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Rated: 13+ · Chapter · Comedy · #1008396
Girl meets Boy, Girl falls in love with boy. Vengeful friends... Future daughters?
Chapter One: A New Boss?

You’ve heard of the story of Cinderella haven’t you?
Well Sora White’s life was just like the fairytale princess’. She wasn’t donned in luscious fabrics and finest jewels; she was an ordinary girl with a loving mother and father.
The three lived in a lovely house at the far side of the city; it was secluded from the area and had vines growing up across its brick layered walls. They lived just where the main road dipped down into a little hollow, fringed with adlers and ladies eardrops and traversed by a brook that had its source away back into the woods that surrounded the back half of there house.
A small cottage in a large city.
Sora used to love her life, and all the people in it. A happy little girl of only a few years of age always had a beautiful smile gracing her face as she would go on adventures in the woods or by the brook.
Until one day…
It had all started the day she found out her mother had been in a fatal car accident and had an instant death. Sora was heartbroken that her loving mother had gone. Her father was in an even worse shape, he wouldn’t eat, he wouldn’t sleep; he just lay there day in and day out.
Soon out of force, Sora made her father go out into the town and meet up with people his own age.
She was soon to regret this decision.
Week in and week out Sora’s father used to go out and come back late in the morning. Sora used to think it was okay for him to be out and not mourning over her mothers’ death. But one day, her father had come back home earlier than usual. He had brought someone with him.
Sora was horrified. Her father was with another woman so soon after her mother had died. Safe to say it had been months and months ago.
But still…
A few years later her father had told her that he was going to marry the new woman. Sora wouldn’t believe it. She just couldn’t.
But, she thought rationally, if her father was happy with this new woman, so would she.
She had told her father that she was okay with the new woman being her new mother. But she was soon to regret this.

It had started off as a perfect relationship and a perfect family. Soon out of an ‘accident’ Sora’s father had passed away. She was left with her stepmother.
At first Sora seemed to be okay with that fact. But it all had changed when she found out about her stepmothers real intentions.
Much like Cinderella’s stepmother, Sora’s stepmother used to make her cook and clean the house. She treated the child like a slave. And if she didn’t work, and stepped forward, abuse was the ‘reward’ she achieved.
After a few years Sora had enough courage to go out into the world, away from her abusive stepmother. She had started working at a restaurant and lived with her friend she had made there.
Soon she had built up enough money that she had saved up throughout the years (and with her father inheritance, though she said she would only use that for emergency cases) and brought a lovely flat.
She had soon gotten a job at a large and well known corporation. And her life changed from there…

“MISS WHITE!” Sora jerked up from her laying position on the couch of her boss’s office. She rubbed her eyes tiredly and looked up to see an old man looking sternly at her. Sora gulped and smiled hesitantly.
“Sorry Satoshi sir!” She said as she quickly got up. Her shirt was rumpled up, with creases everywhere. She took hold of the covers that were now sprawled all over the floor of the office and attempted to fold it quickly.
“Miss White,” The old man began to say. “You’ve been sleeping in my office for over a month now,” He stated, Sora winced and put the folded up covers on the side of the couch and sat down, pulling her hair out of her bun and straightening it with her fingers before making a rather hasty ponytail.
“What happened?” The old man asked. He sat next to her on the couch.
“I was thrown out of my friends’ house last month.” Sora explained, a tear brimming in her eyes. Satoshi shook his head and sighed. “I was hoping you wouldn’t notice that I had taken over your office for a few nights…”
“Have you thought of another place?” Satoshi said, trying not to sound harsh.
“I have seen an apartment that I could accommodate, but I haven’t enough money to go for it,” Sora explained. To Sora, Satoshi Shields was like a father. She would tell him everything. Satoshi looked thoughtful for a moment before standing up. He then motioned for Sora to do the same.
“Miss White,” He said. Sora stood in order. “I give you a raise,”
“NO!” Sora yelled. “I mean…No sir, I cannot allow you to give me something without any credit,” She said. Satoshi smiled at her selflessness.
“It isn’t without any credit.” Satoshi replied. “You are a wonderful and most important asset to this company, that’s why I’m giving you a raise.” Sora smiled brightly. “Now go and get that house of yours. I want you out of my office tomorrow okay?”
“Yes sir,” Sora said, mock saluting him before moving to her desk located outside of the main office. She smiled brightly and picked up the phone, she dialed a number and held the receiver to her ear.
“Good morning,” A woman on the phone answered. “This is R&G Home Services, how may I help you?”
“Morning, I am Sora White, we’ve spoken before…”

Hi, my name is Sora White; I am about five foot three and have dark black hair and chocolate colored eyes. I work as one of the personal secretary in this place called Shields Corporation, a worldwide trading and importing industry, owned by one Satoshi Shields, an old and very strict man.
I haven’t any parents, as my mother died a few years after I was born and my father died soon after that, leaving me with my horrid stepmother.
I had started work in a lovely restaurant, Le Blanc, I had a waitress’ job and I was doing a pretty good job of it, enough to keep up rent at my friends’ apartment and any other needed things.
Mr. Shields visited the restaurant many times and we had gotten pretty close, he was like the father I never knew I had. Once he found out about my past life and what I was going through, he had offered me a job at his corporation. I was to be a secretary to him; it seemed that he had seen how hard I worked and how much jobs mean to me.
They’d mean a lot to you to if you only had a little money to live on.
Now for about two years I had been working for the company, with very good pay. But I was treated rather horribly by those around me. Soon even the boss seemed to have second thoughts about me. So I worked even harder, to show them that I could handle everything that they could possibly throw at me.
It was a success. But the day that Mr. Shields left, we were all very happy, I would miss the man, but he didn’t trust me and had treated me like I didn’t belong.
But that’s no matter now. I wrote his little departure speech and am now standing next to the podium with the dark haired man as he talks about how much he will miss this company…yadda, yadda, yadda.

“Shields Corp. one of the largest leading companies worldwide. It will be much of a burden to close down,” Satoshi addressed to the large audience of workers. Shocked at what was about to be said. “I have loved working with each and every one of you,”
‘Is he really going to close down?’ All the staff will lose well paid jobs. But they listened on as there boss said his speech.
“So instead, I give this company to my son, Tai Shields.”
“His son?” the crowd murmured.
‘He has a son?’
‘He has a wife?’
“Will his son be as ‘power hungry’ and strict like his father?”
All these questions popped into each of staff heads. Satoshi watched the staff very closely, trying to figure out what they thought about his idea. He was very to leave his company to his son.
“A son?” Sora mouthed. She hadn’t thought about whom was going to take over the company after Mr. Shields left. Satoshi scratched the back of his head.
Sure he hadn’t seen his son for over five years, but Tai was going to be a great adversary for the title, loyal, determined, brave and true. He was sure of it.
“So I leave you with a fond farewell…I hope I’ve left a bit of me in all your hearts,” He said as he stepped off the podium and informed them that his son would arrive in a few hours and for them to return to there working order.
With that he walked out the front door, leaving his hopes and dreams in the hands of his son.

Back inside, the bottom floors worked on normally, it was still a formal company after all. While the highest floor got out streamers, balloons, the works. A large banner with the words ‘farewell’ hung over the balcony leading to the new bosses office.

“How is the staff?” A silver haired young man asked, sitting in his luxurious limo.
“Quite talented and very sensible.” The attendant said to him.

“Turn it up! (Turn it up)
Just turn it up (turn it up)
Now scream! (Aaah!)” The music roared through the top floors as the staff on said floor laughed, danced and chatted through there bosses departure.
“Heck, few hours of freedom! Live it!” Koji yelled. Most of the staff were taking off there ties and dancing on the tables.

“And my personal secretary?” The silver haired man asked, getting out of his limousine as he adjusted his tie and dark black suit.
“Ravishing, your father picked a really fine beauty for yo—oh,” The man answer, about to spill the secret he and Satoshi Shields had set for Tai. The man blushed embarrassingly. The silver haired boy shook his head, muttering ‘father’ sighing.
“She is a valuable asset to the company, Sora White,” They had entered the lift after Tai discreetly said hello to the receptionist and a few staff members working on the bottom floor. He walked into the lift, followed by his attendant and pushed the button for the top floor.

“Having fun Sora?” A green eyed girl called out to her friend. Asuna Kagurazaka now situated on her boyfriend, Negi Springfield’s lap, as she pumped the volume higher on the speakers next to her.
Sora White, a woman of poise and a rich air about her, pulled her hair from its bun, letting her dark auburn tresses fall like water on her back as she danced to the music.
She spun out and landed in the arms of a person, looking up she swore that her heart stopped.
…As well as the music, dancing and the party.
“What on earth-” The attendant started. Sora quickly pried herself from the silver haired man, clearing her throat. He looked at her, clearly amused.
She looked up at him, confused.
“I’ll handle this, you may go now,” Tai said sternly to the attendant, most of the staff in the room gulped. As they tried to straighten themselves out.
Sora slowly put her hair back in a bun.
What was the new boss going to do to them?

After literally pushing the attendant out of the room, Tai turned to look at what he was dealing with. He saw frightened looks about everyone’s faces.
“Aren’t I glad he’s gone,” Tai said aloud. He sighed and smiled. “Who is Sora White?” He asked calmly, the woman who was in his arms answered.
“I am,” She said slowly. He looked at her, she was looking down and a few hairs which had come out of her bun framed her face, like a curtain. He held a finger to her chin and forced her to look in his eyes. She blushed.
“Could you get a notepad and pen?” Tai asked her, she quickly retrieved a notepad from her back pocket. And she hurriedly looked for a pen. Tai noticed her frantic movements and pulled a pen out of her bun, making her hair, once again tumble down to her back. He gasped inwardly as she stood, poised, ready to write.
“Ahem, as you now know, I am Tai Shields, your new boss,” He announced. “There will be a few changes here,” he said this calmly. “1) I suck at speeches, 2) Miss sitting over there on that mans lap,” Tai said, pointing at Jade, she in turn blushed. “Put the music back on, I like that song,” Jade did as she was told, but at a lower volume as Tai kept on talking.
“Ah, where were we?” He asked.
“Number three, sir,” Sora answered him.
“Thank you,” He said to her, smiling as she blushed. “Three, music is allowed, but at a low volume please.”
“Anything else, sir?” Sora asked again, getting used to this new type of boss.
“Ah yes, don’t call me sir, call me Tai, or anything else. Except when my father comes, oh and the music goes off then as well.” He then looked to the staff standing in front of him, listening eagerly to the new ‘rules’ of the company. Tai picked his hand up and pointed to a black haired boy pushing a trolley full of mail. “What’s your name?” He asked the black haired boy.
“Mike…” The boy said.
“Mike, I would like you to go down to the receptionist and tell her to inform me, when my father or a business man comes.” Mike nodded, left his trolley and headed for the doors leading to the lifts.
“Are we all clear on the rules?” He asked everyone. He received complete silence and walked up to his office. “I’ll take that as a yes then?” He asked, not waiting for an answer as he closed the doors of his office.
Sora walked back to her friends, Asuna and Negi, who were talking about what they thought on the boss.
“He seems alright,” Negi said, smiling.
“He’s nice,” Asuna stated. “What do you think Sora?”
“He’s a hunk,” Sora blurted out loud before she had a chance to think about what she said. She turned red.
“Oh! Sora has a crush on our new boss,” Asuna announced aloud to everyone on the top floor. Sora buried her face in her hands.
“Way to go, White!” A dark black haired Koji yelled from the other side of the floor. Sora turned a darker shade of red.
“Alright, I like him…a lot I think, but it’s not everyday a love like the two of yours comes in life,” Sora said truthfully. She looked up to her friends faces. They were both holding in laughter. “It’s not funny you guys!” Sora turned, if possible, a darker shade of red.
“Miss White,” They heard there boss say from the balcony above them. Sora turned her head to look up. “May I have a word with you?”
‘Damn, did he hear what I said?’ Sora thought to herself as she walked up to his office. His office wasn’t anything fancy. It had a large table and a very comfy looking chair. At one side of the room, a large sofa lined the walls. On the other side was a bar, a large window covered the wall behind the desk. She sat down on the chair, in front of Tai.
“Miss White,” He started. Sora looked down to her hands, blushing brightly. “I would like for you to be closer to me.” He said. Sora’s head shot up.
Tai was smiling innocently. ‘In more ways than one…’
“Ex-excuse me?” She asked. ‘Aha! A dream, I get it…’ She thought. Nothing this good happen in her life. But now, she had seen the perfect guy, and he had asked to be close to her?
Yup definitely a dream…Or was it, did this man really like her the way she liked him?
“Your desk,” Tai finished.
“Huh?” Sora said through confused eyes, breaking out of her trance.
“Your desk,” Tai repeated. “I would like you to move your desk into my office.” He said.
‘Well there goes my dream…’ Sora sighed and nodded. Tai stood up from his seat and walked to the front. He sat at the front of his desk and leaned forward, closer to Sora.
“I’d like to get to know you better,” He said.
‘Or maybe not…’
© Copyright 2005 Sun Sky (sorawhite at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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