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Review of End of the world  
Review by granny
Rated: E | (4.5)

Siyo Aaron, this very scene plays within my own mind,and I agree MOST would behave exactly as you have so well portrayed them. I also KNOW, with grateful heart there are those who not only would not behave so but know where to "hide",and later not only survive,but help others do so as well. In my mind the "loss" of what is seen as "civilization" would be a blessing in disguise,Mother Earth would I think agree the loss of skyscrapers,roads, and "great cities" would be a better things as well. Only the loss of life that WOULD happen, would be the greatest of tragidies,as they would as you say turn in senslessness against each other rather than holding hands and caring,sharing the pain,and helping each other mourn,then rebuild a better world. I like well your "musing" poem, I think there are many who should well be thinking these things out,HEARING, what Mother Earth is singing to them.

many blessings granny
Review by granny
Rated: E | N/A (Review only item.)
Siyo Pat,it is a beautiful reminder of my own childhood,(I have six brothers,lol,finally got a sister when I was sixteen),and we ran wild and free as well. You have made a beautiful tribute to each other, that bond of sisters that will carry your whole lifetimes,I can see he green/gold hills,the straw streets,and little houses of wood. What happy days of peace and goodness,innocence at its best.

many blessings granny
Review of The Magic Man  
Review by granny
Rated: 18+ | (5.0)

Syio lonewulf,ulihelisdi(welcome) to writing.com,sad this is and haunting in its truth,a song that plays,I can almost hear the singer moan.
I have seen the effects such a "Magic Man" can have,though I do not know for sure it was your intent,but a dear friend died beneath the touch of such as he and his "potions" most call Heroin. This is well written and says so much,I can feel the pull that would lure one to that place of "forget it all",for one low price,your words tell a story well. Painting a scene,of dark and stelth,flashing lights and that feeling of "belonging" to the "in" crowd,that steals the souls of so many!
Write On
many blessings granny
Review of First Impressions  
Review by granny
Rated: E | (4.0)

Siyo Alani,your words paint for me a picture of sunset on the Apache Sacred mountains where the whites insist on using "recycled" sewer water to make "fake" snow for their skiing,those goats and monkeys in the sky,the ski lifts carrying the rich and famous with their Louis Vuitton, to the top of a place of ancient worship,held holy from time out of mind. The lambs and doves,once "New Woman" Ceremonies were held here for proud young women(some nine and ten) and their families,sad what money can buy eh?

many blessings granny
Review of I AM FREE  
Review by granny
Rated: E | (5.0)
Truely beautiful in the councils of the world I see no seat for the Eagle,Bear,Wolf,or Beaver,who then speaks for the "small children" of Mother Earth? own2sphynx I do not know if you are of Native descent , tsitslagi(I am Cherokee), and these words from your heart speak just as the teachers of my Peoples. We are to honor the four legged,finned,and feathered for Creator made them first,they are then our Elders,our teachers if only we will hear. To hunt for food for your children is accepted(with proper prayer of hanksgiving,and permission asked of the hunted) but "sport" hunters deserve no respect! Perhaps if you spaced once between each line it would have greater impact? But to me your story speaks loud,and speaks true!
adadoligi granny
Review by granny
Rated: ASR | (5.0)

This made me laugh,but it makes sense in a strange way as well,lol. Perhaps there is NO perfect world,and so we must make do or CHANGE the one we have eh? Most of these are very negative ways to see a beautiful world and sense I, am lactose intolerant you may have my cows.
Another way to "see" things would be maybe simply share all we have,making sure first the young and very old are cared for,be kinder to each other,use the milk to make cheese and butter so it will keep longer and feed more?

many blessings granny
Review of Life on the Rails  
Review by granny
Rated: 13+ | (5.0)
Wonderful,thank you I can smell the apples still,feel the fluttering of her heart in fear/anticipation,and hope.A hard life that,following the crops,back breaking work for little pay and yet, you are so grateful for even that. This will make a good story,whether he stays or goes,she has gained the strength and comfort she will need to continue on. You have made it very easy to read,spaced well so it is not running together,blurring the meaning of your words,I love he discription of the pond,the water sounds,the dawning,and the apple smells of fall harvest.

many blessings granny
Review by granny
Rated: 13+ | (4.5)

Siyo,how very sad and yes we DO know how THAT story goes,there are few who have not seen or known someone we love consumed by that "fire water" demon! You have said so well a cry heard in the night,a plea for help,help they user would fight. I like how it flows from verse to verse,telling the story,of how,when,where,and why.

many blessings granny
Review of Triple Zero  
Review by granny
Rated: ASR | (3.0)

Siyo(hello),it is my hope "humans" treat each other better than that? It is well written,and I can "see" the face of Liz,drawn with disdain,caring more about her "tea" and it temperature than the "woman" who is being beaten. I mean no disrespect but this hurts,as a woman of "color" myself I have seen that "look" many times,that "please" just do not "touch" me look. I saw it on the faces of men who knocked down my grandmother for ignoring a sign that said "NO INJUNS ALLOWED",my baby brother was very ill,she only want to by a cup of soup. Keep writing please,many should read such stories.

many blessings granny
Review of none  
Review by granny
Rated: 18+ | (4.0)

Siyo kelticladi,I like your story sad though it is it should make others think HARD about the "cloning" and "designing" of seeds for the future.
In truth many will if it comes to that die unnessasarily of hunger,(though in truth there ARE those among my kind who "keep" grandmother seeds),because the "fixing" of those seeds used can fail for many reasons. Such "future" stories are not soooo,far distant as many would like to think,all that is happening around us should bring fair warning,but does not.

many blessings granny
Review of The Time Belt  
Review by granny
Rated: 13+ | (5.0)
I like this very much,I had to use my mind very hard trying to think where I might like to go/see,but it was great fun. These "Interactives" are good exersise for the thinking,and hope to see more. I would also like to see the whole story put all together to see how seperate minds bring one story to make sense as a whole.

blessings granny
Review of Who Knows?  
Review by granny
Rated: E | (4.5)

Ah,yes but those willing to "dance" the spiral are those few granted that very thing,atoms we are,little "molecules",seprate we have no meaning,together we have no equal. I think your words may seem "dark", hopless,despairing to some,but they sing in truth of light and hope,what "might" have been yet has a chance to be.
Review by granny
Rated: E | (5.0)

Siyo grayshift,there will be those who will see this and perhaps not understand,that it is the "memory" who speaks to the man. And truely we place great burdens upon that place within,hoping beyond hope the dam will hold and not drown our own souls with those precious,deathly dear pieces we cram in. You have written a good piece,it speaks to my own spirit fears,I think the reader will find treasure here if they are willing,but confusion for those "less" deep. Well done!
Review by granny
Rated: 13+ | (5.0)

~HOWA~ Well done,yes Oak is Sacred,as any of Native Heritage can tell you,above all among the standing beings EXCEPT Grandmother Cedar.Each of he tree Peoples have a "spirit",and yes hey speak to those willing,or NEEDING to hear,your story made good points giving others pause to think is what I have so little? Or is my own "sadness" and wants blinding me to the hope and beauty Creator granted to the two legs(human children) who are gifted the most of all the children.

many blessings granny
Review by granny
Rated: E | (5.0)

Please tell me you will share the rest? I love such stories of the little People,you have spun a web to fascinate. Is this a part of your heritage,do you draw from stories told by your grandmothers?

blessings granny
Review by granny
Rated: 13+ | (4.5)

Oh,my! Now that gave me chills,a VERY good scary(or bad?)story,me I am NOT going "house" hunting(or haunting I hope)any time soon after this!
Review by granny
Rated: ASR | (5.0)

~HOWA~ Well said! My grandfather fought in two wars for this country,he was a Calvery Horseman chasing after Pancho Via and keeping safe the borders of this OUR country,and then served in WWI. He was NOT considered a "Citizen" of the United States until AFTER 1929,he was just another of the "Colored Unit",his only RIGHTS were to DIE for the country he loved. He WAS Cherokee,and he WAS,very proud to serve as a Warrior for this HIS Country.If he had done as Bill and Bernadine,do you think he would have lived "happily ever after"? And what of Leonard Peltier,30+ years in prison,for a "crime" there was NO proof he EVER comitted,where is his WEALTH and privledge?
Thank you for a WELL writen piece,and I hope many read and wonder,what exactly,is Justice?

adadoligi granny
Review of I remain here  
Review by granny
Rated: E | (4.5)

I do not know your age,your prison,but know "regrets" are simply a replay of past "mistakes" we think we made. Do not allow regret to rule you,change those things you can today,to make a better tomorrow,say to those you have hurt,I am sorry,make peace with those who have hurt you. "Regret" can become he walls of prison,only if WE allow it to be so!

many blessings granny
Review of Assumptions  
Review by granny
Rated: E | (4.5)

You have written a good story,if true there are things many face in life and you help them see the tangled webs we weave. Sue is WRONG about your mother,she "assumed" ALL women choose a carreer and it is not so,your mother was lucky to be able to stay home and teach her
children since that was HER choice. The man "attacking" the dog has priorities confused,the dog is PART of the eco-system,it is the ignorance of man thinking HE should control the enviroment. Sue is as well "confused",not you,girls need to decide are they "independent" or do they wish protection. By condeming your mothers "choice" she makes her own,she has a mouth,and a mind,if she disagreed then it was HER place to set the man straight,and maybe teach him his mistake(he knew NOTHING of eco anything) in thinking the creek/stream was his to control!

many blessings granny
Review of Whispers  
Review by granny
Rated: E | (4.0)

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#794817 by Not Available.

Well done,ones faith no matter what one believes is the strongest force in ones life!
nvwato hiyadv(peace)
Review by granny
Rated: E | (4.5)

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#794817 by Not Available.

Well done,the Butterfly is "in Native American Culture",the messanger of Creator. Sent when we need reassurance that one who has gone on,arrived safely!
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