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Rated: E · Chapter · Romance/Love · #1028031
this is a story of the past, where to young lovers change the mind of the world.
Facts of life
Chrissie’s Story
By: Melody Cadence Clark

         Chrissie walked up her fifth set of

stairs. She paused to see how much further it was

to the top. She grumbled as she saw she still had

a lot more of stairs to climb. Chrissie knew that

she shouldn’t be grumbling like she was her mother

hated it when she showed up late and grumpy.

Nathan saw Chrissie making her long trek up the

stairs to her house. He decided to make the trek

with her; He knew his mother wouldn’t mind, she

was already up talking to Mrs. Drake, Chrissie’s

mom. Chrissie heard Nathan coming and turned to

hug her friend. Nathan wrapped his arms around

Chrissie; it felt so good to hold her in his arms.

He couldn’t admit it to anyone, she was his best

friend, and if anyone found out that he was madly

in love with her they’d all flip. Chrissie was

way off limits to him, but yet he still found him

self head over hills for the brown eyed, Brown

haired girl standing in front of him.

         Chrissie knew that their hug had lasted

longer then would be permitted in normal

circumstances, but she couldn’t help herself she

felt so safe and clam in his arms. Chrissie new

that Nathan and she could never be anything but

friends, because social class meant everything to

her mom. Although her mother was friends with

everyone she meat, she wouldn’t allow her own

daughter to date anyone she didn’t approve of and

sadly for her Nathan was one of them. Chrissie

pulled out of the hug smiling at Nathan.

         “Oh Nathan, how did you know that I needed

a hug?” she asked.

         “Chrissie, I’ve always known you to well

for both of our own goods.” He responded.

Chrissie laughed a little, he could always make

her laugh.

         “Nathan how is it that when I’m this far,”

she held up to fingers and continued, “from crying

you show up and make me laugh, you always know

that I need you there you are, standing right next

to me ready to help me take on the world for me.”

She sighed as she stared in to Nathan’s bright

blue eyes. She hated how her mother didn’t want

her to be happy, she loved Nathan and yet her

mother wouldn’t let her do more then a simple hug.

         “Chrissie, I know you are upset, but if we

don’t get you home soon your mother will be levied

at both of us, you for being late, and me for ding

in you company with out an approved adult watching

us. Now come, we’ll find a way to talk about this

more when we get you home.” Nathan sincerely told

her. He wanted so desperately to take her in his

arms and let her sob her self to sleep and then

find some way to make it all better by the time

she woke up. Nathan knew he couldn’t the only one

who could make it better was her mother and with

out some sort of miracle that would never happen.

         “You are right let us depart to my house”

she sighed knowing Nathan was right, but not

wanting to follow the advice. Chrissie and Nathan

walked up the rest of the stairs in quite they

didn’t want to let any one in on their little know

secret. When they reached the door to the room

where her mother was waiting for her, before she

opened the door she turned to Nathan. She looked

into her bright blue eyes; he looked back in to

her brown eyes and with out any words they told

each other good-bye. Chrissie couldn’t take it

any more she leaned forward and hugged Nathan once

more, while still wrapped in his arms she

whispered in to his ear “good bye, My Nathan


         “Good bye, My Chrissie” he sadly whispered

back to her. He pulled out of the hug and with

out another word he turned and walked back down

the stairs getting further and further from the

girl he loved but knew he never have.

         Chrissie sighed; she put on a fake smile

and reached out to open the door. She walked in

to the room knowing why her mother had requested

her presents that afternoon. It was never a good

thing for her mother to request her presents,

because it meant she had done something to

displease her.

         I’m sure that by this point some of you

are confused, this is a good thing. For some the

things like falling in love whit who you

want to are simple, but for some it isn’t that

simple. You see Chrissie lived in a time where

people didn’t mingle as we do. Nathan is below

Chrissie social station and there for they cannot

be together, watch now as we see the story of to

lovers caught in side of hypocrisy, and prejudges.

While kings and kings are no longer at this time

the sweetness we enjoy were not there yet, it will

be another few hundred years till the simplicity

of our world comes about. Now see as it unfolds,

Chrissie and her mothers confirmation over who it

suitable to social society.

         “You asked for my presence mother?” said

Chrissie to Mrs. Drake, her mother.

         “Yes Crystalline, now before we get to

business what took you so long to get here?” her

mother demanded. Chrissie was ready to scream she

hated when her mother called her Crystalline, that

wasn’t her name, well it hadn’t been before he

father passed a way in an accident.

         “I am sorry for my lateness, mother I was

detained by Mr. Donaldsen, my tutor. He wanted me

to finish my test.” She lied to her mother. Her

mother would never bother to ask Mr. Donaldsen

about it. Her heart was beating fast she hated

being around her mother. She kept her emotions

hidden her mother need not know that she was in

love or she would be locked in the dungeons and

would be hurt for it, so she hid her emotions from


         “Oh, well then try not to be late the next

time I call you or there will be serious

consequences.” Stated her mother, “now on to the

matter of why I called you here. You know that I

have taken the liberty to set up a betrothal when

you were younger to a very wealthy young man and

now that you are nearing the time where you come

of age, it is almost time that I announce your

betrothal. Sense your father dead, it will have

to be done by his father and I cant get a hold of

him for at least a month so it will have to wait

till then.”

         “NO, NO, NO, NO, NO, NO, NO, not in a

million years. I won’t stand for it. Never. I

am not a stupid idiot. I will not marry a

stranger, and if you force me to there will be no

heir to the line, I will not allow it.” Chrissie

shouted to her mother.

         “You will hold your tongue in my presence.

I will not allow such words. You will do as

you’re told, or you will face the consequences my

dear. You will marry the person you are betrothed

to or you will be forced to, and you’ll be forced

to produce an heir. I will not let the world


         “And ill not let it be forced in to

marriage with out love!” Shouted Chrissie.

© Copyright 2005 Melody Cadence Clark (melodycclark at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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