Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1000836-The-Dragons-Sight
Rated: 13+ · Chapter · Action/Adventure · #1000836
A bit different but if you like fantasy worth the read.
Deep into a forest shrouded in darkness there lay’s a clearing of great power were the chosen ones of the dragons live. There are elves, humans, dwarves, and even an occasional halfling but like the Amazons they were a race of women warriors. They believed that they were mans superiors so no men were admitted to their ranks thought to be weak and powerless. Then one day everything they knew changed.

That day a day of holy rites in the middle of the high ceremony with a flash of light a battered looking child appeared its body cut and bleeding. The warriors concerned hurried over but stopped in disgust before them lay a drow a male to boot and they turned away from him all except one.

She was an elven healer and unlike her fellows had always felt that men were women’s equal she felt pity for this small child no matter his race or the fact he was male and she took him to her home amidst the glares of others. She healed the unconscious boy the best of her abilities and then left to finish the day of rites.

She returned hours later to find the child sitting on the bed confusion on his face as he looked around the room not focusing on anything. As she took a step into the room his head snapped in her direction looking into the obsidian orbs she realized the child was blind. His voice rang out in heavily accented common “who’s there were am I who are you” although his voice was melodic it was also frightened and hesitant.

“It is alright child you are in the clearing of dragons and I am a healer my name is Arsa I won’t hurt you. When you arrived you had lost some blood and had numerous cuts will you tell me what happened and your name.”

His eyes were locked on hers as if he could see as he replied “my mother happened to me I am a deformed child I should have been sacrificed at birth but she kept me around and well tried to teach me not to run into anything when I did I was punished my name is Zarac” and he lapsed into silence as if ashamed by what he had said.

Arsa stepped toward the child but he shrunk away from her and she stopped her advance and said, “I won’t hurt you I want to make sure those cuts have healed.”

“They are” he assured her “the ones that were still there I healed when I woke up I have some magical talent.”

“Oh” she said and then asked, “Are you blind Zarac” at his nod she continued “how old are you”

“I am sixteen ma’am how old are you”? Arsa smiled this one was very cheeky, cheeky but smart

“I am one hundred and fifty you little imp not that it is any of your business now if your going to stay here I need to know some things.”

“What you mean I can stay here I don’t have to go back to the underdark” Zarac’s words were running together in excitement and he almost fell of the side of the bed. Arsa knew the others would not like this but she was not going to let this small blind child go back to the dangers of the underdark.

“Of course you can stay” she said “but tell me Zarac can you fight as well as use spells?”

“Yes I am a good fighter my weapons master told me so after I beat him and I can use most any spell although I don’t know the words to the chant I just the think of what I want to happen and use words that mean the same thing.”

“So you are a spell sword maybe your being here is not just a coincidence you see this is a woman warriors clan we ride dragons but lately one has been born who won’t pick a rider I think you might be that rider come with me.” She stood and was leaving the house when she remembered the child was blind and wouldn’t be able to follow her but when she turned he was right behind her walking in a step that not even a thief would hear as he waited for her to start moving again.

As they walked through the streets many of the women came out to see what they were up to seeing they were headed to the dragon pens they followed wanting to know what Arsa was up to. As they reached the caves which were also known as pens a dragon came forth the one who refused to choose a rider from the ranks of the warriors.

She came forward black scales glistening as she looked at the dark elf before her and touched her nose to his forehead were when he removed it a symbol was left that of a rider the white sun. All of the women had began to mutter among themselves this was not right this was a male they could never train him he would look at them as inferior like every other man had.

But when he turned and spoke the thought was driven from their heads at his words “Lady’s I humbly ask to join your ranks as an equal for I need all the help I can get I am blind and well can’t see what I’m doing.” The women were stunned was this boy asking for help no man had ever done that they had simply demanded it. The leader strode forth she was as tall as any man her black hair cut short to the shoulders a air of confidence around her as she strode up to the teenage drow.

“You may join our ranks young one you have proven to be polite and eloquent and you were chosen at first sight Arsa will see to your training. Can you fight with your affliction?” A smirk played across the drow’s features as he said “draw your sword my lady we shall see who is afflicted” and he pulled two slender swords from sheaths that had been hidden in his ragged clothing.

The leader was taken aback it had been years since anyone had challenged her but this was only and child and a blind one at that she knew she could take him. The women cleared a circle about the two as they closed in on each other the leader struck first hard and fast only to find her thrust blocked by the youths well placed swords. She went through attack after attack that would have flattened most who could see her until the boy went off the defensive and took the offensive driving her his strokes swift and sure.

Soon the poor woman found herself on her back dagger gone and sword pinned down by the youth’s foot a sword either side of her throat. He was staring straight ahead not seeing anything as he reached down his hand to help her up. Blind or not he was one of the greatest swordsmen she had ever seen and he was only sixteen at the most. As she accepted defeat the boy’s request surprised her “may I look at each of your faces?”

Arsa was startled he couldn’t see how would he be able to look at them. “You may if you know how” said the leader and stepped into her place in the gathering of women. Putting his swords back into his sheaths he walked over to Arsa and reached up to her face running his hand lightly over her features commenting “your very pretty Arsa I forgot to thank you for my life I was a bit disoriented” and he moved on to the next woman his hand running over her face and he offered some comment to every woman he touched some made the younger ones blush she noticed and smirked the young man was flirting with the younger trainees.

Finally he had “seen” everybody but the leader and as he walked up to her she was surprised at how gentle his hands were after his display of battle prowess she thought him to be rough but his gentle hand proved otherwise. He offered her a bow and asked, “may I know your name lady who leads these beautiful women I have lived among women all my life but never have I seen one that could equal any of your ladies.”

The leader was taken aback but answered, “my name is Atra and I would like to know yours wielder of blades and charmer of ladies.”

The young drow shifted uncomfortably at that his dark skin not completely containing his blush “my name is Zarac and I didn’t mean to flirt ma’am but you see its hard to remember facial features anything that I want to say about someone’s appearance I must say at once before I forget the unique structure. I once looked at my sisters face and noted the details but came back later and told her that her small ears were lovely when she in fact knew she had huge ears I was whipped for that one so I’ve been careful ever since.”

Many of the women looked startled but nodded in understanding and some of the younger ones were still feeling the warmth of his compliments. So Zarac stayed and lived among the women for five years he grew to know Stargaze his dragon and they trained together as Zarac grew stronger under the influence of this training something inside him also grew and magic became as natural as breathing to him.

He was an elemental the strongest the women had ever seen. Zarac still lived with Arsa but he found friends among the other women too. Then one day a new arrival came to join them her gentle voice intrigued him and a feeling of confidence followed her. Her name was Ista and though Zarac did not know it she was a Zath a race of interbred elves and drow of which there were few.

One day soon after she came Ista noticed that one and only one of the trainees was a male and even more curious than that he was a drow she decided to find out what she could about him. That night at supper he joined all the others for the feast of moons an annual event. Ista was intrigued when the woman who was setting the food stopped and whispered in his ear she didn’t hear everything but what she heard was “fruit one o’clock, bread eleven o’clock.”

Wondering what this meant she watched the drow as he nodded indicating he understood the meaning of the cryptic words. Atra then stood and delivered the ceremonial blessing but she didn’t stop there she called out to the god’s for water to fill the cups and fire to light the torches. Ista was needless to say very surprised when the call was answered torches came to life and the goblets filled with water clear and sweet. Atra sat and motioned for everyone to serve himself or herself so they did.

There was much chatter and laughter around the table that night but neither Ista nor Zarac joined in Ista was to busy watching the leather clad drow and Zarac was having trouble remembering were each different food was. Watching him carefully Ista noticed the drow was all muscle his long white hair reached to his shoulder blades and was tied back with a simple strip of the same brown leather he was wearing. His eyes were interesting totally black obsidian orbs that you could get lost in if you stared to long.

Zarac to was noticing his eyes as he swept them back and forth over were he knew the table to be wanting in vain to be able to see what was before him he couldn’t remember what food was on what plate. Finally he choose one taking his fork he speared a piece of whatever the food was and transferred it to his plate cutting it with a knife he lifted a piece to his mouth and slowly began to chew. Ista watching the drow was alarmed when he gagged and hurriedly brought a napkin to his mouth spitting out the meat he had put in it.

“Are you alright” she asked him and his head swung toward her his eyes locked with hers.

“I am fine but thank you for your concern I believe you are the new one Ista if I remember correctly. Would you do me a favor tell me were the bread and fruit are?”

“Why should I have to there right in front of you”?

Zarac silently cursed himself but aloud said “Thank you Ista that is your name right?” he asked picking up the newly discovered bread and fruit “please don’t nod tell me yes or no.”

“Yes my name is Ista what is yours?”
“Zarac” he said in-between bites of bread stuffed with fruit that was his favorite though he had told no one. Then suddenly as Ista watched he straitened in his seat and a look of comprehension came into his eyes and he chuckled quietly as he said “Ista they didn’t tell you about me did they?”

“Tell me what about you?” the girl asked wanting to know the answer.

“Ista I am blind I can’t see the food before me or even my hand before my eyes.”

The woman sat back in her chair her cool demur gone in face of the developing events “but you walk around you act so normal I never would have guessed” she admitted and the drow nodded his head understandingly.

“If you would permit me Ista I would like to see your face I can see with my hands just let me run them over your face.”

“Alright” she agreed and he leaned forward and lightly ran his hand over her face. He sat back stunned she was beautiful and he could tell simply by her facial structure.

Looking at Zarac’s face Ista thought that she had done something wrong but before she could ask he said softly “Ista your beautiful did you know that I have looked upon many women’s faces but none have compared to yours. What is your race?”

Ista was taken aback she knew many had thought her pretty but beautiful remembering he had ask a question she answered “I am a mix half drow and half moon elf I don’t really like to talk about that though. You know Zarac you’re not that bad looking yourself lean and muscled and your hair isn’t to bad either.”

Now it was Zarac’s time to be surprised no woman had ever shown any interest in him and he had no idea what he looked like he’d have to take her word on it “my thanks to your Ista I really had never heard what I looked like” listening to the commotion around him Zarac understood that everyone was headed to the sacred tree a huge oak so he stood and offered his arm to Ista saying “its time to pay our respects to the life oak might I be your escort?”

“But none of the other women will have escorts” protested Ista though she had no idea why.

“That’s were your wrong tonight every woman will have an escort the men from the nearby forest ranger camp always come this night.” Looking around Ista saw he was right she also saw one of the rangers headed toward her hurriedly she took up the drow on his offer grabbing his arm.

The man headed towards her stiffened as he looked at the drow he remembered him from previous visits he had never escorted one of the women before so he went up to take this one off his hands.

Zarac heard the man’s approach and just as he was reaching down to take Ista’s hand he said “Sir please do not even bother to try this lady is with me tonight” and he dropped his hand down around Ista’s waist and began to walk forward only to find the man had blocked the path and had his sword drawn.

Zarac sighed and pulled out his own launching into a lazy routine that the man could not have managed so he simply pulled back and allowed the drow to pass Ista by his side. Ista was surprised to see the drow’s expertise at fighting and she also had to admit she had been startled when he dropped his arm about her waist but she found she didn’t mind a bit as he guided her steps down the darkened forest trail more at home in the night than any creature of the dark would ever be.

The two got into line behind the other couple’s this was a night of pairing if you were accepted by the tree you would have a choice leave to go to the rangers or take to the road many were hopping the tree would pass them by so they would not have to make the choice.

Zarac and Ista stood at the end and Ista watched as one young woman and man were paired the tree lightly touching them with its boroughs. The rest passed under safely though so Zarac and Ista relaxed assuming the tree had thought one pairing enough. Soon everyone had gone under the tree and Zarac and Ista were left to pass under it.

They stepped under the tree and were about to walk off when the thin limbs came down and encircled them pulling them together till they were pressed against one another and then something that had never happened before the tree spoke.

Everyone in the clearing listened with rapt attention as the tree began to speak it said “fear not my children you are destined for one another you will do great things for you blind one have great power and your child of mixed blood have the will to control him. Take care of one another and find trust in your bond and you will do wonders.”

Then the limbs withdrew and Ista and Zarac were left standing under the tree Ista staring into the drow’s sightless eyes that stared right back at her. Then the whispers started this was a match no one had expected at least only one of them had a dragon they would take to road like everyone else probably. Slipping his hand back around her waist Zarac led Ista away from the chatter to the cave were he and his dragon resided. Once they were inside he turned to her and said, “What do you want to do leave here and travel the world or stay and go to the rangers?”

Ista thought carefully if he was actually giving her a choice she would give an honest answer so she said “leave and travel the world lets live our lives together on the road.” He nodded he had thought she would choose that and then he said “Ista I will not rule over you we are equals if you ever think of anything speak your mind I will listen to what you have to say I am a twenty-one year old drow with a dragon named Stargaze that is all I have to offer you if you are supposed to control me I pity you but I believe we can get along alright.”

Ista smiled she was glad the tree had paired them she really did like this drow and felt she could travel beside him and feel safe. Then the dragon butted into his thoughts saying “you know Zarac now you can leave and just travel were ever you want you will have Ista as your eyes and me as well.”

“Thank you Stargaze you have no idea how much this means to me.”

“I think I do now run along and tell Atra and Arsa they’ll both want to know.” Zarac not wasting any time picked up Ista and began to run toward Arsa’s home as she protested about being to heavy in truth he didn’t even feel her weight as he kicked at the bottom of Arsa’s door. Arsa opened the door and was surprised at the sight that greeted her Zarac was standing there Ista in his arms protesting loudly they he should put her down before he hurt himself. “I can leave Arsa I have loved it here but I have always wanted to go out into the world but with my sight I could not now with Ista beside me I can leave and journey over the world.”

And then he had scoped and protesting Ista into his arms again and was off to the house he knew Atra lived in. Atra heard a polite knock at her door and opened it to see Zarac and Ista there Ista still protesting about the drow carrying her around like a sack while he grinned widely Atra realized she had never really seen him smile. “Were leaving Atra going out on the road” then his emotions got the better of him and her ran over to her and gave her a hug saying in a whisper “I have wanted to leave for a while but never did I have eyes to show me the way now I can travel freely”.

Atra was surprised but her happiness for the drow overweighed that sentiment and she spoke straight from her heart “Zarac you are finally whole now take Stargaze and your companion go out into the world and right the wrongs that have taken it over.” Zarac stepped back and solemnly nodded then for the first time mischief lit his usually stiff smile as he picked up Ista and carried her back to the cave even when he reached Atra on the other side of the clearing could still hear the woman’s protest.

The next morning a shadow came over the camp as Stargaze launched into flight soaring strongly over homes and roads castles and huts with two silhouettes on her back that is were our story really begins.

© Copyright 2005 XothShadowsword (xoth at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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