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Rated: 13+ · Fiction · Thriller/Suspense · #1021292
She walked through the woods that day, same as she always did.
*Snow2* *Frown* *Snow2*You Didn't Even Know Me*Snow2* *Frown* *Snow2*
<BR> I could hear you from where I was. You were back. I wondered,what kind of mood were you in this time. I had thought all day, wondering what did I do to you. You didn't even know me. Yet you had taken me against my will and locked me in this horrible room. It smelled musty and damp. It was cold and dark. There wasn't much light,so I didn't know how badly I was hurt. I only knew I was cold,scared,hungry and sore all over. I hoped maybe today you would tell me why I was here,and what had I done to make you angry enough to hurt me the way you had.</BR>
<BR> The door opened,I saw you standing in the shadow. It seemed as though there was no expression on your face. Yours eyes were black and cold,I could not tell what mood you were in and what was going to happen next. Seeming like eternity, you slowly walked in my direction. Stand up, you said so sternly. I rose to my feet, very weak and shaking all over. You looked at me as though you were looking into my soul. So I asked, why am I here? What have I done to you, You don't even know me.</BR>
<BR>The next thing I can remember is your blows from your fist to my face and I guess I blacked out fom the pain. When I awoke, I was alone again. Cold and hurting.I could feel the blood dried to my face from your blows. Would I ever know what I had done or what the reasoning was behind this whole thing. I kept running it in my mind. What did I do, you didn't even know me!!!!!!</BR>
<BR> It was a Saturday. Beautiful out,somewhat on the cool side though. It was in the 60's but the sun was shining and it felt warm on my face. I was in the park a few blocks from where I lived. I had went for a walk with Shasha my husky. I liked the cool weather and walking was a way to just look at the beauty outside and make myself feel better all in one. I would spend my Saturdays walking in the parand playing with Shasha. The trees were in full bloom almost.The grass was green and smelled so fresh. Flowers were blooming along the pathway as I walked I could here the breeze in the trees. It was wonderful.</BR>
<BR>There were alot of trails in the park to travel on. Each one had a personality of its own. Some were blooming with wildflowers along the path, yet a few were bare as if nothing could grow along them. I walked those wondering why was it hard for mother nature to take over here. Walking on these paths I also got a sense of uneasyness. As though something of a colder, darker nature was somewhere in the shadows......waiting.</BR>
<BR>As I found out that day something terrible was waiting in the shadows. I walked for close to an hour when I felt the hair rising on my neck. I felt so uneasy, as though something was watching me. I picked up my pace but the trail seemed to get longer and more damp and dark as I went along. I felt like I was going deeper and deeper into the woods. I think I was, I heard a few branches cracking in the background. Getting nervous wondering who or what was following me. Looking over my shoulder every few minutes, nothing. As I turned to look forward I was face to face with a dark figure of a man. I jumped as he had scared me. I was going to ask him if anything was wrong and the next thing, I knew I woke up in this old room. Not knowing where I was or why I was here.</BR>
<BR>I know I had dried blood on alot of scraps and cuts. He must have dragged me through the woods till he got me here .But where was here, and why me? I guess only in time I will know these answers. Not now, I was cold,hungry and hurting. I curled up as best I could and fell into a deep sleep.</BR>
<BR>Ouch!!! Yelling so loudly I wook myself up. Something had bitten my ankle. Yet it was so dark, I couldn't see what it was or may have been. I was feeling nausious now, maybe from the injury's, maybe from the pain. I had ran everything through my mind again replaying the event's hoping to figure out what was happening. No luck, I was stumped by it all. Then I wondered, what had become of Shasha, she wasn't here. I prayed, Please lord let her be okay at least. She was a beautiful dog, grey, black and cream colors. Very smart too. But if it came to protection, she had lost that gamble. I would play with her and barely touch her sides with a small pinch. That dog would cry and whine as if you had put a hot torch under her, what a sissy. Then I smiled, we had so many good times walking and playing in the park. Maybe she had broke free and gotten away.</BR>

<P><BR> Sitting at the kitchen table, drinking a cup of coffee. Kerry wondered what had happened. The police had no clue to her where a bouts. Not one person in the park the morning had seen anything. Most of the regulars knew her and Shasha. They had walked the paths and played catch every day now for the past few years. It was as if they had both vanished into thin air. He thought about good times they had shared. Smiling and thought to himself, had he done or said something to make her just want to go and disappear from there life. That notion was brushed away. He knew her better than that. Nothing had been wrong in their relationship and as far as he knew their daughter, Bobbi and her were getting along fine. It had been 2 day's now since she had disappeared. They had walked the paths and the park looking for some clue, anything. He thought to himself, I will go back when the first daylight comes in the morning. Until then he knew there would be no sleep, only worry.</P></BR>
<BR>Sunlight shined on his cheek through the window. Kerry stood up slowly, stretched and walked up the stairs to get a shower before heading out to start looking again. The warm water running down his back felt good. Every muscle seemed to ach in his body. He didn't know if it was from worrying or the many miles they had walked each day desperately looking for some clue, any thing to know what had happened. Jumping he realized the noise that had startled him was coming from downstairs. Quickly getting out of the shower and throwing on his robe, he rushed down the stairs. Stopping to listen again, a faint noise was coming fron outside on the porch. Opening the door, he discovered Sasha laying on the porch. As if she was moaning she could barely move. Kerry ran in grabbed a throw from the couch. One of Lori's favorites from her grandson's. Covering Sasha, he promised her he would come right back, and take her to the vet.</BR>
<BR>Rushing as fast as he could, the first stop was Bobbi's room. Startling her as he came rushing through the door, he asked her to hurry and get dressed. Sasha was home but badly hurt. Trying to be as gentle as possible they loaded her into the back seat. She didn't seem to mind. A lost look was on her face. Wishing she could talk was only a dream. They could only hope she may recover enough in time to show them where, if she knew, Lori was.</BR>
<BR>After examing her the news was good. It seemed she had been badly beaten and kicked. Doc was amazed she had stumbled home. What trama it must have been for her. Rest was the best thing for now so she could regain her strenght. They thanked the vet and headed home.</BR>
<BR>A new day was dawning as a few streaks of sun were coming through the floor. trying to see and figure out where she was, the musty smell was strong. Maybe an old house or storage shed. Very dark, even in the daytime, but she knew it wasn't underground. Looking for anything around, she discovered there was nothing to use as a weapon. Not that even if finding something, she could lift it to defend herself. Not sure, was it 2 or 3 days now since she had been abducted. Every muscle in her body hurt from the blows he would deliver when coming to see her. No words, just a horrible sense about his presense, anger, why was he so angry and why at her. He didn't even know her. Leaves were crunching outside. Footsteps someone walking slowly past the room. Knowing it must be him, fear filled her entire body. Would he come as he had been, walk in stare at her a few moments, then punch and kick her till she was so bad going unconsience was a relief to her. Creaking floorboards, slow steps, yes that was him. Oh God, why. What had she done to this stranger to make him hate so badly that he would crush her spirit, soul and the way her body felt, he was taking it all.</BR>
<BR>Back home now Sasha was sleeping on her rug in the kitchen. Kerry and Bobbi sat at the table trying to figure out if they could where Sasha had been. No clue, not even dirt on her feet. She was weak and smelled but no clues. Standing up and pushing his chair back, he told Bobbi to stay home this time. Look after Sasha and he would go alone and look some more for anything. Bobbi frowned but said nothing. She knew it wouldn't do any good, he was stubborn and once his mind was made up on something, nothing would change it. Well she thought, I might as well try to eat while I am here. Food wasn't crossing there minds lately, but she knew they both needed to eat to keep up there own strenght to make it through this.</BR>
<BR>Floorboards creaking and leaves crunching under his feet as he approached the room. As the door opened his figure looked so cold and without emotion or feelings of any kind. Minutes went by but to her it seemed like hours. Nothing was said. You could hear breathing and heartbeats racing. Was it from fear? After what seemed like an eternity he moved close to her. Trembeling with fear, she tried to cower as close to the corner as she could to stay away from him. Knowing in seconds the blows from his fists or his foot kicking her in the sides. This time would be different. Walking very slowly towards her, he had something in his hand. Standing inches from her, he laid something down . Turning and walking away towards the door, he stopped. Looking back one more time at her then leaving without saying a word.</BR>
<BR> Waiting for enough time to know he was gone, she slid close to where he laid what he had carried in. Now she was really confused. In front of her lay a blanket, a bag, and a bottle of water. Opening the bad, it held a damp cloth in a bag. Maybe to wash her wounds. What looked like a few sandwiches, and an apple. Now all she needed to decide was, if it would be safe to eat. As strange as the events had been it may be poisoned. But her stomach knoted in pain as it smelled the food. She was so weak, she opened one and ate. Chewing very slowly to make it last as long as possible. Why would he feed her. To build her up for more beatings. It didn't matter right now, all the mattered now was eating, drinking and cleaning her wounds. Then she would curl up in the blanket and try to sleep.</BR>
<P><BR>The day was cloudy. It looked and smelled like rain was coming. Kerry walked slow down the paths, searching for anything that may help find her. This trail, was bare in spots, ugly really. It had a smell of old and damp vegitation. He didn't think it was used much by anyone. It had an erie felling to it as you walked along it. The trees even seemed smaller and skinny compared to other trails. Come to think on it, he hadn't even heard any birds, any wildlife of any kind. Were the animals and birds even afraid to come this way on this path. Up ahead he noticed a figure coming up from deep in the woods. Oh it was probably just someone who had strayed off the path on there walk. Kerry started walking faster. Catching up to this person may be good. Maybe they had seen something that no one else had. The guy was back on the path now, but it seamed he was in a hurry. Out of breath Kerry felt this guy didn't want him to catch up to him. So he slowed his walk. Looking around he thought maybe he should try to go deeper into the woods. It was getting late and he needed to get off the path before dark, so he headed back. Along the way he marked where he had seen this man coming out of the thick woods. He would try going in and looking early the next morning.</P></BR>
<BR>Feeling better after finally having food and water. Oh yes, and washing her face, even though it hurt from the blows she had recieved the day before from his fists. What light seemed to come through the floor board was gone. Night had set in. Dampness would soon follow which seemed to make her body ach even more. Curling up in the blanket she slid close to the corner. Sleep would come easier tonight since this blanket was around her to ward off the cool night air. Thinking about it, she couldn't help but wonder why the food, blanket. No words were spoken, no blows from his fists. In a way it gave her hope, but yet it also made her feel uneasy, kinda like the calm before the storm. Drifting she fell asleep with no trouble.</BR>
<BR>Kerry heard the doorbell as he stepped out of the shower. Throwing on his pants he hurried down the stairs to find the boys in the kitchen. Have you learned anything yet? He shoke his head no. Then he said, there was a man today on a path walking out from dep in the woods. He said he had tried to catch up to him but it was as if he didn't want to talk to anyone. kerry told them he had marked the place that he had come out of and was planning on going back in the morning. Maybe going deeper into the woods was the answer. It seemed the police were not doing anything to help. If they ever wanted to know what had happened they needed to find out on there own. Johnny the oldest of the boys, told Kerry he had taken a weeks leave of absense from work to help look for his mother. Lenny the youngest had also taken a leave of absense. Maybe between the three of them they could find some answers to what was going on.</BR>
<BR>Sasha laid on the rug. She didn't even seem to care the boys were there. Kerry asked Johnny if he thought it would be a good idea to take Sasha along tomorrow. Yea maybe she can lead us to something. Sasha just looked so lost and hurt, not as much physically as mentally. Whatever had happened sure did a number on this poor dog.Lori and Sasha were close, if one was there so was the other. Sasha stayed by her side day and night. It seemed she was her guardian angel. Sasha had strayed up the driveway quiet some time back and after trying to find her owners, Lori gave up and decided to keep her. After that they became soulmates.</BR>
<BR> Light was slowly creeping through the floorboards. It seemed early morning when the light was first coming through and things were still damp with dew, the musty smell was the worse. She didn't care, hudled in the corner, she started thinking of a beautiful path, with different flowers along it. Blooming with bright colors and smells. Fresh air coming through the trees that caught the flowers at the same time making a wonderful smell. These thoughts helped her stay strong in this situation.Lilacs and roses were her favorite smells. There were always fresh cut flowers at home on the table. They seemed to brighten and day and every room. Smiling her thoughts now were of Kerry. He had always called her intrest in flowers weeds. Aw he would say they just weeds. Many little things he would say or do made her smile. hey had been married for over twenty six years now. A long time but yet it had seemd so short. there were so many things they had and wanted to do together yet. She prayed to God. He would bring them back together she was sure of that. this was just one of God's test to see how much someone could indure for him. In prayers she talked to god and let him know if it ever came right down to it, her faith was strong enough that she would die for him, in his name. So the comfort of knowing she wasn't completely alone helped alot. </BR>

© Copyright 2005 Lost Kitten (lori50 at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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