Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/quiz/item_id/1765716-Are-you-Evil-Minion-Material
Rated: 13+ · Quiz · Comedy · #1765716
A test to see if when an evil overlord comes to your niegghborhood if you'd be hired.
Hello and welcome to the EV-i1 Minion placement test. This is a test to see if you are in fact qualified to serve your evil mastermind of choice, after all, not everyone is fit to be a minion. If you pass, you will be the latest member in the nameless armies of evil that fill this world attempting it to bend it to the will of one you obey like your own personal god (Ex: Opra).

The following test will question you on how you react to situations, how or if you plan on advansing youself in this corporation, your expendability, your loyalty, and previous experiences.

Refrences are appreciated.

If you have recieved your scores, here are what your results mean:

9-15: You are not cut out for this job, hell, your more of a hero than villain. Get lost.

16-26: You coward, you are completely useless to this organization. Get lost.

27-33: You are prime minion material, you are loyal, obedient, and smart. Welcome aboard.

34-44: Wow, you're more of a villain in your own right, we might not be able to trust you, but if you join there's a promotion in your future.

45-50: You are a freak. A bloodthirsty, uncontrolled, creepy laugh, murderous freak! The men in white coats are on there way, please remain seated until they arrive.
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1. Kamakzii:
 You have been sent on a suiccide mission that is important to your master's plan. What do you do?
       Sabotage the mission        
       Ignor orders and leave it up to chance        
       Betray your master's plan to the enemy        
       Shoot the messanger        
       Fight valiantly until you fall over dead        
2. Broke:
 You have not recieved your paycheck and are hearing rumors of bankrupce. What do you do.
       Destroy them all for making you work for free        
       Continue your work        
       Quit on the spot        
       Offer your lord some of your saving to help him get back on his feet        
       Submit your two weeks notice        
3. The Boss is Nuts:
 Your master/overlord has been acting irrational and crazy lately. What do you do?
       Recomend him a good psycologist        
       Lead a rebelion against him and declare yourself king        
       Offer him a nice sit down lunch to talk over his problems        
       Continue to obey, he is your master        
       Secretly manipulate him and his orders so that you are in charge        
4. Training:
 Your training regement has suddenly become ungodly difficult. What do you do?
       Kill everyone, that's proof your tough enough        
       Submit a formal complaint        
       continue with training, there must be a reason... right?        
       Knuckle through it, it will make you stronger        
5. Promotion:
 How would you go about getting promoted?
       I'm fine where I am thank you        
       A vicious combo of blackmail and backstabbing        
       Kill my surperior and whoever gets his job until it's me        
       By helping others make the right choice        
       Kissing up and keeping a clean work area        
6. The old lady:
 You have been ordered to patrol the outside of the base and spot an old lady carrying a purse full of money. What do you do?
       Mug the woman for her money        
       Keep an eye on the woman, but continue your patrol        
       Ask the woman if she is lost and help her on her way.        
       Call a strike team to deal with the woman before continuing your patrol        
       Kill the woman, take her purse, and dismember the body        
7. Betrayal:
 Your master has demanded you to attack an allied group. What do you do?
       Alert the ally to the betrayal        
       Sit the mission out fiegning sickness        
       Demand the biggest weapon in the arsonal for the attack        
       Engage the ally without hesitation        
       Alert your own allies to attack the two while they're weak        
8. Power:
 You have just developed super powers of your own, now what?
       Put an end to your lord's tyrany        
       Start your own faction within the minions before going rogue        
       Use them to aid your lord's might        
       Keep them a secret        
9. Ooh! Shiney!:
 While on a raid/offensive opperation, you and your team discover a large stash of money/weapons. What do you do?
       Convince other to leave the loot and continue with mission        
       Turn in some, pocket the rest        
       Kill all teammates, take the loot, and retire in mexico        
       Take loot but refuse credit for discovery        
       Turn in all proccedings to you higher ups        
10. A Spy:
 You have discovered a spy within the ranks. What do you do?
       Let him go with a warning        
       Report him        
       Arrest him and present him to your lord        
       Make him a double agent for you        
       Kill him slowly        
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