Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1057018-Mike--Gabe
Rated: · Short Story · Other · #1057018
I wrote it a while ago. It's not true short story, meant to continue it.
Gabriel felt the rush of air flowing through his wings. He closed his eyes for a moment, savoring the feel. He looked down to check on Michael and Sirius moving across the barren desert floor. They seemed fine, but the human still bounced around like a rag doll on the giant dog’s back. Humans don’t travel very fast on foot. Michael was flying low as guard and Sirius was extending his full body to encompass the fast pace that was being set by Michael. The muscles rippling underneath his canine skin. His tongue was hanging out and there was a look of pure joy on his face. He doesn’t get out enough, Gabriel thought. Smiling, Gabriel checked the horizons. To the west the sun was setting, throwing off brilliant shades of orange, gold, purple, and a blood red. The colors played off each other in the clouds, giving one of the most beautiful sunsets. Gabriel then turned and looked toward the east. A large plume of dust flowed like an angry river racing down a new streambed. Gabriel looked closer and saw that it was a sandstorm.
“Michael! Sandstorm!”
Michael looked up and gave a thumbs up with a smile. Gabriel shook his head; Michael was always the one who sought out trouble. He and Gabriel both knew that sandstorm’s were demons’ way of manifesting themselves. At least in deserts. Gabriel checked for cover.
“Michael, over to the north! There’s a cave, it has a small entrance!” Gabriel yelled so Michael could hear what he was saying. Michael’s grin took on a truly fiendish look. He landed next to the human, Jacob, on the dog’s back. He took a moment to wave and smile. Jacob still wasn’t used to the presence of angels or two ton dogs. He recoiled slightly at the sight of an angel sitting in front of him. Michael was tall and slim, with muscles that you could only get with steroids here on earth. He wore simple toga-like clothing. It was bare at the arms and below the knees so he could fight better. His face looked to be carved of marble; any Hollywood superstar would faint just upon looking on it. Michael’s carved face, was made even more handsome by the hint of innocence that was always on his face with his short almost white, gold hair framing it. Jacob knew he wasn’t as innocent as he looked. In his piercing gray eyes, there resided a fire for battle. On his back was a large sword. It looked fit for doing any job necessary for a sword, and with Michael’s physique, it looked like it’d get done.
Michael continued smiling, then bent down to Sirius’ head. The dog continued running but cocked his head slightly to one side to listen to Michael. Michael spun and grabbed hold of Jacob. He started to recoil at the touch, but at that moment Sirius made a sudden right turn toward the north, away from the sunset. The dog extended his body even further and they moved faster. We must be doing a good five hundred miles per hour, Jacob thought.
“Actually it’s somewhere closer to seven hundred.” Michael said, Jacob easily hearing him, despite the wind whipping past his ears.
“What? But shouldn’t my eyeballs be coming out of my head or something from these speeds?” Jacob yelled.
“Uh, no,” Michael said shaking his head, “You see you’re specially protected right now. God is making sure no harm comes to you. I don’t quite understand it all, ask Gabe.” Michael released his hands, stood up, and with a mocking salute, dived off Sirius. He fell for a moment before spreading his wings and soaring. He whooped with joy. After several turns, spins, whirls, and loops; Michael flew up to where Gabriel was watching the eastern horizon with apprehension. This storm was too big to the work of only a couple of mischievous demons. Satan was onto them. Michael looked over and noticed it too, with an even bigger smile he said, “Good, a challenge.”
Gabriel shook his head, and he flew down to the cave, at which Sirius and Jacob had arrived. Michael flew up in the sky, up until he could see the stars. He folded his arms at the chest, like they do in funerals. Closed his eyes and wrapped his wings around his body. He started turning, then falling. He was falling headfirst toward the ground now, but he didn't care. He opened his eyes and spread his wings, pulling out his sword in a swift motion. Jacob saw it happen, and when Michael opened his eyes, a divine light shown out. When he spread his wings, Jacob saw he was now garbed in armor. Michael flew quickly to the cave.
“Come Jacob, you’ve seen enough for now. We must leave Michael to his work.” Gabriel whispered in his ear. Jacob came along quietly. Could it be, he thought, truly divine light that had come out of his eyes?
At the entrance Michael heard them go, Sirius went with them to keep them safe from any other direction the demons might find. Michael shifted his stance and held out his sword, point up in front of his face. He concentrated.
In the back of the cave Gabriel and Jacob sat down. Gabriel looked like someone out of a Greek play. He too wore the simple toga that Michael wore. But instead of golden hair, he had white hair that fell down to his back. In his blue eyes, instead of fierceness and battle hunger, stood the wisdom of a person who had seen and known so much more than could ever be known. His body, though not by any means frail, didn’t have the physique of Michael. His was leaner. His face too though, is what made him and Michael obvious brothers. He had the same look to his face. It was the same, but with the hair difference and the eyes you could tell who was who. With his legs crossed, he faced Jacob. Sirius sat down and watched him; almost as if what was about to be told had never been heard by him before.
“Jacob, I am sorry about the destruction of your home. I am also sorry that we are partially responsible for it. I also want to apologize for taking you away, but as you can see, it was necessary.” Gabriel said, his eyes conveying his sorrow as well.
“Wait, no, I don’t see why it was necessary to take me away.”
“Jacob, did you see the sandstorm?” Gabriel asked.
“Yes, but you’re just avoiding-“
“Jacob, that is no natural sandstorm, that is the demon’s way of manifesting in the desert. And this is a big sandstorm, meaning that Satan has sent a whole army after us. Now, any questions you may have, I’ll answer to the best of my ability, but realize that I am not God, and so I do not know all of His reasons.”
Outside, the sandstorm had come to the cave. It rushed over and around it trying to find an entrance anywhere but where Michael was standing, waiting. The storm howled in frustration at finding no other entrance. It withdrew. Michael opened his eyes, in front of him the whistling sandstorm came shrieking straight at him, no longer trying to disguise its actual identity. Michael took a wider stance and leveled his sword. The storm, seeing he would not back off, shrieked in anger and came even faster.
With a step and a movement of the wrist, Michael hit the sandstorm. It fell apart and the demons within fell to the ground. They quickly got up and started rushing him. Michael moved with fluid precision; not a move was unintentional, not a slash was missed. He took down a hundred, two hundred, three hundred, and still they kept coming. His breath was coming in ragged gasps now, the divine light in his eyes fading. The demons seeing that they were bringing him down, laughed in unison and renewed their attack. Michael took his stance again and started over. He took down another hundred, two hundred, more. The demons still came but started to become worried, how many more would they lose to his blade? Then before anything could be done, Michael’s defense was broken; a demon had gotten through. With a full body tackle the demon took Michael to the ground. The demons went into a frenzy trying to get to him. Bodies’ went flying as Michael fought in desperation. The demons were trying to get to his wings, to tear them from his body. Then a roar shook the whole of the cave. Everyone stopped; the demons quickly looked up to see what had interrupted them. There, standing before them, was Sirius. His head was lowered and he had a maniacal gleam in his eyes. Froth clung to his mouth. With a surge of motion, Sirius flew toward the hoard of demons, taking several down before hitting the ground. With swift movements and several snaps of his jaws he had cleared the area Michael had fallen. The demons formed a circle, trying to break back through, to get to Michael. Everytime they came close Sirius would whirl on them taking dozens into his huge mouth and snapping them into oblivion. Michael was lying on the ground in a fetal position; his body had taken on a golden glow. Slowly, he raised himself up, his sword lying limply in his hand. When he was standing fully, he gripped his sword and rolled his powerful shoulders. The demons shrieked their anger.
“The Lord sends a message,” said Michael, “go to hell.”
The demons recoiled as a sudden light flung itself out from Michael’s body, vaporizing all the demons within its path. The circle of light quickly expanded, the demons fled, not yet wanting to return. They were too slow. Once the light stopped, Michael wearily leaned against Sirius. “You saved my life again.”
The giant dog nodded once in solemn agreement then assisted Michael into the cave.
Jacob looked up to see Michael walk in with Sirius. Michael was covered in scratches and bumps. Oddly, they did nothing to mar his looks. Michael looked up at them with a grin and raised his sword.
“I hope you had fun,” Gabriel said nonchalantly “but it was all a bit sloppy, Sirius here had to save you again.”
“Gabe, I’m hurt.” Michael said, looking truly heartbroken for an instant. Gabriel shook his head, smiling he said, “You know, I still can’t believe that works. Okay, come here and let me look at your wounds.” Michael shook his head, “No time.””
Speaking up for the first time since they’d come into the room, Jacob said, “Why is there no time?”
Gabriel saw the look in his brother’s eyes and turned his head to Jacob. “Because,” He said, “the Holy Spirit’s on His way.”
© Copyright 2006 Helmsson (richard_cypher at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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