Review Requests: ON
2 Public Reviews Given 2 Total Reviews Given |
Requested reviews recieve; A full content review, A grammar review, A style review, Special requests can be followed if added in the comments of the review request. I can compare your writing to the specific style of your chosen author. This will require me to read that author's work and will require twice the number of gift - points as a normal review. In terms of word count. I can write you an in depth analysis of about a full written page (250 words) for 7500 gp. $0.75 review is a great deal and all GP transactions support the site. |
Action, suspense, |
science fiction and fantasy |
Poetry. Horror. |
I don't review anything shorter than the length of review requested. If you want a full page from me, I need a full page from you. I won't read more than five pages (1250 words) without sufficient bribery. Perhaps an extra 1500 ($0.15) per page. |