Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1015651-Storm
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Rated: 13+ · Short Story · Mystery · #1015651
Work in progress. Please comment! I'm open for ideas!
The trees shook as the wind crashed into them. The sky was almost black, and it looked very threatening. The humid air and cold temperature had "rainstorm" written all over it as a loud clap resounded over the valley as the sky momentarily lit up with lightning. The mountains had almost disapeared from the fog creeping down them.
Justin looked into Misty's steel-like grey eyes which were filled with a power that seemed as strong as the storm. Her long, straight black hair blew away violently and dramaticly. From Justin's point of view, she couldnt've looked more beutiful as the rain started to fall. Justin looked up towards the sky; it was now or never.
"Misty," he started, and as he spoke the rain started to come down harder.
"Yes?" she asked, cold eyes watching him.
"I, well....I think you are the coolest girl I've ever met, and, well, I think your gorgeous and-"
But he didn't get to say anyhting else, because Misty started to lean in towards him. His breath caught in his chest as her her smooth fingers gently traced his jaw.
The rain was now coming down violently. Justin was completely soaked and his numb skin stung where ever a raindrop landed on him. He brought his hand to her neck, slipping it underneath a layerr of wet hair and pulling her closer.
As Justin was thinking about what an exotic situation it was for a first kiss, Misty was thinking how perrfect and romantic it was. As their lips touched, the clouds seemed to let Hell loose as the rain came down unbelievably hard in buckets. When Justin and Misty finally opened their eyes and released eachother, it seemed liek they were in a waterfall.
"So does that mean..." Justin raised his eyebrows hopefully.
Misty's lips slowly parted, forming a rare but gorgeous smile.
"Yes," she said, and lightly kissed him again.
They smiled at eachother for a moment, then Justin rose up form the cold, wet ground.
"We better get going," he sadi, helping his new girlfriend up, "this storm is starting to look serious."
Misty laughed. Her laugh had a powerful aroma to it, like thunderm yet beautiful, like bells and as sweet as trickling water. It gave Justin goosebumps that weren't from the cold. She turned around in a circle.
"I love storms like this!" she cried.
Justin watched her as she stood there, not caring how wet she was, or that her mascara was running slightly. Most girls would be bothered by that, but not Misty. Her long black hair was dripping wet and stuck to her back. Her clothes clung to her figure attractively. Justin couldn't help but notice how tall and slender she was, with a long torso and a small waist, but with a suprisingly full chest. Her legs were long and graceful, and her arms looked like they belonged on a ballerina.
"My god Misty, how can you be so sexy?" He whispered, wrapping his arms around her waist and pulling her wet body close. He kissed her again, this time more fiercly, and she returned it with more velocity. When they finished, Misty said, "Even though I lov e making out with you in the rain, i got to get home. My parents will murder me if I'm not home by 7."
"No, if you're not home by 7, they'll send out a full on search party," Justin corrected, taking her hand. Then they walked through the pouring rain together, hand in hand.

Misty closed the door to her house behind her and called, "I'm home!"
"About time too," her mother said, coming down the stairs, "my goodness! You're all wet!"
"Yeah, I got caught in the storm," Misty replied.
"Well, Stephanie's waiting upstairs."
"Stephanie?" Misty paused.
"You guys have been planning this sleepover for almost 2 weeks, remember?"
"Oh right! Okay, I'll go up." Misty ran up 2 flights of stairs and burst into her room. A girl with medium length, curly chocolate brown hair and greenish eyes was sitting on her bed with her laptop. She looked up.
"Finally! Where were you?" Stephanie asked, "I've been waiting for hours!"
"Of course you have," Misty rolled her eyes and sat down next to her on the bed. "You aren't downloading porn onto my laptop again, are you?" Misty asked, looking over her shoulder.
"No," Stephanie replied, "that was only once. I'm checking my email cause my computer has been dead for a week and a half."
"So where have you been...?" Stephanie inquired, smirking as she side glanced over at her. Misty smiled mysteriously. When Stephanie saw that smile, she turned her full attention to her.
"Oh my god, what were you doing?"
"Making out with Justin Rabbit in the rain."
Stephanie smiled. "You were not."
Misty only smiled.
"You were?!"
Misty laughed, nodding her head. Stephanie nearly screamed.
"OH MY GOD!!!"
Misty laughed at her friends reaction and the look on her face.
"So you're going out with him now?"
"Yeah, he asked me out," Misty said.
"Oh my god," Stephanie whispered, "little Misty Shadow, now has a boyfriend, and was making out with him in the rain."
Misty smiled.
"You got that right."
© Copyright 2005 Ayjianio (ayjianio at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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