Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1030211-Reverance
Rated: E · Other · Drama · #1030211
I don't know what the title means sorry. My creative mind told me to do.
Somewhere there is a small village, in that village lived a woman in a castle.
She lives alone and do work on her own, well not much of a work anyway, for her house is so big, it'll even took months for her caretakers before to clean the castle, she often would sit in the middle of her garden in a small chair, just there looking and and if people sees her, they would wonder what this woman is doing, sitting there manequin like.
There were never been a visitor for so long, she never spoken for so long, unless she's singing in a small voice, yet that voice is powerful and wonderful. The birds that flew to her garden once in a while is her companion, there were snakes and rats too but never harm her. In the garden stood an old fountain resembling an statue. It never been cleaned for so long but the water is still running through his index finger. The garden has lots of leaves that suggest it never cleaned for years, it was lovely though the rooftop is made of thick glass that shines through like diamond when the sun is up.
There were some old trees, about hundred-year olds, about 100 feet tall, the big roots were grown to the ground, that you can sit on it like a bench.
She still sitting on her chair motionless, her eyes didn't move, her face and expression didn't move.
There were no other sound other than small chirps from the birds on the trees, the snake hiss in a while and the rats squeak through their small holes.
The cat heard this and run to them, he would chase them forever 'till he got one of them.
He then took it inside and play it and eat it
for meal.
The woman heard noise inside and get up from her seat. She moves slowly because of her condition and old-age.

She took her step very tiny at a time, she never uses cane to support her, she have some of them, all of them are rich-made, one have gold in it, others made of ivory.
She reaches the steps toward the back entrance of her house that lead to another beautiful but old looking room.
It was rather dark than when the sun's light comes through the windows.
The floors are made of mapple trees wood. It had varnish on it although it is dirty and have lots of dirts on it.
The noise that heard now goes to another room, just like someone had break to her castle.
"Who is there?" an old but rather big voice came from this woman.
But there was no answer
She heard steps from the next room to her left so she went there.
In that room is a big like dome roof, it had jewels on it that mosaic-built-rose.
An old grand piano is in the corner beside the window looking out at the garden. This window has never opened so much as often as she would play the piano.
Other than the piano stool and the grand piano itself, there were no furniture just plain. Although the walls were all well-designed and portraits and paints hanging everywhere.
The portraits were mostly of animals, and if there portrait of a human, it is so far away can't see it. The paintings were of George Seurat, and Picasso.
The noise now grow to another room, so she move to the left, there's still no sign of the noise she's seizing.

"What do you want?" she asks now more confident in her old voice
but still no answer.
she moved to the left and sees no one, still standing to her ground. Old, feeble and gray, the old lady becomes exhausted and said to herself
"I'll get you!"
so she enters the room again, and sat down the piano, looked at her fingers, old and took out the covers of her piano.
A steps can be heard again on outside, then inside.
She stop before she could play a tune.
The old woman once again, stand up.

Chapter 1.01
The Gloomy Day....
So the old woman stand up, quietly composed herself. "I'll get you for that" the old woman said aloud.
Strongly she pulled up herself, as fast as her olding knees could withstand, she grabbed her footsteps and began to walk.
The day is all gloomy and all the trees outside only make it more darker to search for that stranger.
Then, suddenly she stops and heard now more of a crying sound.
She walked toward it until she finds who it is.
Through the big trees, she began to walk it.
"Hello." she said asking before she approaches who's the one hidding and crying on the tree. "Who's there?" she said.
Slowly, she walk around the tree to see who's crying.
A little boy was crying, face on his knees.
"Hello, little boy" she said "Are you all right?" she asked him
the little boy didn't answered, and won't stop crying.
"Oh, it's all right" she said "Where are your parents?" she said
Suddenly the little boy stops crying but still curled up on his knees, but still didn't answer.

Chapter 1.02
I don't know
"What's the matter sweetie?" she asked the boy, the boy now just sit down and said "I don't know"
the woman was astonished to hear that he's crying because he doesn't know, maybe he just don't understand the question so she asked him again
"What's the matter?"
"I don't know" he said again
So, the little boy just sit down there
"So where's your parents?" she asked him
"I don't know"
"oh, well, where do you live?"
"I don't know"
"Where are you from?" She asked him
"I don't know"
Then she said
"What's your name?"
then, the boy cried again

Chapter 1.03
"Sweetie, don't cry, please" she said
The little boy just sat down again

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