Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/quiz/item_id/1180950-What-Emily-Dickinson-Poem-Are-You
Rated: E · Quiz · Other · #1180950
I'm nobody! Who are you? Find out exactly who you are in the words of Emily Dickinson.
I'm nobody! Who are you? Find out exactly who you are in the magical words of Emily Dickinson. According to your answers on this test, I will place you on a continuum of personality characteristics and then match you up to the Emily Dickinson poem that fits you best!
1. Favorite Joy:
 Which of these joys is your favorite?
       The lightness you feel when things are going well -- or are going to start going well        
       Enjoying the beauty of nature        
       Sharing quality time with my soul mate        
       Simply knowing that I have a soul mate, even if we have to be apart        
       Finding someone to hide away from the world with        
       Seeing truth / making an honest connection with people        
2. What hurts:
 Over the course of your life, what's the most hurtful thing people have done to you?
       They dislike the way I go against convention, even though I am not doing things wrong--just different!        
       They condemn me because I won't give up my principles.        
       My heart is broken because I loved (and still love).        
       People ignore me; I often feel isolated        
       People have lied to me, deceived me, and not told me the whole truth.        
       People can't truly hurt me if I don't want them to; it's all in how you look at it!        
3. Your fears:
 If you are afraid of only one thing, what would it be?
       Giving in to despair (but I have hope that will never happen!)        
       Having to give up the beautiful natural world and be confined to man-made contrivances        
       Never meeting anyone who shares my love of truth and beauty.        
       A life without love--as simple as that.        
       Being placed in the limelight, where I'd be forced to put on a front and be untrue to myself.        
       Lies and deceit--even when they're meant to protect you, they only make things worse.        
4. Loneliness:
 Do you consider yourself lonely?
       No, not really, even when I'm alone, I'm still pretty happy.        
       One is never alone when one can surround oneself with trees, blue skies, and chirping birds.        
       I've been extremely lonely at times, but I have found a true friend, or I have faith that I will.        
       My loneliness is boundless, but I do have my memories, and I know that I suffer for good reason.        
       I am lonely, but loneliness is just part of who I am.        
       Maybe so, maybe not, but loneliness is not a very important factor in my life.        
5. On martyrdom:
 Would you ever die for a cause you believed in?
       No, there is too much else to live for.        
       Probably not; life is the cause that I believe in.        
       Even if there was a cause I believed in enough to die for, I doubt that my dying would really make a difference.        
       If people just understood each other from the beginning, no cause would necessitate dying.        
       I would, if it was truly an important cause.        
       Sometimes, I feel like I've already died.        
6. On goodness:
 What is the best thing someone can do to be a better person?
       Never give up -- always believe in goodness, and goodness will come        
       Love the world around them and the One who created it        
       Believe, believe, believe in true beauty, and be willing to suffer for your beliefs        
       Remain faithful and never stop believing in true love, though it may cause pain        
       Be an honest, simple person -- don't let the vanities of the world overtake you        
       Simply be true - share your feelings, and let your real self shine through!        
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Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/quiz/item_id/1180950-What-Emily-Dickinson-Poem-Are-You