Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/quiz/item_id/1975878-The-Parenthood-Questionnaire
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Rated: 18+ · Quiz · Comedy · #1975878
Ideally after this quiz there would be shots of tequila handed out. All you get is a score
If you are a parent, no doubt you remember holding your precious little bundle for the first time. That memory is full of awe, peace, love and all that is good in life. Then, shortly after that your baby puked on you repeatedly. Pee'd on all of your clothes, ate it's own poo, and cried all night and day. Maybe, that was just my experience...

This quiz is to determine if you are raising the next President of the United States, the next moody but successful artist, or if you are raising a whole herd of monkeys impersonating people. Enjoy the quiz!
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1. Fill in the blank...:
 Your child comes up to you with a bright smile on their face and offers you a spider. A big, hairy, disgusting spider that looks like it could eat you. You look at your child and say:___________
       "Put that down! It's dangerous!"        
       "Oh honey, that looks like tarantula. It's amazing you found one in the wild. Lets put it in a shoe box. Careful of any hairs that might shoot out at you."        
       "Give me the spider and then call 911. Mommy's having a heart attack. I love you, sweetie..."        
       (nothing because you fainted)        
       "Oh that's so cool! Lets find your sister and put it down her shirt!"        
2. fill in the blank....:
 Your child comes home from school with a black eye. After grabbing an ice pack for them you say: "_____"
       I told you to rule the school yard with an iron fist! Go back and get revenge!        
       Honey, no means no. Stop trying to kiss that girl!        
       Did you try running away? Running away fixes most problems!        
       Go watch TV, I had a hard day and don't want to bothered.        
       I'm calling the teachers. We'll get this fixed.        
       Who did this to you? I'll go make them regret touching my little baby!"        
       Today you are a man. Let's go have a beer.        
3. Mommy Daddy time...:
 Stress levels are a little high, you find yourself speaking fluent baby talk to your partner, and last night you burst into tears because the spaghetti was too lumpy. You decide to take a break from parenting and just be two people in love- what do you do?
       Your baby doesn't stress you out, your partner does. You kick your partner out of the house and enjoy some quality baby time.        
       You leave your baby with a trusted friend and go out for a nice dinner. Wait just a sec, you are just going to call once to make sure everything is okay...        
       You party it up like you were teenagers. Your memories of the night are a little hazy but from the hangover you are experiencing- you suspect it was fun.        
       It was a typical date. Small cruise to Mexico, vaca in California, dinner and a movie. The grandparents are displeased, but they will understand that it's an honor to watch their grand baby.        
       The baby wouldn't let you leave. You spent the night sulking and crying about the spaghetti again.        
       You spent the night having dinner and a movie. It was wonderful. Now it's time to pick up your darling baby and go home.        
4. Sometimes kids make you so mad!:
 Your kid was warned. They were warned again. Now it's time to discipline. How do you do it?
       The good old belt. As long as it doesn't leave a mark it's fine.        
       Time out, followed by an apology and hugs. Works every time.        
       I make my kid stand with his hands on his head while kneeling- I saw it on cops and it works for them...        
       Nothing, your kid is a delight and the joy of everybody's life. Even when she's screaming she's my princess.        
       The family dog handles the discipline.        
5. Teenage drivers...:
 Your teen just turned 16. What do you do?
       Your teen is enrolled in a driving class and the professionals will handle teaching him. After he's proven himself you will buy him a car.        
       You bought a shiny new car for your teen as soon as they turned 16.        
       You are teaching your teen how to drive and after they get their licence you will give your old car to them.        
       You taught your teen how to hot wire your neighbor's car. Watch out world! Your teen is officially a driver.        
       Not much to do. You let your kid do their own thing.        
6. Sometimes kids make you so mad!:
 You come home after a late night at work. Instead of doing homework like a responsible teenager would, your teen is making out with someone on the couch. What do you do?
       Grab him by the ear and walk him up to his room.        
       Smile with pride at your teen. You taught him everything he knows about picking up chicks.        
       Pick the boy up off your daughter and throw his ugly butt outside. If he's not gone in 3 seconds, you are getting your gun.        
       Tell the kids that if they don't break it up, that you are going to start making out with your partner in front of them.        
       Quickly walk back outside and pretend you didn't see anything. Keep repeating: 'this isn't happening' until you feel better.        
       Tell your kid they don't have time to be making out. They have a Evil Genius class in half an hour.        
7. The first day of school:
 It's the first day of school. You have successfully finished potty training and now you are dropping your kid off for the first time. How does that go?
       You stuffed your child's pockets full of tissue with the reminder not to pick their nose. You then hug them tight and send them off.        
       You are a mess. Your child is patting you on the back saying, "It's okay, I'll only be gone a few hours." They hand you a tissue and walk off to the classroom.        
       Your kid woke themselves up,picked out the cutest superman costume, made their lunch (cheerios and peanut butter sandwich with sugar), and walked to school.        
       You didn't have enough time to get dressed, so you walk into the class room wearing a robe and enthusiastically introduce yourself to every kid in the classroom.        
       You spent all morning crying, but then you washed your face and packed your kid the most awesome lunch ever. After taking dozens of pictures you hug them tight and send them off with a smile.        
       The morning was spent going over disaster plans. Kid gives you a noogie? Punch him in the gut. Kid calls you smelly? Kick him in the shin. Best parent ever? Check.        
8. The first day of school:
 You successfully sent your kid off to school. There might have been some tears, a little blubbering, but now you are kid free! What do you do?
       PARTY! All the parents are going to meet at your place. There will be wine, and wine, and wine.        
       You spend the day peeking in windows at the school until the cops get called. You are now making an "I love you" for your child from the police office.        
       You slept in, your kid isn't home so they must have made it to school. You go back to sleep and dream about butterflies.        
       You spend a little bit of time cleaning the house, reading a book, maybe write a little on writing.com, and then you start cooking your child's favorite dinner.        
       You go to work for the first time in years feeling refreshed and proud of yourself.        
9. The baby's crying...:
 Your beautiful baby has fallen and now has a goose egg on the forehead (don't worry, they are just fine). How did the injury happen?
       The baby fell out of the crib trying to climb over it.        
       The baby wasn't strapped in the equipment clearly marked: strap the baby in securely to avoid risk of injury (but that's okay because you were a new mother, right?)        
       The baby has never been around corners, heights, or far away from your arms- so this injury would never happen.        
       Your baby is already quite the runner but not that graceful. The accident involved a spoon, a teddy bear, and a globe- enough said.        
       Who knows? The nanny dog obviously wasn't paying enough attention to the baby! No bone for the doggy!        
       The baby was involved a minor baby racing incident. The obstacle course had a sharper corner that was expected.        
10. The baby's crying...:
 You are in the store. It's been a long day. What started as a cute toddler asking in the sweetest voice for a cookie, has degenerated to screaming, stomping and kicking strangers. What do you do?
       Cheer your toddler on! They are going to be a pro wrestler one day. Body slam that lady!        
       In a firm neutral voice you tell your toddler that screaming doesn't get them a cookie. Then, you pick the toddler up and walk out of the store.        
       Oh dear, what can you do? You go off to corner and cry while your toddler threatens everyone in the store.        
       You grab your toddler and hug it out. Safe in the loving prison of your arms, you let your toddler cry it all out and then you go about your day.        
       Somewhere in the background you hear the song "murder train" by the foreskins, while you join your toddler in the tantrum. There is much destruction. You are quite proud.        
       You never made it to the store, you are drinking wine on the couch while the nanny dog licks your toddler.        
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