Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1008882-Runaway-Train
Rated: 13+ · Short Story · Ghost · #1008882
a bad dream that may not be a dream afterall!
"Runaway Train"
Miguel Carreno

Everyday the same routine wake up, shower, dress, eat, and ride the train to school. The same boring ride to and from school. Nothing ever exciting happens on my trips. Today the same routine again woke up, showered, dressed and ate. I then headed for the train station to my half hour ride to school. I stared aimlessly out the window still half asleep and not paying much attention to the world around me. At the announcement of my stop I got up from my seat and headed for the exit doors like always. As I got to the doors the train did not stop at my destination. I began yelling for the conductor to stop, but my efforts were tireless for no one answered my pleas.
I searched the train but found no one I had been alone the entire time, I do not remember anyone else on the platform with me or in the train car sitting around me. It was as if I was the only person in this enormous city that is usually jam packed with thousands of people. As I stood there and pondered this eerie situation something even stranger caught my attention. The train was speeding up with each minute that passed by. My mind was racing, I felt anxious, and could not hold my thoughts together everything was going on too fast. I was then slammed back into a seat by horrific terror, as the speakers emitted the devilish laughter that I had ever heard in my life. So evil that whatever projected it was not of this earth or heaven above us.
I sat in utter shock and fright frozen in time and space, everything seemed to stand still for a second as if I was in a whole other reality. I tried to gather my thoughts and snap out of it, but all I can hear is that hellish laughter that was slowly eating away at me. Oh how I longed to pierce my ears and sever the nerve that let sound pore in. Then some unseen force lifted me out of the seat and pushed me towards the front train car. I quickly threw myself to the ground and held on to one of the poles for dear life. I held on almost crying out of fear and frustration, wishing for this strange event to end
The laughter was beginning to drive me mad, I could take it no longer, I must make my way to the front car and stop this horrible situation. I began from the last train car and made my way to the front train car. Every step I took my heart beat faster, the sweat on my brow got thicker and fear began to sneak its way back in. The train went faster as I got closer to unmasking this un-holly madness. I was forced to hold on to the rail on the side in-between train cars so as not to fly off and end up like a bug on a windshield. I saw no clear images through the windows just the lines of light as we zoomed past it, like traveling through hyperspace in science-fiction movies. The laughter I so wished to conquer grew louder in each train car almost mocking me and trying to throw me off course, but I would not stop until I escaped this horrible train ride.
Finally the final car, I was close to revealing my torment lying just at the other end of this car. The velocity we were traveling at now sent me to the floor forcing me to crawl my way against the immense force, reaching out for any possible handle to aid in my struggle. The sound of laughter as well got louder, to the sound of high pitch shreak causing my ears to bleed uncontrollably and painfully. I finally reached the handle to the operators room and forced it open to reveal a blinding light forcing my eyes to close, and when I opened them again I jumped up in bed in horrible cold sweat from a horrifying nightmare.
I had finally been awaken by my alarm, and it was time for my daily routine again. I got up, showered, dressed, ate, and then headed for the train. I waited for my train on the platform alone, ha, just like in my nightmare, but no worries it just a dream right? Finally the train came and only the last train cars doors opened up. I boarded thinking nothing of my previous nightmare. I entered and the whole train was empty and before I could even think of sitting down the lights flickered and evil laughter emitted from the speakers as the doors closed!
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