Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1011513-Bleeding-Roses--part-3
Rated: 13+ · Chapter · Young Adult · #1011513
Istn't it messed up, how I'm just dying to be here?
That night, I learned more about Kalisyn Darnay then I had cared to learn about anyone one. Her story was sad: her father had been a rich vampire hunter who raped her and got her pregnant. Her half sister had given her a miscarriage by kicking her in the stomach repeatedly. Her stepmother was a Veela who treated her as a servant in her own home. When she turned 15, when she finally thought she had made a friend, she woke up to her family slaughtered and was then brutally raped and turned into a vampire. She had no friends, no family, but she was still so amazing.
After watching her drink from one person, I realized she could have carried out her death threat to me without lifting a finger. Kali killed without remorse, or even a second thought. She may have been small, but she was like a snake. Charming and rather nice to look at, but cross her the wrong away and you were dead. Also, she had this way of making me feel extremely guilty with just a look. “So tell me about this girl Bella.” She said as we tramped through the forest and back to our room. I looked at her in surprise.
“I didn’t say anything about her. How’d you know?”
“Vampires have a physic connection with each other.”
“I can read your mind?”
“Yes, but I’d rather you didn’t.” She looked at me. “There are things in my mind no one should have to see.” It was the look again.
“I won’t.” I promised her. “So, Bella…she’s just this girl I slept with last night.”
“You’re falling in love with her.”
“I-wait, what?” I stopped dead. Part of me had known, the other part denied every bit of it.
“You’re in love with her.” She answered simply.
“I can’t be. I don’t fall for anyone.”
Liar. It was horrifying. I heard her voice in my head, but her lips weren’t moving. She laughed at my surprise. We can talk like this. Like real vampires.
Erm, alright.
More comfortable the other way?
Kinda. This way makes me feel crazy.
We’ll switch when we get back to the room, okay?
‘Kay. I liked her, but, for just the second time in my life, I liked her as a friend. It was kinda cool.

After we climbed into bed (our own beds, of course) I looked down at her. “Kali?
“Do you think I should find Bella?”
“I do.” She sat up and looked up at me. “I really do.”
“Maybe I will.” I said, settling back down. I was just getting sleepy when I thought of another question. “Kali?”
“Rei?” She mumbled, half asleep.
“What hooked you on killing? It’s like a drug for you.”
“Murder is like sex, Rei. You do it once, and you do it right, and you’re hooked for life.” I heard her roll over and knew the conversation had ended.

After a week, I knew Kali had been right in saying I should find Bella. I haven’t slept with anyone in a week, which was killing me, but I couldn’t look at any other girl and think, ‘oh, she’s pretty’ anymore. I wanted to see Bella again, I needed to. Although, as determined as I was, other things came first.
“I bet I could drink more coffee than you, Kal.”
“Let’s bet. If you win, you can call me Kal. If I win, you tell Bella you love her.”
“You drive a hard bargain, Miss Drabeck.” I grinned as she blushed. Drabeck was her new boyfriend’s last name, and she hadn’t stop talking about him since she met him. She glared at me but hid a smile, and tossed me an empty cup. As soon as our cups were full of the rich, dark liquid, we drank. After five cups, I was looking for the nearest bathroom, or potted plant. “Time out.” I moaned, racing for the guy’s room. I only barely made it. When I came out, Kali was holding a folded paper under my nose.
“You might like to read this, Mr. Rei.” She passed me the paper and slipped off to find her boyfriend.
I opened the letter, expecting some wonderful-tastic news from Fern. Instead, it was a note written in neat script.

Please meat me in the café in town at 2:00.

Needless to say, all my plans for after school were canceled.

2:00 came after what seemed like years. I raced down to the café, and my heart stopped when I reached the door. Bella was sitting in a both, facing the back of the joint. I licked my lips nervously. I had hardly ever seen a girl after I slept with her. What would I say to her? Then she turned and saw me; I walked towards her and she turned back around. I slid into the seat across from her, exhaling nervously.
“Argh, here be ye orders.” A man in a pirate suite set down two cups of coffee on the table. He left, eyeing us.
“Uh, thanks.” I said lamely.
“Have you fed lately?” She asked softly, but sternly.
“No.” I shrugged. Kali had taught me her ways, but I didn’t try it.
“Don’t be stupid, Rei!” She snapped. “You could go into BloodLust and die!”
“Oh please.” I sighed. “Who’d care?”
“I would.” Her eyes filled with tears. “For the past week, I’ve been thinking, if I’d ever see you again, and I’ve been torn between wanting to see you and wanting you out of my head forever.”
“Are you serious?” I asked softly, looking down. ”I’ve been thinking about you a lot. I wanted to see you again.”
“Well, here we are.” She said quietly.
“Yeah…” I bit my lip. “Would you be interested in seeing me again?”
“Like on a date?” She asked, looking up.
“Yes.” I said, thankful she said it, not me.
“Yes.” She said after a few minutes. She sipped her coffee and I followed suit.
“Really?” I asked happily.
“Yeah.” She fell silent for a second. “Rei?”
“Yeah, Bella?”
“I don’t want to be a booty call for you, okay?” She looked into my eyes. “And please, nowhere sleazy.”
“No problem.” I said. I had wanted to wow her anyway.
“Then I’ll see you Friday night.” She smiled and walked away out. I missed her already.
© Copyright 2005 Nanashi (rei_black at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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