I really enjoy how a poet expresses the ordinary so extraordinarily. That's why I enjoyed reading your poem, and I have the following comments to offer:
Note: Keep in mind that any review I provide is based soley on my opinion and is not intended to take liberty with the author's work. Please use or discard any comments or suggestions as you see fit.
This is a unique perspective of the annual pilgrimage to find the perfect yuletide symbol, and portrays the trek vividly, as well as the pilgim's thoughts as he struggles through the snow in search of his prize.
The imagery is excellent, which contains samples of visual, audible, olfactory and tactile, works well to set up the poet's question of Nature's intention. While it is light spirited, straddling humor, it is not frivilous.
For me, the flow is a bit erratic. While each line or two reads pretty smoothly, the transition to subsequent lines is sometimes a little choppy. So it gives the poem a little "stop and go" kind of flow.
Here the poet shows a real mastery in his usage of the poetic elements with great examples of simile, metaphor, personification, metonymy and hyperbole. Additionally, there are numerous examples of assonance, consonance and alliteration.
I definitely enjoyed the imagery of this poem. I really felt like I was there battling the winter abuse. My favorite word play was "nature's unfeigned sincerity", a sort of double emphatic, like "the real reality".
Even with the difficut flow, this is a very enjoyable read that prompts remembrance of similar experiences.

Thank you for sharing,