Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1017810-Alfie
Rated: ASR · Short Story · Children's · #1017810
For a contest.
One would never expect a mouse to be best friends with a snake, a hawk, and a cat.
The other mice certainly didn't. And they certainly didn't approve.

"It's impratical!" Uncle shouted, banging his wooden cane on the floor. Uncle had always been
a firm believer in tradition, and he didn't believe in the modern world.

"TV? Whats TV got that the good old world doesn't?" He often said. It was always the same with him. Anything that challenged the traditional ways was wrong, and there was no changing
that fact in Uncles mind.

"The snake, hawk and cat are our worst enemy's!"

"Hear, hear!" Shouted someone from the crowd.

"It's dangerous! Alfie could have been killed!" Mother shrilly squeaked, her paw pressed to her

Mother was a sweet mouse, although she often had nervous breakdowns from something as small as a sparrow flying too close.

Although this could be understandable, as mice do not usually get along too well with birds - especially the carnivorous ones - but the family often agreed that Mother simply worried too much.

"Calm down, Mother dearest." Father soothed, trying to calm his frightened wife. Father was
the head of the household by all means, and was often strict but fair. You would often find him discussing politics with members of the council, or reading the morning paper.

"Tut, tut." He would often say. "Would you believe, Mother, that farmer Johnson has sold
his farm? This will no doubt mean the food supplies will roll down the hill!"

Father often had strange sayings which most mice did not understand. Most of the time they
just assumed something rolling down the hill was bad - something flying up the hill was good.
Other then that, they just ignored him.

"Please, quiet everyone! We must remain calm!" Cried Hector, one of the council members.
Everyone liked Hector, although they often got sick of his constant talking. Hector was not
a mouse who liked to stay silent.

"Calm! You expect me to be calm! Our son is tramping about with hooligans!" Mother squeaked
angrily, glaring at Hector.

"We will now listen to the defendant. Alfie my boy, where are you?"

All the mice turned to the one empty seat at the back of the room. Hector simply sighed. "Someone go see if you can find Alfie."


Alfie sighed happily, rolling around in the cool, green grass. Next to him, Chuck yawned,
his long, ginger-colored tail swishing lazily.


"Yes, Alfie?"

"Do you think we'll be banned from playing together?" Chuck got to his feet, stretching.

"I expect so, Alfie. But lets cross that bridge when we get to it, OK?"

Alfie, nodded, also getting to his feet with some difficulty. "Lets go see if Loli and Nima are
done yet."

Chuck nodded, then crouched down beside Alfie, allowing the small mouse to grab hold of his tail. Chuck swished his tail over his back slowly, and Alfie let go, landing on Chucks back with a small thump. "Got your crutch?"

Alfie nodded, patting his wooden crutch. Alfie had been born without a leg, and had to use a crutch to get him around, although his friends often helped when they could. "I've got it."

Chuck nodded and bounded off, being careful not to shake his passenger too much. After a few moment they reached the stream, where Nima and Loli where playing.

Nima slithered onto the grass, her brown scales gleaming in the sun. "Hello, Alfie. It'sss really nice in the

Loli nodded in agreement, then shook the water from her feathers. "Yes, I agree. I don't know why
you two refuse to go in there."

Chuck shuddered, a natural water-hater. Alfie simply shook his head, thinking of the strong river current. "No thanks. We should be heading back now."

The others agreed, and before long they where heading back. They arrived just as the meeting
let out, and all the mice came out of the stump that was used for the meetings.

The mice all froze, then darted for safety, squeaking with alarm.

"I think we'd better leave." Loli said quietly, then took off into the air. "Good bye, Alfie!"

Alfie was about to reply, when Chuck suddenly yelled out, "Alfie, look out! Hawk!"

Alfie glanced up just as the hawk swooped, catching the terrified mouse in it's claws.

"Help!" Alfie cried as the hawk carried him away.

"Alfie!" Loli took after the hawk, Chuck and Nima following on the ground. The other mice, hearing the cries for help, came scurrying out, squeaking in alarm once they spotted the hawk.

"Oh no! Alfie!" Cried Mother, guessing instantly
what had happened. "Father, do something!"

Father sighed heavily, placing a paw around Mother's shoulders. "Only his friends can help him now."


Alfie squeaked in fear as the hawk carried him high above the passing land scape. "Loli, help!"
He cried, watching as his friend grew closer.

"I'm coming, Alfie, just hold on!" Loli cried as she finally caught up with the hawk and her friend.

"Let go of Alfie!" She yelled, flying as close as she possibly could to the other hawk. The other hawk accidentally let go of Alfie as he swerved away from Loli.

"Ahhh!" Alfie cried as he tumbled down through the air.

"Quick, Chuck, get him!" Nima watched anxiously as Chuck tried to position himself under his friend.

Before Alfie reached him, however, Loli grabbed him with her talons, stopping Alfie's fall.

"You saved him, Loli!" Chuck yelped with delight as Loli carefully dropped Alfie onto the ground.

"I hope that never happens again." Alfie shivered, still frightened by the hawk.

"Common, Alfie, letsss get you home." Nima replied happily.


"And he was such a good mouse, too!" Mother said sadly, wiping away a tear with her paw.

"Don't worry, Mother, I'm sure his friends will rescue him." Even as Father said this, one of the
mice nearby let out a squeak. "It's Alfie! He's alive!"

Both Mother and Father rushed out to greet their son, who was traveling on Nima's back.

"Oh, Alfie, we where so worried!" Mother cried, while Father stood by, smiling with excitment. "Alfie, no doubt your friends flew up the hill!"

"Yes, they did. They saved me." Alfie replied, sliding down from Nima's back.

"Alfie, the council has decided-" Hector began, when Mother quickly interrupted. "That you can be friends with who ever you like-"

She would have said more, but her voice was drowned out by the cheers of Alfie, Chuck, Nima and Loli. "Well, I say this calls for a party!" More cheers.

One would never expect a mouse to be best friends with a snake, a hawk, and a cat. Still, that was what Alfie, Nima, Loli, and Chuck where - best friends. And they remained that way for a very long time.

© Copyright 2005 Escritara (alethia at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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