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Review by Jeremknight
Rated: 13+ | (5.0)
I'm really starting to feel this story, it kind of reminds me of Charmed a little bit. You really did a good job setting the scene, especially when Kristy was able to vanquish the warlock without any prior knowledge of the craft at all. I'm also interested to see how her power will grow later on in the story.
Review by Jeremknight
Rated: E | (5.0)
Its definently worth continuing, especially since I'll die if i dont find out the rest of the story. You really do a great job of keeping people in suspense about whatever could possibly happen in the next part of the story. Keep Up the good work! I'll be reading.
Review by Jeremknight
Rated: 18+ | (5.0)
This is a very powerful piece of poetry. The powerful use of imagery vividly conveys the horrid experiences that Lisa endured quite well. She does a good job showing how painful thses experiences were. As to whether there are hidden clues within this piece, I do not know, but she is definently intelligent enough to make those clues as I cannot find any.
Review of The Poetical Mind  
Review by Jeremknight
Rated: E | (5.0)
Thousands of phrases are packed in a small place
*You tell how mulitle words exist in an enclosed area.*

Running around and around like an eternal race.
*You show that they are always moving and most likely, will always be moving.*

Phrases hitting phrases and together they combine
*You show that the attraction between different phrases causes them to link together.*

Such is the workings of the poetical mind
* Plain and simple, you tell that this is exactly how the poet's mind functions.*

Sadness, happiness and tormenting rage.
*Just identification of simple emotions.*

Are a few of the emotions it puts on the page.
*Telling that these are common emotions to be used within the craft of poetry.*

True feelings that are one of a kind.
*Telling that these feeling are unique and special.*

Such are the feelings of the poetical mind.
*Reinforcing the qualities of emotion within a poet's mind.*

Where the grass is heavenly green and the sky is blue.
*Shows that everything is as it should be.*

Where there are no boundaries or limits in view.
*Reveals that this is where there are no binds on anything or anyone. Everything is limitless.*

Look deep into your soul it is there you will find.
*Showing that what your seeking can be found within yourself.*

Such is the hiding place of the poetical mind.
*Backing up that elusive qualities essential for a poet's mind.*

I looked inwards past all of mass depression
*Showing that you see beyond the negatives that exist within your life.*

and underneath years of past aggression
*Showing you also see through all that enraged you within your past.*

The wall that I put up it was hiding behind
Showing that "it" was hidden behind a barrier;a wall.*

in my heart I found the poetical mind.
*The poet's mind exists within your heart.*

Review by Jeremknight
Rated: E | (5.0)
In this haiku you have said so much with so little words. You add powerful modifiers in order to add a sense of reality to this poem making it even more inspiring. Even those who don not know what a moon bud looks like may still feel inspired by the blissful atmosphere this poem provides.
Review by Jeremknight
Rated: E | (5.0)
This is a very unique and interesting haiku that you have created. You seem to be combining four nature haikus together to make an intriguing twist. together, your words weave a creative picture within the mind of the reader. This is an inspiriing poem to anyone who admires nature.
Review of Daddy  
Review by Jeremknight
Rated: 13+ | (5.0)
Title: "Daddy
Written By: kiyasama
Reviewed By: Jeremknight

Pattern/Rhythm: The peom has no recognizable pattern such as pi or haiku, but it flows well and uses powerful words showing strong qualities.

Meaning: The meaning of this poem is the dedication to your father. You reveal powerful characteristics such as "unshakeable pride." Showing how inspirational he is to you, helps us to see him as you do, a great man. You even tell of some of his words of advice he has given you.

Additional Comments: This is a powerful poem which could help to stop anyone from taking their father for granted.
Review of Seize the Day  
Review by Jeremknight
Rated: E | (5.0)
Title: "Seize the Day
Written By: kiyasama
Reviewed By: Jeremknight

Pattern/Rhythm: You don't have a particular style here, but it is impressive to see an original poem without a particular style to base it off of.

Meaning: You plainly say what the meaning of this poem is. That you should take advantage of every possible moment in your life.

Additional Comments: This poem teaches an important life lesson that many people take for granted.
Review of Maiden's Cry  
Review by Jeremknight
Rated: 13+ | (5.0)
Title: "Maiden's Cry
Written By: kiyasama
Reviewed By: Jeremknight

Pattern/Rhythm: In this poem you wonderfully executed the pi form of poetry.

Meaning: This poem has a strong passion giving offense to anyone who is completely in support of society's methods. However, the poem sends out a powerful message that nobody should ignore.

Additional Comments: Another well written poem!
Review of The Caged Bird  
Review by Jeremknight
Rated: E | (5.0)
Title: "The Caged Bird
Written By: kiyasama
Reviewed By: Jeremknight

Pattern/Rhythm: Although you use a simple ABC style poem, the words within the poemn give powerful vision so as anyone who reads this will see the words come to life.

Meaning: In this poem you show how, just as a bird is traped within a cage, someone can be trapped by love, or rather a "relationship". Yet unlike a bird, he or she can escape from entrapment.

Additional Comments: This is a good poem for inspiring those who need advice on love.
Review by Jeremknight
Rated: E | (5.0)
Author: J. A. Buxton

Reviewer: Jeremknight

First Impression: This is a great way to allow you readers to get to know the real you in a way other than in your writing.

Opinion: Even just by showing merely a few aspects of what you like, you allow us to make good inferences about what kind of person you could be, what we have in common. you personal heroes alos say a lot for what kind of person you truly are as well.

Extra: I really enjoyed reading this peace and I think I would enjoy getting to know you and your writing.

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Review of Summer Warmth  
Review by Jeremknight
Rated: E | (5.0)
This is one of your reviews from your Secret Santa

Title: "Summer Warmth

Written By: pencilsoverpens

Reviewed By: Jeremknight

Pattern/Rhythm: Well all I can say about the form is that the syllabic pattern leads me to believe that this is a haiku.

Meaning: you tell of the sensational bursts of positive emotion you feel when ever the soft, delicate rays of the sun gently graze your skin.

Additional Comments: Another great nature poem.

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Review of Gossip  
Review by Jeremknight
Rated: ASR | (5.0)

Title: "Gossip

Author: kiyasama

Plot: This is a very creative story using exactly 100 words. The plot seems to have no fault that I can see.

Scene: The scene isn't described very vividly, but seeing as this is only 100 words,it doesn't make a difference.

Character Development: no need.

Grammar: chews,then spits(add comma)

Just My Personal Opinion: Great work!

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Review of The Skirt  
Review by Jeremknight
Rated: 13+ | (5.0)

Title: "The Skirt

Author: kiyasama

Plot: You did an excellent job portraying how skeptic the society in the story was about short skirts. You also used an excellent use of irony when at the end, everyone was wearing short skirts, while Nancy wore a long one.

you could make the story better by exploring Nancy's perspective of the situation, because the story is only seen through the eyes of the main character and is a bit biased.

Scene: The scene is not focused on very much, but as this is a short story, that is not too important.

Character Development: like I said before, characterdevelopment is not very crucial in such a short story.

Grammar: St. Mary's Catholic School(capitalize school)

genuine "Southern Belle"(suggesttion to put Southern Belle in quotes since its exactly what he called her)

Just My Personal Opinion: This is a really interesting short story with a simple plot holding an underlying meaning.

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Review by Jeremknight
Rated: E | (5.0)
Title: "Heartfelt (Now with audio)
Written By: Ann Ticipation
Reviewed By: Jeremknight

Form: Excellent form. Your use of powerful words within the poem and rhyming with other passionate words strengthens the image that presents itself whenever someone reads this poem.

Meaning: You make it very clear all of the vivid emotions that this person gave you, adding a very upbeat feel making readers have a small taste of how you feel.

Additional Comments: you are an excellent poet.
Review of Sometimes  
Review by Jeremknight
Rated: ASR | (5.0)
Title: Sometimes
Written By: selena_loves_u
Reviewed By: Jeremknight
Additional Comments:Sounds quite inttresting to me.

Pattern/Rhythm: Not much of one except for the repetition of the word sometimes after every couple of lines.

Meaning: Seems to influence the idea of becoming less dependent and trying to be stronger and more resistant.

Imagery and Comments: All of the events deswcripbed forge a very visual image so that this poem helps to ring out its true meaning much easier.
Review of Where Were You  
Review by Jeremknight
Rated: 13+ | (5.0)
This is a very excellent poem about having compassion. in the poem , the writer is asking mereky for compassion, to put their wants and needs first for a change. This seems to be a scenario between one who is to selfish and one who is selfless.

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Review of Shadows  
Review by Jeremknight
Rated: 13+ | (5.0)
This poem seems to portray a serious, yet playful attitude to it. You show how dangerous and manipulative the shadows are as well as how deceptive they can be, luring you into a false sense of security.

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Review by Jeremknight
Rated: E | (5.0)
This is a really great poem about losing your way. It really shows the fact that you stumbled upopn the path of darkness and worst of all did'nt try to fight it, until you found the light. this is a very inspirationalpoem especially to those who need to find the light themselves.

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Review of The Sodden Sponge  
Review by Jeremknight
Rated: E | (5.0)
This is a very indepth poem of how seeing the pain of others physically, fills you with pain emotionally. This is a crutch that nearly all hmans must bear, the fact that we feel pain from watching others suffer, in some cases the pain towards us is greater thatn the emotional pain.

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Review by Jeremknight
Rated: E | (5.0)
This sounds like a great way to fans of the show "Amazing Race". Its also a good way to find people that you have reality tastes in common with. This is also an excellent way to see if your suspiscions are correct about who will win, place , and show.

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Review by Jeremknight
Rated: E | (5.0)
Just from reading your first entry, I realize that you are a person that thinks deep in thought. I also thought that is was very philosophical of you to mention that the line between sorrow and joy is easily crossed. I would also like to add that sometimes that line is altered within our own vision meaning, we may only feel sorrow because we only allow ourselves to feel sorrow. I really like your blog.
Review of So In Love  
Review by Jeremknight
Rated: E | (5.0)
This poem shows a very strong sense of love and passion between these two lovers. It is apparent through their actions and their emotions that, they both feel very strongly for each other. This kind of love is like a fire, spreading to others quickly. This love inspires those who have yet to find love and those, who have had broken hearts.

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Review by Jeremknight
Rated: E | (5.0)
I can just imagine the different kinds of tuned that could go with this song. I love it! Well the title say it all. It shows us how learning enough to care just to listen to eac other's heart, our emotions, can transform our thoughts and our views for the better. Listen to my heart, quite a useful and scarce skill these days.

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#1132075 by Not Available.
Review by Jeremknight
Rated: E | (5.0)
This is a very passionate poem about the emotuions you feel from your spouse. It seems that there are also great feelings of gratitiude for having someone like this in your life. You also seem on top of the fact that you realize his worth within your life and don't take him for granted.

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