romance and freedom, while being very joyful. Rain can be very romantic and even a bit magical, and you have captured that quite well here. It’s a lovely, emotional poem I very much enjoyed reading. Well done.
Review by Whitney
Rated: E | (5.0)
Experiences when we are young can often leave a tremendous impact on us for years to come. A random girl on the beach is remembered with great emotion even to this day. I picture a young man, maybe troubled and certainly a bit lonely, with an open heart who was more than a little moved to have a young lady at his side. Her touch during their encounter stirred feelings within him that he can still feel many years later. It’s beautiful and it’s poignant. Just a lovely piece.
Review of Earthrise  
Review by Whitney
Rated: E | (5.0)
This is a very thought provoking piece about our planet, visions of earth, and the acknowledgement of our Creator. It must be a very spiritual and mystical experience to see earth from a distance, to grasp the enormity of the beauty and abundance of our world. I loved the photo you added to this poem. It was a pleasure to read.
Review by Whitney
Rated: E | (5.0)
This is a very upbeat and inspiring poem. I love the encouragement to all writers to express themselves fully and share themselves with the world. All of us are special in our own way and this piece lifts up every poet, both the seasoned and beginner. There’s nice rhyme and flow here. Great job.
Review of Abby  
Review by Whitney
Rated: E | (5.0)
The loss of losing a pet can be overwhelming. Pain cuts deep when we face days ahead without our beloved animals. This poem is a beautiful tribute to Abby, a dog who will be greatly missed. I liked the spiritual aspect of meeting her one day in the next realm. This is a soulful and emotional poem that will touch the hearts of all who read it.
Review by Whitney
Rated: E | (5.0)
There is nice flow and rhyme here, and great imagery portrayed in this lovely piece of writing. I especially liked the fields of poppies and daisies, fields of bloom and wonder, green grass of home, and the world in all its light. Such beautiful images came to mind as I read this through. It’s a very nice poem describing the earth awaiting your arrival, and your spiritual entrance into the physical world.
Review by Whitney
Rated: E | (5.0)
I know what it’s like to feel alone, cry alone, wonder what life’s purpose is and which direction to go. I think many of us have days like that, where nothing makes sense and fear creeps in, bringing along darkness. One of our deepest sorrows is losing dear ones to us, both living and passed on. This poem is a nice tribute to former members, but also to anyone we have lost and miss. Nice work.
Review of My Mother  
Review by Whitney
Rated: E | (5.0)
Your mother sounds like a very kind and caring person, and you are very lucky to have her in your life. It’s obvious she would do whatever it takes to help you and support you. Your poem is nicely written and has very good rhyme. It was a pleasure to read this lovely tribute to your mother.
Review by Whitney
Rated: E | (5.0)
This poem is a mystical, uplifting piece I very much enjoyed reading. The Goddess of night sounds quite beautiful, like an angel from above. We all long for love that’s moving and meaningful, and we can start by loving ourselves, knowing we are all special and deserving of being honored and cared for. Your poem makes one think and imagine. It’s very nice work.
Review of Valentine's day  
Review by Whitney
Rated: ASR | (5.0)
When I read this I could feel the emptiness and longing, the loneliness that permeates the soul. Most people want to love and be loved, and when we are deprived of love the pain can be unbearable. This piece is very descriptive and emotional. It causes the reader to feel what you feel. Great writing.
Review by Whitney
Rated: E | (5.0)
This poem gave me quite the chuckle as I read it through. I am sure many of us can relate to the challenges of making better choices and trying to lose weight. This was fun to read and it also contained some helpful information. I think you covered just about everything!
Review by Whitney
Rated: E | (5.0)
This piece is a lovely tribute to your husband, and a gift I hope you shared with him. The words are loving and passionate, even a bit spiritual. Along with desire, I can feel the warmth and devotion. I can sense the longevity and stability of your relationship. I enjoyed reading this poem very much.
Review by Whitney
Rated: E | (5.0)
This is a very fitting tribute to a man and his family who serve the Lord. I loved the descriptions of each one’s specialties, especially the musical talent. It’s great to have such a dedicated man in your life, and yes, the world could surely use more men like your pastor. Nice poem.
Review by Whitney
Rated: E | (5.0)
This is a lovely poem I enjoyed reading from start to finish. It’s a sweet and emotional piece describing the search for love, the uncertainty, and the gift of permanence. The rhymes are great and the ending is happy and peaceful. I love the heart shaped tree that illustrates this poem. Nice work.
Review by Whitney
Rated: E | (5.0)
This is a true romantic poem here, as is your specialty, and it doesn’t disappoint. It’s sweet and adoring, heartfelt and very emotional. I loved reading it through, and the three line style somehow fit just right. It’s beautiful in its devotion and love for the woman you speak of. She’s one lucky lady. It’s a great poem.
Review of Oh Deborah  
Review by Whitney
Rated: E | (5.0)
In this poem I felt a great deal of love and devotion. The wording is very descriptive and far reaching, going into the past years and the anticipation of love to come. It’s a beautiful tribute to your lady love. I enjoyed this piece from start to finish. It is quite an intense and emotional poem. Well done.
Review of Dawn of Time  
Review by Whitney
Rated: E | (5.0)
Short and sweet, this poem is mystical and romantic. It opens up the imagination to dream and to reach for magical things. I sensed a longing, a need for connection, and an invitation to get close. It’s lovely and promising, with great meaning in just a few lines. Nice work.
Review of Rain Dance  
Review by Whitney
Rated: E | (5.0)
Stuart Anderson released many deep and heartfelt songs. His lyrics are very moving. He seems to tell of the present day and also speculates on the future, which may not be a pleasant time coming. He also refers to his homeland which he loved in many of his songs, either directly or indirectly. A very intense and emotional man, Stuart left us with many songs having lyrics worth further reflection. The words of this piece are very poetic. It has a bit of sadness, a bit of yearning, and a bit of nostalgia. Thank you for sharing it here.
Review by Whitney
Rated: E | (5.0)
Your poem is a sentimental piece, as I feel some tragedy and loss here. There is a sense of solitude in the words, yet an open heart ready to love. I liked the font and spacing, and the double lines seemed very fitting here. There’s great emotion in this poem and I really enjoyed reading it.
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