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Rated: ASR · Poetry · Religious · #1054668
Hinakha yafeh dodi, ahf na'im, ahf arsennu ra'ananah (Alien Bond)
These vows are in "Chapter 49--Torn and Sealed of the novel
 Alien Bond: Spring of Life  (13+)
Evil is destroyed through peace and unconditional love. A lesson at hand.
#794265 by Beth Barnett

Joseph's vows

Through space and time
Love stands still to grasp

I do not know how I found you
Perhaps you came to find me

A guiding hand, fate, God
Who can see beyond the stars?

The planets and their light
I see the glow in your eyes,
My sister, My bride

In your dreams you heard my cry
To find an eternal love I let loose

YAHveh brought me to you
YAHveh brought you to me

Through space and time
We are brought together

I will hold you close forever
Our love stands still

We grasp it today, my sister,
My bride; Hold fast to me for eternity

You have stolen my heart, my sister,
My bride; you have stolen my heart
With one glance of your eyes
With one jewel of your necklace.

How delightful is your love,
My sister, my bride!
How much more pleasing is
Your love than wine

And the fragrance of
Your perfume than any spice!
Your lips drop sweetness as
The honeycomb, my bride;

Milk and honey are under
Your tongue; the fragrance of
Your garments is like that of Lebanon.
You are a garden locked up,
My sister, my bride!

You are a spring enclosed,
A sealed fountain.

Hinakha yafeh dodi,
Ahf na'im,
Ahf arsennu ra'ananah

Sylvia's vows

I could not fathom a love like this
A man who would call me wife

A man I would call husband
It was far beyond my imagination

YAHveh knows your tender heart
I know it also, even through denial

You saw beyond my walls
You broke my idols to pieces

I will go where you go
I will stand by your side

Never will I stray, my husband
You are in my heart forever

Like an apple tree among the trees of
The forest is my lover among young men.

I delight to sit in your shade,
And your fruit is sweet to my taste,

You have taken me to the banquet hall,
And your banner over me is love.

Strengthen me with raisins,
Refresh me with appples,

For I am faint with love.
Your left arm is under my head,
And your right arm embraces me.

Arise, come my darling;
Beautiful one,

Come with me.

Walk with me your whole life through.
Your love blesses me.


First italicized scripture comes from Song of Songs 4:9-12 NIV. Second italicized scripture comes from Song of Songs 2:3-6, 13 (3rd person masculine pronouns replaced with 2nd person pronouns).

Translation of last full stanza from Biblical Hebrew:How beautiful you are, my darling! Oh, how beautiful! Your eyes are doves. Song of Songs 1:15(English NIV) Shirah Hashira 1:16 (Biblical Hebrew) The very last line in Joseph's vows means, "I love you." (feminine 'you'). The very last line in Sylvia's vows means, "I love you." (masculine 'you')
© Copyright 2006 Beth Barnett (angellove at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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